Home Categories detective reasoning Misty 301

Chapter 18 Chapter 17 Dreams and Reality

Misty 301 马若水 6536Words 2018-03-15
Qi Xiaojie felt some pain in his neck, so he lowered his head.But the moment he lowered his head, his chin hit a hard object.He moved back nervously and shone with his flashlight.God, he saw a hideous and terrifying face! Qi Xiaojie could feel that his head had entered another room, which was obviously Room 301, and the smell of corruption inside was stronger, almost making Qi Xiaojie feel suffocated.He moved his neck and arms to put his body in a relatively comfortable position, then raised the flashlight to shine on the roof. At this moment, he heard Su Tan calling his name outside, but now he couldn't answer, so he had to ignore it.

As Qi Xiaojie's flashlight swept across the roof, the environment of the house became clear. The roof was covered with cobwebs, and there was a small window on the wall, but it was covered by a dusty curtain; there was a bed under the window, and the bed was very small. , not for grown-ups; beside the small bed, there is a small table, as old as a schoolboy's wooden desk; on the floor are some discarded newspapers and some pieces of white lime that fell from the roof, Everything was covered with a thick layer of ash.The place appears to have been abandoned for a long time. Qi Xiaojie felt some pain in his neck, so he lowered his head.But the moment he lowered his head, his chin hit a hard object.He moved back nervously and shone with his flashlight.God, he saw a hideous and terrifying face!

Qi Xiaojie's head exploded, the blood surged up sharply, his limbs swelled, he was too stiff to move, and soon lost consciousness. After listening to Qi Xiaojie's narration, Su Tan was also terrified. He froze for a moment, then asked Qi Xiaojie eagerly: "Did you see that thing clearly? Are you sure it's a human face?" Qi Xiaojie shook his head and said, "I'm not sure it's a human face, I'm sure it's a grimace! I still clearly remember those two dark eyes and the exposed white teeth..." When Qi Xiaojie talked about this, his body began to tremble again, so he said: "Let's go!" Suddenly he remembered something, "Oh! My backpack is still in that room!" He said and looked at Su Tan.

Su Tan said: "You didn't say anything just now and just kept running. I only cared about chasing you, so I didn't even care about my backpack!" Qi Xiaojie didn't speak, with regret on his face. Su Tan saw his thoughts, turned to look at the old building, and said with lingering fear: "Okay, let's go in together again, in case something happens, okay..." Qi Xiaojie nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you a flashlight from behind." After finishing speaking, the two re-entered the old building one after the other. This time the atmosphere was not as good as before, and even the slightest noise made them terrified and terrified.The two walked cautiously up to the third floor step by step.The deep and dark crack in the door made Qi Xiaojie's hand holding the flashlight tremble.

"Here we are!" Su Tan said, "Go in!" Qi Xiaojie said hesitantly: "Give you the flashlight, I'll watch for you outside!" Su Tan glanced at the pale Qi Xiaojie, took the flashlight helplessly, and entered the room bravely.The flashlight swept around the room, and the backpack was still intact on the ground.Su Tan heaved a sigh of relief, grabbed the backpack in his hand with a stride, and pulled it hard, something bad happened! The mouth of the backpack was open. Su Tan once opened the zipper to take mineral water from it, but the bottle of water was still standing on the ground, and the zipper of the backpack was not closed properly.As a result, the contents of the bag were scattered all over the place.And the backpack didn't know what was hung on it, and there was a muffled bang.Surprised, Su Tan quickly ran out of the house.

There was only one bag of biscuits left in the backpack.Qi Xiaojie looked at the empty backpack and wanted to complain to Su Tan, only to find that Su Tan was also panting heavily. "Just now! What was the sound just now?" Su Tan asked. "Is it the door of the cabinet? There are springs on the hinge of the door." Qi Xiaojie replied. Su Tan calmed down for a moment, made up his mind, and said with all his might: "Xiaojie, don't worry, Zhong Kui is still inside, if it's a ghost, you're afraid of Zhong Kui, I'll go and get the contents back for you. By the way, you Are you sure that Zhong Kui has opened the light?"

"It was consecrated..." Qi Xiaojie was not as confident as before, and said, "It's just that I opened it myself. Anyone who reads the scriptures will work..." Such an answer had been expected by Su Tan. He took a breath calmly, patted Qi Xiaojie on the shoulder and said, "You lied to me, now we are even. You wait here, if something happens to me, you Just go to the police, did you hear me?" Qi Xiaojie became excited again at this moment, clasped his fists together, and said as if parting from his comrades-in-arms: "You can go at ease, if there is an accident, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Tan got into the haunted house like a martyr. There were a lot of things scattered on the ground. Su Tan seized the time to pick them up quickly. He didn’t want apples, biscuits, mineral water, etc. He found the Mongolian knife and took it out of its sheath.Holding the knife in his hand, he suddenly felt more courageous, and the fear just now gradually disappeared. Then he picked up the small flashlight that was broken just now from the ground, put it in his trouser pocket, and then looked down for the picture of Zhong Kui catching ghosts that Qi Xiaojie consecrated himself.

"Where did it go?" Su Tan said to himself, "Could it be that Gu Lu got under the bed?" He pushed back the mildewed sheets, and a choking smell made him cough. Qi Xiaojie outside heard the voice and asked: "What's the matter, Su Tan, are you still not coming out?" Su Tan shined the flashlight under the bed, and replied to Qi Xiaojie, "No, and I haven't found your painting!" There were a lot of sundries piled up under the bed, including boxes and shoes, but there was no scroll of painting. Putting down the sheets and continuing to search, the room was not that big, and soon, he moved to the cabinet with the black hole inside.His heart began to beat faster, he squatted down, and took a picture at the entrance of the cave. It was very quiet inside, and there was no such unclean thing as Qi Xiaojie said.He settled down and took a photo inside again, but it was still dark and there was no movement.

Su Tan is not very nervous anymore, he still doubts Qi Xiaojie, although he claims to be bold, but this kid likes to brag, so it is inevitable that he has no water. Is he trying to scare people on purpose so that he can brag in front of his classmates later.While Su Tan was thinking, he used a flashlight to look around, and finally found the scroll.The scroll of painting went under the cabinet.Su Tan reached out to take out the scroll of paintings, but the cabinet was very wide and his arms were not long enough, so it took him a long time to pull the scroll out from under it. Not only did the scroll come out, but a lot of dust and garbage were also brought out from under the cabinet.Su Tan happily unfolded the painting to have a look.Zhong Kui still stood there with teeth and claws stretched out, but fortunately the painting was not broken, Su Tan thought, and got up to leave.Just when he was about to stand up, he accidentally saw a piece of white paper in the pile of garbage he brought out just now.

Su Tan bent down curiously, picked up the piece of paper, and by the light of the flashlight, he saw a child's face. A gust of cool air spread from the top of the head to the heels, and there was a sudden bang in the eardrums, which felt like jumping into the water for a moment.Su Tan sat down on the ground, looking at the photo in his hand—it was that terrible child again, exactly the same as the one he drew, and the photo in his dream—the strange eyes, the complicated smile...could it be I am still dreaming! Su Tan's head was buzzing. He subconsciously looked at the dark hole in front of him, could it be that all the secrets were inside!There seems to be a kind of magical power at the entrance of the cave, as if calling Su Tan.He got up from the ground, thinking: no matter it is reality or a dream, he must go in and have a look, maybe if he goes in, it will be the end of all secrets! Suddenly, Qi Xiaojie said outside: "Su Tan! If you really can't find it, forget it, come out quickly!" At this time, Su Tan could no longer hear any sound. Holding a flashlight in one hand and a Mongolian knife in the other, he stuck his head deep into the black hole... Time crawled slowly like a snail, and Qi Xiaojie standing outside the door felt suffocated and was about to collapse. He talked a lot with Su Tan, but there was a deathly silence inside, and only his own echo could be heard coming from the empty space. The transmission came back from the room, which made Qi Xiaojie even more frightened. I don't know how long it has passed, but Qi Xiaojie feels like a century has passed, and he can't wait any longer.Impulsive from nowhere, he kicked the door open and ran into the house.To his shock, the house was empty. Qi Xiaojie lowered his head and saw a scroll of paintings under his feet, which was his picture of Zhong Kui catching ghosts.He picked up the painting. The moonlight was hazy, and although his eyes had adapted to the darkness around him, he still hoped for a little light in his hands. So he reached out and touched his pocket, trying to take out his phone to illuminate it.But there was nothing in his trouser pocket, so he remembered that he hadn't taken his mobile phone out at all. Facing the darkness, he couldn't control his impulse and shouted hysterically: "Su Tan! Where have you been?" ... The sky was pale, and two police cars stopped in front of the old building, and two policemen got out of the car, one tall and one short.Then, Qi Xiaojie with a tired face also got out of the car with his head down.The short man stared at Qi Xiaojie unceremoniously, and asked: "You said how old you are, can you just stay at home honestly, what adventure are you still exploring?" The tall policeman looked more friendly and said, "Is this the building you entered last night? Are you sure?" Qi Xiaojie looked up, nodded like a child who made a mistake, and said, "Yes! It's here!" The tall policeman called out two people from another car and said, "You two come with me." Then he turned to the short man and said, "Lao Wang, stay behind." The short old Wang said unhappily: "Here it is again, why did you let me stay behind again? I'm not old yet! I want to see what the ghost they said is like, ha ha!" Qi Xiaojie blushed.The old Wang patted Qi Xiaojie on the shoulder and said: "Your boy is also a big and three rough, you need to practice your courage! Hehe!" Seeing that Lao Wang had to follow, the tall policeman had no choice but to turn his face to the two younger policemen and said, "Then you two stay here, and there will be no danger up there anyway. That's it! Lao Wang You take that child upstairs!" Two policemen were watching Qi Xiaojie one by one, which made Qi Xiaojie feel like he was going to the execution ground.However, with two policemen following, there is still a great sense of security.Qi Xiaojie's nerves became more and more relaxed, and after a while, the three of them went up to the third floor. Qi Xiaojie pointed to the half-open door, and the short policeman quickly drew his pistol, kicked the door open, and rushed into the room with one stride.This coherent movement is like something in a gangster movie, Qi Xiaojie felt a little silly watching it.Just when the old Wang wanted to show off his skills, he suddenly stepped on a chubby object. When he didn't pay attention, he lost his balance and was about to fall. Fortunately, there was a bed behind him, so his whole body was on the verge of falling. He fell heavily on the bed. All of a sudden, the room was filled with dust, which choked people so much that they couldn't even open their eyes.Lao Wang's expression was extremely depressed.He glanced at Qi Xiaojie, feeling a little embarrassed.The tall policeman also rushed into the house. Seeing this scene, he said disdainfully: "I say Lao Wang! He is in his forties, and he is also an old policeman. This time I know why I always ask you to stay behind!" Lao Wang lowered his head and saw an apple under his feet, which had been stepped out of the water by him.In order to break the deadlock against him, Lao Wang said: "Hey! Why are there apples here?" Qi Xiaojie still lowered his head and whispered, "It's my apple!" Old Wang jumped up all of a sudden, approached Qi Xiaojie and said, "Don't tell me you were still eating apples while you were exploring!" Qi Xiaojie didn't make a sound, but Old Wang continued: "Okay, I'm convinced! Fortunately, you didn't eat the banana!" The tall policeman standing aside had already discovered the cabinet and the exposed hole in it. He glared at Lao Wang and signaled him not to speak.Old Wang also leaned over to look at the entrance of the cave. Under the bright light, the hole doesn't look so scary anymore.There is a wooden plank on one side of the hole. The wooden plank is slightly larger than the hole, and it seems to be used to cover the hole. There are many clothes hanging in the cabinet, both adults and children.The clothes of the adults are very old and should be worn by the elderly; the clothes of the children are very small, with vests and shorts.There was a stack of quilts next to the hole, and the quilt was pushed aside tightly, as if the quilt was also used to block the hole. Old Wang asked the tall policeman in puzzlement, and said, "Captain, there seems to be something wrong here!" The tall policeman ignored Pharaoh and stretched out a finger to touch the hole.Since it was very bright outside and there was no flashlight in hand, it was still dark inside the cave.He observed for a while, then turned his head to Lao Wang and said, "You stay here, I'll go to the next door to have a look!" Then, the tall policeman greeted Qi Xiaojie, and the two walked out of the room.Lao Wang still squatted in front of the black hole, curled his lips and said: "Stay here, stay here, I'm too lazy to move!" After speaking, he took out a cigarette and smoked it by himself. Qi Xiaojie followed the tall policeman passively, looking superfluous. The tall policeman pointed to the door marked 301 and asked Qi Xiaojie, "Have you ever entered this room?" Qi Xiaojie shook his head and said, "No, The door is locked from the inside." The tall policeman probed with a finger, and the door was shut tightly.He checked the seal on the door again, and the seal was broken. He asked Qi Xiaojie, "When you came yesterday, was the seal like this?" Qi Xiaojie shook his head and said, "It was too dark last night, so I didn't pay attention to it." The tall policeman took a key from his pocket, fiddled with the lock a few times, and the door opened.He whispered to Qi Xiaojie: "Don't move around, I'll go in and take a look first! Are you sure your classmate is still in this room?" Qi Xiaojie shook his head and said, "Last night he disappeared in the room next door. I speculate that he would enter 301 through the hole, but if there is a ghost..." The tall policeman interrupted him and said, "What the hell! You are so superstitious at a young age. I'll go in and have a look first." He cautiously opened the door and walked in sideways. Qi Xiaojie looked in through the open door, the room was still dirty and messy, with some simple furniture in the corner, apart from these, there was no sign of Su Tan.After a long time, the tall policeman came out of the room with a serious face. Qi Xiaojie approached him subconsciously and asked eagerly, "Where is my classmate? He disappeared! Is there really a ghost?" The tall policeman ignored Qi Xiaojie, took out the walkie-talkie, and said, "You two came up with tools, and a dead body was found here!" Qi Xiaojie's head seemed to be pushed into the water all of a sudden, he only felt his eardrums swell, and he was dizzy. If he hadn't been supported by a tall policeman, he would have almost fallen to the ground. At this time, Lao Wang who was staying in another room heard the word "corpse" and ran out in a hurry, asking, "Captain! Has there really been a murder?" The tall policeman shook the limp Qi Xiaojie vigorously, and said, "Don't be nervous, that corpse is not your classmate, don't be afraid!" Soon, two young policemen rushed up with a box.The tall policeman pushed Qi Xiaojie to Old Wang and said, "Get him back into the police car, and go to the police station for further questioning!" Then he said to the two young policemen, "Follow me in, pay attention! Don't destroy the scene!" Lao Wang grabbed the tall policeman and asked ignorantly, "Captain! This kid's classmate is really dead! What a pity!" The tall policeman glared at Pharaoh and said, "Didn't I tell you, he's not his classmate, but a dead bone!" After speaking, he walked into the room. In the police car, Lao Wang was sitting next to Qi Xiaojie, and he took out a cigarette and handed it to Qi Xiaojie.Qi Xiaojie shook his head and said that he would not smoke. Lao Wang sighed, lit one himself and said, "The captain said it was a skeleton, not your classmate. Don't be nervous!" Qi Xiaojie didn't listen, he said to himself: "Su Tan is gone, Su Tan was taken away by the ghost, it's my fault, I shouldn't let him go to the house to get the backpack, I killed Su Tan Tan..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes turned red, and he began to cry. Old Wang scratched his little hair, and said while thinking: "So your classmate is called Su Tan, yes! Then where did your classmate go? Is there really a ghost... Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!" ... When Su Tan opened his eyes, it was already dawn. He sat up from the bed, stretched his waist, and felt a little sore in his back.Walking to the window, the air outside the window is very fresh, and the sky is still as pure as spring and as soft as a crayon painting. With a rumbling sound in his stomach, a pang of hunger hit him, and he decided to go out for some breakfast.Putting on a vest and a pair of shorts, I lowered my head to pick up my shoes, and felt that my shoes were a little different, obviously much heavier than usual.He took off one and looked carefully, only to find that the sole was covered with mud and grass. Su Tan frowned and thought for a while, and accidentally saw two mobile phones lying on the table, and the two mobile phones were lying there quietly. He picked up one of them, which was his own, and then picked up the other, Looking familiar, it seems to belong to Qi Xiaojie. How could Qi Xiaojie's mobile phone be kept in his home, Su Tan thought hard.It seems that something has happened, that thing seems to have happened not long ago, isn't that a dream. He pressed Qi Xiaojie's cell phone and glanced at it. There was actually a missed call of his own on the cell phone. He checked the time, and it was 3:13 in the morning.Why did I call Qi Xiaojie so late? Su Tan gradually recalled what happened last night, perhaps it was the early morning of this morning.On that horrible night, there was a patch of dark reeds, the gray deserted building under the black sky, the sealed room 301, the house next door, and the scariest hole. Are these not dreams, but what I have personally experienced. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he was startled, and then he woke up from the terrible memory.He walked straight to the door, knocking on the door quickly and confidently.He opened the door without thinking twice.Standing outside the door was Zhang Baijing in police uniform. Su Tan hurriedly straightened his clothes. At this moment, a pair of big hands grabbed his shoulders tightly and kept shaking them.Su Tan raised his head and saw Qi Xiaojie with tears all over his face, only to hear Qi Xiaojie shouted in a crying voice: "Su Tan, I found you, so you are still alive, why the hell did you go home by yourself? What's the matter?" Qi Xiaojie's voice was so excited that it alarmed the neighbors.An old lady poked her head out through the crack of the door, watching what happened in front of her inexplicably.Standing behind Qi Xiaojie, Zhang Baijing frowned. She glanced at Su Tan and Qi Xiaojie, and said unceremoniously: "You two pay attention to the influence! Come with me to the police station! Tell me about your adventure last night!" Zhang Baijing had a serious face, as if a piece of ice was hanging on his fair face, which made people very uncomfortable, let alone the kind of affection between old classmates.When she said the word "exploration", Su Tan felt a little contempt in her tone.But Su Tan was not angry. He could understand her contempt for him. If it was him who encountered this kind of thing, it might be more extreme than her. All the way without a word on the police car.Zhang Baijing was driving the car in front, and Su Tan and Qi Xiaojie were very embarrassed sitting in the back.Zhang Baijing subconsciously looked back at the two of them, feeling that her attitude was too indifferent, and wanted to ease the atmosphere, so she said casually, "Don't be nervous, go to the police station and explain the problem clearly, and you'll be fine..." She paused After a while, I felt that the word "confession" was a bit blunt here, so I continued, "By the way, what is Ma Ruoshui in your class doing now? Is he okay?" Su Tan glanced at Qi Xiaojie.Qi Xiaojie didn't sleep all night, and now he was in a trance, so he replied: "He is very good, he specializes in appraising antique calligraphy and paintings, he is very respected, much better than us..." Zhang Baijing sneered.Maybe the "sneer" was just Su Tan's illusion, after all, Su Tan didn't have a very good impression of her.I only heard Zhang Baijing say: "Really? That's very good! I remember that he liked to buy stones when he was a child. It seems that he really used it, ha ha!" Zhang Baijing's tone softened a lot, which made Su Tan's nerves relax a bit.Zhang Baijing went on to say: "I still remember when I was in school, it seemed to be the first year of college, he held a stone and said what kind of jade it was, I can't remember the name completely. He asked me to give him a pan jade. At that time, I didn't know what it was. Panyu, I thought he was going to play a hooligan, haha! I beat him up... Oh! It’s nice to be young!" As Zhang Baijing spoke, his tone became more and more sad, revealing that kind of feminine tenderness, which surprised Su Tan, and suddenly felt that Zhang Baijing was not so self-righteous. Perhaps as a policeman, she had her own difficulties.
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