Home Categories Internet fantasy Miao Border Gu Story 10

Chapter 85 Chapter Thirty-Six

This breath is like a big net, wrapping me tightly, like falling into an ice cave.My brain was frozen solid, and I smelled the breath of death in an instant, as if I was only one step away from that secluded mansion. But one step away is a world of difference. If I were an ordinary person, I might really die here.At that moment, there was a will in my heart, a strong will not to yield, not compromise, not to be afraid, to drive away all the weakness in my heart. I gritted my teeth, and the anger in my heart began to multiply: "It's just some refined undead, it's too overwhelming to want such a great life like me to die!"

This idea suddenly floated in my heart, the breath in my chest was turbulent, and the right hand holding the ghost sword was scorching hot. The temperature exploded in an instant, and the countless ghost faces wrapped around me finally showed expressions of fear and started to run away.Those who had no time to escape were burnt into wisps of unconscious air currents, and were wiped out in ashes. Although the corpse monster was frustrated by me, it gained an absolute upper hand in the stalemate with the Great Monk Shifang.Although the golden light from the scriptures driven by the great monk burned the corpse into black smoke and scorched odors, the Zen stick in his hand could not be pulled out, but was pulled tightly towards the wall of the corridor. fall.

With a muffled sound, the extremely powerful monk was first slammed against the wall, and then he was thrown to the ground like a pocket. In order to prevent the corpse monster from going forward to stab the monk, I couldn't help but gritted my teeth and stepped forward, waving the ghost sword so that there was a sudden sound of wind, and the sword and shadow were connected together, like a fan, extremely fierce. The corpse monster is lying in the corridor at the moment. If it stands up straight, it may be four or five meters high. We have taken advantage of this, so that I can gain a slight advantage under my desperate efforts and barely pass out. The great monk rescued him.However, how can a corpse monster that can scare everyone, including Zen Master Lianzhu, so easy to deal with?

After I stimulated the strength in my stomach and repelled the corpse monster's attack for two rounds, the ugly monster suddenly let out a cry like a salamander, its arms tensed, and its fist hit the green wall in the corridor. On the stone slab, there was a huge shock immediately under our feet, and then it didn't confront me, and began to squat down, ready to climb up and stand up.This corridor is narrow and low, how can it be accommodated?However, this guy didn't care about it, and continued to groan from the alleyway, and the sound of rock cracking continued to come from above his head.I was scared to death. If this alleyway collapsed, we would definitely not be able to survive.

At the moment, I no longer hesitate, I can only condense the strength in my body into a line, take a lunge, and stab the sword towards the heart of the horrible corpse. That guy was kneeling in the alleyway, with his hands propped on the top, the empty door was wide open, I stabbed in with my sword, and it broke into his chest smoothly.It went so smoothly, but I was not happy. I felt that the ghost sword was immediately absorbed by the piece of meat and couldn't be pulled out.I also simply refused to pull it out, and stirred the ghost sword in his body for a while.While stirring, I have stimulated the ghost sword's ability to absorb Yin spirits to the extreme, absorbing negative energy from this corpse continuously.

However, the ghost sword is powerful, but it is limited after all. I saw that the sword body was filled with rich black, and it almost looked like charcoal. At this moment, the end of the ghost sword seemed to be grabbed by something, so tightly that I couldn't move.Just when I was suspicious, a hole suddenly opened on the corpse monster's bloody, pus-filled belly, and a hairy hand stretched out from it.This hand stretched out bit by bit, holding my ghost sword, the tough palm did not shed a trace of blood.My heart sank below. The corpse monster's stomach was finally cut open, and a furry werewolf 1.9 meters tall popped out from the inside, with red eyes like a monster, a dog's mouth like a dog, a body as hard as iron, and wet corpse fluid hanging from its hair. Appeared, and rushed towards me without saying a word.

The strength of this beast is amazing, my shoulders were put on, there was no way I could avoid it, I could only grit my teeth and hit the wolf kiss with my head. Just when I closed my eyes and bumped into it, the expected pain did not come, but the strength of the pair of claws resting on me eased a bit.Surprised in my heart, I also seized the opportunity to roll over, and heard the shouts of Xiao Yao and Duo Duo from the side: "Don't hurt brother Lu Zuo!" Among the voices, Duo Duo's childish voice was the most anxious, and my heart warmed up, and I shouted loudly: "Xiao Yao, Duo Duo, come closer to me!"

In the darkness, you can't see your fingers, only the sticky and slippery air flows past you.I heard Zhou Lin's soft scream: "Ah, you old monk, how can you..." Before he finished speaking, the darkness suddenly shrank into a ball, and there were footsteps running towards the distance Going, I saw the colorful brilliance, wandering in the space, driving away the darkness. Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao stood in front of me covered in blood again, looked at me, and said in a deep voice, "Little Poison, are you alright?" Facing Miscellaneous Hair Xiaodao’s concerned eyes, I rubbed my dull chest and said it’s okay, that werewolf… Halfway through my words, I turned around to look for the werewolf that rushed out of the corpse monster’s belly, and saw it was following Zen Master Lianzhu fought against each other, but the old monk was able to suppress this werewolf with extremely terrifying power so that he did not dare to run amok with only a pair of fleshy palms.

Seeing that my eyes were clear, Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao hurriedly pulled me and urged: "Go, go! Get out of here quickly, or we will be buried here!" He dragged me to the hole that Zhou Lin blocked just now, and there was a man in black lying on the ground, but it wasn't Zhou Lin, but another evil spirit congregation.I stepped over the hole, looked back at the miscellaneous path behind me, and asked, where is Zhou Lin? Zamao Xiaodao said that Gou Ri's left arm was injured, the magic circle was broken, and he left his companions and fled.He turned his head to greet Zen Master Lianzhu: "Master, the tunnel is about to collapse, lead that werewolf here, shall we deal with it together?"

At this time, Shi Yongkong helped the burly great monk Shi Fang to enter the passage here, even Er Mao was driven here by the little demon, but Master Lianzhu was still driven by the werewolf with strange red eyes Being entangled, the little monk Shi Yongkong was worried about his master, entrusted Shi Fang to our care, and then turned back. Seeing the unexpected horror of the werewolf's speed and strength, the miscellaneous hair path was arranged at the entrance of the cave, and at the same time shouted at me: "Little poison, shake it!" As soon as it was illuminated, the blue light hit the strong werewolf, and its figure froze instantly. Zen Master Lianzhu and Shi Yongkong took the opportunity to rush out of the cave like the wind.

Seeing that everyone came out of the cave and came to the passage before us, a talisman was ignited on the miscellaneous hairy path, turning into red lotuses all over the sky, burning this place to prevent evil spirits from rushing in. After completing this strategy to stop the enemy, Zamao Xiaodao turned around and discussed with everyone: "Everyone, this place is very dangerous, we can't stay any longer, leave quickly, and come back to dig treasure after reuniting with the main force, how about that? " The corpse monster and the terrifying werewolf had made us lose all courage, and we no longer wanted to take risks, so we all nodded in agreement. I threw the comatose monk Shifang onto Ermao's back, let Duoduo take care of it, and then returned along the original road. After a while of sprinting, drilling back and forth in the labyrinth-like cave, suddenly, Zen Master Lianzhu, who was at the front, stopped in his tracks, with a very ugly expression on his face.Seeing this situation, Shi Yongkong explained to us: "Our origin has been diverted by someone using the formation, and we can't get out!" This is expected, the little monk said helplessly, we had to go back to the stone hall, let Ermao lead the way, and run towards the center. Just after returning to the hall, a crowd of corpses appeared on the east side, and in the corner, the red-eyed werewolf was looking around. "Run!" Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao let out a low growl, we stopped staying and ran towards the passage leading to the floating island.
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