Home Categories Internet fantasy Miao Border Gu Story 10

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty-Two

When I saw the security guard surnamed Wang, I realized: That’s how it is.It is impossible to arrange such a large formation in this factory without the cooperation of great internal personnel.This security captain named Wang Xiao, no matter his status or position, he was able to cooperate and cover up the evil spirit sect.It is precisely because of his presence and participation in the whole process that our operation fell into the control of the evil spirit sect from the very beginning. The only variable is that the enemy doesn't know that Miscellaneous Hair and I will become so difficult, and that Xue Rui and our little friends will arrive in time.

It happened so quickly that before we had time to speak to our friends who came to our aid, the enemy began to flee.This is their home field, and the right time and place are all in place. However, what the other party didn't expect was that the seemingly fat bird in the sky was the top player in the contemporary formation world. How could they be helpless?But seeing Mr. Tiger Cat in a hurry, he shook his body, and from its gorgeous wings, a dozen feathers flew out immediately, and pierced towards different places in the hall. It's been a long time since your lord has used this trick, so it can be seen that the situation is extremely dangerous.

The feathers shot out, and those evil spirit believers who were about to escape into the wall and ground found that the formation was locked, and the passages that they could walk normally could not escape at all.On the other hand, we worked hard, took advantage of the panic of the enemy, seized the opportunity, chased and fought fiercely, and if we can hold one, we will hold one. I was grabbing a middle-aged woman in her forties to prevent her from escaping, when a loud roar came from behind, like a thunderclap.Looking back, he saw that Da Mengzi was covered in bruises, his whole body was like a huge bear, the blood on his body mixed with the black energy from the tattoo, like a demon from hell.His ferocious arrogance made Xuerui and Xiaoyao back away, but he turned around and rushed towards us, just like a Dongfeng heavy truck driving at high speed.

Neither Zamao Xiaodao nor I dared to show off his edge, we sideways dodged, Da Mengzi took advantage of the situation and roared past, and rushed towards the small door in the northeast corner with the rest of the people.I was about to chase when I saw Xie Yifan, who was fighting with Master Jiang Zhongxi, suddenly went crazy and ran towards us.I felt a destructive force born in his body, and it swelled up rapidly.When he was not close to 5 meters in front of us, the tissues of his body could no longer stabilize the evil power inflated in his body, and he collapsed. With a bang, the man turned into a rain of blood, flying towards all directions. go.We have seen the tragic scene of manager Li Hao's self-explosion, and we couldn't help but feel uneasy, and subconsciously retreated behind.Zamao Xiaodao took a deep breath, and danced the ghost sword into a big round wheel, like a fan.

However, no matter how dense the fan is, it is impossible to completely block the oncoming flesh and blood.I tensed my muscles as I backed away, just hoping not to get hit.However, the expected attack did not come, a white brilliance flashed, and in front of the two of us stood a little doll carved in powder and jade, with both hands raised flat, supporting a white with black rays of light, which could barely block the flesh and blood . It was Dodo who was still fighting with the kid just now. After being enlightened by the ghost mother-in-law, Duo Duo's ability is no longer within the scope of my imagination. Her move is like the big diamond wheel in the Buddhist school, with golden light shining, and the ordinary state of the Buddha's heart suddenly appears. The blood of this evil sect was shielded.Seeing that there was nothing wrong here, Zamao Xiaodao didn't stop at all, his body was like a gust of wind, and he rushed towards the door that was about to be closed in the northeast corner, following the evil spirits.Before he had time to greet me, he turned into a blue line and disappeared at the end of our sight.He almost chased after the last evil spirit cultist and rushed in.

Master Jiang Zhongxi was still fighting with the two guys whose minds were controlled. Among them, Old Shen was a little slow because he was invaded by fat insects. Chi Hong, however, had no intention of blowing himself up. I saw that old man Jiang had been making seals with his hands, obviously trying to cut off the connection between this person and the outside world. Thinking of the ferocious appearance of the old man when he broke the formation just now, and looking at his cautious and cautious behavior at the moment, such a sharp contrast makes me know that he, like me, can kill both of them directly, but he still has a kindness. Heart, do not want to kill people.Although it is a bit of a delay to do so, my favor for him is doubling.

Everyone who is in awe of life is worthy of respect. No gossip.Seeing the miscellaneous hair trail going to danger alone, how can I have time to look around?After greeting Xuerui, Xiaoyao and Douduo, they ran towards the door.Before I rushed to the door, something flew from the west, with its teeth and claws, and its whole body was slippery. I was shocked, and I grabbed it with my backhand. As soon as I saw this thing appearing vividly in front of me, I was furious, my hands were already in my arms, and I was ready to shake the mirror. However, this guy actually yelled "chirp" at me twice. When I heard this sound, I was taken aback. After feeling it carefully, I realized that this swimming snake was inhabited by this dead guy called Fat Chongzi.Looking at the four-legged appearance of this swimming snake, I thought to myself, is it really a flood snake?Otherwise, how could it take the fat bug so long to get it done?

The appearance of the fat bug means that our luxurious lineup here is finally complete.I looked back, there were wounded and corpses all over the place, Xuerui came galloping with Qingchonghuo and her Chihuahua, Xiaoyao and Douduo landed in front of us, the tiger cat shuddered and walked towards Dodo’s arms Go inside, blood stains. The little ghost who fought with Duo Duo and the others before made a fuss, and he didn't know where he went. He presumably fled to the iron gate with the large army of the Evil Spirit Sect. Seeing that everyone was here, I stopped talking and rushed towards the iron gate. I thought it would be another arduous battle to meet us, but I found that Miscellaneous Xiaodao just stood at the gate with the ghost sword across his chest. , did not move forward, but calmed down and squinted to look at the scene in front of him.

There is a room here, which is more than half smaller than the previous basement hall.Most of this room is occupied by a large pool. Ever since I returned from northern Myanmar, I have been a little apprehensive about such pools.There was a trace of hot air surging in the air. I looked down and saw that the wide pool was dark and covered with viscous liquid, which looked like red or black. It's not obvious.The water on the pool was rippling, and there were many lumpy things up and down.I squinted my eyes and took a closer look, and the acid water in my stomach couldn't help churning, and I felt like vomiting.

Nima, these lumpy things are basically human heads, broken limbs, and human flesh cut into large and large pieces. Just watching, suddenly a string of white balls popped out, seven or eight, all of them were eyeballs, the kind of eyeballs still sticking with shredded meat. In this steaming pool, the only living thing is an old man with his body soaked in the pool and his arms propped on the shore.The old man is half blind, the one on the left, so he is a bit squinted.Behind him, Wang Shanqing was wearing a three-point style, showing a beautiful figure, and was gently massaging the old man.

Her skillful technique made the old man close his only remaining right eye, and he hummed so beautifully, humming southern opera ditties, leisurely. The retreating crowd of the Evil Spirit Sect all gathered behind the pool, sixteen or seven, staring intently at the old man in the pool, as if he was the god in his own world, a supreme existence, extremely pious. The scene was so weird, I stepped forward and stood side by side with Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao, the friends stood still, the tiger cat opened his eyelids, murmured "Silly Boi", and then squeezed into Duo Duo's arms Squeeze, very comfortable. Seeing such a scene, while trying to suppress my nausea, I thought that the reason why cults are called cults is mainly because their ideas are not only very different from our normal human thinking, but also different from the mainstream religions in the world. The point of view of promoting and persuading people to be good is different. They treat people as people, anti-humanity and anti-society. We stood firm and focused our eyes on the old man. This ordinary-looking guy who ran to the vegetable market casually, with the face of a vegetable seller, should be one of the twelve magic stars who are in charge of the entire southern province of the evil spirit sect Honglu. One, Min Hong. The old man seemed to be aware of our gaze, raised his eyelids, looked at me and Xiaomao Xiaodao, and then at the friends around us, and said two words slowly from his throat: "Come?" Miscellaneous Mao Xiaodao stood with his sword in his arms, nodded and said, "Here we come, come to take your dog's life!" Min Mo sat up straight, with a few intestines hanging around his neck, and laughed loudly: "Take my life? Two little things that have been played around by the black hands and two cities, you are not small!"
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