Home Categories detective reasoning Ashes of Time 3 Lost Chance

Chapter 35 calculate

On the last day of March, the town of Montreese ushered in the second rain of the month. The light rain came to this land accompanied by wonderful jazz music, nourishing everything here.The music came from a clothing store, a small shop that the old people in the town claimed existed when their grandparents were still alive.However, the owner of this store did not expand the business, and there is not even a computer in the store that can connect to the outside world. Henry Mokoran passed the clothing store with a black single-handled umbrella three times a week.Mr. Mokoren, who is nearly half a century old, has loose and unkempt hair, and a body like dry wood. He is thin and tall, and his sunken cheeks give people the feeling of a miserable man.

Henry moved to this small town eight years ago. He is very low-key and rarely talks to others. Almost no one knows what industry he is in.He lives in an old house on the south side of the town. There is no garage, no swimming pool, no pets and neighbors. He lives without a wife and children all day long. To the people in the town, Henry Mocollen is a reserved bachelor. When he appears on the street, no one will greet him. He shook hands, only to be humiliated by Henry's indifference.Almost nothing is known about him, only the priest of Sufferton Church and Henry himself know some unknown things.

No one knew himself better than Mr. Mokoren, who had been a great villain, yes, a devil of all kinds.Eight years ago, he had been living in Chicago, which was much more prosperous than Monterey now. Chicago is a well-known criminal paradise, where hooligans, gangsters, street snakes, and gold-teethed bosses gather here. There are some dolls who are eight years old. He learned how to steal and rob, and Henry was born in this fertile criminal land. He has been in Chicago for forty years and has committed countless evil deeds.He robbed a bank, dealt drugs, pulled a pimp, stole all kinds of luxury cars, and even shot the police who chased him.

This kind of life lasted for forty years until Henry Morcolum suffered from a strange disease. During that time, he had nightmares all day long. In the dream, those who had been killed by him would either cut him into pieces , or join hands to throw him into the abyss, and under the abyss, a group of poor victims opened their fangs, ready to suck the hot blood in his body.Occasionally, Henry would have hallucinations, such as a hand stretched out of the closet, bright red blood sprayed from the shower in the bathroom, a baby's face appearing in the porridge, etc. This strange disease made him unable to sleep peacefully all day long.

In the end, the poor and hateful Mo Kelun still decided to put down the butcher's knife in his hand. He came to Monteris Town with the money obtained through fraud and abduction, and lived a secluded and solitary life.Here, he buys a large batch of food every season, and then lives a life without leaving home.The only place he usually patronizes is the Sapphidun Church, where he confesses his sins to the priest every week. Confession can give him spiritual comfort, and it does allow his strange disease to be effectively controlled. For this reason, he Has persisted for eight years. Today, he came to Sapphidun Church again.What is different from before is that his face is more gloomy than the weather, his eyes are full of unprecedented fear, his breathing has become irregular, and the past hallucinations seem to come back in an instant, those innocent people The image of the victim came to the door again. Every time he took a step forward, different hands stretched out on the ground trying to grab his feet. He even felt that there was a ground collapse in front of him, and there was a red flame coming from the collapse. It was the red flame from hell, and those innocent souls scrambled to drag him into the cave.He walked around the collapsed place, silently chanting the name of Christ, this move was noticed by the clothing store owner, who didn't think there was any problem with the road surface, Henry had a pale face and heavy breathing, Flash past the boss.

Finally, Mr. Mokoren came to Sapphidun Church. He stepped on the steps leading to the church. The last few steps suddenly disappeared before his eyes, and replaced by the previous red flames, the red flames emerging from Purgatory.Henry knew it was an illusion, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and rushed forward until he saw the statue of Jesus in the church, the illusion just disappeared completely. In front, several women are worshiping devoutly under the statue of Jesus with their eyes closed.Henry came to the confession room quickly, and he stopped in front of the door. There was a young girl who was confessing inside, and he waited anxiously at the door.It didn't take long for the girl to repent, but it caused Henry outside the door to suffer a lot. He sat down on the chair next to him for a while, and stood up again for a while and paced back and forth.In the eyes of outsiders, such behavior is no different from that of her husband before the delivery room, but no one knows that Henry's anxious waiting is full of fear.

Finally, the girl opened the door and walked out of the confession room. Henry's eyes glowed, and he entered the confession room like lightning. "Father, it's me." Henry's voice was urgent. The priest is an old man with white hair.Sitting sideways by the small window, he heard someone's voice.He said, "Speak, my boy." "Father, you once said that as long as you repent sincerely, God will forgive me, you said it!" Henry looked very excited. "indeed so." "But your God lied! He didn't forgive me, he abandoned me!" Henry Mokoren covered his forehead in frustration, and wept softly, "I have been here for eight years, and during these eight years I pray for the souls of the dead all day long and repent for what I have done in the past. Father, I am always repenting for my mistakes. You have helped me a lot. Father, I am no longer haunted by nightmares. What an extravagant request for a guilty man, but I did it, I swear I did. In order to reform, I took the most practical action you asked, and I paid for the poor. Warm quilts for the winter, food, and a lot of money, and the school in the town even received a huge sum of money from me anonymously! Isn’t all that I’ve done enough, Father?”

The priest said earnestly: "You have paid a lot for these hardworking people, yes, you have done enough." "But God doesn't think it's enough!" Henry's eyes showed despair, "My dedication is not moving. God has abandoned me as a person with his indifferent attitude, and he no longer loves me!" The priest shook his head. He corrected: "God loves each of us." "Unfortunately, I am not included among these people! Just this morning, I received this!" Henry said, and took out a large envelope from his arms. There was nothing written on the envelope. A blank sheet of paper covered with letters cut from newspapers and magazines.It was a notice letter, and Henry read it, "'April 2, from 3:30pm to 5:15pm, you will pay for what you have done in the past.' Father, should I What should I do? What should I do?" At this point he cried again, this time out loud.

"Is this a threatening letter?" The priest became alert. "For me, this is not a threat, but a real foreshadowing. This letter foretells that my life will end on April 2nd. I will not survive 5:15!" "Did you call the police?" the priest asked with concern. "Call the police? No!" Henry shook his head vigorously, "I can't do that, I don't deal with the police!" "Henry." The priest made an exception and called out the confessor's name. From the priest's point of view, this is no longer within the category of confession. He asked in a thick voice, "What are your plans for April 2?"

"I'm going on a long trip, and the date of departure is April 2." "You want to leave Monteris?" The priest sounded surprised, "But you have been here for eight years, and you have never left this town for half a step. Henry, what force drove you to do this?" After a burst of sobbing, Mr. Mokoren wiped away the tears that had slipped from the corners of his eyes. "It's my father," he said, "and he's dead. My brother William called me urgently this morning—I haven't seen him for a long time, and I was surprised to receive his call. ——William was in a small town six miles away. He brought me this bad news over the phone. Pay for someone to take care of him, I haven't done anything for my father in these years, not even once."

"God bless him," said the priest, crossing himself with his fingers. Henry Mokoren went on to say: "Follow me and ask about the time of the funeral. My brother told me that the funeral will start at 10 am on April 3, and he will take care of all my father's affairs before that. He also asked me Will I be attending my father's funeral then? I said nothing because I had just received this letter announcing the death a few hours before I got this call. I know the train from here to Chicago only runs every two days , and the train departed at noon the day before, and arrived in the evening. When I spoke with William, the train had already left. If I want to attend my father’s funeral, I can only take the train on April 2.” "Did you tell your brother about the threatening letter?" the priest asked. "No, I haven't said anything yet. On the phone, he saw that I hadn't expressed my opinion for a long time, so he lost his temper at me, and then there was a busy signal on the other end of the phone. I know he is very angry." Henry painfully erased the residue Tears in the corner of his eyes, "I'm not a dutiful son, but that dead old man is my father, I have to attend his funeral, but..." He choked up, and then let out another painful cry, "Father, I I was very scared, I was terrified. I killed countless people and did countless bad things. I hid in this corner forgotten by the world and prayed for those dead souls, but in the end I was still I found the door. I had to go to my father's funeral, but this notice in front of me made me extremely worried. I was really scared, really! Fear has surrounded me. Can you understand this feeling, Father? God, what do I do?" He sighed, looking at the top of his head and added, "God, what do I do?" "We must go to the police." The priest said decisively, "This matter must be known to the police." "I can't do that. I know this kind of thing all too well. It's futile. The police don't care if a villain lives or dies. For them, the more people like me die, the better." "Go to the police station, I will go with you to clarify the matter. I will do my best to let the police go with you, and they will protect you, Henry." The priest held the silver cross on his chest tightly, " Escape is not the right way to solve the problem, even if you don't see your father for the last time, the problem will still not be resolved." There was silence at the other end of the confessional, and Mr. Mokoran seemed to be engaged in a kind of spiritual struggle. After a while, Henry squeezed out a word in distress. "Father, are you really willing to help me?" The priest silently looked at Henry's haggard and blurred figure in front of the window, and said, "You are always here, my child."
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