Home Categories detective reasoning Sonata of Summer and Winter

Chapter 28 Chapter Six

Sonata of Summer and Winter 麻耶雄嵩 3167Words 2018-03-15
Wu You didn't even have the idea of ​​looking around for news, he chose to stand still.Yuki monk Shangmei had a serious face, and the two sat down across the table, one on the left and one on the right, and they seemed to have said something. Wu You was about to enter the living room, but when he realized that the atmosphere was not right, he immediately retracted his raised right foot—fortunately, those two people didn't notice.Wuyou used the shadow as a cover, stuck to the pillar like a cicada, spying on the situation inside.They seem to be talking about something, and the atmosphere is relatively harmonious, but it's hard to say.The priest once advised (not advice, advice) that nothing is better than nothing.But he couldn't help it, as long as it was related to the murder, he wanted to know, even in this way.

"Shangmi, I want to take you back." It was Yuuki's voice. "No." She refused flatly, her tone was very cold. "That guy is dead, what worries do you have?" "Could it be you..." "Of course not..." Yuki quickly denied, "However, if I knew the truth of the matter, I would definitely kill him without hesitation." "Ah, this is your usual style." "However, I did not kill him." There was a silence.Nothing happened.The only sound in the living room was the swallowing of saliva and the ticking of the wall clock.What's going on over there?Wu did not dare to probe to see.He can only imagine based on the content of the conversation he overheard, the tone of his speech, etc.Once the conversation stopped, Wu You's heart was filled with guilt.

"Impossible." After a long silence, Madam spoke. "Is it too late, or, Murasawa..." "No, I planned to divorce him before coming here." "Then why?" There was only a sound of hands being placed on the glass tabletop, it must be Yuuki. "I can't be with you..." "Why? For twenty years, I have loved you dearly." "No." Madam interrupted Yuki, and said the real reason, "What you see and love is not me, but harmony." "No! I love you Shangmei." "No, chords. You've always seen chords, and you still do. I saw you coming out of her room."

"But, that room..." "At any time, it belongs to harmony, and it is impossible to become someone else's room." "No, that room..." "It's nothing wrong, it's all the same... I'm tired. For the past twenty years, he has seen chords that should have died. It's always like this. I've had enough. I didn't want to come here, but when I think of this It's the last time, just treat it as a farewell, and finally came." "Bastard!" The sound of fists pounding on the table. "You didn't understand that painting, it was because of you..."

"No. You are sad because there has been a change. If the harmony is the same, you will not be sad." "Not at all." Naomi didn't respond.Is it unnecessary?Yuki's strong love could not find a destination, and even Wuyou felt his loss and sadness. Soon, Yuki's suppressed voice was heard again: "It's not what you imagined." Madame remained silent. "Isn't it possible?" Yuki reconfirmed.The tone was the same as that heard in the room on the third floor, full of complaints and requests. "Yes." Shangmei finally said, "What you see is harmony, and what heals you is also harmony, so you..."

"No... I killed Harmony to liberate you." "you are lying." "It's true, I can do anything for you." "No. You don't really want to kill her..." There was a big change in the originally resentful voice. "Let's go, I want to leave this island and escape from Harmony forever. Here, I am still his wife." They seem to be leaving.Wu You hurriedly went to the kitchen a little far away to hide.Yuuki also participated in the killing of Harmony?Are all executioners?What exactly is going on?It seems that the "secret" really has something to do with harmony.What is the relationship?Wu You only had a small amount of scattered information and could not understand the whole truth of the matter.

"I won't give up." Yuuki stood in the living room and shouted to Naomi who was walking down the corridor with a pale face. Yuuki was absent at lunch and dinner.I don’t know if it’s because it’s too stressful to dine with everyone or because I don’t want to sit with Murasawa (maybe the latter), but since Shui Jing was absent last night, there is one less person in the restaurant, and it feels too quiet.Looking back, I haven't had a decent meal since I got here.This does not refer to the taste of the meal, but to the atmosphere of the meal.Because of Tongli's dress on the first day, the entire restaurant was silent.The next day because the portrait of Heyin was destroyed, yesterday because of Mizukage was killed, and today because Yuuki and Murazawa fought, it was hard to enjoy food in such a magnificent mansion (on the third day after the Manabe couple left, it can no longer be called food , just normal meals), and it turned out so badly.I am afraid that this state will continue tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and nothing will feel like sitting on pins and needles.The only way is to wait for outsiders to come and Yindao to rescue them as soon as possible.

Tongli held the Turkish tableware and kept feeding rice grains into her mouth. A pair of eyes were exposed on the plate, paying attention to the surrounding situation.It's the same with Wuyou, no one told Tong Li the reason for their fight, even if he asked, no one would answer, he was sure.Judging from the situation of everyone dining, they may not be aware of Yuuki's absence.Wuyou observed them and found it very interesting. The atmosphere is so embarrassing, thanks to Tongli being beside her, she can relax a little.There is a devil living in everyone's heart, hiding suspicion (Wu You didn't pretend that he didn't have it), and everyone hides it so that others don't see it.The current sunshine does not have the feeling of midsummer. After the snow melts, the sun shines through the thick clouds, which is very like the weather in March in Yangchun, warming Wuyou's heart.When wandering around in Guichuan, it was not Lingzi who comforted him, but the innocent Tongli. He wondered if the young man living in his body had been purified, or at least began to pay attention to the things around him.If I hadn't met Tongli, I'm afraid I would still be walking by the river alone now.Wu You knew that Tongli was kind to him, so he had to do his best to protect her.The life that I have been blindly avoiding for the past two and a half years should change. From now on, I must face up to my mission and say goodbye to the past.This action can only succeed, not fail.

After dinner, Murasawa came to see Wuyou.His eyes were red and swollen, and he had a white Band-Aid on his chin.The pain didn't go away, and his movements were a little sluggish. "What's wrong?" Wuyu, who was about to gather his thoughts, was very surprised to see Murazawa's visit. This was the first time he had visited his room.All along, they have insisted that the murder was an internal affair, leaving Wuyou as an outsider.Could it be that after today's fight, he intends to reveal his heart to himself?Wu You had some expectations, but what he heard were unrelated topics.

"Kisaragi-kun," Murasawa, whose jaw was injured, said in a lower voice than usual, "What's the progress of the investigation?" Wuyou stared at the injured Murazawa, not knowing what he wanted to say, was it questioning? "No idea, but why do you..." "Ah, I thought you would have some ideas, but it seems that you are not willing to tell me." He couldn't speak clearly, his eyes flickered.What is the purpose of Murasawa's visit this time?How to deal with it?Is it enough to just tell him what he did?Impossible, if this is the case, they don't have to continue to doubt each other, making them physically and mentally exhausted.Wuyou avoided Murazawa's suspicious gaze, he was not used to being treated like this.

"Is there any new discovery after that? It's related to the secret room or the room of the water mirror." Wu You shook his head. "What's the matter?" "Naomi..." Murasawa whispered. "What's the matter, ma'am?" "It's nothing," he said decisively, and after a moment of consideration, he changed his words, "She thinks that Harmony planned all of this." "Manomiya Harmony?" "right." Murasawa looked at Wuyou with a serious face.After he was beaten by Yuki, he was not only physically traumatized, but also mentally traumatized, and his voice changed. "It stands to reason that this is impossible. Heyin died a long time ago. But Shangmei thinks so, she is too stupid. So, I hope you can investigate who the murderer is as soon as possible." "The murderer..." Apart from Naomi Murazawa, the only suspects are Yuuki or the priest.Wu You was about to say that, but he swallowed the second half of the sentence.Why does Murazawa place such strong expectations on himself?I'm not a detective.Is it because I'm an outsider?Or is it because I'm with Tong Li? "I don't think harmony has come back to life." "yes." Murasawa nodded reassuringly.However, this also confirms from the side that he does have doubts about whether Harmony has been resurrected.Why?As believers of Harmony, they should have been looking forward to her resurrection. Wu did not remember what Murazawa said last night. "You said yesterday that you killed Harmony, what do you mean?" Wu Youben asked casually, but unexpectedly, Murazawa's face turned paler, and his chin, which was covered with a Band-Aid, trembled. "I?" "right." "No, I didn't say that. The harmony was blown into the sea by the wind on the terrace. I can't say that." He shook his head violently, denying it.It seemed he couldn't remember what he said last night.That means, he's not talking to nothing, just talking to himself.In any case, his vehement denial further confirms the truth of that statement—it was indeed they who killed their idols and “gods”—the harmony.Yuki and the priest are also participants.Together they killed Harmony, just like that.They were all "Judas" and Harmony was betrayed by them...and fell into the sea... While Wuyou was thinking, Murasawa walked out of the room repeating "nothing like that", which was really uncomfortable.Wu Wang stared at the open door, thinking about the reason for Murasawa's visit.They really partnered to kill Harmony?Is Harmony still alive? What happened on this island twenty years ago?However, if He Yin, who was murdered by them, survived many hardships and came to revenge now, their panic is understandable. But judging from the current situation, the truth of the matter is not the case, and there are many places that cannot be explained.Bi Fang said, why did it take twenty years for Heyin to take revenge?
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