Home Categories detective reasoning evil angel 1

Chapter 8 Chapter Seven

evil angel 1 午晔 6684Words 2018-03-15
I am used to the free life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and it is not easy to suddenly enter the state of 9 to 5.I drove the newly purchased POLO out of the crowded streets in the morning, parked it in the dedicated parking space under the office building, and walked to the office full of regret, thinking about the manuscript that the boss urged. "Miss Li, your flowers." The little girl at the reception with a smile on her face took out a large bouquet of bright red roses with long stems from under the counter, and a small purple envelope hung under the calyx of one of them. "Thank you." I took the flowers with no expression on my face, and my intuition told me that this was not a declaration of love.

There are not many people in the office yet.I put the bouquet on the table, carefully opened the wrapping paper, and then checked one by one regardless of the surprised eyes of colleagues around me.Fortunately, there is nothing that should not be there, and my heart that has been hanging has fallen to the ground.I picked up the envelope, faced the sun and saw that there was a card inside. I pulled it out with tweezers and unfolded it. There was only one line on it - 7:00 tonight, Moon Boat KTV, see you there or be square.A strangely shaped "Dragon" was signed underneath. big dragon?This guy is a well-known hooligan boss in North China. He used to have a little friendship with me because of business matters.But I haven't seen him for almost centuries, how does he know that I work here?Could it be... It seems that what I have been worrying about for the past few days has begun to show a little clue. Maybe there will be a grand banquet tonight.

"Don't worry about it, just play it by ear." I threw all the flowers and cards into the trash can, turned on the computer and began to revise my articles, but for some reason, I always made mistakes. A day passed before I knew it, and I politely declined the invitation of my colleagues to have dinner, and hurried to the "Moon Boat" KTV.The shop seemed to have opened recently and was well decorated, but there was no one in the huge hall.As soon as I entered, a waiter greeted me: "Is this Miss Li?" "You are?" I didn't expect to be so famous.

"Brother Long has ordered that no one will be entertained today except Ms. Li, please come with me." He made a "please" gesture, led me to the innermost private room, and respectfully opened the door , "Please." The interior of the private room was resplendently decorated, and the air was filled with a faint scent of sandalwood.There were two tough guys standing on the left and right sides of the room, and Dalong was reclining on the big sofa facing the door.I haven't seen him for a few years, but he has put on weight a little bit, and his clothes are much more tasteful than before. It seems that he is really doing well.

"'Arctic Fox'! It's been a long time, you are getting more and more beautiful!" He stood up, opened his arms and rushed towards me. I pushed him down on the sofa and muttered to himself. "Just tell me if you have anything to do, I'm very busy." I sat down in a place out of his reach, and lit a cigarette. "I won't ask my aunt for help if there is no major issue." Dalong took out a check from his pocket, "It's not much, 100,000, it's a deposit." "I forgot to tell you, I'm retired. Please ask someone else to be smart about business matters." I pushed the check back.

"But you will definitely be interested in this matter." He pushed back the check again, "And our big boss has given me a death order, and you must invite 'Arctic Fox' out of the mountain." "Big Boss?" I couldn't help being taken aback, "Who can be your Boss Long's boss?" "It's not convenient for me to say this, but the face of our big boss is..." "Stop talking nonsense! What is it, so mysterious?" "Do you know this person?" Dalong took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to me. "Zhong Zhipeng!" I understood everything at once, "So, it was your people who killed Li Yun in Taoyuan Community last Saturday?"

"That's right!" Dalong narrowed his eyes and showed a strange smile, "That girl actually wants to report on us, can I keep her? But 'Arctic Fox', I didn't expect you to give her such a bad idea, surrender yourself ? It's not like your style at all, hehe..." "So... I still have to thank you for not killing me?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest, and said in an almost mocking tone. "To be honest, I dare not touch you - the big boss has explained." It's the big boss again!The confusion in my heart is getting thicker and thicker, what kind of god is this big boss?Not only did he tame the self-important Dalong, but he also knew my situation well.It seems that the trouble this time is really not small.

"Let's get down to business." Dalong poured a glass of red wine and pushed it in front of me, "Zhong Zhipeng came back from France the day after tomorrow, and the police have already set up a net to wait for him. So we want to ask you to help him out - this kind of thing only You can do it." "You flatter me too much. It seems that Zhong Zhipeng is very important!" "This... I can't say it well, it's the meaning of the big boss. Money, I won't treat you badly, just tell us what we need to provide." "It seems that I can't do it if I don't want to." I sighed, took out a pen and note paper and made a list, "Get these ready before the morning after tomorrow, and send me two reliable people. Don't worry about it."

"These things..." Dalong looked at my list suspiciously, "Are you going to..." "Don't worry about what I want to do, anyway, I will bring him back to you unscathed." I stood up, straightened my coat, and walked towards the door, "Let your people bring what I want, Wait for me at the side door of the People's Hospital at 7:00 the morning after tomorrow." After leaving the "moon boat", I drove aimlessly in circles in the city of Beijing until the early hours of the morning before returning to Taoyuan community.As soon as I entered the house, I felt a hand stretched out from behind in the darkness.I dodged to the side, grabbed the hairy wrist and bent over my shoulders, a familiar groan was mixed with the dull impact between my body and the wooden floor.I turned on the light and saw Vincent lying sprawled on the ground with two green eyes staring at me angrily.

"Damn it! Vincent!" I quickly pulled him up, "Why are you joking with me like this? Don't die!" "Why are you so sensitive!" He purposely limped onto the sofa, rubbing his waist with one hand, "Miss, is something wrong? I'm so anxious to return to Beijing early." I poured two glasses of juice and told him exactly what had happened in the past few days.Vincent listened silently, frowning more and more tightly: "It seems that this mysterious 'big boss' has been staring at you recently, didn't you notice it at all?" "That's why I feel a little guilty and ask you to come back and help." I fiddled with the straw in my hand, "I really can't think of anyone who has dealt with me in China who is so powerful."

"How about I help you analyze it?" Vincent smiled slightly, "Didn't you say they have 'angel dust'? Then do you remember who invented 'angel dust'?" "Test me?" I rolled my eyes at him, "'Angel Dust', an advanced psychedelic drug, was invented by Luis Hector in 1994. He was a famous drug lord in Mexico at the end of the 20th century, and Princeton's chemical engineer Doctor, died of a heart attack in 1996." "Exactly." Vincent nodded. "Then after Hector's death, who controlled the secret recipe of 'Angel Dust'?" "His nephew, Guerro Palma, one of the most dangerous terrorists in Central and North America. What on earth are you trying to say?" "Don't worry, let's take our time." Vincent made a "calm" gesture, "I think you must know where Guero Palma's secret base in North America is?" "Gallup, Texas, USA, but it's been razed to the ground now." "Then who destroyed Parma's lair?" "Vince!" I can no longer tolerate his way of knowingly asking, "What's wrong? It was me, the SOG (Special Operations Group) and I worked together to destroy them. If it wasn't for the FBI and the Texas police to intervene, Parma is already in the electric chair!" "But he ran away, and you only blinded him in one eye." "What does that have to do with what's going on now? Palma and his remnants are in Colombia with his cousin Salazar." "That was a few years ago. As far as I know, their cousins ​​broke up and Palma took his people to the Golden Triangle." "What?" The news really surprised me, "What is he doing in the Golden Triangle? Could it be... Could it be that he took refuge in Kunsa?" "Yo, you know a lot!" "Nonsense! Palma is actually not very keen on the drug business - he only produces 'angel dust' in the Americas, and occasionally resells some heroin, all of which are purchased from Kunsa. They have a bit of a relationship. But... I heard that this year At the beginning of the year, China and Myanmar jointly encircled and suppressed the Kunsa Army, and he has been killed." "It's true that Kunsa died, but Palma escaped again. And someone once saw him near the border between Yunnan, China and Myanmar, and there were two people with him-one was his confidant Lai Mo, and you also I knew each other; the other was Kunsa’s subordinate, Zhang Qiyin, a Chinese. But they disappeared soon.” "Listen to you...they have come to Beijing? No way?" I finally understood what Vincent wanted to say with all the foreshadowing just now. "No? Come and see." He turned on his laptop and pulled up a map of China. "This is the drug channel opened by Kunsa and the others. Drugs are transported from southwest China to Guangdong and Fujian, and then shipped to all parts of the world by water. But because It has been almost paralyzed by the severe crackdown by the Chinese police in the past 20 years. Therefore, in the past few years, they have tried to establish new channels, colluded with terrorists from China and Russia, and transported drugs to Russia through Inner Mongolia and the three northeastern provinces. Then they will go overland to sell to Europe. And there are two ideal intermediate stations for them—Jinghong in Yunnan and Beijing.” "So that's how it is." I suddenly realized, "Vincent, you couldn't wait to go to Yunnan as soon as you arrived in China. So it was because of Palma?" "No, I like the beautiful scenery of Yunnan and..." "Stop doing this with me!" I interrupted him, "I already knew there was something wrong with your so-called 'resignation'. Hmph, are you still trying to lie to me? Commissioner!" "I will die at your hands sooner or later!" Vincent sighed, "Yes, my task this time is to cooperate with the Chinese side to catch this hungry wolf. I think the 'big boss' you mentioned just now is Palma , and he has already colluded with the black forces here." "That's a reasonable explanation. Palma really knows me quite well." I nodded, "But... from this point of view, what role will Zhong Zhipeng play? Can Palma care so much?" "Is there such a possibility that what Parma cares about is not him, but what he brings back?" "For example, information?" My eyes lit up, "Zhong Zhipeng's trip to Europe this time may have connected with the local black forces, and even reached some kind of agreement-this is what Palma desperately needs now. Beijing treats him It is not an ideal hiding place, the safest thing is to move to Europe as soon as possible." "That makes sense. But if that's the case, you're in danger." Vincent's expression became tense, "This guy really hates you, and he can do anything. But... why did he let you Don’t touch you, why don’t you pay for your help?” "Don't you understand? He is on the run now, and he has no one to use. Rescuing Zhong Zhipeng from the police is harder than reaching heaven. Using me can kill two birds with one stone." "What is 'one stone, two birds'?" Vincent knew almost nothing about Chinese idioms. "If I succeed in bringing Zhong Zhipeng to him, he can not only get his stuff, but also kill me easily - I have no advantage in his territory. If I fail and get caught or simply If he is killed, he will not be implicated, and he can take revenge at the hands of the police." "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" "Go? Where are you going?" "North America, or go to Europe. Come back when we catch Palma!" "It's useless, Vince. If Palma is really after me, I've got nowhere to go, so I might as well be a favor-help you deal with this bastard!" "You... want to use yourself as bait? No!" Vincent shouted, "I can't let you do that." "Don't worry, I know what to do." I patted him on the shoulder to signal him to relax, "Besides, you don't know Palma, so you will suffer if you rush blindly." "Then you can't risk your life!" "Oh, I have much more combat experience than you, and I know how to deal with it. Okay, sleep!" I got up and walked to the bedroom.To be honest, I have no idea.Guerro Palma is the most brutal terrorist I have ever seen, but so far, it can only take one step at a time. When I woke up, it was another sunny day. I called my boss and told him that I had received an important piece of information and I was going to follow up and report it.The mercenary guy immediately gave me 3 days of paid vacation.In fact, it's not a lie. In two days, I already know what the headlines of the world's major media are. After breakfast, I rummaged through boxes and chests to find out the SGI-P210 that I had planned to hide, and carefully brushed it with gun cleaner.Vincent walked in silently and handed me a folder: "The information you want. I have arranged the other things according to your wishes, and I guarantee nothing will go wrong." "That's great." I flipped through the thick coated paper, savoring the information revealed between the lines, "Oh? This Zhang Qi is so young, it's not easy to be appreciated by Kunsa and Palma." "This is a powerful guy." Vincent said while cleaning my gun, "It is said that he saved Kunsa's life, and he was appointed as the deputy commander after only six months in the Golden Triangle. During the siege at the beginning of the year, It was also he who brought Palma out of the encirclement without anyone noticing. Xiaoxi, I think he is the biggest threat to your operation this time." "Don't worry, I can handle it." I put down the file, "But Vincent, if... I mean, if the situation changes, don't worry about me, you must not let Palma and his accomplices escape from the mainland. Understand? ?” "God is on your side." Vincent patted my hand. "The days of those bastards are coming to an end!" Spring is the most beautiful season in Beijing, and the roads of Capital International Airport are crowded with people, creating a lively scene.However, when our Ivek with the red cross pattern "squeaked" and stopped at the entrance of the international arrival channel, the faces of the people who came in and out showed uneasy expressions.I and Dalong's two subordinates—Akun and Chimney jumped out of the car in snow-white protective clothing and went straight to the service desk. "Beijing Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention Station." I shook the ID in my hand and said to the terrified front desk lady, "When will the WX-A117 from Paris to Beijing arrive?" "It's still... 10 minutes away." The little girl stammered. "The situation is urgent, we need to talk to the person in charge of the airport." "Comrade, what's the matter?" A man in his fifties in a suit hurried towards us, followed by two airport police officers. "This is our Deputy Secretary Zhao." The lady at the reception quickly introduced, "Secretary Zhao, these are comrades from the health and epidemic prevention station, and they need to talk to the leaders." "Hello, Secretary Zhao." I shook hands with him. "The situation is very urgent now. We are sure that there is an atypical pneumonia carrier on flight WX-A117 from Paris to Beijing." "What!" Secretary Zhao's face turned pale, "Comrade, you can't make a mistake, right?" "This is not a joke." I took out a page full of French from my pocket, "This is an urgent notice from the French Ministry of Health. Two chemical engineers in Paris were diagnosed last night. After investigation, they met with Zhong Zhipeng, deputy chief engineer of China's 'Beitian Chemical', had close contact with him. Mr. Zhong is now on flight WX-A117." "This... this... what to do?" Secretary Zhao's forehead was beaded with sweat, "The passengers on that plane..." "Don't panic, listen to my arrangement." I gestured to him to keep calm, "Because the epidemic situation in Beijing is developing rapidly, our manpower and vehicles can't be dispatched. I think so, you inform everyone after the plane lands Don’t move anyone. Mr. Zhong left with our car and immediately quarantined. Other members of the inspection team, the stewardess who served him, and the passengers around him—please cooperate with the airport and don’t let them get off the plane to ensure the safety and security The others are quarantined and we will send a van to pick them up in 30 minutes." "No problem! The other passengers..." "Ask them to leave their names and contact information and they can be released, but remind them that they should go to the hospital immediately if they have suspicious symptoms." I paused, "Also, the plane must be thoroughly disinfected with peracetic acid immediately afterwards. If you don’t have enough liquid medicine here, I will notify the epidemic prevention station and send it with the cart.” "Okay, okay, according to your arrangement." Secretary Zhao turned around and explained a few words to the two airport police officers. They nodded seriously, turned around and ran away quickly. "Doctor...you just said the patient's name is Zhong Zhipeng?" "Yes, what's the matter?" I deliberately made a puzzled expression. "Please wait a moment." Secretary Zhao walked aside and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. I couldn't hear what he said, but I could guess who he was communicating with. "Sister Li, will it..." Akun lost his composure and whispered in my ear. "I know it in my heart." I looked at the display board in the lobby, "The plane has landed, you go drive, calm down, understand?" "Yes." Akun walked slowly towards the door calmly.I saw two people in dark jackets approaching, talking to Secretary Zhao in a low voice, all three of them had ugly faces.They chatted for a while, and Secretary Zhao and one of the older people came here. "Doctor, this is a comrade from the criminal police team of the Public Security Bureau." Secretary Zhao introduced. "Interpol? What happened?" I opened my eyes wide and looked at them. "Are you a comrade from the epidemic prevention station?" The criminal policeman whispered politely, but his eyes were fixed on the card on my chest.I handed over my papers graciously—I had been prepared for this play. "Oh... it's Doctor Fang. How is Director Zhou?" "Director Zhou? Comrade, you remember correctly. We only have Director Sun and Director Gong." "Oh...I misremembered, sorry, sorry. That's it, doctor, we have an important case that requires Zhong Zhipeng's assistance in the investigation." "I understand." I nodded, "But Comrade Police, Zhong Zhipeng and some other passengers must be isolated immediately. Now you know the spirit of the central government. We must be responsible for the lives of patients, which is also responsible for your safety." "This……" "How about this, you send two people to go with our car. I will ask my superiors to arrange some necessary equipment for you in the isolation area. We will not delay the affairs of both sides, how about it?" "That's a way." His eyes relaxed. "Okay, I'll bring someone to follow the car myself. Please, doctor." "Cooperating with your work is a citizen's obligation. Xiaoye," I turned to the chimney and said, "Go to the car and get two sets of protective equipment for the police comrades. Ask Xiao Li to drive to the apron and wait for us." "Okay." Chimney ran out like flying, and after a while, came back with two sets of white coats, masks, goggles and gloves in his hands. "Come on, put these on." I helped them put on the masks myself, then turned around and told Secretary Zhao, "We'll pick up Zhong Zhipeng, and I'll leave the rest to you. The other personnel at the airport must also pay attention to safety. " Our ambulance drove onto the airport expressway, and Zhong Zhipeng pretended to be like that, coughing twice from time to time.The two policemen following the car nervously looked around the car. The young man was still putting his hands in his windbreaker, but they fell to the ground before driving a few kilometers—I put them in the mask. The stuff worked. "Dog thing!" Chimney drew out his gun and was about to shoot, but I held him down. "I've made an agreement with your boss - as long as you are human, you don't want to die. You won't give me face, will you?" "But, Sister Li, I'm afraid they will do something bad." "With me here, what are you afraid of? Tie them up." I pulled out the rope and tape from under the seat and handed them to him, then turned and lifted the blanket off Zhong Zhipeng's body, "Don't pretend to be dead! Get up and help!" The two idiots started working in a hurry, I turned around and asked Akun who was driving: "Where is the turnover car arrangement?" "Shahe Township in Changping." "Okay, let's go to Beijing first and cut in through Shunyi. Prevent the police from smelling our whereabouts." "Yes, Sister Li. Listen to you." "Sister Li!" Chimney and the others had already tied up two policemen who were sleeping soundly, and sat there wiping the sweat from their brows, "Your trick is really good! No wonder the boss said it couldn't be done without you." thing!" "It's not too late to flatter you when you're done!" I took out two cans of beer from a thermos bucket and handed each of them a can for him and Zhong Zhipeng. Taking off the sultry protective clothing, I leaned on the carriage and admired the tall poplar trees flying backwards outside the window, but my heart was turbulent.The curtain of a good show has thus been opened.
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