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Chasing corpses is a legendary spell that can drive corpses to walk. It belongs to a kind of Gu art of the Miao nationality and is a part of Chu Wu culture.Gu can be divided into black witchcraft and white witchcraft, and driving corpses belongs to white witchcraft. The people who drive the corpses are two mages wearing Taoist robes. No matter how many corpses there are, they are always driven by two people (master and apprentice).No lanterns are lit, the soul-destroying bell is swayed in the hand, and the gong is beaten while walking, so as to avoid people walking at night, and those who have dogs lock up the dogs.When there are more than one corpse, connect them with grass ropes, one every six or seven feet.When walking at night, the corpses were all wearing tall felt hats, with a few pieces of yellow paper with talismans on their foreheads, hanging down their faces.There is a "dead corpse inn" on the road. This kind of mysterious inn only lives in dead corpses and morticians. Its door is open all year round.Behind the two large door panels is where the corpse rested.The mortician drove the corpse, arrived at the "dead corpse shop" before dawn, and left quietly at night.The corpses stood neatly against the wall behind the door panel.When it rains, I stop in the store for a few days and nights.

Chinese people are very attached to their hometown.In any case, Yela must return to its roots.A wanderer who dies in a different place must be buried in the ancestral tomb according to his own wishes; filial sons and virtuous grandchildren must be moved back to their hometown for funerals, and relatives and friends are also obliged to sponsor this matter.The upper reaches of the Yuanjiang River in western Hunan are barren, and the poor often go to eastern Sichuan or eastern Guizhou to make a living as peddlers, gather herbs or hunt.There are many mountains in those places, the miasma is very heavy in the mountains, falciparum malaria is often prevalent, and the living environment is extremely bad. Except for the local Miao people, outsiders rarely go there.None of the Han people who died in those places was rich, and traditionally, the Han people have a deep concept of transporting corpses to their hometowns for burial. Use vehicles or stretchers to carry, so someone created this strange economic method to transport the corpse back home.

According to legend, thousands of years ago, Apu Chiyou, the ancestor of the Miao nationality, led his troops to fight against the enemy by the Yellow River until the corpses were scattered all over the field.After the battle, he was about to retreat to the rear. Apu Chiyou said to the military commander Apu beside him: "We can't leave the brothers who died here. How about you use some magic to bring these good brothers back to their hometown?" The military commander Apu said: "Okay. You and I will change our outfits. You will lead the way with the 'Festival', and I will supervise you from behind."

So Army Master Apu stood among the corpses of the brothers who died in battle. After silently reciting incantations and praying to the gods, he shouted loudly at the corpses: "Brothers who died in battle, this is not a place for you to die. Your death is in vain now." It is sad. My parents in my hometown look forward to your return, and my beautiful wife and young son look forward to your return to your hometown. Erpoer’s soul does not need to wander. Be as urgent as a law, get up!" All the corpses that had been lying on the ground stood up at once, and followed Apu Chi You Gaoqing's "Fu Jie" walked south in a regular manner.The enemy's pursuers came, and Apu Chiyou and Apu's military division joined hands to attract the "five greater fogs" and trap the enemy in the ecstasy formation.Because it was Apu's military master's "Secretary" spell that saved everyone from the danger, everyone called him "Old Si" since then; There were too many strokes and it was difficult to write, so it was rewritten into a word "Witch" instead.

According to relevant literature records, there is a saying of "three times, three times not to drive away" corpses. Anyone who has been beheaded, hanged, or died in a cage can be driven out.The reason is: they were all forced to die, unconvinced by their death, missing their hometown and their relatives, they could use spells to hook their souls, use spells to suppress their respective corpses, and then use spells to drive them to climb mountains and mountains, even Board the boat and cross the water to return home.Those who died of illness, those who died voluntarily by throwing themselves into the river and hanged by their necks, and those who lost their limbs due to thunder and fire, these three cannot be chased away.Among them, the souls of those who died of illness have been hooked away by the King of Hades; the souls of those who threw themselves into the river and hanged their necks were "replaced", and they may be handing over. If new souls are recruited, the old souls cannot be replaced. The reincarnation of an old soul?In addition, those who died due to lightning were all sinners, while those who died in fire were often incomplete, and these two types of corpses could not be chased away.

Before the Qing Dynasty, every year after the autumnal equinox, the yamen of all prefectures and counties executed the death row prisoners in accordance with the approval of the Ministry of Punishment.Local death row prisoners have their own family members to collect and bury their bodies after execution, but if they want to transport the executed foreign death row prisoners back to their hometown, they usually ask the old secretary to drive the body back to their hometown, and they can guarantee that it will not rot or stink halfway, and the carried body may be recovered after a day. rot. On the day of execution, after the head of the death row prisoner fell to the ground.The old secretary in red immediately performed rituals and recited incantations, and his assistants helped to sew the heads of the beheaded guest death row prisoners together. Each place is pressed with a talisman, and then tied tightly with five-color cloth strips.According to legend, these seven places are the places where the seven orifices come and go, and the purpose of sealing them with cinnabar talismans is to keep the seven souls of the dead.

After that, some cinnabar is stuffed into the ears, nose, and mouth of the deceased, and then sealed with a charm.According to legend, the ears, nose, and mouth are the places where the three souls come and go, and doing so can keep them in the body of the deceased. Finally, the neck of the deceased is covered with cinnabar and affixed with a talisman, which is fastened with five-color cloth strips;After everything is done, the red-clothed boss finished his mantra and yelled "Get up!" The dead Hakka corpse would stand up... It is also said that since the seven clans and seven clans of the Miao nationality moved from the great rivers and lakes to the mountains of Pudi, they disappeared. He invented the spell of "five miles of fog", but created the technique of alchemy sand.Generally speaking, besides the ancestral "magic talisman", cinnabar is absolutely indispensable for Lao Si's exorcism.The cinnabar produced in Chenzhou is the best, so it is also called cinnabar.And the technique of expelling corpses was originally called "Chenzhou Chensha Divine Talisman Spell", but because the name was too long and hard to pronounce, it was simply called "Chenzhou Talisman".

01 According to the fourth chapter of "Genesis", there was a man named Lamech long before the great flood, and he was a descendant of Cain.Lamech had two wives: Adah and Kirah.Adah had two sons, Jabal and Jubal; Kirah had a boy and a girl, Tubal-Cain and Naamah.These four people symbolize human exploration of natural science: Jabal is the first human being to study "geography", he divides domestic goats and wild sheep and builds houses for the first time using stone and wood; The first musician; Tuba Cain discovered the technology of smelting iron and steel; the youngest sister, Naama, invented the textile technology... The four brothers and sisters knew that their exploration of nature would arouse the wrath of God, and the great builder of the universe would surely use it Water and fire punish humans who peep at the secrets of the gods.When the flood came, in order to let the great knowledge pass on to the world, they specially engraved the knowledge on two stone pillars, one was called "Abel" - it would not be destroyed by fire, and the other was called "Abel". Latras" - it does not perish in water.One of these pillars was found at last by a man, Hermes the Triple Great, who imparted to mankind a small part of the great learning.

After the flood subsided, most human beings were still very ignorant, only the masons still held the secrets of natural science and geometry, and based on this knowledge they knew that man was just an "imperfect copy" of God.The masons found that through their own efforts, they could overcome the spiritual and physical defects of human beings and return to the realm of gods. Noah's unfilial sons had a son named Cush, and Cush had a son named Nimrod, who was the king of Babylon.At that time, masons gathered in Babylon from all directions and began to build a tower of Babel, which is the legendary Tower of Babel.The great builders of the universe punished this time with a humorous method, which confused their language, so that they abandoned the project of building towers and scattered all over the world... And these masons never revealed the great knowledge When going out, they form secret associations, using passwords and secret handshakes to express their identities, and at the same time distinguish their ranks in the group and their positions at work.These "free stone workers" built the Temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem. They were called the Dionysian Architects in ancient Greece. They built churches and various large stone buildings for Christians in the Middle Ages.The masons strictly guarded the secrets of the organization and held gatherings in the assembly hall next to the construction site to exchange knowledge. They believed in the great builder of the universe and knew the vast knowledge of cosmic astronomy, human anatomy, and geometry. They called each other "brothers". Pursue brotherhood and help each other in times of trouble.

And thus, Freemasonry was born. 02 The symbol of Freemasonry is: a compass, a square and the letter G in the middle. Many ancient myths and legends in the world are roughly such a mysterious sign.For example, the mating picture of Nuwa Fuxi in ancient China is also holding a compass in one hand and a ruler in the other, and it also represents the union of men and women.The Jews in the ancient Middle East seem to have a legend with this meaning.Looking at the myths and legends of the East and the West, the backgrounds are surprisingly consistent. For example, Noah and his wife built an ark to escape the Great Flood in the West. In China, Nuwa Fuxi ran into a big gourd to escape.

As for the fog of modern Masonic lore, the earliest official record of its appearance began in England in 1717. Before 1716, the four taverns in London gathered aristocrats and senior clergymen, holding gatherings similar to high-level clubs. Most of the content was social activities, entertainment and food. These people were the true founders of modern Freemasonry. On "St. John's Day" on June 24, 1717, the Masonic members of the four clubhouses jointly established the first clubhouse, and the members voted Anson Seyer as the first-generation master teacher.This day is also the beginning of the modern Freemasonry movement.And this period also coincided with the fading influence of the legendary "Rosicrucian Movement". The modern Freemasonry got rid of the "practical masonry" nature of masonry groups and became "ideological masonry", that is, devoted to social reform. political group. At that time, the Freemasonry had about 700 members in England and Scotland, and soon more volunteers wanted to join the association. The original salon-like gathering could no longer manage so many new members.In order to formulate internal treaty rules, the General Assembly appointed Protestant Presbyterian priest James Anderson to complete the work. Anderson compiled the "Masonic Charter" in 1723 according to the ancient text of the Freemasonry "Traditional Charter". The Ministry Charter is divided into three parts: History, Responsibilities and Obligations, and General Principles. Freemasonry is not a religion. In the early days of its establishment, it was a secret association that allowed non-disabled adult men of various religious beliefs to join, but the volunteers must be theists (Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc.) ).Modern Freemasons’ interpretation of God comes from Plato’s explanation of the Creator. They believe that God is a rational craftsman, and the universe is a handicraft created by God—the "great builder of the universe". The order of the universe comes from God. Given rationality, this external universe is called the macrocosm; and every human being is the shadow of the universe, which is the "microcosm" of God's replica. However, due to the congenital defects of materials, this replica is always imperfect .However, if people can use rationality as the yardstick and morality as a tool to constantly correct their own spiritual defects, then in the end, people can improve themselves with their own efforts, that is, they will complete the construction of the "inner temple" and become a perfect "stoneworker". Teacher" and enter the realm of God.The process of the Freemasons building the "Solomon's Temple" symbolizes the process of people's pursuit of rationality and self-improvement, which was an advanced concept in the social background at that time.By pursuing the ideals of Deism, Freemasonry launched the Enlightenment and spread rapidly to Western and Central Europe and North America in less than fifty years, establishing a huge system that could rival the Catholic Church. The theism of Freemasonry obviously inherited the religious thought of the Gnostics. The general term for various Hellenistic sects that struggled with Christianity during the open period of Christianity. It flourished in the 1st century AD and collapsed due to the pressure of Christianity in the 4th century. The remaining forces became secrets. religion).After being hidden for nearly 1300 years, the Catholic Church is once again facing a powerful challenge, which terrifies the Holy See. In 1738, Pope Clemens XII ordered that Catholics be prohibited from joining Freemasonry, and violators would be expelled from the church (Masonicism allows Catholics to join, but does not actively encourage it). In the second half of the 18th century, the Holy See has been Committed to suppressing Freemasonry, the relationship between the two parties is still not very good.In addition to Gnostic thought, Freemasonry also includes many elements of Kabbalah (Judaic hidden philosophy) and Latin alchemy that emerged around the 13th century. Freemasons are more and more involved in the political and ideological activities of Western European society. They also conduct charitable activities more openly, and the class of members is gradually transformed into the middle class. 03 In the early days, freemasonry had no restrictions on volunteers and everyone was equal, but at that time only white aristocrats and the upper bourgeoisie could join the association. In order to strive for greater influence, the freemasonry continued to recruit nobles to join the association and hoped that one day they could get the royal family favor.Beginning with the Duke of Montaque, the second-generation chief mentor, the great nobles occupied a dominant position in the Freemasonry for a period of time. In 1722, the Duke of Wharton became the chief mentor of the new generation and continued to pursue the policy of the upper class. Fifteen years later, the wait finally paid off: In 1737, George II's eldest son, Crown Prince Frederick Lewis, joined the Freemasons at a "casual house" in London.The following year, Anderson revised the Masonic Charter and dedicated the new version to the crown prince. Although the crown prince died too early and did not sit on the throne, his eldest son George III maintained the political status of the Freemasonry. After that, the royal family and the Freemasonry maintained a good relationship. George IV, George VI, Edward VII Edward VIII and Edward VIII were both members of the Freemasonry. Prince Charles and Diana were members of New Age, a small faction of Freemasonry.The Hongmen, which Sun Yat-sen of China once joined, is also related to the Freemasonry. The British Freemasonry was split into the Classical School and the Modern School in 1753. The two sides had been in conflict for a long time, and it was not until 1813 that they reconciled. After the middle of the 19th century, the British Freemasonry quickly lost its determination and pioneering social reform.Another major negative impact of Freemasonry on Britain was the loss of fertile North American colonies. Almost all the pioneers of the North American independence movement were Freemasons. Of the 56 people who signed the Declaration of Independence, 53 were Freemasons.Among the successive US presidents starting from Washington, only Lincoln and Kennedy who were assassinated were not freemasons. Voltaire, Montesquieu, Goethe, Haydn, Marquis de Sade, Mozart, Frederick the Great, Washington, Franklin, Mark Twain, Conan Doyle, Garibaldi... the names of countless freemasons are like The stars generally shine in the night of modern western history. A little-known fact is that the Federal Reserve is a completely private central bank, the government has zero shares in the Federal Reserve, and the US government has no right to issue currency at all. After President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, the U.S. government finally lost the right to issue the only remaining "silver dollar".If the U.S. government wants to obtain U.S. dollars, it must mortgage the future taxes of the American people to the private Federal Reserve, and the U.S. Federal Reserve will issue "Federal Reserve Notes", which are "U.S. dollars." The U.S. coat of arms bears strange symbols that have no Christian significance but denote Masonic ideals: the pyramid, the eye, and the Latin phrase "New World Order," and the sympathy with which the United States has been established by establishing a non-monarchy. The secular government brought about a belief in a "new world order". Many influential media in the United States are also controlled by Freemasonry organizations.Such as: New sweek, New York Time, Fortune, Washington Post, and many news TV stations and radio stations.They can make people famous overnight, or they can ruin them overnight.Washington, the capital of the United States, has long concealed the "Masonic Esoteric Symbol" and "Satanism symbol of the goat's head" in the planning of the capital, the White House, and streets during the construction planning.
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