Home Categories detective reasoning ghost

Chapter 63 third day

ghost 今邑彩 1338Words 2018-03-15
In the afternoon, I went out to a nearby convenience store to buy magazines and snacks.I met two middle-aged women who looked like full-time housewives standing near the trash can and chatting passionately.It seems that they have a lot of topics to talk about every day!But the hostess of the house next door was not among them.At this time, one of the women gave me a fierce look with eyes like looking at a murderer.Another woman leads a scrawny chihuahua on a leash, making one wonder if she is feeding the puppy properly. I walked past them silently, thinking that they would not wait for me to come back from shopping and they would still be standing here!This made me suddenly feel unhappy, so I couldn't help but silently said "you two disappear too" in my heart!Looking back, the two people really disappeared, only the chihuahua was sitting on the ground tremblingly with its tongue out.Thinking about it carefully, most of the Chihuahuas I have seen before seem to be trembling slightly, do they think the world is cold?

I am not too surprised by the disappearance of these two women.Although I don't know why, I find that people I mention "disappearing" seem to disappear immediately. Could it be that I suddenly have some super power?Or is it all just a dream, and I will be woken up by my mother's screams in a moment?If it was really a dream, then it would not be surprising for any strange things to happen. Since it's a dream, there's no need to make a fuss, it's better to fully display your superpowers before waking up from the dream! I want to make all those annoying guys disappear!

When I came to the intersection near the convenience store, the signal light was about to turn red, so I didn't stop and was going to keep going.At this time, a man who was crossing the road in the direction of the green light was riding towards me quickly, and he shouted at me while riding, "Get out of the way, you blind guy!" Although I did do something wrong by ignoring the signal lights, it is the most basic courtesy for the cyclist to slow down when seeing pedestrians crossing the road! I angrily said to him: "Bastard, disappear!" As soon as the voice fell, the man disappeared without a trace in an instant.And the scene after he disappeared was far beyond my imagination—the unmanned small motorcycle continued to slide forward, and when it was about to fall, a car coming from behind slammed into it, Then I was rear-ended by a car behind me...

In this way, my words actually triggered a series of rear-end collisions.The scooter had been crushed by the car.I stood watching for a while, then walked towards the convenience store.After picking out my magazine snacks, I walked over to the checkout counter and yelled into the counter, "Is anyone there?" No one answered.Impatient with waiting, I took the magazine and snacks and prepared to go out.At this time, the manager of the convenience store came back suddenly, grabbed my arm, and said, "Hey, you actually came to our store to steal something!" "No, I went to the cashier to pay, but no one came out to collect the money..."

"Can you just take things away if no one takes money?" "Could it be that customers have to wait stupidly because of your AWOL?" "Come on, let's go inside and talk." The store manager continued to grab my arm and tried to pull me inside. "let me go!" "Come inside with me first!" I shook my arm vigorously, trying to break free, but the store manager held on to my arm tightly.I thought to myself, instead of listening to his nonsense, it would be better to let him "disappear", so I said to the store manager: "Disappear!" As soon as the voice fell, the store manager disappeared suddenly, and the scratch on my arm But clearly visible.

I tucked the magazine under my arm and walked out of the convenience store while eating a snack.With the sound of the alarm bell, a police car came and stopped near the scene of the accident.As I wondered whether the police knew the cause of the accident, I asked a bystander beside me, "What's going on?" He replied, "It seems that a car hit a car that stopped suddenly. It appears that the police are looking for the owner of the motorcycle." I suppressed a smile and walked towards home.When passing the trash can on the way, the Chihuahua was still squatting on the spot, trembling slightly, and screaming at the same time, as if weeping for its owner who suddenly disappeared.

I took out the snacks in my hand and fed the Chihuahua a few mouthfuls. It's been a long time since I feel so happy!
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