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Chapter 61 first day

ghost 今邑彩 2234Words 2018-03-15
I wake up in the silence. Usually I was woken up by my mother's cry, which was many times louder than the alarm clock, but not today.Surprisingly quiet all around.This unusual quietness made me instinctively have a thought, is there something abnormal?At the same time, I experienced mild dizziness, thirst in my throat, and a strong urge to urinate—typical symptoms of a hangover.There was an empty whiskey bottle lying on the floor beside the bed. I can't remember, but it must be me who drank it! I looked at my watch, it was past noon.My mother hasn't woken me up until now, either today is Sunday, or it's a holiday!As I pondered, I stood up from the bed.In any case, let's solve the "physiological needs" first!Wait until it's over before considering whether to sleep again.

I walked out of the room in my pajamas (I don't remember when I changed into them).When I came downstairs, I went to the bathroom first, and immediately felt much better after my internal emergency was resolved. Then I went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, took out a few sips of French-made mineral water, and felt even more comfortable.Lunch seems to be ready on the dining table. Judging from the three sets of utensils on the table, Dad should be at home too!what!There are still open beer bottles and poured glasses on the table?It seems that today is indeed a holiday!Because my father is still at work, if it is normal, it is impossible for him to be at home at this time.

But it's too quiet in the house!It was as if there was no one else but me.Neither voices nor TV could be heard.My eighty-year-old grandfather still lives in the house, but since five years ago, he has been lying in bed and unable to get sick. My mother has been taking care of him, and he eats in the room. Maybe it was because my mind cleared up a lot after drinking the mineral water. At this time, I discovered something even more strange.The tear-off calendar hanging on the kitchen wall was stuck on yesterday's date, and it occurred to me that today wasn't a holiday, it was Monday.At the same time, I also realized that this table seemed familiar, yes, it was exactly the same as last night's meal.Tempura is the main dish, side dishes are pickles and sauerkraut, and the edamame that my father must eat when drinking beer...

Ok?Several big question marks popped up in my mind.Today is obviously Monday, but my father, who has always worked hard, didn't go to work, but drank beer and ate edamame at home?And my mother, who always likes to cook, cooked a table of exactly the same meals as last night? This is so weird. Moreover, it was past noon, and my mother who always played the role of "alarm clock" didn't wake me up.If it weren't for being tied up and gagged, it would be impossible for the mother, who is more accurate than a machine, to forget her role as an "alarm clock".It seems that things are not that simple.

I began to search at home with a nervous mood, and the drowsiness and drunkenness disappeared all of a sudden.Something must have happened in this boringly quiet home. I searched from the first floor to the second floor, from one room to another, even through the storage room and the closet, but there was no sign of my father and mother.Although I knew that the two of them would not be hanging on the hanger together, just in case, I opened the closet and searched carefully. Of course, they're not in it. However, what shocked me even more was that not only my parents, but even my grandpa who had been lying on the bed disappeared.His bed, which was never made, however, bears the marks of a recent sleep, with a dent in the mattress on which the quilt was rolled.

If it's just that the parents disappeared, it's okay to say, maybe because of some urgent matter, the two suddenly went out together.However, it is impossible for grandpa, who walks a few steps in the yard with a cane at most on weekdays, to go out with them.If grandpa goes out, he will definitely use a wheelchair, but the wheelchair is still at home. I went to the hall and saw that my father's leather shoes and my mother's clogs were well placed at the door, and the door was locked from the inside.I went out in my pajamas and went to the garage to find my father's car parked there.Judging from various situations, the three of them didn't seem to have gone out together, it was as if they "disappeared".

What's going on! I went back to the dining room with my head tilted, sat on a chair, ate the edamame on the table, and drank the beer left by my father.As I drank and drank, I slowly remembered what happened last night. Ah, I seemed to have had an argument with my father at dinner yesterday.Although quarreling with parents is a very common thing, the one last night was enough to be called the worst quarrel in the history of my family, and it is not an exaggeration to compare it to the "Battle of Sekigahara" in my family.If Grandpa hadn't come out to stop me halfway, one of my father and I would probably have fought.This is really a bitter dispute.

The reason for the dispute was that my father knew that I hadn't gone to cram school for more than a month, and I was either playing games at home or fooling around outside.Although my mother knew about it long ago, she never told her father.I don’t know if it was mother who suddenly told my father about this matter or who leaked the news, my father complained while drinking beer: “I work hard day and night every day, but you...” I silently I listened intently, but my father tilted his mouth and said mockingly: "I named you Ichiro, because I hope you can become a good boy instead of being a fool all day long." After listening to this sentence, I finally couldn't bear it. Then he retorted to his father: "You work hard day and night every day, but you don't get any good grades! Could it be because you are called 'Yiping'? Even if you work hard all your life, you can only Can you live this life in a mediocre manner?" His father's face changed after hearing this, he slapped the table and shouted: "What are you, you dare to talk to the elders like this, you—"

"How do you want me to talk to you, Yiping-kun?" "what?!" In this way, we quarreled more and more, and finally, my father couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at me: "Enough! I won't raise your heartless son anymore, get out of here!" "Then I'll leave without saying anything. Anyway, I don't want to stay in this poor house for a long time." At this moment, Grandpa, who really couldn't bear to listen, got up from the bed.In my opinion, my grandpa, who has loved me since I was a child, is far more kind than my parents, so when I saw my grandpa walking out with a cane, I was very happy, and I confidently thought that my grandpa must have come out to help me speak.But the result was just the opposite. Grandpa rarely stood by Dad. He said, "It's Ichiro's fault. You shouldn't talk to Dad like that! Understand where you are! Apologize to Yiping, kneel down and apologize to him !” I felt betrayed, and I became more and more angry.Dad, mom, and grandpa all pointed the finger at me and kept asking me to "apologize". My mind suddenly went blank and I couldn't help shouting: "Shut up! I don't want to see you again! They all disappeared Bar!"

I don't remember what happened next, probably I went back to the bedroom on the second floor, locked myself in it and drank alcohol, and fell asleep while drinking! When I woke up the next day, my father, mother and grandpa disappeared without anyone noticing...
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