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Chapter 45 third quarter

ghost 今邑彩 1545Words 2018-03-15
"Brother?" Hui Lizi nodded, saying that she has a brother who is three years younger than herself, and the little boy in the dream looks exactly like her brother. "So that can't be a memory from a movie or TV series. The little boy in the dream is the child who is about to be born in my womb, and he is here..." As she spoke, she put one hand on her belly. "Of course the kid will look like my brother, because they are related by blood..." Eriko said stubbornly. Although I think this is likely to be a dream produced by the recombination of memory fragments obtained from movies and TV dramas with memory fragments related to my younger brother, I did not refute her.Because arguing with her is not my purpose, in such an occasion, the counselor should try to avoid disputes with the patient.

Trying to change the subject, I asked about Eriko's family situation.If she started to have this dream in middle school, then the main reason for the dream should be hidden in her family environment before she went to middle school, and it is also related to her brother who is three years younger than her. Wellie said so. Before she got married, she followed her father's surname, Heben, and there were four members in her family: her parents, her younger brother and her.The Kawamoto family lives in H City in the Tama area. Since her ancestors were village chiefs in this area during the Edo period, they are a well-known family that owns land in the area.

Her father passed away when she was in junior college, and her mother died of illness half a year ago. Now, her younger brother and his family live in the old house in their hometown. "How was your relationship with your younger brother when you were young?" As soon as I finished asking, Eriko replied without thinking: "My brother and I have a very good relationship! We are well-known good siblings among the neighbors." After answering, Eriko suddenly became a little melancholy. "However, recently it's been a bit..." Hui Lizi didn't finish her sentence.

"What happened recently? Is there any conflict between you?" After listening to my question, Eriko was silent for a long time before discreetly telling the truth.It turned out that after her mother passed away, she and her younger brother had some differences on the issue of inheritance.Since then, their relationship has become somewhat tense. "However, rather than talking about Xianer, it's more about the conflict between me and my sister-in-law, because my sister-in-law thinks that they will take care of my mother when she is sick, so they should get more inheritance than the amount stipulated by law..." Erikko explained hesitantly.

Kenji mentioned in it seems to be the name of Eriko's younger brother.According to Hyeriko, the younger brother and the younger sister-in-law got married when they were still in school, and the younger sister-in-law is a bit of a strong person. When it comes to property inheritance, she secretly encouraged her younger brother to ask for more. This kind of thing is also common. "It was only when a lawyer stepped in that the matter was resolved..." Hyeriko added. I suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked, "Have you ever planted hydrangea in the yard of your old house?"

Hui Lizi gave an "ah" in surprise, then nodded immediately, and replied, "My house has a big yard, which is full of hydrangeas." "You said that blue and purple hydrangeas bloomed in the yard where you buried the boy's body in your dream, right? Could this yard be your mother's yard?" Only then did Hyeriko reply with a sudden realization: "From what you said, it is really possible. The room where the boy played in the dream is very dark, like an old house. Maybe it is really my mother's house... " "If that's the case, wouldn't it be a little strange? You live in a high-end apartment now, right?"

"um, yes." "So, it shouldn't be very likely that you will move out of the apartment after giving birth and go back to your hometown?" "I don't have this plan. Because my brother and sister-in-law live in the house, it would be very inconvenient if they lived together." "If you had a prophetic dream, do you think you would purposely take the child back to your natal home, kill it, and then bury it in the yard of your natal home? What's more, your brother and sister-in-law still live there." At this point, Eriko stopped contradicting me, and just muttered softly as if she was thinking about something: "Yeah..."

So much for the first interview.After I made an appointment with Eriko to come again next week, she went home. I took Hyeriko's case and looked it up repeatedly. Although her symptoms were a bit strange, it wasn't too difficult to cure her.I think the main reason she didn't want to have children was because of the recurring nightmare she had had since she was a child. There are two main reasons why I came to this conclusion.One is that Eriko and Naito Mitsushi came together on a semi-blind date under the introduction of a friend, so their husband and wife relationship is not bad, and the other is that Eriko is not the kind of character who hates children.

In the final analysis, as long as Eriko can understand that the nightmare that tormented her repeatedly is not a prophetic dream, but the past memories formed through deformation and recombination.In this way, she can get rid of strange thoughts and give birth with peace of mind. I think the first consultation was a bit of a success.
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