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Chapter 16 16. Eye size

Cyclops 道尾秀介 1606Words 2018-03-15
"Sister Donge has beautiful eyes." "Yeah, what a pity to hide it." "Born to be so beautiful." "I really want to have eyes like this." Tangmei and Wumei spoke frankly while drinking soda through straws.The large plate of char siu pork was almost eaten up, and there were not many biscuits left from the twins.Uncle Nohara and Granny Muko drank a lot of Japanese wine, and both of them passed out. "Really... But, I hate it." Donge lowered her head in shame, looking at the beer can in her hand.Until just now, she was still wearing sunglasses, but she did so after the drunk Uncle Nohara said to her, "Take that off".Although she worriedly said, "Everyone will laugh at me", no one made fun of her.

"I've hated those eyes since I was a kid...ah!" Granny Muzi suddenly stretched out a hand in front of Donge, and used her index finger and thumb to measure the size of her eyes.Dong E stepped back a little confused, but let Granny Muzi measure it. "Um... oh..." After measuring for a while, Grandma Muzi sat back in her original position, crossed her arms around her chest, and told the measurement result in millimeters.Grandma Muzi's "thumb ruler" is quite accurate. "Very good, very good size." "Didn't we just say that?" "Grandma Muzi always doesn't listen to what others say."

"I just made sure." I'm glad that Fuyue can live in harmony with my neighbors.However, in addition to being happy, there is also a heavy shadow in my heart.This little party was originally proposed by me, but I couldn't open my mind and enjoy it. "Hmm... Dongping, do you want to watch a movie?" I heard the sound of clicking, and turned my head to see that Dongping had opened the cardboard box in the corner and was turning it over. "Zombie City" (Paura nella citta dei morti viventi), "Jack The Ripper" (Jack The Ripper), "Zombi 2" (Zombi 2)... The cardboard box is full of works by my beloved director Fultz.It took me many years to collect it, Foltz fans should be coveted.However, Dongping is not a fan of Fultz.

"what--" Dongping only glanced at the creepy stills on the video cassette, and was so frightened that he threw it back into the carton. "Fultz's movie seems too exciting for you. By the way, Fuyue, you can take a box back and watch it. You like his movies too, right?" "Huh? Oh, yes, thanks." She seemed surprised that I knew she liked Furtz, and nodded a little confused. Soon, the neighbors left one after another, and finally only Hosaka and Fuyue remained. "Occasionally, Fanzaka should get off work early, I will clean up the rest." "Really? Then I'll go first."

"Thank you for the char siu, it's delicious." "I'll do it next time." Hosaka gave a big smile, and then turned to Fuyue, "Miss Fuyue, if you want to learn, I'll teach you how to do it next time. You...do you often cook?" He likes girls who can cook. "Sorry, I'm not very good at it, and I just moved. I haven't even boiled water. The gas stove is full of cardboard boxes." "That's it..." Hosaka left with a look of regret.After I waited for him to go out, I talked to Donge again: "Didn't you say you were going to do the housework the morning before yesterday?"

Dong E was speechless for a while, but immediately smiled again. "Because the kitchen is hardly used, it hasn't been tidied up to now. I've tidied up the rest of the place, and it's very tidy." I can't frankly accept Fuyu'e's statement, nor can I agree with her explanation.Although a little hesitant, I still mustered up the courage to ask. "By the way, where were you the night before..." "Which box should I choose?" Fuyue deliberately ignored my question and squatted in front of the cardboard box containing the video tape. "Fuyue, please, answer my..."

"After watching it in the cinema, I never had the chance to watch it. I miss it so much!" She doesn't even look at me. Finally, she took a videotape, put it in her purse, and left the detective agency.My head was still full of plaster, and I watched her go away like this. The movie Dong E chose was actually "Avoid the Strangers". "So, let's get started, this week's frenzy... Frenzy quiz! (Background music is ABBA's most classic "Monkey, Monkey, Monkey")" At 7:20 in the morning, as usual, I woke up to the radio next door. "Announce last week's correct answer first. It's just a coincidence! What's the name of the author Hemingway's granddaughter? The correct answer is—"

"Margaux Hemingway." "Margaux Hemingway! Grandson's name is grandson. This is another shock since I discovered 'so' means 'so' a long time ago when I was a junior high school student. By the way, this Miss Margaux is Those who committed suicide by taking sleeping pills, please be careful when using this puzzle. Congratulations for the correct answer..." They seem to have switched channels, and some old punk group hit song is playing on the radio.I looked at the tip of my nose, listening to the melody I didn't know whether I was chanting or humming, and stayed for a while.

It's time to see Qiu Hui, I thought.
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