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Chapter 13 Section VIII

endless road 薇儿·麦克德米德 4295Words 2018-03-15
The moment Scarlett revealed the mystery, I didn't know who was more surprised.However, she quickly got back to business. "Listen to me," she said with a smile, "you have to write me brightly, write me as the kind of person who thinks carefully and plans everything before doing everything." But I know that Scarlett has shown me a side of her that cannot be exposed in public.In front of the public, she always deliberately maintains a sense of mystery of "still holding the pipa half-hidden", which is not because she has any shady things in private.Celebrities paid me to write books in an effort to keep that feeling of invisibility alive.Because the most interesting things are often what lies beneath the surface of things.But this level of things cannot be written into my "biography".However, a good writer does not waste this opportunity in vain, and Scarlett's hidden life can be used as material for my novel.And this type of novel is something I have always dreamed of.

For the rest of the day, Scarlett was so vividly portrayed in front of me that she was on TV that I almost felt like a different person.Later, when I got home and transcribed the recording on paper, I realized that this narrative added a bright touch to the entire lackluster interview.I have acquired a great deal of material about her early life—although I am leaving out a considerable portion of it for the sake of the reader—enough to get me excited about writing this book.I'm a little disappointed that Pete wasn't around to have the opportunity to share my excitement and enthusiasm.I sent him a message, but he didn't reply because he was too busy.When I woke up the next day, the reply finally came - he didn't come home until 3:17 in the morning, and by that time I had already entered a sweet dreamland.

I can't wait to see Scarlett again.Although I don't know what I can learn from her next time, I have a feeling that those hidden things behind the scenes can add a lot of color to what Scarlet said. The second time I came to Scarlett’s residence, when I drove the car into the garage of the manor, the parking space was already full, and there was a black golf car parked next to the convertible, with gold trim and There is frosted glass.This must be Josh's car.Because he is the only one who can drive such a car without making people feel very awkward.Beside his car was a silver BMW.

I didn't bother to guess the owner of the BMW, because when I walked into the kitchen, Scarlett, Joshua, and George were standing in a triangle and chatting, as if it were an academic seminar.Scarlett folded her arms tightly in front of her chest in an inviolable look--a look I knew all too well; Josh, with his tousled hair, wore baggy pajama bottoms and an Arsenal shirt. In his team uniform, he put his head next to Scarlett, covering his mouth with both hands; George leaned lazily on the bar, his chin resting on his right hand, and his left hand drooping on his side. None of the three noticed that I had entered the house. "It's a good thing in every way," said George. "Of course you can see that."

"I don't think so." Joshu muttered unhappily, "What are you going to write about me?" "Your image has been presented in your part of the public eye, Josh." George explained, "The relationship between you and Scarlett is no state secret." He nodded to me and greeted Said, "Good morning, Stephanie, nice to meet you"" "Everyone knows that she is my wife, but it doesn't mean they all know who I am. In my opinion, your proposal is a complete mess." From Joshu's half-baked English, I heard his intentions, so I said nicely, "You mean to let you two get married in the book?"

"You may think I'm old-fashioned, but she's pregnant now." Seeing George walking towards the coffee machine, Scarlett opened the cabinet door, took out a package and threw it in front of him—maybe It is more appropriate to say that it was thrown on him. "This is our child." Scarlett corrected him, "I don't think it is necessary for us to get married for this." "Yeah, we don't need that paper agreement." Joshua said following Scarlett's intention. "I understand," George said, turning to me. "Coffee, Stephanie?"

"Okay, I drank that packet of purple yesterday." "I'm not asking you to use a marriage certificate to legitimize your relationship with Scarlett. The paparazzi don't need any. I think a formal wedding will be a part of the equation in the not too distant future." A profitable business." "What did you say?" Joshu didn't seem to understand, and dug his ears. "He's saying we can make a lot of money out of this wedding," interposed Scarlett. "Right, George?" George smiled, "In short, that's what it means. We regard the wedding as a pure business. We will make a documentary of the ceremony, hire someone to design the costumes, and ask the hotel to provide catering and venue. Then Give the scoop to Yes magazine. When will your book be published, Stephanie?"

"A month before the baby is born." "Great, we'll hold the wedding at that time." George handed the coffee to me, and looked around the room with a smile. "In this way, the book sales will increase by thousands of copies." "What? Then at the wedding, wouldn't I be as fat as an elephant?" Scarlet protested angrily. "Honey, there is a costume designer to help you with this. You will be so beautiful by then, and no one will notice your belly." "What she needs is not a designer, but a stone wall to hide behind," Joshua said with a grin.

"Shut up, you bastard." Scarlet scolded, "If it weren't for me, no one would be interested in your marriage." "If it weren't for you, no one would talk about my marriage except my aunts." The subject of the conversation weighs on me.Not because I believe marriage to be a reliable institution, but I believe that marriage must be inextricably linked with love. Yet, since I entered the house, no one has talked about love or affection.They only see children as the lubricant of their business.Anyone with a little common sense would be able to sense that even if the two of them really got married, they probably wouldn't be able to live together for more than a year.

"Think of it as a ritual of getting your reputation back in the public eye," George said. "If you married Josh, no one would accuse you of being a racist." "Oh, so I'm just an inferior black black person?" This time I agree with Josh. "Shut up—" Scarlet snapped again, "I don't need to try to prove that, George; if I marry the man in front of me, it's not to change my image in the eyes of those leftists. You just said Said to use the wedding to make a good profit of it-do you think it will work? Do you think we can really spend nothing, and even make a lot of money?"

"One hundred percent sure," said George. "I've consulted a few people beforehand. Believe me, there's a market for this. Stephanie, you tell her that the headlines will How important it is to book sales." I gave George a quick look, reminding him how much I hated being dragged into this sleight of hand. "He's right," I admitted. "If it's in the news, the sales of the book will go up a notch. Because the news will introduce you to the public and arouse their interest in you. Several heavy chips." "Did you hear that, Josh?" Scarlett said, walking across the room to Josh and putting her arms around his waist, "We should have this wedding. We don't get a lot of headlines, baby… ..." "You always only think about yourself." Joshua complained in a low voice. Scarlett withdrew her hand and said, "Okay. Let me put it this way, I don't get much headlines, so I'm going to make the most of this wedding. Don't be too coy, because you know, this The wedding is still far from what I want. If it can be romantic and grand, that would be the best. But since this is an opportunity, I have to make the most of it. If I can really make a fortune this time, Then we should have this ceremony. The relationship between us will not be soured by a wedding." "If you are worried about things changing, you two can sign a prenuptial agreement first." George interjected, "Really, Joshua, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in this matter." "Of course it's not bad for you. However, I'm afraid my family will never talk to me again." "You hate your family," said Scarlett.She got into Joshu's arms, and the two rubbed nose to nose. "Who else cares about you so much besides me?" "Of course this matter is also beneficial to me." Joshua said.But that didn't seem to be what he cared about.He grabbed Scarlett's hips, holding her against his body. "Ah, yes, why not. Well, George, it's settled. Everything that needs to be prepared has been thought out. Besides, we have to invite all important guests, and all expenses must be paid for." It's settled. I don't want to spend a dime on a ceremonial wedding." George smiled and said, "I knew you could figure it out." Standing aside, I said cautiously: "One more thing." The three of them turned their heads, expecting me to finish speaking. "You still have to come up with a romantic way to propose in front of the media. After all, it is the groom who proposes, not the manager." This time, the three of them were at a loss for words. Trust is key to being a great ghostwriter.There are not many opportunities to bridge the gap between client and ghostwriter.I've heard several colleagues say that it doesn't matter whether customers like you or not, what matters is that they trust you to tell their story well.But I disagree with this statement.In my opinion, you should make customers think of you as their friend. I am proud of my work and I want to write the best.Don't get me wrong, I've had clients who didn't get along very well, and I've tried to keep that unfamiliarity from showing up in my writing.But if you want your clients to open up and tell you secrets they've never told anyone, you have to earn their trust. When a person is hurt, there may be many manifestations.Sometimes, the injured person suddenly wants to find someone to confide in, wishing to give his heart to others and let others know how different he is.Some people fall to the other extreme, thinking that everyone who listens to themselves is stupid and not worth relying on.At first I thought Scarlett would fall into the latter category.No matter how hard I tried to bridge the gap between the two of us, she always showed me the most superficial side of herself.Thinking about it makes me a little bit lost, because the real side of her is so fascinating to me, even if it is not for this book, I personally want to know what kind of woman she is. But I was wrong.On the ninth day of getting along, we both took a crucial step in forming a friendship.At the beginning, in order to write the book, I put aside my impression of her, which is also my consistent attitude towards her.But then, I found myself starting to like her a little bit.This feeling did not alter some of the facts about Scarlett—she was ignorant, ill-tempered, and her childhood experiences had left no trace on her.But, to be honest, thinking of her experiences over the years, can she be anything other than the current her? In fact, once the camera is on Scarlett, she instantly brightens up.She is well aware of those nasty flaws in herself, and she will work hard to get rid of them in private, without the presence of others.One morning, I came to her house earlier than the appointed time and stumbled upon her watching a history show.Another time, I opened her iPad moments after she got up to leave and found she was reading a book about President Obama and his wife.Another night she couldn't hail a taxi, and on my way to the airport she told me not to switch when I was about to switch to Channel 4, the BBC broadcast.All these actions do not mean that she wants to become George Bernard Shaw's flower girl, but I do find it very interesting to see these changes in her. Because of this, I came to appreciate her.Appreciating her didn't let the bitterness of her early life get over her.As she grew up, she was surrounded by drug addicts, labor camps, or both.Alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, these are the handcuffs that bind her family and neighbors.Scarlett, on the other hand, treads a dark path among the thorns of life with her rough and savage energy.Even Josh, I don't think he's an ordinary troubled youth—his unique advantages of a middle-class family will gradually be revealed after he gets rid of those bad youths.I'm good at burrowing into other people's consciousness, but I can't imagine how quickly Scarlett escaped the mess of life in Leeds. Scarlett's life showed different colors.My job is to show that color to the world—and to the person this book is talking to, her unborn baby.Think about how many intriguing stories there are here.
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