Home Categories detective reasoning The Revenant: Part of the Xia Ai Hartbar Tribute Series

Chapter 17 Chapter Six

On the first day of Mr. Writer's arrival, he will definitely park his car in the village and walk to the wooden house on foot.The only place for him to park is the three-car parking lot behind the dormitory—I asked the owner of the dormitory to invite him to stay overnight under the pretext that there will be heavy rain in the forest that night: this part is allowed to fail, because the barrel part is just to enhance the drama It’s just a small special effect of shocking power; in fact, if the owner of the dormitory is allowed to keep him overnight, change the barrel of the gun secretly that night, and then delay him as much as possible, and give the old hunter enough time to shoot the brown bear and clean up the scene, of course it is also fine.But this seems too hasty and lacks the flexibility to deal with uncertainties.

These are the excuses used when discussing with the old hunter and the owner of the lodge.In fact, there is another reason I don’t want to tell: According to the plan, I didn’t need to leave the village around February 29 four years ago—in this way, if I went to his room to change the barrel in person, I could Goodbye to him: Although six years ago, when he asked someone to buy a new shotgun in 2002, I had the opportunity to meet him through the relationship of a gun dealer.But in the end I gave up—I didn’t know what to say at all, even though I was always paying attention to all the news in that incomplete family, I lost everything, and I didn’t have the courage at the time...

That day he heeded the advice and stayed.The host of the dormitory drugged the dinner prepared for him.I have enough courage to face a person who will not be awakened. On February 29 of that year, we met again after eight years apart.After I replaced the barrel in the shotgun box, I turned on the floor lamp beside the bed. The lampshade was turned sideways, and the light was all on his face. Got old.I leaned down and said something to him, but I've forgotten all about it now.The only thing that is certain is that after that night, he in the past is completely frozen in my memory, and the recent past, present and future are completely separated from the gradually blurred good times, and there is no longer anything to be sad about...

From the end of February to the middle of March of that year, I almost stayed in my office without going out.Carpenters often come to ask for details about doctrine changes and hell calling, and blacksmiths revel in the sense of accomplishment of crafting ingenious cages.The old hunter failed to catch a suitable bear cub, so he asked the foreman of the circus in the city to get a third-generation caged bear of just the right size: he said that although this guy could be seen as a wild one--but if it was a dead bear , it is difficult to notice.I agreed with him and paid for the bear (the old hunter insisted on paying for it himself, but in fact he didn't have enough money).The clerk helped me prepare for the delivery, and bought a set of second-hand ventilation fans, batteries and air pumps from a neighboring village at the cheapest price.

All these preparations were carried out in an orderly manner during the half-month of Mr. Writer's leisurely hunting.Nothing unexpected happened: as an amateur, he shot two moose with horns like butterfly wings, a long-tailed wolverine eating a red-headed grouse, a distracted fox and a A pile of lazy hares - that's what a young hunter who scouted for me told me.He was satisfied with the hunt: on the appointed day, the owner of the lodging house asked a farmer to lead two transport horses to the log house according to his request.After returning, he distributed the moose meat and hares to the village, and the foxes and wolverines left the skins, and asked "Foxhound" to help him process the two moose heads into simple specimens, so that he could find someone to deal with them after he returned.After all this was done, he drove away from the village.

The animal cage was completed just the day after he left, and the renovation of the wooden house started at the same time. On the day the animal cage was built, I and all the members of "Doomsday Kingdom" moved the simple fireplace and wooden bed out of the window of the wooden house—these will be temporarily stored in the dormitory.The cage was perfectly made, and no difficulties were encountered in handling or setting it up.The round hole at the back of the cage is connected with a long steel skin pipe, protruding from the window, and connected with a modified air pump and a gasoline barrel with a cover for the excrement.The exhaust fan was connected to the iron chimney originally attached to the fireplace with a thick plastic pipe, and then connected to the battery for testing, and everything was normal.

My little bear, who lived in the city for a week, was also brought in—because it was artificially bred for a show, it has a very good temper, and its appearance is cute and lovable.We moved him to a palace built just for him, and he didn't complain about his new surroundings, and he seemed very happy. Brown bears gain weight with age.A newborn bear weighs less than a kilogram, but in the few short years leading up to adulthood, the bear's body inflates like a balloon.The example in front of me is: when he was sent to the hut when he was more than two years old, he was just weaned at that time, and the four men worked together to get him into the house through the window without much difficulty; It should be able to occupy half of the house, and even twenty strong men may not be able to carry him out if the window is opened. The standard: But it's fine, after he's pretending to check Mister Writer's barrel, and actually replaces the never-used barrel that I hand-wrapped four years ago, the gun is still usable: managed to The clerks, carpenters, and farmers who were going to dispose of the bear carcasses would assist him as best they could.

Four years ago, after Mr. Writer left, we began to carefully raise this poor guy who had no time to let the wind go. Several young hunters regularly handed over the hunt to the old hunter, and he collected the food once every Tuesday and Friday. Send it there, and fill the bear with drinking water, turn on the air pump and exhaust fan for ventilation, and replace the battery pack (the replaced set will be brought back by him and charged in the dormitory).In order to better collect excrement, the blacksmith imitated the bear bile extraction device in the bear bile factory, and specially made a dustpan-shaped collector. One end was fastened to the bear with six adjustable straps, and the other end was connected to the air pump. .In this way, each time the excrement accumulated in the collector can be cleaned up by turning on the air pump, saving the hunter a lot of trouble.

I originally planned to rotate with the old hunter in charge of raising brown bears, but he insisted on coming alone.He said that women are easy to develop feelings for pets, and it is inevitable that they will be sad when they die everywhere; and he has always been a bear hunter, no matter how many years he has kept this thing, he will not be merciful when it should come.He made a good point, and I had to agree. The old man's role in the day after tomorrow is very important - he announced to the outside world that he would move the iron materials for the garden fence, and the owner of the dormitory would provide him with two horses.He led the horse with the wooden bed and simple fireplace that belonged to the cabin to the cabin, took out the candles and two or three matches in the locker, and released his old friend.Then, climb a few stairs and aim down.He put Xiong's favorite food, fat frozen goose, on the fir desk, near the window. This poor guy, who has been starved for three days on purpose, will definitely run over impatiently.

That's when the hunter would give the bear a small cue -- probably a whistle -- and then, the instant the bear turned its head, he'd pull the trigger and shoot the mammoth four-year-old pet with his own hands. In order to create the illusion that "the hunter shoots from a long distance", the bullets he uses are self-made - the bullets are modified for Mr. Writer's shotgun model; only less than a quarter of the gunpowder is filled, and the rest is replaced with sawdust: This means that it is only lethal at very close range. If it is facing a wild brown bear, it is impossible to fight it.

Followed, he walked down, bypassing the bear carcass, and dismantled the cage.Just today and tomorrow, the other two hunters will go to make preparations in advance: the one who passed today carefully cleaned up the excrement and ventilated the hut for a long time; The cages were cleaned and the huts were ventilated again.When he left, he would transfer all the batteries, gasoline barrels, air pumps and other things that had nothing to do with the original hut, and leave the gun and bullets modified by the old hunter in the house. This clue provides the foreshadowing. After the cage was dismantled, put the seven pieces of spell paper that I had drawn, cut and folded with the paper torn from the hut sketchbook in advance, and put them one by one into the seven shallow wooden holes used to fix the legs of the animal cage in the order I instructed. Middle: In order to save time and avoid leaving unnecessary marks on the bear carcass, the blood drawn from his hounds was pre-dripted on the paper.Even if those paper strips are used for forensic testing, bear blood and dog blood are both animal blood of similar species, and the results of ring precipitation reaction are basically the same. , as long as no further distinguishing test is done, no one will care about the small difference between the two. Use the rough cowhide you carry with you to strike a match, light the candle, seal the wooden hole with hot wax, and smooth out the overflowing wax with a spatula and linen cloth: I define it according to the sum of the volumes of two bar candles Even the slight overflow has been taken into account for the size of the seven fixed embedded openings.In case of accidents, I also asked the old hunter to bring two extra white paraffin candles of the same size-in fact, I would have preferred to use black candles, but Mr. Writer's hut has various supplies in stock.According to my apprentice carpenter's verification from the Polish manuscript of "The Magic Book of the Angels of Sifer Rojael": All the materials used in the summoning ceremony, provided they meet the requirements of the ceremony, should be obtained nearby. This is more conducive to the connection between nature and dark magic. In order to ensure the effect of the long and complicated "Hell Summoning Ritual", I accepted this suggestion-although the summoning ceremony has actually been greatly changed according to my needs, the details are still strictly in accordance with the ancient summoning spell code. All members of "Doomsday Paradise" have great expectations for the success of this ceremony. Although the old hunter and the owner of the dorm did not say it clearly, they also want to see what the effect of the whole set of rituals will be. When this is done, from the outside, use the large piece of the bottom of the cage (with the handy cross beam on it) to slam the east-facing window into pieces to make it look like a brown bear intrusion.Enter the hut again, clean up the glass shards and wood chips scattered on the bear carcass, and place the bear's head and hind feet as if they had just climbed in from the window, and put the notice letter into the bear's mouth by the way.Finally, the animal cages were packed and tied up, and the bullet casings and frozen fat goose bait that hadn't been eaten in time were carefully recovered, and then locked the door and left. The used shotgun, with the barrel removed, and the rest hidden in a small supply point halfway - another hunter will drop by the next day to recover. On February 29, when Mr. Writer arrived at the wooden house, he found this surprising setting and had to go back to the dormitory for the night.The next day, after discovering that the bear was too large to transport the carcass without altering the structure of the house, the carpenter could logically enter the scene. This important character gets a fair amount of opportunity to be alone in the cabin, whether it's converting the windows into a bear runway, or going in to fix the windows and other possible damage while everyone else is busy disposing of the bear carcasses - I was scheduled to The plan is that when the old hunter "discovers" the notice letter from the bear's mouth, and calls Mr. Writer to look at it, the carpenter can dig out the spell paper at the bottom of the bed: the other places - especially the one near the door The spell buried in a conspicuous place, since the people who may come may not be fully determined (for example, the greedy and confused village head, it is very likely to come with the clerk; the farmer who came to help, in order not to be too conspicuous, can not They are all members of the "Doomsday Kingdom"—otherwise, such deliberation is likely to attract the suspicion of other villagers and village chiefs), instead of destroying them, let the carpenter pay attention: if there is a little damage to the filled wax, Be sure to fix it as soon as possible.Because after the bear carcass was moved out, the damaged places were repaired one by one, and the interior of the wooden house no longer looked messy-the sealing wax at the wooden hole was damaged, which may become quite dazzling. Fortunately, the old hunter can play by ear, connecting the two plots of "discovering the notice" and "questioning (stealing) the barrel" to provide the carpenter with plenty of time to do these things. Regarding the content of the teaser letter and the limited date: I really want to know what he will think after reading it-this is the world portrayed by his imagination, and everything is equal to his wish.The fictional resurrection of the dead to debunk the lies in reality, can this break through his self-hypnosis in one fell swoop?Or, he really thinks that there is such a "Miss Philadelphia" who has come back from the dead - that means that subsequent notice letters are all necessary. In fact, I don't care too much about Mr. Writer's mood when he read those words: I have only one purpose, which is to let him come back here on the appointed day-this is to dissipate his advantage , the only way my advantage accumulates. There happens to be a legend about the "bear demon" circulating in the villages in this area. The clerk or the farmer can stir up the scene a little when they discover the two facts of "the brown bear cannot enter" and "the mysterious message in the bear's mouth". The atmosphere should make Mr. Writer more curious.After all the preparations were successfully completed, the carpenter wanted to find a suitable time, and as a low-key and profound black magic researcher, he took the initiative to offer assistance to the doubtful guy purely for the purpose of satisfying his curiosity about mysterious events ——In this kind of fearful and helpless time, few people would refuse his kindness. Well, this is the staged summary of the first act.The journey was so boring that even writing a diary became an interesting thing. Before I knew it, I wrote almost 20 pages without stopping.My hands are already sore, the carriage is bumpy, and the handwriting is not good-looking, so let's end here. Even if that guy holds a completely disbelieving attitude towards the secret arts of his hometown, human rationality will inevitably be infiltrated by irrationality on certain occasions.For her, whom I haven’t seen for a long time, I have turned the whole plan into a ritual—if there is a god I can pray to now, I pray for this omniscient and omnipotent existence to let me know what to say on the day I see her again Bar. This is much more difficult than all the current specific plans! (a torn diary page) This is that village. The villagers living here should secretly love witchcraft, right? They must be, and if not, they should be. The actors needed for the show, the only requirement for them is to accurately interpret the characters. It doesn't matter what they really are or what they really think-the director should see the actors as who he wants them to be, and also Use this to organize your thoughts.Before the stage play was staged, I already knew: because I am also a part of the show, one of the main actors.Regarding my background setting, psychological activities, and role arrangements, it is necessary to make the performance go smoothly.Specifically: I am a descendant of witches from Budapest. I came to a village built by outlaws during the witch hunt. Huge program.The benefits of this plan to the villagers who are willing to cooperate are: first of all, I am willing to pay the money I have accumulated through years of hard work at the bottom of the city according to the requirements of the performance-this is not decisive, allowing the actors to do their best to perform this large-scale drama. The conditions of the repertoire; the most important point is that I can use the systematic and specialized knowledge of witchcraft mastered by my family and I was forced to learn to assist these people who are in a foreign country and have no information. And the descendants of wizards who lack some key information, let them spend their entire lives studying witchcraft topics, especially—about undead, summoning, magic circles and rituals, which my family was once proud of—can Perfected with the help of me, and the valuable literature I have provided.This is something that the famous writer whom I intend to exact my revenge on cannot provide, even though he is also a professional researcher of the dark arts. Of course I now know that some of these are true, some are false, and a few are even completely contrary to the facts.But four years from now, will I still think so?Just like his departure, didn't he also disguise himself through some false experience to become what he is today? Two important people in my life, one of whom I believe is dead: the budding writer, check out the interview about him!He seems to occupy the body of the person I once loved deeply——the demon spirit born from fictional words. When creating it, who would have thought that those who have experienced too many times in the wild Things, will actually replace the truth? This is how to hypnotize and replace by imagination alone, believe me, everyone can, because the world is the product of will.For those lofty requirements in life that are related to self, the appearance of the world in memory can also be gradually changed through hard work.At that time, the irrelevant truth is forgotten, and I will only believe in all the assumptions related to what I want to do.The real purpose of this long-planned performance is for another important person.Her world has not yet been truly formed, so it cannot be said that it has been changed. I care about how he mentioned me in her mouth, but he probably hasn't mentioned anything so far: just like when he mentioned himself to the media with a smile and frankly: "I hate marriage, and I hate children."I hate such a character, and I believe his daughter will not like him, the body of the ruthless lover-that is also my beloved child! Now I just want her back, I think she's going crazy.I know she must be thinking of me too - my poor daughter who lacks a real mother image in her mind: she must have mentioned this to the ghost-possessed Mr. Writer, but he never said anything ,do nothing.The most abominable thing is that because the process from concealment to discovery lasted seven years, even though he only tried his best to meet all the requirements of his daughter materially, he actually lacked enough care for her—even this could not change the established relationship of parenting. fact.I specifically consulted a lawyer for this: compared to a father who doesn’t seem to be doing his duty, especially—when he can fully meet the material needs of his children and can basically meet the needs of his children spiritually—it is better than a father who suddenly appears. Mothers have a greater legal advantage. If the status quo continues like this, even if I can disregard my own face, visit the person who once abandoned me, and ask him to let me reunite with my daughter: not to mention how impossible it sounds, even if I take the initiative to let him Come to laugh at my naivety; if it is just in accordance with the legal procedures, he can also refer to the lawyer's suggestion and use my years of dereliction of duty and the possibility of "abducting my daughter" as an excuse to apply to the court to temporarily revoke my visitation rights : Because he has accumulated an absolute advantage in the point of "spending alone with his daughter to raise and take care of her daughter", even if he did not do well during this period, as long as there is no obvious fault, with the help of appropriate court evidence, he Most of the requirements will be successfully fulfilled. If he is wasting time fighting for a very limited power, it will make him more vigilant: even if he is pretending, he will cover up the behavior of his daughter under the eyes of the court to satisfy the law. degree.My lawyer told me that such lawsuits over visitation rights and custody rights are often protracted because of the complexity of the situation.What impression would it have made on her if the only place she and I saw regularly was in an emotionless courtroom?A strange woman who is selfish, vicious, easily excitable and even crazy?If things really develop in this direction, even if I am lucky enough to win the lawsuit, my daughter's prejudice against me has already been sown, so how easy is it to change? So simply fighting like this is not wise.However, if you do some foreshadowing for the purpose, the effect you receive will be completely different. The lawyer mentioned that the provisions related to the mother's change of custody relationship are: 1. The party living with the child is unable to continue raising the child due to objective reasons (such as disability, disease, severe economic difficulties, etc.); 2. The party living with the child fails to fulfill the obligation of raising the child, or has abused the child, or the party living with the child has a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of the child; 3. Minor children who have reached the age of 12 have the right to voluntarily choose a party who has the ability to support them; 4. Other legitimate reasons acceptable to the court. According to the analysis of examples, the advantages that I can use and the conditions that may be able to be created are: 1. The mother has an inherent advantage in custody lawsuits; 2. It can make the current parent fall into financial difficulties, public opinion dilemma, or suffer from mental illness; 3. After the child is twelve years old, he can take the initiative to petition in court, willing to live with his mother; 4. In a relatively long period of time, it can produce multiple evidences that the parent is not responsible for the child. In addition to the first point above, the other three points are what this show really wants to achieve. According to Mr. Writer's professional requirements, as long as he can be restrained by this well-planned performance: I will arrange a lot of tricky and interesting plots in the script, so that he can pay great attention to the development of the plot; as for The setting of the background of the script must push the only audience to the brink of collapse—as the most important Budapest woman in the role arrangement, I will choose some very interesting rumors, such as the blood-sucking countess, and the rumored pope The relationship with taboo witchcraft, mysterious magic circle, etc.In order to understand his feelings after watching the play and make timely and reasonable adjustments to the plot arrangement, it is necessary to place a most professional actor by his side.The occupation of the role played by the actor is best closely related to the aftermath work that needs to be done after each scene-because each performance of the scene will more or less cause damage to the wooden house, and this occupation arrangement is the most suitable for a carpenter. Ideal; but he can't be too perfect and shrewd, knowing too many things he shouldn't know.While it is possible to insert the actor into a witchcraft group, he had better be mediocre: that is the only way to build trust.Hence the need for an aggressive character who knows all about the details: he is best set up as a pedantic hermit with no ambition but an interest in the debate itself, who can provide information without attracting attention. Suspect.The rest of the main supporting roles need to give people a unique sense of simplicity in the countryside: a hunter with superb skills and an older age is a good choice. It is better for him to have a few children, so that he is more trustworthy.A dormitory operator, the image of a mother who is cold outside and hot inside should be good. Her daughter can be about the same age as mine: In this way, if the daughter is likely to come to the theater to play, she can also have an extra playmate-I hope she can Seeing these arrangements, therefore, it should be possible to place some scenes in the script draft that might fulfill this requirement. There is also a need for a bold young man, and one or two prudent and trustworthy people. They can make up the numbers in scenes that require a certain number of people, and they can also act as the opener of some important organs, the elicitor of some sensitive topics, and some Provider of some important clues and alibi: in this way, the safety of important characters and of course me as the director can be guaranteed.A group of poor villagers who are willing to work for money and have no complaints is also necessary-these people can be the original villagers in the village, but they need to be properly screened and trained to achieve the best appearance effect. There is no problem, because these villagers are already here-this scene has been prepared for many years: like Mr. Writer's plan to build a hut, and his experience of going hunting in the wilderness to seek spiritual comfort, there is no such thing as he thought (at least was mentioned in the interview) so old.Just like I didn't really search for it for seven years and work for it for seven years.I am clear now: but that is now, and things will be different in a few years, maybe the present is just my imagination - because both assumptions are arranged contradictory: these are the falsification of fate bring punishment. Then it's "maybe". Perhaps everything here has been prepared when he first visited the village, and all the characters have been arranged: the span of eight years is enough for him to firmly believe in the identity of the actors when the script is officially staged— — At most, they thought that they were just bought for a short time, and mistakenly believed that paying a high price could be exchanged for trust. Perhaps Mr. Writer did not have the legendary experience praised by his readers when he was a child, but he murdered his grandfather—because he was a writer who fled from a news-blocked country to that big city. There wasn't a single witness there for what he had done in the past.That's where he comes in for tampering: he's deceived countless people, including himself and me. Perhaps he read to me the cinquain he had composed, and because I was so impressed with it, I assumed I had read it to him: what was described in it, what appeared in the stories he told The vivid animals were originally fabricated; and the fabricated prototype is just his inner judgment about his past experience and potential personality! Perhaps he himself is a brown bear, viper, fox and crow—what adjectives do these animals conjure up?Cruel, malevolent, cunning, ruthless: did he subconsciously judge himself that way?Now he disguises himself as a great man who feels and writes the truth, but in his bones he is a complete demon spirit. Maybe many years ago there was no one I thought was "worth remembering him", those were either out of my desire to achieve, or from the elaborate disguise of the demon spirit; maybe I was planning to kill my grandfather , I defected to my country, and I inherited a large sale: and he just quoted and revised my story and applied it to himself.That inheritance may have been obtained by accident after he betrayed me, which happened to be the source of funding for the director's huge script. Reasonable arrangements for "maybe" can lead to endless and reasonable background assumptions - this easy thing is not important to the writing of the script, and it can even be said to be meaningless: my motivation is the only one, To take my daughter back.Think about how exciting this five-act melodrama is—in the first three acts, Mr. Writer gradually became obsessed with the story because he was fascinated by the incredible magic that happened in the village and the plausible clues left each time. During the textual research of magic books and historical materials, neither her daughter nor her work was ignored.The evil consequences of such repertoire and the subsequent research behavior, first of all, persecuted his spirit, forcing him from an era dominated by rationality, logic, and science to return to advocating mystery, delusion, and spirituality. Carnival of witches year.Such a blow is undoubtedly serious: based on what I know of him, at least it will make him feel confused, and he will spend time alone defending his original worldview-he is a person who is not good at asking others for help. Some people are lonely, which will lead him to fall into the solitary horns of finding a solution by himself after a little attempt to ask others for help but encounter setbacks in independent investigation.Book manuscripts break contracts, columns stop writing, and replies to editors are unlikely to be kind, or even ignored: Lawyers have sorted out some examples of being ordered to pay high fines for breach of writing and publishing contracts.If publishers and magazines had signed similar treaties with him that would normally be impossible to break, and he broke the contract because of this show, offended all his collaborators, and cost the publisher— In this way, as long as the relevant claim lawsuits are fought one after another, the condition 2 of the custody lawsuit can be satisfied. As for the custody lawsuit itself, because it involves the fact that Mr. Writer did not admit that he had a family and children, as well as the deceitful behavior of fabricating his past experience, once it goes to trial, it will attract media attention. In addition, he has already offended the publishing industry in advance. At the same time, it must attract public opinion to condemn him morally, which also fulfills condition 2 at the same time. The date chosen for this year-long ceremony is naturally also carefully arranged: the end of February every year is the time for senior students to receive family visits. In order to complete the ceremony every four years, the careless father will definitely send The incident four years later was ignored.I happened to be able to meet my daughter while he was away in the village to kill time.I would pre-pay the child's nanny: it doesn't cost much.Then, in place of the embarrassing maid, I will assist her in delivering an excellent home visit to make the best possible impression on her and her teachers. Gaining the child's trust is the most important thing in this scene: I can't judge that because I'm totally afraid to imagine that scene.The only thing that is certain is that when I opened a certain door and saw my long-lost daughter sitting in front of me playing, there was no way to stop the tears.I don't know if I can say a complete sentence at that time, but I believe that as long as she sees me, she will know who I am-the sincerity of expressing maternal love cannot be pretended, and she will definitely know when she sees me. Remember me; even if I don't, I will try my best to make my child like me during the few days we get along.Don't lose your mind with excessive excitement at this step: remember, don't hold the baby too tightly, it will scare her! Although I have to leave before the tired Mr. Writer returns, as long as someone in the apartment is willing to accept my employment, my daughter and I can deepen our relationship through frequent correspondence during the long hiatus. Distance is not a decisive issue. . June 27th, my daughter's birthday - of course the time in the notice letter cannot be set at the same time, which will inevitably arouse his suspicion: the director needs to advance or postpone the agreed time by two to three days in advance, so as to meet the needs of the journey. The number of days acts as a buffer.At the beginning of the second act, when the gentleman's desire to win is at its most inflated, he must be dealt the hardest blow: in this way, like baiting a fish, he can lock his prey firmly. The end of August to the beginning of September is the happiest time for children during their summer vacation.After the defeat of the second act, Mr. Writer will be in a state of extreme instability: during this period he may trust no one, and even lock up the villagers.Although the plot does not necessarily develop in this direction, the third act is best designed as a mechanism combination that only needs to be controlled by one person-I guess children will also like to see her who usually puts on a serious face The writer's father looked embarrassed. In addition, in this season, it may be possible to complete an additional play: this is only an initial idea, and detailed planning needs to be done in the script draft.It is best to let him go to a cold place during the only time of the year when the temperature is high; in addition, you can also consider "spells to compress time"-this may refer to some existing literature on the geography of the Demon Realm.If you can't find it, just fabricate some: the most important thing is to let him feel the chilling fear in the heat of August and September, so as to completely give up over-examination and pickiness about the repertoire, and wait for the opening time of the fourth act with peace of mind. arrival. In order to make the borrowed historical figures more realistic, maybe I also need to prepare an additional wax figure of Mrs. Bathory-I thought of these when writing the third act: maybe I can arrange a spiritual ceremony and a corresponding The exorcist.As long as it is properly set up, any person's thinking defense line that is tightly tied to "reason" can be easily defeated. If all goes well, because of the series of stimulations brought about by the third act, the poor audience will feel that it is purely self-defeating to fight against the director and the script-under such circumstances, he may feel pessimistic and slack, so as to Re-examine your own life with a resigned attitude.Because he paid too much attention to the performance before, he had to deal with many troubles accumulated over a long period of time, and many contradictions that were well hidden in the good times will be revealed in this quarter: this is a very good thing, you can Help him escape a little from the ghost that lives in his fantasy.He may also try to find comfort in family affection, so I need to discuss it with my daughter in advance and let her deliberately ignore him-although this may be a bit cruel in the eyes of the child.我大概会用类似“这只是在和爸爸玩游戏”这样的、罗伯托·贝尼尼(Roberto Benigni)式童话的借口来说服她。对于一个刚过十三岁生日的小大人,这招如果用得好,是会十分管用的。第四幕和第五幕就得收尾了,整体上大概不会再有多大的起伏波动。这部分将会是比较平淡的过渡,最终的结局当然还是要有意料之外的转折。我会学习戈达尔(Godard)大师的手法,用一个画面上极为平淡、甚至单调的转折来结尾——我可能会递上一张要求前往法院出庭的邀请函。当然,并不是由我来书写,而是打印出来的、格式千篇一律的公文。相信那位喜欢卖弄文字的作家先生,在获悉事情真相时是没有耐心去阅读太繁复累赘的句式的;况且——由来自法院的传单来告诉他这整场大型演出的真实目的——本来和场景并无关联的社会机器,突然就俯身下来展现了片刻它的冷漠,全世界的机器螺丝们好像都在嘲笑他。如此的讽刺在收篇中带来的效果,自然也是十分美妙的。 在这一整年里和女儿的亲近,通过毫无保留的关心来和她融洽交流,让她那因为母亲位置的长年空缺和忙碌父亲的不尽职导致的孤立、空虚、担忧、恐惧——让这些寄住在她心中、悄然生长着的可怕恶魔被彻底地驱逐出去。我希望她能够通过在一年时间中发生的一切,看我们各自的努力都用在了哪个方向上。选择和我共同生活当然好,但无论怎样,也都是属于她自己的选择:我尊重她。 以上说明了关于抚养权官司的另外两个条件如何满足。 这所有的五幕表演,就像那首曾在他耳边念过的五行诗一般,都是为他量身定做的。我像一个占星术士那样给出了以上的臆测:但又并非模棱两可的预言。那些演员们的忙碌、场景的诡异和他脸上的惊诧,在写下这些文字的时候便纷纷在我脑中浮现。我曾听说一个人能够看到未来是将死的征兆,这句话我现在能够大致了解:或许那所指的并非身体的凋亡,而是灵魂的叛离。想着那位背弃过去的作家先生,再联想到将要在随后的几年里逐渐从虚构画面中浮出的、那个并不存在的我,我就觉得这个自我时日无多:好像疯子在知道自己将疯之前、对现实世界还存着无限的怀念一般。 在我还认得清事实长什么模样时,该记录的都已经记下。在这样不停书写时给自我印象带来的最深的一点感触即是:人的记忆就好比日记本上写满字的纸,撕掉了或者改动了的话——因为这个本子是和过去唯一的联系,也就等于是改变了自己的过去。如此则发生过的事情并不唯一,向前向后看去都有无限的可能,却只有“现在”将人紧紧束缚起来。我怎能确定“我深爱自己女儿”这件事并非是出自我的捏造呢?就像作家先生也不可能了解他那在记忆中尚存的模糊爱意究竟是曾给予过我、还是其它虚构的人物,甚或本就不存在——我们放纵了自己的回忆,却不经意地在不确定的氛围之中失去了更多:这就是虚无的本质。 I'm scared.为了不让稍后写下的某些文字在无意间切断我同目前自以为确定的真实之间的紧密联系,我得搁笔了。我似乎觉得在遥远过去还有些冷冰冰的回忆还有待唤醒,它们或许是真的,也或许只是最近的虚构。 人是很容易就会在虚构中迷失的。
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