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Chapter 8 chapter eight

Bar Sadness 乔治·西姆农 6116Words 2018-03-15
McGarry's face darkened as he crossed the hotel lobby as a woman rose from a wicker chair and came toward him.With a melancholy smile, she kissed McGregor on both cheeks and held his hand. "It's terrible!" she sighed, "I've been running about here and there this morning, and I've been running so dizzy." McGregor looked at his sister-in-law who came suddenly from Alsace, and he could not believe his eyes after watching for a long time, because the scene at this moment was so different from the scene in recent days and this morning, because of this kind The atmosphere was in stark contrast to the predicament he was in.

Philip's mother looked very much like Mrs. McGregor, though more provincially healthy than her sister.She had not grown fat, and was still very delicate; her face was ruddy, and her hair was very well combed.Her dress and expression give a very neat impression: black and white clothes, bright eyes, and a smiling face. She brought the smell of home with her, and McGregor seemed to smell the various aromas emanating from her home, a cupboard full of jams, and her masterpiece: various small dishes and creamy pastries. "Do you think Philip can get a job after this is over?" The sheriff lifted up his sister-in-law's luggage, which was more rustic than hers.

"You live here too?" he asked. "If the price is not too expensive..." He takes her to the restaurant.He never visited the restaurant when he was alone, because the atmosphere was too serious and the customers talked in a low voice. "How did you find out where I lived?" "I've been to the courthouse and seen the judge. He doesn't know you're in the case." McGregor didn't say anything, just smiled wryly.He guessed what his sister-in-law was babbling in front of the judge: "Do you know, Mr. Judge? My son's uncle is Major General McGregor..."

"What happened next?" He was eager to understand the following. "He gave me the lawyer's address, which is on Grenell Street, and I've been there." "Are you running around with your luggage?" "I put my luggage in the storage." It was so ironic that she must have told everyone what was on her mind. "I tell you the truth, when Philip's picture came out in the newspapers, the Emil was afraid to go to work!" Emil was her husband, and he was as highly myopic as Philip. "Our place is not like Paris. A prison is a prison after all. People say that there is no storm without a storm. Is there only one bed and a few blankets in the prison?"

They ate sardines and sliced ​​beets and drank claret from a long-necked carafe, and McGregor had to fight to get rid of the troubles that kept lingering in his head during lunch. "You know the Emile, he is very angry with you, and insists that it is your fault that Philip did not get a good job in the bank and went to work as a plainclothes policeman. I told him that what should have happened should be avoided. Unavoidable. Oh, by the way, how is your wife? Doesn't she feel tired with all those little animals?" The meal lasted an hour, for coffee was to be had after it, and Philip's mother wanted to know exactly what conditions were in the prison, and what the prisoners were to be treated there.When they came into the parlour, the porter reported that a gentleman wanted to see McGregor.

"Please let him in!" He wondered who would come looking for him, and was surprised when he discovered that the visitor was Sheriff Amadeo.Amadillo greets Mrs. Loe, looking uncomfortable. "This is Philip's mother," said McGregor. "Come upstairs to my room, please?" The two of them went upstairs in silence.After entering the house, Amadeo coughed lightly, then put aside his hat and the umbrella he never left his hand. "I thought I'd see you again after the interrogation this morning," said Amadeo, "but you left without saying goodbye."

McGregor looked at him silently, guessing that Amadeo came to seek peace, but this person did not have the guts to provide any convenience for the work he was about to start. "These guys are tough, you know that! I get it when they confront each other." He sat down and put his thighs on top of his second legs to hide his embarrassment. "Listen, McGregor, I'm here to tell you that I'm starting to agree with you. Don't you see I'm being blunt? I'm not prejudiced." However, his tone of voice was not so natural, and McGregor felt that Amadeo had learned his lesson, but the visit was not voluntary.After the morning questioning, the police chief and Sheriff Amadillo had held consultations, with the chief leaning toward McGregor's arguments.

"Now: what shall we do?" said Amadillo solemnly. "I don't know anything!" "Don't you need my men?" Then, suddenly, he opened the chatter box and began to speak incessantly: "I'm telling you what I think, because I've thought a lot about those cunning fellows. You know that when Pepido was killed, he was about to be arrested. We already knew that there was a Quite a shipment of narcotics, and it was to prevent diversion that I sent a plainclothes officer under surveillance until the early morning arrests. Alas, the shipment disappeared."

McGregor didn't seem to be listening to him. "My inference is that as long as we get this batch of drugs, the murderer can be captured at the same time. I really want to apply for a search warrant from the judge and go to Caro's house to search once." "That's unnecessary," McGregor sighed. "The man who orchestrated this morning's confrontation would not have hidden such a potentially disastrous package in his own home. The cocaine was neither at Caro nor Eugene's, nor Not in anyone's house we're looking for. By the way, what did Louie say to his customers?"

"He swears that he never saw Eugene, let alone played cards with him. He thinks that Odiard went to buy cigarettes a few times, but never spoke to him. As for Caro, he and Monica Everyone in Martel has heard his name but never met him." "The link between them hasn't been severed, I suppose so, isn't it?" "Not once. They even exchanged amusing glances at each other, as if the interrogation was a lighthearted affair for them. The boss was very annoyed." McGregor couldn't help smiling, because Amadeo's words were tantamount to admitting that he guessed right, that his transformation was entirely the result of the intervention of the Chief of Police.

"We can send a plainclothes officer to keep an eye on Caro at any time," continued Amadeo, the man who suffers most from silence in conversation. "However, Caro can easily get rid of the follower. Not to mention that he has a backing, he can sue us." McGarry took out his pocket watch and looked at it. "Do you have a date?" "Yes, there is an appointment in a moment. If you don't mind, let's go downstairs together." As McGregor passed the doorman, he asked him where his sister-in-law was. "The lady has been out for some minutes, and she asked me which bus I should take to the Rue Fontaine." Such is her temper!She would go and see for herself the place where her son was falsely accused of killing Pepido, and go in and tell the waiter there what she was thinking! "Shall we drop by the New Bridge for a drink?" McGregor suggested. The two of them sat down in a corner of the hotel and ordered a bottle of old Almanac. "You must admit that your method cannot be used in such a case," said Amadillo boldly, twisting his mustache. "We have just discussed it with the chief." Obviously, the boss is very interested in this case! "What do you mean by my method?" "You yourself know better than I do. Usually, you are always in these people's lives, observing their state of mind, even twenty years ago, and you pay more attention to these than you do. Pay attention to the specific signs. Now we are facing a group of strange guys that we know almost nothing about. They are daring and don’t even think about diverting the attention of others. Caro almost never denies that he has killed people.” "He didn't deny it." "Then what do you do?" "and you?" "I'm going to cast a net around them, it's essential. From tonight onwards, every single one of them will be followed. They'll have to go somewhere and talk to somebody. Then we can Those people came to find out about their situation..." "In this case, Philip will have to spend half a year in prison." "His lawyers intend to ask for his temporary release as he has only been charged with manslaughter, so approval is out of the question." McGregor is no longer tired. "Can you add that too?" Amadeo asked McGregor for his opinion, pointing to the wine glass. "great." Poor Amadillo!What anguish he must have had when he entered the hotel drawing-room!He had now had time enough to regain his composure, to pretend to be confident, and even to talk about the case indifferently, although he was not very sure. "Besides, I don't know whether Caro himself killed the man himself," he added, taking a sip of the brandy. "I've considered your argument carefully, but why didn't he ask Odia to shoot? He himself You can lie in ambush on the street..." "If Odia had done it all, he'd have had no time to come back and run into my nephew, and he'd have had no time to go to the police. He's a slick, slick little rascal." "And Eugene?" McGregor shrugged, not because Eugene was innocent, but because he couldn't bear to blame him.It was an indescribable emotion, and Fernand was a factor in it. In addition, McGregor didn't seem to want to have a deep conversation with Amadeo. With a pencil in his hand, he was scribbling some lines on the marble table.It was very hot in the hotel.Almanac wine makes people feel refreshed and very comfortable, and the tiredness accumulated in the past few days seems to gradually disappear. Luca came in with a young plainclothes man, and he was surprised to see the two sheriffs sitting next to each other.McGarry winked at him across the hall. "Can't you come to the police station?" suggested Amadillo. "I can show you the transcript of the interrogation." "Then why bother?" "Then what's your plan, brother?" This sentence aroused McGregor's troubles again.What thoughts are hidden in his stubborn head?His intimacy just now has obviously dropped. "At least our efforts should not cancel each other out. The boss agrees with me, and he suggested that I come to an agreement with you." "Didn't we agree?" "Where?" "We all believe that Caro murdered Pepido, and it is likely that he killed Barnabe half a month ago." "Just because the two of us agree on this won't get him arrested." "Of course." "Then what should be done?" "I don't know. Or, I just want to ask you one thing. I think you can easily get a summons in Carroll's name from Judge Garstembitt?" "anything else?" "Also, I hope that there will always be a plainclothes officer on duty in the General Administration, who will carry this subpoena with him. Whenever I call, he must come to me immediately." "Where can I find you?" "Where I was then! Of course it would be better if he had not just one summons but several. It's hard to predict everything beforehand." Amadeiola had a sullen face. "Excellent," he said dryly, "I'll go and ask the Commissioner for instructions." He called the waiter over and paid for the drink.Then, he dawdly buttoned and unbuttoned his coat, unbuttoned it and buttoned it again, expecting McGregor to finally show his cards. "Well then! I wish you success." "You are very kind. Thank you." "When do you want to do it?" "Stay for a while, perhaps, or tomorrow morning at the latest! Well! Let's do it tomorrow morning..." When his companion took a few steps, McGregor softened his heart and said: "Thank you for visiting, um!" "That's what it should be." Now alone, he paid for his second drink and went to the table with Luca and his colleagues. "Anything new, boss?" "Nothing new. Where can I find you around eight o'clock tomorrow morning?" "I'm at the General Administration. I can come here if you like." "See you here tomorrow!" McGarry walked out of the hotel and hailed a taxi which took him to the Rue Fontaine.Night had fallen and the shop windows were brightly lit.When the car passed the Fontaine Hotel, he told the driver to slow down. In the tavern, the listless girl sat at the cashier's desk, the boss was behind the counter, and the waiter was mopping the tables.Odia, Eugene, and the Marseilles were not there. "Tonight, they should complain about not being able to type 'Brot'!" After a while, the car stopped opposite Floria.With the car waiting for him, McGregor pushed open the ajar door of the bar. This is cleaning time.Only one light was on inside, dimly illuminating the curtains and colorful pictures on the walls.The unvarnished tables had not yet been covered with cloths, and on the concert stands the instruments were still covered with cloths. The general atmosphere in the bar was doleful.The office at the end of the hall was open.McGarry saw half a woman in the distance. He passed by a waiter who was sweeping the floor, and suddenly appeared under a bright light. "It's you!" His sister-in-law exclaimed in surprise. Her face was flushed red, and she looked very nervous. "I just wanted to meet..." A young man was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.This was Mr. Henry, Floria's new shopkeeper, or rather, another shield for Caro. "This gentleman is very kind to me..." stammered Mrs. Lowe. "The information I can provide is very limited," the young man said apologetically, "the madam told me that she was the mother of the policeman who was killed... I mean the one who was accused of beating Pepido to death." The police. I don't know anything. I didn't run the bar until the day after the accident." "Thank you again, sir. I can see that you know a mother's heart very well." She thought McGregor was going to blame her.When her brother-in-law asked her to take a taxi waiting at the door, she said out of words: "You called a car. Actually, you can take a bus... You can smoke... I don't mind..." McGarry gave the driver the address of the hotel, and then, on the way, he whispered in a relaxed tone: "I'll tell you how to pass this long night. To-morrow morning we must be fresh, calm, and clear-headed, so I suggest we go to the theater to-night." "Go to the theatre, and Philip is still in prison!" "Well! This is his last night." "Have you discovered anything?" "Not yet. Don't worry about it. The hotel is dead, and it's too boring to stay there." "I thought I'd take this opportunity to tidy up Philip's room!" "He's going to get mad, and young guys don't usually like mum digging through his stuff." "Do you think Philip hooks up with women?" The whole of Alsace said so, and the rumors spread all over the city.McGregor kissed his sister-in-law on the cheek. "No, you're old-fashioned: it's a pity he's not like that, Philip is just like his father." "I can't guarantee that Emil will..." Isn't it as enjoyable as taking a clean water bath today?After returning to the hotel, McGregor immediately booked two tickets to the Royard Theater, and then wrote a letter to his wife because he still had time before dinner.He seemed to have forgotten all about Pepido's murder and his nephew's arrest. "Let's go and have a good meal!" he said to his sister-in-law. "If you will listen to me well, I will take you to see Floria when it is at its best." "Is it appropriate for me to wear this clothes to that kind of place?" McGarry said it all.After a fine meal at a restaurant on the Boulevard--because he would not eat in a hotel--he took his sister-in-law to the theater.My sister-in-law laughed involuntarily at the burlesque performances used in the burlesque, and McGregor was very satisfied to see her sister-in-law Le Cheng. "You take me to restaurants and theatres, and I'm a little nervous," she sighed during the intermission. "What will Philip think if he knows where his mother is now?" "And what about the Emil! I hope he doesn't sweeten his courtesies to the maids." "She's fifty, the poor spinster." This time it will be difficult for her to make up her mind to enter Floria!She was frightened by the colorful neon lights at the entrance of the bar.McGregor led her to a table not far from the counter, and he passed Fernand, who was accompanying Eugene and the Marseilles. They all had smiles on their faces when they saw the honest woman led by the ex-sheriff, which was totally expected. McGregor couldn't be happier!It seems that the purpose of his coming here is for this!Like a provincial who comes to Paris to satisfy his hunger, he ordered a bottle of champagne. "I'm getting drunk!" said Mrs. Lowe coquettishly. "That's great!" "This is the first time I've stepped into a place like this, you know?" She is such a doting mother!A woman who is immaculate in spirit and body! "Who is that woman who keeps staring at you?" "Her name is Fernand, and she is my friend." "If I were my sister, I wouldn't be able to calm down, because she seems to have taken a fancy to you." This is indeed somewhat difficult to distinguish between true and false.Because Fernand was looking at McGregor absently, as if regretting the broken intimacy between them.But in the next instant, she took Eugene's arm and flirted with him deliberately. "She climbed upside down on a pretty lad!" "It's a pity that that beautiful boy should go to jail tomorrow." "What evil has he done?" "He was one of the gangsters who got Philip arrested." "he?" She was taken aback.She was even more surprised when Karo poked her head into the curtain to see how the business was doing, as she did every night. "You see that gentleman who looks like an attorney?" "The one with the gray hair?" "Yes! But you must be careful not to shout. He is a murderer." Even McGregor's eyes were laughing, as if Caro had been captured and the others had fallen into his hands.He smiled so brightly that Fernand turned immediately, she was first surprised, frowned, then suddenly sullen and dazed. After a while, she walked toward the bathroom, glancing at McGarry as she passed him.McGregor stood up and followed closely behind her. "Anything new?" she asked almost maliciously. "And you?" "Nothing. Didn't you see it all, we're going out for a walk." She took a sneak look at McGregor, was silent for a while, and then asked: "You want to arrest him?" "Not right away." She was so anxious that she stomped the floor with her high heels. "Is it your crush?" However, Fernand had gone away, and she was heard saying: "It's still hard to say." Mrs. Loy felt it a shame to go to bed until two o'clock in the night, but McGarry fell asleep as soon as she got into bed, and snored immediately, as if she hadn't slept in days.
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