Home Categories detective reasoning Café reasoning event book 1. When we meet next time, please let me taste the coffee you made
Immersed in the laid-back vibe of the holidays, sleeping late and waking up, the curtains of the room are drawn to reveal a clear, cloudless autumn sky, symbolizing the start of the day. As the saying goes: "It's hotter than the autumnal equinox, and colder than the vernal equinox." By the end of September, even the notorious hot summer in Kyoto has gradually declined.When I began to miss the sun that was raging everywhere a month ago, I remembered the memory of running on the river beach in the past summer.Lately my life has been filled with the atmosphere of a certain coffee shop, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Compared with then, now should be a very suitable season for lazily basking in the sun!So on a whim, I decided to take a walk along the banks of the Kamogawa River that I hadn't seen for a long time. I set off from my home in Kitashirakawa, let the bicycle rush down the slope of Iidegawa-dori, and the grass-scented wind from Mount Yoshida on the left poured into my chest.Passing the road that usually takes ten minutes on foot, crossing an intersection that has been walked hundreds of times, enduring exhaust fumes from passing buses, and heading west all the way.Using the inertia of the downhill, I slid across the gradually flattening road and saw the stairs leading to the underground Demachiyanagi station.

I just find a bicycle parking space and say goodbye to my car.As long as you cross the Kawabata Street, you can see the intersection of the Koya River and the Kamo River on the Kamo Bridge, which is commonly known as the scenery of the Kamo River Delta. Going down the steps next to the road is the sightseeing trail along the Kamo River. The students on the river beach jumped up and down on the stepping stones shaped like turtles, playing a game of hide-and-seek as if they wanted to remember the fading summer vacation.In spring, the cherry blossoms along the road are in full bloom, and the petals are flying all over the sky. In early summer, fireflies can be seen. Many people walk or jog with their dogs in this area, and it is a place for citizens to rest.

I climbed down the stairs and came to the trail.The wind blowing from upstream is refreshing.Looking north, I suddenly remembered that I would watch the fire here because it is very close to the Kamogawa Delta.From the Kamogawa Delta, you can see several fire-sending activities including the character "big". or seniors. You should be able to see the Dawenshan Mountain in the west.I turned my head and looked up at the western sky, and found Dawenshan. When I stretched my neck, I thought "ah, that's there, that's there"... Suddenly, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.Before I had time to think about who it was, I turned my head reflexively.

"Long time no see." My throat made a strange "uh ah". "I think that as long as it appears so many times that people admire it, it can no longer be called accidental. It is the same as Kamogawa after the confluence of Takano River and Kamo River. If it is not called accidental, what do you think it should be called? right?" The round and cute eyes at first glance actually hide a strong will.Under the white straw hat is her shoulder-length tea hair tied into a princess head.Although she is not tall, she has a tight figure with beautiful curves, and her slender legs like antelope can be seen from under the pale pink pleated skirt.

"...True..." It's not that I forgot to answer mu, me, and mo. "The answer is 'fate'!" Standing in front of me and smiling was my ex-girlfriend, Makoto Tomaya, who had broken up in June. ——she just said "I'll sue Mommy"! The ridiculous line that the barista once said rang in my head.Of course Namiko Tobe was just calling her friend by his first name, but I didn’t correct the barista because it would have been silly if it was a misnomer, and it would have upset me if it was just a joke. When exactly did I run away?When I came back to my senses, I had already run south to the Marutamachi Bridge, one kilometer away.

I did run away, but didn't find her annoying or hateful.It's just the intention revealed in her chilling words, which made me feel a little unpleasant. What kind of fate is this?Since the nearest station to the university where she goes to school every day is nearby, she will definitely pass by here.It was just that the two met by chance on a road that had been passed several times, and there was no element of fate that made me think it was fate. However, she described this encounter so beautifully, and I only wanted to come up with one reason. I am indeed worried that I will have to go back to being at her mercy again, but what makes me more unbearable than this-I don’t know if I should describe it as if I saw my parents kowtow to apologize-I really don’t want to see always She who is stronger than me is asking someone to get back together.

I bent over and grabbed my knees, panting as my shoulders heaved up and down.The Kamogawa River that flows leisurely in front of my eyes makes me jealous.I stared at the video of the bridge stretching from my feet into the river for a moment, and suddenly found it shaking, which made me fall into the illusion that the bridge was deformed. A moment of doubt flashed in my heart. "I'm sorry for scaring you just now." My neck turned back sounded like hinges that had been forgotten to be oiled. "True..." She stood directly behind me, holding out her hand to me. "Meeting you twice in a row means that it really is fate, right? Listen to me when you understand..."

I ran away. I climbed up the nearby stairs in three steps and two steps, and ran along the Kawabata-to-Nan, trying to calm down my confused head. The distance from Kamo Ohashi to Marutamachi Bridge is about one kilometer. I have walked this road before, so it is very clear.It took me more than five minutes to sprint so far with all my strength, and I was out of breath. Why did she catch up with ease after a short while? I don't need to ask a barista to know the answer.Hu Gu really expected that I would run straight along this tourist trail, so he switched to take the Keihan Railway instead.From Demachiyanagi Station to Jingu Marutamachi Station on Marutamachi Bridge, it only takes two minutes.If the tram comes into the station just in time, it is not difficult to stop me at that time.

While clearing my mind, I ran for another five minutes and arrived at Sanjotong.In front of you is the Sanjo Station of the Keihan Line.I shivered.She always felt that she would show up at the exit of the station at any moment when she got on the train again. I decided to treat him with his own way.So I turned left on Sanjo-dori and walked down the stairs leading to Sanjo Keihan station.Outsiders should find it very confusing, because although Sanjo Keihan Station has the word Keihan in its name, it does not belong to Keihan Electric Railway, but a Kyoto municipal subway station.Although it is right next to the Sanjo Station of the Keihan Electric Railway, and it is connected by an underground passage, if she chases me on the Keihan Electric Railway, she should go to the ground first when she arrives at the Sanjo Station.That's why I decided to escape from the underground to the municipal subway.

I hurried to the platform just as a tram was about to leave.It didn't take long for me to feel relieved after rushing onto the tram, and I was stunned because I heard the radio in the car.After a while, the train that was already moving slid into the final station - Kyoto City Hall Mae Station, and then stopped.It took only one minute from getting on the bus to arriving directly under the intersection at Kawaramachi Oike. Should we wait for the next tram?As I hesitated inside the station, my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket.Really, it’s too good at picking your time!My ability to think, reduced by anxiety, threw me off guard and subconsciously picked up the phone. "Where are you?" Ugh.Feel like the same thing happened before? "True..." Not only did I want to scold myself for accidentally speaking, but I also wanted to praise myself for not throwing away my phone. "Ah, you're at Sanjo Keihan Station, aren't you? I heard the municipal subway bell. Well, I said..." I hung up the phone. Her obsession with even trying to find out where I was was chilling.But luckily she was wrong.It didn't seem to occur to her that I was already on and off the tram.That being the case, it is safer to just leave the station than to wait for the next tram. Kyoto is famous for its chessboard-style streets, which can be seen all over the place.Since her eyesight is so good that she can see the situation in the nearby coffee shop in the university, considering that she may chase me to the vicinity of Kawabata Oike, I walked from the north exit to Kawaramachi Street, so that she should not be able to see me.Then I continued to go north, turned left at the first intersection, walked west around the stately Kyoto City Hall, turned right at a random place, and gradually moved away from Sanjo Keihan Station.At this time, I suddenly found that the surrounding scenery was very familiar.Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a very familiar object. Where did the Talleyrand coffee shop come from? The lack of tension in the finger pattern is irritating, but a question arises in my mind.What exactly should I go in?Or don't go in? Actually, I don't really want to step into that shop right now.Even if I don't need to look in the mirror, I know that I should be very embarrassed now due to sweat and other factors.But if I want to change to other places, it will take too much energy for me.I'm so tired that my lungs feel a tenth smaller, my tight calves are about to cramp, and I haven't had a sip of water since I left the house. After hesitating to the end, I listened to the protest of my body.Anyway, including my home, she can probably guess where I will go.In this case, wouldn't it be safer to find a nearby store that she hasn't been to to avoid the limelight? It's up to you, Talleyrand.I prayed as I walked through the tunnel and rang the entrance bell.The air-conditioning was turned on in the store, and I felt the peace I longed for come through my skin and envelope my whole body. ——But the tranquility lasted only five minutes.
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