Home Categories detective reasoning invisible murderer

Chapter 24 Section 22

invisible murderer 曲中直 6878Words 2018-03-15
"Why are there so many people on Line 1 today?" Lao Liang muttered as soon as he rushed into Fuxingmen Subway Station. As Lao Liang said, although the passenger carrying capacity of Line 1 is second to none among all subway lines in the capital, there are indeed too many people stranded in the station today.It is estimated that there is a fault again. We followed behind Lao Liang, and finally found Mu Ming's location through the non-stop contact of the walkie-talkie in the crowd.At this moment, Mu Ming was leaning against the pillar of the subway station with his eyes straight, holding a black top hat between his fingers.When he saw us, he stepped forward to report to Lao Liang. "Okay, Mu Ming, you lost Huang Hefei, and tell me what happened just now." Lao Liang asked with a stern face, suppressing his anger.

"This is really unbelievable, Captain Liang. Listen to me carefully, maybe you can point out to me what I did wrong." Mu Ming wiped his sweat with a tissue and continued, "Captain Liang, since you ordered me to After He Ercong secretly followed Huang Hefei, we were always vigilant. At around 1:00 this afternoon, Huang Hefei greeted us and left the hotel. I went downstairs and asked the peripheral guys to let him go. Then Er Cong and I He has been following him within a range of no more than 50 meters. Once out of the Bird Garden, he took a leisurely walk around the Temple of Heaven Park.

"Along the way, he would stop from time to time to perform some fancy street magic tricks to passers-by, which caused them to applaud and applaud. Even I wanted to cheer and applaud. At that time, the passers-by on the street were all staring at his exaggerated outfit, So we didn't have to worry about losing him. We were like watching a free street magic show, and the whole thing was really funny. But the good times didn't last long, and an accident ruined Huang Hefei's elegance. "When he was crossing the road, a speeding Jetta made a sudden turn from another road, and without slowing down, went straight to Huang Hefei. Although the Yellow Crane Flying Man is tall and burly, his movements are very agile. The approaching car, he quickly dodged to the side of the road. Fortunately, there was a piece of lawn, and he didn’t even have any skin injuries. It was a false alarm! Huang Hefei turned his head and looked carefully at the Jetta, and that’s when he saw Us. However, I think he knew we were following from the beginning. Oh, why did I go too far! The license plate of the Jetta just now was covered by three discs, and the license plate number could not be seen at all. He walked from the grass He got up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, calmly picked up his top hat from his feet, and shook his cape-like oversized windbreaker. Then he continued his street magic show as if nothing had happened , it seems that he was not affected by the sudden accident just now. The next roaming on the street can be said to be safe and sound.

"Then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and hurriedly hailed a taxi. We had no choice but to take a taxi to follow. But after a big circle, his car stopped at the overpass where the little girl who was hit by the car lived. Near the hospital. After paying the fare, Huang Hefei went straight to the direction of the hospital and bought a few catties of fruit from the fruit shop next to the hospital. After that, he went up the stairs to the fourth floor where the little girl's ward was. Because it is the fourth floor It is impossible for Huang Hefei to slip out of the window, so we pretended to read newspapers outside the elevator on the fourth floor and waited for work. About ten minutes later, Huang Hefei left from the ward. One of us followed him down the stairs, and the other went ahead from the elevator. We went downstairs and waited outside. Huang Hefei left the hospital and took a taxi back to the subway station at the East Gate of the Temple of Heaven. Seeing that he bought a subway ticket to enter the subway station, we hurriedly bought two tickets.

"But when we were buying tickets, Huang Hefei suddenly walked towards us quickly, 'Where are you going on business? The police also need to buy tickets?' These are his exact words. And all of a sudden , we were too embarrassed to speak. He smiled contemptuously at both of us, and strode towards the subway in the direction of Chongwenmen. Since we had been exposed, we simply followed him openly. On the subway, He also intentionally waved to the two of us on the other side of the carriage. If I hadn’t remembered your advice, I would have beat him up long ago. "When we arrived at Dongdan Station, he got off the car. We also got off the car and followed. We thought he was going to get out of the station, but who knew he changed to Line 1. It was in the direction of Apple Orchard. Our task is to keep an eye on Huang Hefei, so We then continued to follow him. In order to prevent him from teasing us, we took the adjacent carriage this time. Of course, he could be seen through the glass window of the sliding door between the carriages.

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot one thing! Huang Hefei had an episode in the middle of getting off Line 5 and transferring to Line 1. He took out a package wrapped in wrapping paper from a trash can near the subway bulletin board. The boxy thing and put it in the windbreaker pocket, except for his bizarre disappearance from the beginning to the end, the only thing that seemed a bit sneaky. After taking the things, he suddenly accelerated, it seemed Tried to get rid of us, but it looked like he failed, and we stayed behind. "After getting on Line 1, we saw him standing in an uncrowded corner, and everything returned to normal. Huang Hefei is indeed a great magician, and we don't know what he said with a little girl beside him. The girl looked at him in amazement. But I thought to myself: Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will not try to find our palms. At Fuxingmen Station, he followed the people who got off in front of him and got off. But this time he was neither leaving the station nor changing trains. He went to the public toilet!

"You know the public toilets in the subway station. Except for one door, there is no other entrance and exit. We thought that he must not be able to escape if he entered here, so we didn't follow him. But we waited and waited, but we couldn't see him. The yellow crane flew out, and after about a quarter of an hour, I asked Ercong to go in to check, but there was no one there! I took out my ID again, and asked an honest-looking cleaning lady to go into the women's toilet, but there were only a couple of mothers and daughters inside. No one else! Listen, Captain Liang, what I want to say is that from the moment he entered the public toilet, my eyes never left the entrance and exit of the toilet, not for a moment!

"I let Er Cong stand guard outside, and went into the men's room by myself. After careful searching, I found that there was nothing else in it that could prove that he had been to the toilet except this exaggerated top hat." Mu Ming said, He also pointed the inside of the top hat at us, as if the hat was the toilet, "We were really dumbfounded now. How could a living person evaporate like water under the scorching sun! So, we combined , better hurry up and report to y'all. I definitely saw him go in the bathroom! I fucking know he never left! But God, he never left and he wasn't there! That's the way it is Passed. Boss, I'm applying for psychotherapy!"

"Did anyone else come in and out while you were waiting outside the door?" Lao Liang asked. Nothing more than the old trick of changing clothes. Grandma, the "Queen of Mystery Fiction", is a famous master of such techniques.The Impossible Crime written by magician Clayton Lawson is the representative work of this crime method. "There are five men and two women. There is absolutely no way there is Huang Hefei!" Mu Ming blurted out. It seems that he has also paid attention to this problem. "Oh, so sure?" "After listening to my description, you will agree with me. The first person is a big fat man taller than 1.9 meters, and he can't fit in Huang Hefei's slender windbreaker. Don't tell me there is." What kind of bone shrinking skills, even if that big fat man has the ability to shrink his bones, he will never be able to shrink his fat. The second person is an old man with a hunchback, a real hunchback. Compared with him, Liu Luoguo can be called I am tall and straight. The third person is a student with a schoolbag. He is short, nearly two heads shorter than Huang Hefei. If Huang Hefei can shrink into this shape, then I am not raised by my parents. The fourth person is a young man on crutches The height and shape of the person match Huang Hefei, but he can't walk without crutches. And the fifth person, you can go and see for yourself, he is still waiting for the bus." Then, Mu Ming pointed the direction with his finger, " Where is the person? He was still there just now."

"what kind of person?" "A white-collar worker with an LV bag. He is medium tall, short, fat, and thin. He wears a pair of rimless glasses. He has a gentle appearance. It looks like he has been sitting in an office all year round. Yes, he is a little darker than this one." Son." Mu Ming described with his chin pointing at Luo Ji. "Old Liang, I've been by your side all the time. I haven't mastered the avatar technique yet!" Rocky touched Old Liang's back with his elbow, and said innocently. "Don't interrupt!" Lao Liang waved his hand impatiently, "Aren't there two more women? Huang Hefei can completely deceive your eyes by pretending to be a tall and slender woman!"

"There is a tall girl with a slender figure, but she is about 1.7 meters. But I don't believe that a man who is almost 1.9 meters tall won't attract our attention if he disguises himself as a woman!" "What about the other woman?" "Hehe, this time I dare to bet half a year's salary that in the end this woman has nothing to do with this matter." "Oh?" "Yes, because that's my wife!" "Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Lao Liang shouted loudly, "Is it possible that he was not seen by you when he left the public toilet? Line 1 has always been known for its large number of passengers, and it is very likely that he escaped skillfully when you were not paying attention , isn’t he an expert in escaping techniques? Either you followed the wrong person, or there were so many people that you couldn’t see clearly, how can you be sure..." "I'm sure, I'll take one year's salary as a guarantee," Mu Ming said confidently, "It's impossible. With his outfit, even if we go to the ends of the earth, we won't admit his mistake. As for how many people can't see clearly, Team Liang, it’s not that you don’t know our abilities. I swear that from the time he left the Bird Garden until he entered the public toilet on the subway, he would never have a chance to escape, and Er Cong can swear too. Isn’t it? Are you dumb?” "Yes! Yes! Boss, just as he said, I'm really bewitched!" Mu Ming's companion, Bai Ercong, seemed to have not fully recovered from the strange incident. "You have always said that Huang Hefei has a strange outfit and a top hat. Excuse me, what did he wear today?" Rocky asked suddenly. "Who are you?" Mu Ming looked up and down Luo Ji suspiciously. "Just answer the questions!" Old Liang said angrily. "There is this black top hat on his head, and a long black trench coat on his body. There is also a black casual coat with a hood inside the long trench coat. Isn't H1N1 popular now, so he just wears a disinfection mask as if he was in fashion." He's really in fashion!" I polished it from the side. "It's quite tightly wrapped! Did you even wear sunglasses?" Lao Liang muttered. "How do you know?" "What the hell is this bastard going to do?" Lao Liang was like a cannonball ready to go. "We don't have the right to interfere with how citizens dress. After all, you just let us keep an eye on him, and he can't be proven to be a suspect yet. His strange outfit will only make him invisible." "You two go back Write a review! It must be profound! Re-reflect and see if there are any missing details." Lao Liang ordered.He turned to us, "Crack the impossible, this is your specialty, Ronaldinho. Is there really such a stunt in the world? Or are we all in a dream? I saw Huang Hefei's escape trick last Saturday night , but this time..." He looked around suspiciously, and said again, "Why are there so many people in the subway station today?" Lao Liang led the way, and we lined up neatly to visit the public toilets of the subway station.People coming and going in a hurry looked at us with strange eyes.The situation inside is exactly as Mu Ming said, the only way to communicate with the outside world is the sewer. "Save your troubles, there's no Rita Hayworth poster here," Rocky said, patting me on the shoulder from behind as I checked door by door. "That's not necessarily true! Maybe Huang Hefei has the design drawings of the subway station tattooed on his body." In fact, I also gave up hope of finding the secret exit.Huang Hefei must have used some kind of cover-up to get the golden cicada out of its shell. From the mouths of some passengers, we know the reason for the crowd. It turned out that just over half an hour before we arrived at Fuxingmen Station, an accident occurred at Jianguomen Station on Line 2: a man accidentally fell onto the subway tracks and was crushed to death by the incoming subway.Therefore, all passengers on Line 2 have transferred to Line 1, causing congestion at stations along Line 1. An hour later, we got another shocking news: the person who died at Jianguomen Station was none other than the evaporated great magician——Huang Hefei! It seemed that Huang Hefei had obviously overplayed his hand by evaporating. But why did he die in the completely opposite direction when he clearly traveled westward by car?And was this an accident or a planned murder? We drove to the platform of Line 2 at Jianguomen Station.Colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Dongcheng District have collected on-site data with the cooperation of subway station staff.Although the scene has been cleaned up, blood can still be seen.After repeated negotiations between the senior leaders of the two sub-bureaus, the result was: we have full authority to handle Huang Hefei's murder.The superior leaders have combined this case with the previous three murder cases. Judging from the photo, Huang Hefei was cut off at the waist by the rapidly entering subway!The death looks terrible! According to the recollection of eyewitnesses, since Jianguomen was also a transfer station, there was a lot of passenger flow at that time.Many people are waiting to get on the bus after the yellow line.When the subway in the direction of Dongzhimen entered the station, a big man in a black windbreaker suddenly leaned forward and then fell onto the subway. Before he could get up in time, he was crushed under the wheels of the oncoming subway. In Huang Hefei's coat pocket, we found an envelope.The envelope was torn open, and there was only one letter inside.The words on the letter are printed on letter paper.The content is as follows: Ridiculous policemen, I am the heinous murderer!But you must not know that I am still a drug lord!That's right, I killed Long Xiaofeng!Because she holds the evidence of my possession of drugs.Originally, I planned to let her go, but she kept saying that she would hand me over to the police.I had no choice but to kill and silence.As for how I shuttled through the locked room, you idiots will never want to know for ten thousand years. Remember, I am the greatest magician in China!I thought it would be calm and peaceful, but Mona stepped in again.It turned out that when I entered Long Xiaofeng's room, she inadvertently saw me through the cat's eyes.She tried to make me love her in exchange for keeping her quiet.snort!That stupid little slut!Taking advantage of others' danger, she deserves it!I also killed Wang Hu!How can I be so unlucky.That night, he had to smoke in the hallway, and he happened to find out when I started to kill Mona.He was a junkie in the past and I provided the drugs.The dog can't change eating shit, he is still an addict now!I satiated his desire first with the little drug I had on hand.When he was floating in the clouds and fog, he was sent to the west by me!Addicts, the scum of society, deserve to die!I'm just getting rid of a parasite for this boring world, do you need such a mobilization?In all fairness, you should give me a medal for eliminating harm for the people.snort!To me, there is no so-called conscience to kill mere three people, but you are pushing me too hard!You guys keep me up at night with police eyes on my back all the time.Anyway, this time I was completely planted!But, hum!You can discover me, not because you are smart enough, but because I am really unlucky!You fools, let me play with you one more time before I die!When you are still looking for my trace in the public toilet of the subway station, I have already gone to another place!I am seeking death today, not because I am afraid of you, but because I have no face to go back to see my elder brother!The fortune teller said that my grandfather and I have a bloody disaster this year, and it seems to be fulfilled!You idiots, you can't find anything!Hahahaha... Very arrogant and arrogant, a complete lunatic!Huang Hefei was a different person than usual.Even though he was domineering on stage, he wasn't as crazy as he is now!This is really a madman, a sociopath's self-entertainment behavior. We contacted the staff of the subway station again and called up the video of the subway station when the incident happened.It can be seen from the video record that when the subway came into the station, the only person who could pose a threat to Huang Hefei was a man behind him wearing a white baseball cap, big sunglasses and a big mask.When the subway enters the station, only this person has a less obvious displacement on the screen.Perhaps it was this seemingly insignificant little move that caused Huang Hefei to fall off the platform.However, this mysterious man X was not found in the records of other cameras. Due to the spread of the flu, many people are wearing masks when traveling, and the clothes can be changed in a corner without cameras. Who is X?Does he have anything to do with Huang Hefei's death?It's really messy, even the virus has come to mess with us, and we have sunk deeper and deeper into the quagmire. "Why did Huang Hefei run away? How did he disappear? Who is that guy in the baseball cap? Why did he kill Huang Hefei?" On the way back to the Bird Garden, I kept throwing questions at Luo Ji and Lao Liang. "Xiao Luo, tell me what you think this time?" Old Liang in the passenger seat threw the ball to Rocky who was sitting behind him. "There are many, I don't know which one you should listen to first?" "As long as you don't move out of that fraction of the platform!" "I've heard such a story." From the rearview mirror, I saw Rocky folded his hands It is pasted on the back of the head, although the eyes are closed and the appearance is sleeping, but the face is full of energy. "On a foggy morning, a villager went to the mountain to cut firewood. On the way back, he saw a black shadow suddenly flashing in front of him. No matter how fast or slow the villager was, the black shadow kept the same distance from him. The black shadow entered a small temple halfway up the mountain. The villager came to the temple door and knocked lightly a few times, but there was no response from inside. He knocked heavily on the door again, but everything remained the same. In the end, he took out an ax from his waist and broke in. As a result, the person who just entered has disappeared!" "Finish?" "No." "What happened next?" "He was possessed! He became a guy who only asked why. What a pity!" "Thank you! I really didn't see that you were still very sympathetic !” I held out my middle finger to Rocky in front of the rearview mirror.This guy, at this time, has not forgotten to amuse me. "Have you ever heard of wormholes and quantum entanglement?" Rocky changed the topic. "Wormholes, I seem to have seen them in "Wormholes"! As for quantum, I know quantum mechanics and "Quantum of Solace". I don't know how quantum has anything to do with Huang Hefei's bizarre case?" Needless to say, Rocky wanted to joke with us.In order to avoid being cold, I simply cooperated with his heresy.To be honest, I also wonder how Roki thinks about Huang Hefei's bizarre incident. "It's not considered ignorant. Wormholes are a concept proposed by physicists. There are many explanations about wormholes. One of them is that wormholes are a super-space-time conduit. As for quantum entanglement, our country is very good in this field. At the world's first-class level." When Rocky said this, he paused deliberately, "Tsinghua University and the University of Science and Technology of China have recently set a new world record for this project. The so-called quantum entanglement, explained in the most popular and popular terms, is quantum teleportation , that is, a quantum disappears from one end, does not pass through the three-dimensional physical space, but appears from the other end far away. How about it, is it similar to Huang Hefei's case?" "The next thing you want to say is that there is a space-time teleporter hidden in the public toilet at that subway station, and Huang Hefei rushed into the toilet recklessly just to say 'Beam me up, Scottie'." "Smart, just one point. It's a pity that human beings are still at the initial stage of quantum transmission. Scientists speculate that if they want to teleport people, they may have to wait a thousand years later." "Then quickly freeze me in liquid nitrogen like a quick-frozen dumpling. A thousand years later, wake me up like the mummy high priest Imhotep. Maybe I can still see the murderer who killed Huang Hefei holding flowers to greet me with a smile on his face." !" "Maybe Huang Hefei used the invisibility cloak." "Yes, there is also a flying magic carpet!" I added. "Or, like Tu Xingsun, he will be able to escape from the earth." "I think it's more appropriate to say it's urine escape." "Shut up! It's mythology for a while, magic for a while, sci-fi for a while, plus the previous ghost stories, we can write novels!" Lao Liang told a cold joke for the first time in the co-pilot seat . "The title is 'Contemporary Zhong Kui Catching Ghosts'!" I gave Lao Liang a thumbs up, "Boss, I think we can retire too. Maybe they need to find a Taoist priest from Maoshan. That's right, Luo Ji Don’t you have a lot of good-natured friends? Who would have thought that our group of relatives and friends would be religious people.” "Then you may not be interested in my next prompt." Rocky said unhurriedly. "Don't be a secret! Can't you explain it directly?" "According to the practice of detective novels, I should keep silent at this time. But for the development of the plot, I have to hint. Alas, it is really difficult! In fact, the answer is very difficult." Obviously, there is an explanation in an ancient classic!" "It must be a divination book?" "No! This book is difficult to classify, because it is more like a natural history or an ancient geography book. Since ancient times, this strange book has really depressed a large number of top hardcore cultural scholars, and even the famous Tai Shigong shy away from its absurdity." "You should hurry up and say the title of the book! I'm looking forward to..." "." "Oh, so it is." I said in a long tone, "You might as well say it is!"
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