Home Categories detective reasoning invisible murderer

Chapter 20 Section 18

invisible murderer 曲中直 7574Words 2018-03-15
After dinner, light rain fell from the sky.The city of Beijing is immersed in the misty spring rain.The intertwined neon lights look dreamlike in the rain. At first we could see the road clearly with the headlights, but after the car drove out of the third ring road, I had to turn on the wipers.The regular monotonous sound of spring rain and wipers made me yawn three times in a row. "Are you tired from continuous combat?" Old Liang in the co-pilot seat asked with concern. "Boss, this is what we do, and we have long been used to it." We were speechless all the way until we reached Rocky's house.

"What do you want to drink? Captain Liang is here, it really makes the humble house shine." Luo Ji was wearing his light gray silk home jacket that looked like a priest's robe, and a dark gray belt of the same texture was tied around his waist. "It's still up to the owner." "You're welcome. Tea or coffee? I have the best West Lake Longjing and Blue Mountain coffee here. Especially Blue Mountain, you can't find ten coffees in Beijing that are more pure than mine. A Japanese friend of mine, his coffee There is a coffee plantation in Jamaica, and he sends some every year." "I can't get used to the bitter taste of coffee. Is there any wine?" Old Liang asked. "Yes. But the wine is specially prepared for one person, but Captain Liang is a rare guest after all, and there is only an exception for rare guests. Hennessy or Martell? Zhao Rui, needless to say, is still the call of Lanshan." After finishing speaking, Rocky picked a CD from the wooden speaker and put it into the speaker.After a while, Chopin's "Nocturne in E-flat Major" came out from the speakers.

"Rubenstein is to the piano what Sarasate is to the violin. Rubinstein is the best interpreter of Chopin's piano music, and he is still unrivaled today." Rocky is a sound enthusiast. "What birds are singing again tonight?" I asked Rocky.He ignored me, just walked into his drink studio whistling "Adagio" to himself.Oops!I was so busy looking for clues that I even forgot that tonight was the day when the group "Secret Garden" came to Beijing to perform.Rocky's drinks change with the seasons.In spring and autumn it is coffee, in summer it is green tea, and in winter it is black tea.The only constant throughout the year is boiled water.About a quarter of an hour later, Rocky appeared in front of us with a tray.On the tray are two steaming cups of fragrant coffee and a cocktail.

"I made a cocktail for Lao Liang with gin as the main drink. I didn't control the temperature of the coffee brewing well today, Zhao Rui, just drink it as you go." Luo Ji sat with his legs crossed against the armrest of the floor-to-ceiling window chair.Lao Liang and I sat at the two ends of the couch. "Don't worry, I'm never picky about this. I drink Blue Mountain purely because of its reputation, unlike what you drink because of the taste. Even if you take out a glass of poison with Blue Mountain written on it, I will accept it." As I said that, I took a cup of coffee from the tray and stirred it back and forth with a coffee spoon a few times.

And Lao Liang raised his wine glass, raised his head suddenly, and drank it down in one gulp! "What, it looks pretty, but it doesn't taste as good as Erguotou!" Lao Liang said, smacking his lips. "Have Hu Junqing pleaded guilty?" Rocky took a sip of coffee. "Don't mention him!" Lao Liang put the goblet on the bamboo tea table and leaned back, "I really don't cry when I see the coffin." "Oh, all the top ten torture methods in the Qing Dynasty were used?" "Stop talking nonsense! I didn't torture to extract a confession." Lao Liang waved his hand impatiently, "Let's talk about the serious business, let's start with the motivation."

"You are such a charity ambassador!" Rocky chuckled softly. "The most important thing now is to find out the real murderer's motive. Why did he kill, and more than one. If the motive is found, the case will be solved soon!" Lao Liang said, stroking the old wound on his jaw.It was a sign that he was in deep thought. "Motive?!" Rocky pulled a long tune, "The suspect's motive is the least important element in a murder case. My beloved Captain Philanthropist, in real life, each of us will have more than N Motivation wants to kill others, and this ratio will not be lower than 60%. Motivation does not mean that we will definitely take action, because we are not only natural people, but also social people, and moral norms do not allow us to do so. Of course, those who are like 'every Every life has a reason for its existence, and others have no right to trample on it. I don't want to repeat the empty and boring preaching here. In essence, all abuses of lynching and disregard of human life are primitive crimes.

"When a person is killed, there may be a dozen innocent good people who have the exact same motives as the real murderer, so having a motive does not mean guilt. On the contrary, a guilty person may be killed because of a trivial matter in the eyes of others. The son went on a killing spree. "Faced with the same thing, some people will actually kill someone, while others won't, even if his intention to kill is stronger than the former. This situation is due to the innate psychological factors and different temperaments of each person. Yes. In addition, if a person has a very strong motive to kill, he will usually cover it up very well so that others will not find out. The kind of people who talk about killing all the time are usually just to make their own mouth happy. Either he wants to scare others, or he is using Ah Q's spiritual victory method. If he is telling the truth, it will become the best footnote of "There is no silver three hundred taels here".

"Some people will hide it for N years and wait for the day, while some people will kill within a minute because of a casual word in someone else's mouth. In the vast majority of homicide cases, the murderer is out of control because of a moment of emotion. A big mistake. For this kind of murderer, if they can control their emotions in time, they will definitely not defy the law. For murders like this case, which are obviously well-planned, the murderer is often the kind of meticulous, good at planning, and at the door A murderer who will never retreat when he is on the ground. He has a kind of cold blood and self-control similar to Hannibal Lecter, and you can completely exclude Hamlet, who is a "giant of thought and dwarf of action". This kind of murder case has been carefully calculated like a game of chess. If the real murderer succeeds again and again, then he must have a careful plan and a nearly perfect layout. Everyone's every move is controlled by this cunning enemy hiding in the shadows. Pay close attention. Among all the murderers, only those who decide to take action after some deliberation are the real "murder" murderers. The biggest difference between murder and homicide lies in this "Conspiracy". Therefore, his motives will never be known to everyone. To sum up, a case without an obvious motive may be more troublesome than one with a motive. Because you have no way to start!"

"Isn't your long speech just trying to explain the 'motivation is useless theory'! Well, let's not talk about it for now. Next, we can narrow the encirclement through the beneficiaries of the case." "As far as the current situation is concerned, Long Wu is the only one who will benefit. You just need to take him back to your yamen and beat him dozens of times. At that time, 'the selfless Liang Qingtian cleared the clouds and mist, and fell into the quagmire. Boss Long beat him into a trick. ’, friends from the media are busy again.” Rocky smiled teasingly at Lao Liang.

"Anyway, the real murderer will definitely plead guilty." "Hey, it's that old trick of 'Skynet is fully restored, but not leaked'." Rocky drank his last sip of coffee, "If there is such a Skynet, then there is no need to set up a special agency to solve the crime. Criminals You will be captured obediently because of God's punishment. You sleep with your head covered, waiting for the suspects to throw themselves into the net and come to the interrogation room to find you for tea." "Is your kid dissatisfied with our work?" "No. I have never denied the important role of the people's police. On the contrary, I also appreciate it."

"I just don't understand why Wang Hu has Mona's hair in his hand." "That's because you already have a fixed pattern in your mind, thinking that the suspects are all fools with their heads pumped. However, a well-calculated murder is a game of wits between the police and the gangsters. At this time, it is up to who is more skilled. If the police can find a clue, the real murderer can also see it. Wouldn’t he destroy the evidence to cover up people’s eyes? Wouldn’t a clever murderer leave clues on purpose to make you fall for it? Their purpose is to mislead you .When you smugly sing triumphantly with a basket full of red herrings, the real culprit must have burst out laughing in the dark corner." "However, in actual operation, no murderer can cover everything. Even the most thoughtful criminal with a high IQ will inevitably leave clues at the scene, and it is precisely these insignificant doubts that will betray him at the critical moment. This is like Various uncertain factors in the weather forecast. And the murderer fighting alone is more likely to make mistakes because of lack of care and reminders." "I don't deny that." "That's right." Lao Liang chased after the victory, "So, your theory about the uselessness of clues is simply unbearable... um... It's open to discussion." Lao Liang, who was always used to going straight, suddenly made a sharp turn. "I still stick to my point of view. If you stick to the rules and stick to your own opinions, you may end up getting twice the result with half the effort, or even doing useless work. At that time, the bamboo basket will be empty, don't blame me for not reminding you." Rocky did not because of the old Liang's words are merciful and "reciprocity is reciprocal", but there is a posture of indifference. I seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder in the air. Before the explosives exploded, I hurried to play the role of a firefighter. "Please, don't pour cold water on us." As I said that, I put down the empty glass and handed the materials for the day to Rocky. "Here, these are the fruits of my day's labor." Rocky took the document with his right hand, and shook his index finger with his left hand to signal silence. "Have you seen that? Li Ruoyue is from Yangzhou. The boy who fled in fear of crime is also from Yangzhou. How many people from Yangzhou are there in the Bird Garden? Could it be that they are holding a Yangzhou fellowship?" I tapped the tea table with my index finger and middle finger to tease road. "Obviously you haven't learned mathematical induction well." Rocky replied without looking up.Although he was carefully looking at the information in his hand, he still didn't forget to hurt me. "Yeah, I'm a big bastard, and I can calculate a simple problem of 1.5 yuan per catty of potatoes, and 4.5 yuan for three catties of potatoes. Maybe I will make a mistake. How can I be like you educated and civilized people? Ah, open your mouth to the golden ratio, shut your mouth to 3.14, and you must read the English version when reading the manual." I replied not to be outdone. Rocky didn't say a word, just looked at the file and smiled. "And what about that Jiang Yibo who made the mess?" I interjected again. "That's right, this guy who left without saying goodbye did add to the confusion of this case. How should I put it, he is a beautiful landscape. He is like an uncertain parameter appearing in our complex algebra problem. Maybe he solved Jiang Yibo The disappearance of the case can solve all the mysteries. Of course, in the end, it is very likely that the wind and the horse are irrelevant. But even if he is related to this case, he is at best a trickster, and the black hands behind the scenes are still lurking around us. This point, I can bet Zhao Rui's monthly salary." "Hey, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. With my salary, who would bet against you. But then again, there won't be any criminal gangs like the Black Organization in this case, right?" "What organization in black?" Old Liang asked puzzled. "It's okay. Just kidding." Explaining Japanese cartoons to Lao Liang isn't playing the piano with the cow?Still don't waste your tongue. "Very likely." Rocky replied softly, "This also explains the source of amphetamine." "Do you think there is a drug cartel hidden in the troupe?" "The concept of a drug cartel is a little big. But since there are addicts, drug dealers are indispensable. And it is reasonable for drugs to cause murder." Luo Ji glanced at Lao Liang, "Old Liang, why are you suddenly silent? Your suspect added a possible motive." "I'm thinking about the possibility of what you said." Lao Liang didn't seem to be interested in drugs. "Then can you explain why the murderer used the secret room again and again?" This secret room doubt became a nightmare after I received the case, and it was difficult to clear it from my mind. "Well, I finally said something that is not considered nonsense. Please wait a moment." Rocky got up, walked into the study, and came out with two books after a while.As I expected, one of them is, and the other is the Taiwanese version of "The Mansion of Evil Spirits". Luo Ji handed the book to Lao Liang, "Let's take a look at how the master summed up the murder method in the secret room. I have already put a bookmark in the explanation." Lao Liang took the book, moved an armchair and buried his head under the crystal chandelier. Dive into it. "Can you have something new?" I have been acting as an audience all the time. After listening to the debate between the pros and cons, it's time for me, the judge, to speak up, "Don't move it out." "I'm afraid that the book in your hand has been broken by you?" "Then what kind of methods do you think these two secret rooms are?" It is to get a good pulse. Once you connect the auxiliary line, the problem will be solved, otherwise it will be counterproductive. To give the simplest example, today is Tuesday, and what day is it in fifty days to the power of fifty? This is me Mathematical Olympiad questions in fifth grade." "Is it embarrassing? Even if I get the answer, it's only at the level of the fifth grade in elementary school. If I get it wrong, it's even worse." "You worry too much. It's just telling you the importance of finding the right way to answer the question." "Fifty to the fiftieth power, um, it's definitely not for you to calculate. Besides, there are years such as leap years that need to be considered..." "Ha, just wait for your words. Once you consider leap years This question will definitely not give the correct answer in just one minute, silly boy!" Looking at Luo Jiyang's self-satisfied smirk, I felt unspeakably uncomfortable all over my body. "Reminder, this question is for you to calculate the day of the week, not for you to calculate the certain month and day of a certain year. Besides, even the summation problem of the geometric sequence about chess takes longer than the life span of the earth." It’s a long time, so the time to use this question is estimated to be no shorter than the lifespan of the solar system. Haven’t your little gray cells sparked yet?” "I admit that my IQ is at the level of a kindergarten. I really admire and admire your fifth-grade intelligence. The only thing I can do in front of you is to bow down, surrender and go home. .” "I surrender, I surrender." Rocky raised the white flag under my aggressive bombardment, "How many days are there in a week?" "This question can be skipped directly." "Then you don't think of anything between seven and fifty?" "Well, let me think about it... ah, seven seven forty-nine is exactly one less than fifty... that means there is an extra day for every fifty, so there is an extra fifty days in total. Divisible again by seven , in the end it was actually an extra day. Got it, the answer is Wednesday!" "Just a little bit." "My kindergarten IQ is not bad." "Don't get self-absorbed there. I'm just using the title to emphasize the importance of method." "It's very important! My mentor." "The case this time is a pure Granny + Karl style, not a Quinn style. The murderer must be someone wandering around us. Of course, you can say it is a vicious tramp or some idle passer-by A. But a temporary person will never succeed in completing the two secret room murders! This murderer has an extraordinary mind and a cruel personality. Difficult game. But just like talking too much, the higher the difficulty factor, the easier it is to stumble. But this impossible crime also has its flaws, as long as the criminal method can be identified, the real culprit can basically be identified." "So have you found the answer?" "So far, there is only one immature idea, but there are many obstacles, and I have to hold back until the time is right. Many detectives like to compare the case to a jigsaw puzzle, and every clue in the case is every part of the puzzle. What the subject of the puzzle is, only emerges when the vast majority of it falls back into place." "Then how much have we fought so far?" "This question is still difficult to say. Because in the jigsaw puzzle, each piece has its corresponding position. In real cases, the clues are often difficult to distinguish between true and false, and plausible. The traces left on the scene may have the victim's life. left by the murderer, intentionally left by the murderer, left by the third party, left by the discoverer, left by the investigators inadvertently, etc. When you complacently take a piece that does not belong to the original When the small squares of the picture are put together, it actually increases the difficulty of the subsequent work. As the saying goes, one step is wrong. , How to identify the authenticity? "In logic, there is a special term called falsification. Karl Popper, a famous British philosopher of natural science and social science, once demonstrated the demarcation of science and non-science in his masterpiece "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" The standard is not the verifiability that is generally considered, but the falsifiability that people have ignored for a long time. He believes that the scientific method is not induction but deductive testing. Falsifiability is an indispensable feature of science, but any Problems that cannot be falsified empirically, such as ontological problems, metaphysical problems, tautological propositions in mathematics and logic, religion and theology are all non-science. Like the old black raven problem, you just find thousands There are tens of thousands of black ravens, and it is impossible to say that a raven is black. But if you can find a white raven, the definition of a raven as black will immediately collapse." "Brother, I'm not interested in whether the raven is black or white. What does it matter to me if it is a flower? The most urgent task is to find out the hidden eagle in this big bird cage! The most troublesome thing is everyone in the theater They are all suspected. Especially Long Xiaofeng's case, through the investigation, we can see that Long Xiaofeng is making enemies everywhere. If all the members of the troupe join hands to kill her, I will not doubt it at all." "Sounds like a description of the Orient Express." "Hmph! This lovely place is more like the Carnac on the Nile than the Orient Express. Long Xiaofeng is a double of Lynette Doyle!" "Linette!" Rocky's voice suddenly rose an octave, "Do you have the floor plan of the guest room with you?" "I can't live without my wallet and keys." I dug out the plan from my khaki canvas satchel and handed it to Rocky. "Look!" Rocky pointed to a corner of the drawing, "I remember you mentioned in the email you sent me that Situ Yawen saw He Qiqiao pass by her door before the crime happened." Rocky can do With such a move, I seem to see a ray of light in the endless darkness. "Brother, what mystery is hidden in this floor plan?" Maybe God destined me to be Watson's life, because I really can't see how the floor plan will help us. "That's enough for the floor plan. Tell me about your impressions of the main and supporting characters." Rocky made another common mistake of all famous detectives.Alas, I can't even complain that people should strive for self-improvement.Even if you are the best friend, you have to endure it if you try to cheat. "Okay, let me analyze them one by one. Long Wu, just for the huge inheritance is enough to take risks; Huang Hefei is a magician, and his escape technique is his housekeeping skill. It is not a problem to complete the murder in a secret room; He Qiqiao is a sleight of hand A guy with a flexible brain, he made many of Huang Hefei's props, maybe he was lucky enough to get his true biography during the communication with Huang Hefei; Gao Yue is a mysterious guy, he looks a little neurotic, this kind of person is the most likely to kill ;Pan Ruoan is also a magician, although escape technique is not his forte, but after all, in this industry, it is inevitable that he knows a thing or two all day long, and he may even be a hidden master at all. It's a giggling look, maybe it's a hidden knife in a smile, maybe one day he will stab you behind you; Hu Junqing, apart from lying, there is nothing but a smile, and smiling tigers usually have ulterior motives; Gu Jianhua, a melancholy Most intelligent criminals tend to be this type. He has a reliable alibi in these several murder cases, and this is precisely his most suspicious place. At the same time, he also likes to watch "Gido "The Earl of the Mountain", a typical avenger's mentality, just fits the characteristics of these cases; Niu Guotian, just the opposite of Gu Jianhua, feels a little stupid, of course, it may be a disguise, but I think he is more That kind of impulsive murderer; Chang Liang and his wife, although they look quite honest, they may have hidden needles in the cotton. Look at this group of lovely ladies, Gao Ruoxue, with a stinky face all day long, as if everyone in the world owed it She looks like something; Situ Yawen gives people the impression of a weak woman, but Yi Roke is the scariest just now; Ma Li has a delicate appearance, maybe she is a femme fatale; the 'tomboy' Li Nan looks like a silly big sister , is actually very scheming, a single woman who enjoys watching horror literature and thrillers all day long, not a psychopath; the new assistant He Mei, who knows if she is hiding murderous intentions, why did she just come here? This series of tragedies happened; as for those little girls who played high-altitude throwing, I think they can be completely excluded." I did it in one go, shaking out my doubts about the members of the troupe these days. "Haha, it's wonderful! It seems that you have also been poisoned by skepticism. Just because you have "The Count of Monte Cristo" in your library or because you like to watch thrillers, you are suspected of murder. Do you want everyone to watch it from morning to night? "Doll Pictorial"? In front of you, a smiling face and a bitter face are the same effect. Those without an alibi are suspects, and those with an alibi are also criminals. Fortunately, you abandoned a few in the end, otherwise I will definitely Crazy. Fortunately, I was in Nanjing when Long Xiaofeng Xiangxiaoyu died, otherwise even I would have been on your blacklist. Lao Liang, what were you doing during the three murders? Zhao Rui, Gu Jianhua There is no thumb on the right hand, and Pan Ruoan is missing a tail finger, you should arrest them, according to the principle of speculative novels, they are all key suspects." After Rocky finished speaking, he stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the dark night sky outside. Old Liang looked back at the alarm clock on the mantelpiece, and the hour hand had already pointed to 11, "Okay, let's go back first. The battle will continue tomorrow." No, it’s no different from self-harm.” After I finished speaking, I put on my Jeep casual jacket.Rocky placed the futon in the center of the room, turned on the stereo, and switched to another CD.Listen to the melody as it should be. "The solution to this case depends on this futon and two large pots of black coffee." This sentence sounds familiar.Oh, it turns out that Rocky adapted Holmes' words. "For you, chocolate and pencils are more effective!" I waved my hand behind me as a farewell. "I still think Hu Junqing is the real murderer!" Lao Liang said to himself again when he walked to the door of the living room. "Heaven!" Rocky patted his forehead exaggeratedly, "Open your eyes, and dissuade this stubborn guy." Rocky walked up to Lao Liang, "How about this, you tomorrow..." Rocky took me Closed the door.The two of them didn't know what they said behind the door. The door was opened again. "What?! Impossible! They will say I'm crazy!" Old Liang looked surprised. "Are you here in a police car? I always thought private use of public cars was not allowed." "Brother, we are here purely to handle cases, who let you live in this wilderness?" "It shows the neighbors how they feel about it." "Yeah, don't scare your pampered and wealthy neighbors." I looked at Lao Liang, "Boss, we must remember to bring the baby carriage next time." "Hmph, you two brats! Go away!" Lao Liang raised his foot and tried to kiss my butt, but I dodged it deftly.On the way home, I asked Lao Liang what Luo Ji had said to him, but Lao Liang just shook his head.It is not known what kind of medicine is sold in Rocky's gourd.
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