Home Categories detective reasoning invisible murderer

Chapter 12 Section ten

invisible murderer 曲中直 4757Words 2018-03-15
Through the front desk, we got the list of troupe members staying in the hotel, the keys to each room, and the corresponding room numbers. Partial schematic diagram of the third floor of Bainiaoyuan Hotel. Since the staff dormitory is just in the planning area, except for the employees who have specially applied for it, everyone else will go out to find accommodation by themselves.In order to facilitate management, the rooms of all troupe members staying in the hotel are arranged in a relatively centralized manner.Among them, except for Chang Liang and Wang Hu who live in a standard room, and the "Trape Four" live in a multi-person room on the other floor, everyone else lives in a single room.

In fact, from the beginning of Long Xiaofeng's case until Mona's murder, I have not entered the rooms of these suspects.At this time, the owners of each room were trapped in the conference room of the hotel by my tricks.Under the guidance of Long Wu, Luo Ji and I were able to drive straight in. The room next to the elevator belongs to Hu Junqing, so we naturally start from his room.Because Long Xiaofeng's room is a widened suite, except for the multi-person room, the standard room is almost half the size of Long Xiaofeng's room.The furnishings of each room are similar, and I will only describe the uniqueness of each room.

Hu Junqing's room is neat and gorgeous.The square table is covered with a tablecloth as white as snow, on which are displayed various trophies he won in the past, and there are large and small medals and award-winning photos on the wall.There is a hardcover collection of Chinese classical literature on the bookshelf. From the beginning, through "Chu Ci", "Han Fu" to the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all types of classical literature in various genres are covered.It seems that Hu Junqing is also a hard-working person, and he must have spent a lot of time making up for cultural lessons after dinner.The closet in his room is also full of colorful designer clothes.But compared with Rocky's clothing, it is still more than one level worse.

Next came the room of Niu Guotian, the "King of Divine Power".On the floor are dumbbells with adjustable weights and bell plates of different weights. On the table are grips and jars of high-protein nutritional powder. A poster with muscular men with shiny dark skin.The wardrobe was also filled with plain, everyday clothes that, if anything, were staggeringly large in size. Next door is Gao Ruoxue's room.As soon as the door was opened, a faint fragrance came to the face.The overall feeling is fresh and elegant.There is a pot of jasmine on the window sill, and a pot of spider plants on the shelf in the corner of the room.The books on Sister Gao's bookshelf are all about flowers and gardening.This kind of person who is accompanied by flowers and plants must not be ignored. Maybe she is an extraterrestrial expert with unique skills like a sweeping monk.

The owner of the room separated by a wall is Situ Yawen.Her room is slightly similar to Gao Ruoxue's room but not the same.If the room smelled of nature just now, then the aroma in this room is more artificial.There are many photo frames on the bookshelf, and there are several Zhang Ailing's novels by the bedside.Her perfume is Chanel No. 19. "The ladies here have a soft spot for Chanel." Rocky muttered to himself. Going further down, you will arrive at the room of the head assistant He Mei.There were very few things in the house.There is nothing in this room except the owner's change of clothes and daily necessities.From this, it can be seen that He Mei has not been in the troupe for a long time.But I still found an interesting thing, that is, all of He Mei's underwear are high-quality Japanese products.

Next came the room of Pan Ruoan, the clown magician.The clothes in the closet are either in weird patterns or exaggerated colors.A middle-aged man actually makes himself look like a post-90s generation. At least I dare not wear his clothes on the street. Even if I accidentally wear them at home, the idea of ​​self-admiration has never sprouted.There are several thick reference books on the table: a tattered "Kangxi Dictionary", a semi-new "Modern Chinese Dictionary", three "Ci Hai", a newly published "Xinhua Dictionary" ".In addition, there is a pocket laptop, a stack of A4 papers, a "Plum Blossom Book" and several books on lottery tickets and stocks.

But Rocky's eyes fell on a few mystery novels in the bookshelf.Second Master Long said that Pan Ruo'an was a fan of mystery novels.Through the glass sliding door of the bookshelf, you can see that Pan Ruoan's detective novels are not limited to the simplified Chinese version, but there are also a large number of Taiwanese and Japanese books. Look at the author of the novel again.There are G.K. Chesterton, Jack Futrell, JDC, Clayton Lawson, Paul Holt in Europe and the United States, and Tetsuya Ayukawa, Shoji Shimada, Ayaju Xingren, and the second order in Japan. Tang Li people.There are many writers who are good at creating impossible crimes.Of course, there are more or less other types.There are also many works by masters such as AC, EQ, and Henggou Zhengshi.

"Why are there so many impossible crime mystery novels?" I sighed looking at so many detective mystery novels. "It seems that our magician friend is very picky about books, and the direction of choice is very clear." Rocky tried to open the door of the bookshelf, but found that the door was locked. "Second Master Long, how is Pan Ruoan's Japanese level?" "I heard from Pan Zi that their family is a war orphan. In the 1990s, his other relatives returned to Japan to recognize their ancestors, but he kept his Chinese nationality because he was not used to life in Japan. Before coming to the Bird Garden, He often tours in Japan with the original art troupe."

"Then after he came here, has he ever been to Japan?" "Never been." The room next to Pan Ruoan is No. 313, which is the room where Long Xiaofeng lived. "The mysterious incident seems to have a lot to do with Room 13." Rocky stayed in Long Xiaofeng's room for a long time, looking inside and out of the room. The hound-hound detective style of Holmes is obviously at odds with Rocky.He couldn't bear to bend the straight trousers.Generally speaking, I have a contempt for people with cleanliness.But when it came to Rocky, I obviously felt that the nasal airflow was not smooth.

He spread his legs apart, with his hands behind his back, and bent his waist at a right angle to look for clues. It's really unbearable, both love and hate. "Don't break your willow slender waist!" I leaned on the door frame, crossed my arms, put my weight on my left leg, and gently touched the toes of my right foot to the ground, and glanced at Rocky from the corner of my eye. "What is this?" Rocky asked with his left index finger pointing to a small hole on the floor about five centimeters away from the door of the living room.There are two other holes not far from this hole.The three small holes are distributed in an equilateral triangle.

Long Wu stepped forward and looked down at the small hole, "Here. It turns out that there is a clothes hanger fixed on the floor. These three small holes are the imprints left by the three wooden legs of the old clothes hanger. Huang Hefei asked his friend I bought this clothes hanger named 'Bainiao Chaofeng' from the South, and it was shipped here last week. Xiaofeng liked this hanger very much, so I asked someone to remove the old clothes hanger. I have already discussed this issue with Captain Liang. pass." "I see. Long Xiaofeng is very interested in divination." "Yes. Before each performance or trip, Xiaofeng will lock herself in the room and do a divination. Sometimes because the divination is not good, she will He will refuse to go out!" Rocky took out a tape measure from his pocket, measured the dimensions of each room, and even measured the distance from the door of the bathroom to the door of the living room. Directly opposite room 313 is an empty room that serves as a storage room.According to Long Wu, this storage room is not locked on weekdays.There is also an elevator in the room, which was originally used as a freight elevator to lead to the equipment room of the theater, but it was abandoned two years ago. Could it be that the murderer used this freight elevator to complete the murder plan?However, since it has not been used for many years, even if it can be operated, it may make a loud noise.It is estimated that the whole building will hear it. Next to the empty room is the room of sound engineer Takayoshi.The windows were hung with two layers of thick curtains, making the room extraordinarily dark.Flick the light switch to reveal a collection of classical guitars hanging on the wall.Several CDs of Grammy Awards are stacked scattered on the speakers of the stereo.On the table was an exquisite rosewood box the size of a toothpaste box. The box was locked with a combination lock and a set of metal rings that resembled nine chains.There is also a harmonica and two brass bells next to the box. Mona lives next door to Gao Yue.There was a faint fragrance in Huang Hefei's room. "It's the smell of lavender." Rocky said softly, touching the tip of his nose.On Huang Hefei's window sill, there was a pot of green plants that he couldn't name.A large red wooden box that was locked was placed in the most eye-catching position in the room.Long Wu said that this was Huang Hefei's prop box, and it was filled with inseparable gadgets in magic performances.But the most eye-catching thing is the three magic posters on the wall, one big and one small. The large poster in the center shows a man in Indian attire: a red-striped turban on a green background and a colorful striped robe.He held a crystal clear crystal ball in his left hand.The name above is in English: Alexander, and there is a line of notes below that is also in English: The Omniscient Man.On the small poster on the left is a man with big braids and a Qing Dynasty costume, who looks like a zombie in a ghost movie.Dozens of pairs of eyes are densely dotted against the black background.He was pulling a white dove out of a boiling pan of oil. "Cheng Liansu. He died in London at the end of the First World War in his best show, catching bullets with his bare hands." Rocky explained from the side.On the far right poster is a stocky man of short stature.His hands and feet were covered with handcuffs and shackles worn by serious criminals.There are eight small backgrounds around him, some are locked upside down in a large glass cabinet filled with water, some are hung upside down on skyscrapers, some are locked in a prison, and the British are standing outside. The policeman, and the one in a wooden prison van in a world of ice and snow... Needless to say, he is the greatest escape master in history-Houdini. Gu Jianhua's room is simple and clean, and all kinds of items are placed in an orderly manner.There is an antique mahogany square table beside the bed, on which there is a hardcover edition of "The Count of Monte Cristo" and a set of paperback "Anthology of Shakespeare's Plays". "You said the owner of this room is Gu Jianhua?" Rocky muttered. "Why, you know him?" "I seem to have a little impression. But it's been a while." "It's so normal to find someone with the same name and surname among a billion people." The room of prop master He Qiqiao is eerie and eerie.A picture of the sixty-four hexagrams is pasted on the wall.There are Jiulianhuan, Luban locks and other locks with strange shapes and materials in the large glass cover on the table. There are various tools in the box under the table. , "Houdini and Escape", "World History of Locks", "Encyclopedia of Chinese and Foreign Locks" and "Survival in the Wild" and other books. He Qiqiao lives next door to Li Nan, a makeup artist.If Long Wu hadn't explained it from the side, I would never have thought that this is a woman's room.Several Stephen King horror novels were piled up messily on the bed. movie poster.Li Nan must have found a lot of inspiration when he put makeup on the actors.Looking at the horror movie posters all over the wall, I couldn't help but think of Long Xiaofeng's weird posture.Li Nan's wardrobe is full of neutral clothing.Even if Guan Ren was reborn, he might not be able to guess the gender and occupation of the homeowner. "I'm really puzzled why Li Nan didn't make up all the actors in the troupe as ghosts and devils. It's also a 'hundred birds chasing the phoenix'. It's clearly a group of devils dancing! A group of cunning devils!" I whispered to Rocky. "Simply change 'Hundred Birds Garden' to 'Hundred Ghosts Garden'." Rocky responded in a low voice. "If the name is really changed, I will pay for the cost of the new plaque!" Maybe the tone of the last sentence was a bit high, which caused Long Wu to cast a strange look.In Long Wu's room, there are some acupuncture point maps and ink calligraphy and paintings on the wall.In addition to health care books, there are classics such as "Warring States Policy" and "Three Kingdoms" in the bookshelf. "Does Master Long like to play chess?" Luo Ji asked Long Wu, pointing to "The Secret of Orange" on the bookshelf. "Oh, yes." "Apart from you, who else in the troupe is interested in chess?" The runner-up, but I have never seen him play. This "Orange in the Secret" is Xiao Hu's. Gu Gu's chess skills are good, but because the theater troupe is inseparable from the work of the hotel, so he doesn't often play. The rest As far as I know, Xiao He and Pan Zi occasionally compete for a few rounds." Next door to Longwu is Xiaoyue's room in the hospital.Compared with other rooms, this one is very simple.Just like the standard configuration of the hotel: a bed, central air conditioner, refrigerator, TV, desk lamp, floor lamp, sofa chair, wardrobe, writing desk, armchair, an abacus on the writing desk, an ordinary solar calculator, a A copy of "Accounting" and two Jimmy comic books. "This Xiaoyue seems to be studying accounting." Rocky said. "Yes, this child has been clinging to Xiao Gao recently. But for her, Xiao Gao taught her surprisingly patiently." The room of Wang Hu and Ma Li can be said to be a mess.The pungent smell of alcohol and tobacco mixed with the rich smell of perfume.There are several pictures of nude women with blood-spitting breasts and wide buttocks posted on the wall.A red lace bra, a pair of purple cutout thongs and a pair of black fishnet stockings are draped over the back of the chair, and another pair is piled on the floor. Everything in the room made Long Wu very embarrassed.He said that he had persuaded the two to move more than once.However, because Wang Hu and his wife spend so much in their lives that they are heavily in debt, they would rather live a life under the fence with a cheeky face than spend money on moving.Long Wu considered the past contributions of the two to the troupe and the actual situation, so he had no choice but to give up temporarily.This is the shortcoming of the so-called Jianghu people like them: They value feelings and neglect interests, and they refuse to tear themselves apart in everything, so they have to pour bitterness into their stomachs in the end. "Too vulgar!" Although I have already experienced the dressing style of Wang Hu and his wife, it still makes me a little unbearable to see everything in front of me. "The same is true for worldly pleasures!" Rocky said with a helpless smile. Opposite Wang Hu's room is the room of Chang Liang and Yuan Man.The Chang couple's room is featureless.I learned from Long Wu that the only son of the two was studying in the United States, so the couple sold the house and used the money from the sale of the house to pay for their son's study and living in a foreign country.The room can only be described as too plain. The "trapeze foursome" all live on the second floor.As soon as they entered their room, the smell of messy perfumes and cosmetics hit their faces.Long Erye said that these four girls are all around twenty years old, which is the age group when their childishness has faded and they are becoming mature.The whole room is covered with various star posters, but they are all short-lived youth idols.The wardrobe is full of colorful clothes for young girls.The cosmetics of the four of them filled the dressing table, but they were all cheap items, and the sum of them might not be worth one piece of cosmetics owned by Long Xiaofeng. "This place is no different from the single dormitory, it has become a paradise for single people." After Long Wu left, I expressed my thoughts. "Yes, it seems that all the bachelors in Beijing are gathered in this peaceful and quiet birdcage." Rocky said with a smile, "Everyone lives in peace and enjoys themselves."
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