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Chapter 30 third chapter

dream without keys 辻村深月 2225Words 2018-03-15
Two months and three days after attending Chiba Amano's wedding, on November 13th, Yoshie found out that she was pregnant. She did not use hormones or diarrhoea, but followed the doctor's instructions and waited naturally.When the scheduled day of menstrual period passed and a positive reaction was obtained with a commercially available pregnancy test stick, Yoshie was so happy that she was afraid that the test might be wrong, so she took the test again.It was Saturday night.She couldn't wait for the hospital to open on Monday morning. Instead of going to a private clinic for infertility consultation, she went to the obstetrics and gynecology department of a general hospital two stations away with good reviews on the Internet.However, contrary to expectations, the doctor showed the ultrasound internal examination screen, pointed to the white round shadow and said, "I have to look again." The voice seemed extremely unreliable.

"It's only nine millimeters, about three weeks. It should grow smoothly, and I'll come back in two weeks." If the fetal heartbeat cannot be confirmed, it seems that the diagnosis of pregnancy cannot be confirmed.Not pregnant?Still not happy?Liangzhi was confused, the doctor probably saw something from her expression, and said something as if to make up: "Ah, congratulations." She originally thought that the doctor would be more happy to tell her: "You are happy!" But at least the doctor still said "congratulations", and the pregnancy must be confirmed in two weeks.Liang Zhi thought, but felt that the next two weeks would be extremely long.

Yesterday, Liang Zhi wrote "the first visit" on today's calendar at home.After returning from the hospital, she added a few words at the bottom: "Nine millimeters, three weeks". She had the urge to turn to the next page immediately and write "First Month Anniversary", "Second Month Anniversary", "Third Month", "Fourth Month", and then the due date .She has all the stickers ready to stick on the side. Two weeks later, on the screen I saw at the doctor's visit, the round shadow from last time became flat and long this time.She thought her heart was beating slowly, thumping, thumping, but in fact it was a fast and urgent trembling sound.

She thought the doctor would definitely say "I'm pregnant for sure" this time, but maybe because it was a big hospital, the doctor this time was not the same doctor as last time. He thought that Liang Zhi had already been diagnosed with pregnancy, so he just said coldly, "Next time, I will confirm the expected date of delivery." Bar".In this way, Liangzhi missed the opportunity to rejoice. In short, his pregnancy seems to be confirmed. "It seems that the due date will be decided in another two weeks. After the decision, I still can't get the mother and child handbook. Obviously, it is said on the Internet that almost all doctors decide the due date at the second visit. I can't get it on the tram. Did you get the 'I have a baby in my stomach' maternity sticker?"

Liangzhi complained to her husband, but Xue was very optimistic: "It's great, it's really great." Seeing his innocent and happy appearance, Liangzhi felt happy, thinking that although he is not so active towards children, he is still very happy. happy.But I was not so happy that I screamed and jumped. "Then can we increase the beer after taking a bath to two cans?" came the answer from the kitchen who opened the refrigerator like that. Although it was not because of hearing the diagnosis, Yoshie started to suffer from severe morning sickness from the day after the second visit to the doctor.As a result, she continued to vomit all the way through labor, even after she stabilized.

Yoshie didn't know much about it since she hardly ever drank alcohol, but she thought that a hangover might be similar to this disgusting feeling.My stomach is very uncomfortable, but at the same time I feel a sense of hunger, I really want to eat something like white rice that can fill my stomach.I can't eat much, but I feel hungry at every turn. Whether I eat or not, I still vomit frequently.In short, the whole person is sleepy and tired.She also once sat down suddenly on the tram home from get off work due to anemia, and was helped to the station attendant's room. She sent a text message to a friend saying that if she hadn't always wanted a child and looked forward to the joy of pregnancy, she really couldn't bear this kind of pain.She was very happy to be able to report the news and process of her pregnancy to everyone.

When she wrote an e-mail to Terui Risa who met at Chiba Amano's wedding banquet for other things, she added a sentence "My little devil's head is already six centimeters old", and Ricai replied in surprise: "Huh!? Are you pregnant?" I found out that I didn't contact Licai after discussing with her at that time, so I officially reported to her: "Yes! Thanks to you." I really want to take maternity leave as soon as possible. Liang Zhi's parents and in-laws are looking forward to Liang Zhi's birth.When she went back to Xue's hometown, her nephew, who had learned the word "cousin", touched Liangzhi's increasingly round belly and said, "Is there a cousin inside?" She was very moved.The mother-in-law was also very concerned about the pregnant Liang Zhi, and comforted her and said, "I have to work until eight months, it's really hard. You really worked hard."

Liangzhi is different from her sister-in-law who is a housewife in her parents-in-law's house. She even has to find a new house to live with the baby by herself, and she will have to pay the mortgage for the new house in the future.There is no need to worry about anything, and the sister-in-law who can easily get pregnant is really enviable. She is about to take maternity leave, and when she tidies up her office desk, she is looking forward to her future life when she thinks that she will not have to work for the next year.At the same time, the last day of leaving the workplace also made her reluctant to part, so lonely that she shed tears.

The husband's family already has an eldest grandson, but for her mother's family, Liang Zhi's child is the first grandchild.Following her mother's advice to go back to her hometown to wait for childbirth, she went back to her natal home in Shizuoka, and was picked up by her parents at the midwifery center her mother found with a good reputation.Liangzhi has a driver's license, but his parents insist that the pregnant Liangzhi not let him drive.On days when parents can't pick them up, they take a taxi home. "When is the due date?" One day, the taxi driver chatted.

Even without the pregnant woman stickers, seeing Liangzhi's obviously swollen belly, people around her often asked her this. "I'm going to give birth next month." "That's it. Our family was also born in summer, and the children born in summer are very strong. Have you figured out if it's a boy or a girl?" "It's a girl." Liang Zhi feels that the time of being a pregnant woman is particularly cherished.Friends who have given birth all wrote to say: "I will give birth soon, so cherish the precious time of mother and child together." In fact, she really can't imagine how busy she will be after the birth of the child.

"I'm looking forward to it, but this is my first child, so I feel a little uneasy." Liangzhi replied, the driver glanced at Liangzhi through the rear-view mirror, and then said, "It will be fine, everyone came here like this." "That's right." Liangzhi replied, after getting off the taxi, he pondered what the driver said.That's it, she nodded herself.That's how everyone came here. The general hospital in Tokyo has very strict nutrition management and weight restrictions during pregnancy, but the traditional-minded grandmother and mother in order to let Liange get more nutrition, the table is full of various dishes made by the mother every day. If she can receive such loving care, it's not bad to be a pregnant woman all the time—Ryoeda thought suddenly.After entering maternity leave, she felt for the first time how precious the daylight hours on weekdays were.After seeing the doctor, she wrote the mother and child handbook and diary while having lunch at an Italian restaurant near the midwifery office.She stroked Linyue's belly, looked around at the fashionable interior, and thought to herself: how many more times can I come here?She had prepared herself for the fear of becoming a mother, as well as for the defining life change of her impending visit.In the future, couples should not be able to go out on dates together, or go out to trendy restaurants, hair salons and movie theaters.
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