Home Categories detective reasoning dream without keys

Chapter 11 Chapter Four

dream without keys 辻村深月 2295Words 2018-03-15
Seeing Dabayashi who appeared at the rendezvous point, I started to regret it. "haven't seen you for a long time!" The gesture of raising the hand was clumsy.For some reason, "Lemon" is printed on the chest of the sweater on his body.Not any brand name, but an English word of unknown meaning.It might be okay if it was completely plain, but Dalin's appearance is neither good nor bad compared to the first time we met.When I saw his face, I immediately remembered: yes, this is what he looks like. We meet directly at Yokohama Station.I lied that the day before yesterday I was going to Yokohama to find my friend who was going to marry there.Because it is really daunting to drive such a long distance with Dalin, and we act together within the scope of usual activities, and we don't know who will be seen.

"Then let's go." As soon as we met, he stepped out.We talked so much in text messages, but when we actually met, they didn't even look at me.It's a rare holiday, why do I have to take a tram all the way to a place like this?Seeing Dalin's ugly and poor back, I suddenly felt that I was treated unreasonably, and I didn't know where to vent my resentment. Obayashi seems to have come to Yokohama by car.He said he parked his car in the cheap parking lot that he used to visit every time he came to Yokohama after graduation. "It's far away from the city center, and it's troublesome to drive back. Moreover, in Yokohama, it's more convenient to take the tram or bus."

"so." Living in the country, I hardly ever take a bus.When I imagine the sight of an elderly man like Dalin holding on to the ring and shaking in the tram, I feel so weird.But the picture of driving alone with him is even more resisting. The tram to Chinatown was very crowded because it was a holiday. "Living in the country is really troublesome. Once you pass thirty, even the neighbors will come to meddle in your business." Dalin and I stood together holding the rings, and Dalin spoke up. "My mother said that the old woman and grandfather nearby asked, saying that since your son works in a government agency, his head should not be bad, but he has never been married. Is there something wrong with his health? It spread. Really, what a joke. That's the way it is in the country."

Dalin smiled and said, and I nodded ambiguously in response: "Oh." If this is true, I don't know how bad it was spread by the neighbors nearby.Can't laugh at all. "The same is true of our fire brigade. Almost everyone is married or divorced. I am the only one who has never been married. Everyone used to say that I should be the first to start a family. The world is really unpredictable. Well. Every time someone gets married, there will be a wedding banquet or a wedding ceremony, and then our fire brigade will perform a sideshow, and I always help to celebrate. The juniors are clamoring for me to hurry up and let them congratulate, but this is the only thing ..."

It may be that as time passed, Dalin found his own pace, and he started to talk.I responded perfunctorily to his blatant remarks that made people feel ashamed.But no matter how much you regret it, you have to spend the whole day with him today. "What do sideshows perform?" "It's hard to say in front of the lady, but there is a bride inspection. This is a noisy event only for the fire brigade. It is to comment that the bride has a good figure, her waist is twisted very vigorously, and the groom is driving a car. How to wait, when the stall is renewed, it is almost a dirty joke."

That crooked smile gave me goosebumps all over my body.The country men's sideshows are very substandard. I have already seen it in various wedding banquets I attended before, so I really shouldn't ask again.It's hard to say what you say in front of the lady, but talking about the intimacy between your companions in a boastful manner is too much for people.Maybe he thought he was showing his humorous side. Finding fault with people will only spoil the fun, but I can't be like Tomoe, shouting excitedly and laughing together.I was silent, and he finally apologized and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." But his tone was flirtatious, and he didn't feel guilty at all.

Standing together in the crowded carriage, I saw that the back of Dalin's hands protruding from his sweater was covered with a thick layer of hair.At such a close distance, seeing the clear wrinkles and dirty skin like a painting on it, I feel that I am very miserable standing next to it. There were people getting on and off the bus at the station on the way, and two girls stood behind us.They were probably younger than Penghui, with student appearance and stylish attire, holding rings in their hands, and one was sipping a drink with a Starbucks pattern through a straw. I casually looked at them who were keen on chatting, and when I was about to turn to the other side again, Dalin suddenly moved.He spoke aloud behind them:

"Student, can I take the drink? It will be bad if it is spilled. I don't care about you if you eat and drink in the car." "what?" I was taken aback, and the girls were even more surprised.Dalin's breath was heavy, and his voice was hoarse with excitement.In the clear plastic cup, the ice cubes and liquid are less than half the height. "Ah, good. I'm sorry..." After a while, the two responded, but the voice didn't sound like they were introspecting, but they wanted to avoid getting involved with this person.Dalin nodded in satisfaction, left behind them silently, returned to me, and said with a half-sigh: "I just can't stand by when I see that."

I feel like my face is going to burn.Looking back, one of them glanced here and frowned.I hurriedly lowered my head.You don't even need to look to know.I can even clearly imagine them whispering unhappily: "There's only a little left, and it'd better be spilled." The eyes in the carriage were clearly focused on us.Not only did Dalin not mind, but he was complacent, and pretended to change the subject to me and asked, "By the way, is there any place you want to go?" I shrunk my shoulders to a small size and lowered my head. I don't know how many times I was burned by deep regret: How could I agree to his invitation?It's still the tram for the outbound trip, but I really want to go back.I really want to reach my destination quickly.

At the next stop, someone got off again. "Sit down." Dalin urged, and sat down in the seat in front, and the girl who was back to back with us also sat down in the opposite seat.Because it was so embarrassing, I wanted to lower my head again, only to see two boys approaching them. "Ah." Seeing this, I felt even more ashamed.Because the carriages were crowded, they seemed to stand separately from their friends. They whispered something to their boyfriends.I know they are watching here.The two boys are tall and straight, with good posture, no beards or wrinkles, young and beautiful faces looking here.

I don't know what Dalin next to me is thinking.I never looked up again. After having lunch together at the Chinatown restaurant that Dalin introduced, I said, "I'm in a hurry." I ignored it even if it was unnatural, and I went back to the station alone.I don't remember how I got rid of Dalin who was trying to catch up. On the tram ride home, I let go of my wits and thought: Fortunately, I didn't discuss Dalin with Penghui before. The next day, as expected, Dalin sent a text message. 'Is your grandma doing well?She was suddenly hospitalized, you must be very worried.What a pity yesterday, I still have so many places I want to take you.Really had a good time, besides meat buns and pan-fried dumplings, dry-roasted shrimps are also...' I stopped watching halfway through, and seriously thought about how to get rid of him. I didn't reply, and I changed my phone number and e-mail address.I am wide awake.That was the end between Dalin and me.
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