Home Categories detective reasoning eighth rest of fate

Chapter 30 Chapter Four

eighth rest of fate 连城三纪彦 2227Words 2018-03-15
"I planned to tell you the truth on the return train. However, we parted at the train station... This is my sister." Akiko took out a photo.The person in the photo is quite similar to Akiko from the eyes to the nose, but it may be due to the heavy makeup!It makes people feel that she is not as delicate and clean as Akiko.If Akiko is the lovely Mirabilis, then my sister is like a big, gorgeous artificial flower with no natural flavor.Yumiko, who seems to be smiling at the camera, is wearing a bright red suit. "Yumiko prefers red. The skirts and sweaters I saw at the police station are all clothes that Yumiko would wear."

"Why—" "I don't understand either! But, I really only want to tell the truth to you...you are a kind person." "No, I'm asking why you want to lie to the police?" Akiko shook her head, as if to say that she didn't know the reason, and also as if to say that only one reason could not be known to Junping.Silence lay between the two of them for a while.You can hear the sound of goldfish jumping in the glass tank by the window.The curtains are not moving, and the summer afternoon is so hot that there is no breeze. "Who is the male corpse?"

Akiko shook her head again. "I don't know. The clothes and the watch belong to Xia Mu...but..." "However, I think that although the clothes on the male corpse belonged to Xia Mu, maybe the deceased was not Xia Mu!" Junping suddenly felt sorry for Akiko and asked the police that the deceased was not killed by him, right?And I want to see the remains for reconfirmation. "That is to say, at that time, you thought maybe Xia Mu changed into his own clothes after killing your husband?" "...Yes...but why." Akiko seemed surprised by Junping's quick thinking.

"What prompted you to think this way was when the four of you were negotiating in Kanazawa. Xia Mu would yell at your husband and sister: 'I'm going to kill you two'!" "why……" Akiko wanted to ask why she knew about this, but then she seemed to suddenly recall that before she and Junping parted ways at Naganohara Railway Station the day before yesterday, Junping had asked about the name of Showazhuang in Kanazawa. "After we broke up, you went to Kanazawa?" Junping nodded and admitted, probably Akiko was surprised!Ask now: "Why do you want to go?" The tone was rash and sharp, as if he was blaming Junping.

"I want to find your husband with the 20,000 won you gave." Junping originally wanted to say that he wanted to buy your life for 20,000 yuan, but in this way, Akiko would probably ask "Why?" again!So I don't want to express my true feelings.No, this feeling cannot be expressed.Three days ago, when you regained consciousness on this sofa and opened your lips and smiled, I was already drunk in it, and I can never express my inextricable feelings.All that was missing was the body of Akiko's husband.In her heart, his spirit is still clearly imprinted.The woman next to her loved her husband more than she thought she would.

The woman in front of him just stared at Junping in surprise.Junping repeated all the words he heard from the manager of Showa Village.Akiko's stubborn eyes seem to blame Junping for spying on the part of her that is ashamed to see others. "I just have one question for you. On the festival day in February, you were the one who called Showa-so, right?" After being questioned, the gaze looking at Junping finally eased. "...That's right. The situation is just as you said. After the negotiation between the four of us turned into a quarrel, my husband took me out of the apartment. The two continued to discuss in a nearby teahouse, but they still quarreled...My husband I was so angry that I ran out of the teahouse. I thought he had returned to Showazhuang! So I went back to the hotel and planned to stay there and wait for Xia Mu to contact me. However, Xia Mu not only did not give me any news that night, but also had no news since then. That's why I thought of calling Zhao Hezhuang to check..."

The reason for Xia Mu's murder is not simply because of hatred for Orihara and Yumiko's betrayal.There is also a plan to arrange for himself to be mistaken for death, so that he can smoothly fly away with 10 million embezzled public funds.Judging from the photos, Natsuki and Orihara are very similar in stature. "I see... If Xia Mu hadn't been scheming, he wouldn't have forced the two of them to leave alone without contacting me. When I saw the corpse, I had this idea.... At that time, I suddenly felt like telling the police that I didn't know him." The deceased is better. Because if it is said that the deceased is Meizi and my husband, if the police interrogate me further, then I really don’t know how to answer. I can only say that I died for love, but in fact, Xia Mu’s robbery of 10 million is not enough. In connection with this incident, if I am involved in this intricate vortex of economic crime and murder, how should I deal with myself?"

Akiko shook her head, her face buried between her hands. "You said your husband is left-handed..." "That was a lie that came to mind...Xia Mu is the real left-hander...The criminal policeman said that the deceased was just like a normal right-handed person, wearing a watch on his left hand. I presume that the deceased was not Xia Mu because of this statement. Left-handed Xiamu watches are used to wearing on the right hand! When he took off his watch and put it on my husband’s hand, he must not have thought that it was his own hand, so wear it backwards!..." "In this way, as long as we understand the reason why Xia Mu's habit of wearing a watch was unusual at that time, the possibility of the deceased being Xia Mu will be greatly increased!"

Akiko raised her face and nodded silently.There were crystal tears in her eyes. "However, this is the end of the matter. Don't investigate any further. This is not what I entrust to you. As long as you are by my side, I feel at ease. I am not referring to my husband who is still missing, but my Emotions... I have been at a loss for half a year. Until you appeared, I felt as if I had a reassurance... Now this status quo is good, and it is enough. If the deceased is indeed Xia Mu, and my husband is still alive, then I I think we will know his whereabouts tomorrow." "Tomorrow... how do you say?"

"I decided to look for it on TV. There is a program on missing people on TV in the morning. The producer of that program often comes to the restaurant where I work and takes good care of me. I just asked him about it yesterday. He immediately agreed to broadcast me as far away as possible. I only have two or three minutes to use because this is an interlude in the middle of the program, but because the ratings of the program are quite high, it will definitely be effective." "Didn't you say you didn't want to make this public?" "...After I told you the truth, I realized that this is not a shameful thing; and I also hope that the matter will come to light soon. It is impossible to keep lying about the fact that the deceased is my sister. If there is no news from my husband tomorrow, Then the police may think that the deceased is my husband and come to the door?... So hey! Please help me again, and accompany me to the police station tomorrow, I am really worried by myself!"

With Junping's promise, Akiko smiled reassuringly, and looked at Junping's wrist as if remembering something.There are seven numbers clearly left on it. "You didn't forget...thank you!" Junping avoided Akiko's smiling gaze and looked at the birdcage on the sideboard.The bird, made of delicate origami, looks pale and dazzling in the blinding summer sun, and it does not move, like a lifeless fossil. "Can you give me that origami bird?" Junping asked abruptly.
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