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Chapter 8 Chapter Seven Wu Lingling's Emotions

magician murder 兰蔻 4942Words 2018-03-15
It was another Friday, and time passed without knowing it. Mr. Pan started the meeting at 4 o'clock in the company, and after the meeting ended at 4:30, he told the subordinate with the key to lock the door after get off work, and hurried downstairs.The recent case of Mi Lip's disappearance made him very anxious. I got into my private car in the parking lot downstairs of the company, turned around and got on Lumo Road, and drove towards Optics Valley. Since the establishment of the company, going home early every Friday has become an essential habit.Even after meeting Mi Lip, as a father, he still picked up his daughter to go home on time on this day.

My daughter is called Dandan. She is seven years old this year. She is in the second grade in a central primary school in the ancient city. She is cute, smart, and beautiful like her mother. About half an hour later, Mr. Pan parked the car on the road outside the school.At this time, the parents who came to pick up their children home parked their cars beside the avenue and waited outside the car. Before Mr. Pan got out of the car, he suddenly saw Dandan appearing in front of the car window, he was taken aback for a moment, then opened the left door with a smile. "Father!" Dandan called out in a low voice, and got into the car.

Seeing his daughter pulling her face, Mr. Pan turned the car into the middle of the avenue, shifted gears, stepped on the accelerator, and said, "What's wrong with Dandan today?" "Why didn't Dad come to the parent-teacher meeting today?" Dandan said with watery tears. "Oh——" Boss Pan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that Dandan told him about attending the parent meeting this afternoon when he sent his daughter to school this morning. "Dandan, please be considerate of Dad. Dad is already exhausted because of the company's affairs." President Pan wondered why this damn teacher only let his father go to the meeting.Although his wife Wu Lingling manages the company's accounts, she only goes to the company every Tuesday and Thursday.It's just these two days, Mr. Pan often feels depressed.He feels that he and his wife no longer have a real common language.The only thing that binds them together is the company and their daughter Dandan.

Dandan sobbed, tears streaming down his cheeks slowly. Mr. Pan took a tissue from the front of the car and handed it to Dandan, teasing his daughter and saying, "Don't cry, Dandan, Dad treats you to KFC today." "Really?" Dandan wiped away her tears and looked at her father in surprise. "Really. But the premise is that you can't tell mom." Mr. Pan bit his lips and agreed when he saw that Dandan was not crying.Mr. Pan and Wu Lingling know that KFC is fried food, so Dandan has almost never been to KFC since he was a child, so going to KFC has become a beautiful dream of Dandan.

"Father is so kind!" Dandan smiled and kissed his father on the face. "Mom, we're back!" Dandan cheered as soon as she entered the house. The apartment was quiet, but there seemed to be a whirring coming from the kitchen.Mr. Pan guessed that it was the sound of the range hood spinning. It seems that Dandan's cry was not heard inside, and there was no echo. Dandan looked at his father suspiciously. "Mom is in the kitchen." Boss Pan took Dandan's hand and walked towards the kitchen. Outside the kitchen door, they saw Wu Lingling busy in a green apron. Boss Pan probed his head and saw the paper bags on the kitchen rail.

Wu Lingling felt that there was someone behind her. She turned around, glanced at them, and said, "Dandan, mom is busy. You and dad will watch TV for a while. It will be all right after a while." Turn around and pour the contents of the paper bag into the pot. "Dandan, dad is helping mom, you go back to the living room and wait." Boss Pan kissed Dandan's fair face. Dandan smiled and ran back to the living room obediently. "How can you keep cooking something like this for us to eat?" Boss Pan was furious when he saw his daughter leave. His wife, Wu Lingling, obviously heard her husband's scolding, she turned around and said, "Isn't the stuff you buy outside quite tasty?"

"If you pack it outside, we might as well eat it outside, so we don't need to bother you." Boss Pan glared at Wu Lingling angrily. "Oh, so you thought so, next time...next time I won't buy it outside and bring it back." Wu Lingling said apologetically. "As a wife and mother, I can't even do this well." Boss Pan didn't bother to lose his temper with her, and left without looking back. "I also want to be a good mother and wife, but I really don't have the time for that!" Wu Lingling said, seemingly muttering to herself. In addition to managing the company's accounts, Wu Lingling recently started a joint venture with a friend in the clothing business in Guangyang Department Store in order to pass the boring time.Therefore, recently she always rushed back from Guangyang Department Store in a hurry, and since there was no time to make dinner, she packed everything outside.She knew that the packaged things were not as delicious as the ingredients she bought herself, but there was really nothing she could do.

In the past, when I was at home, I only managed the company’s accounts and took care of my daughter. I had too much free time, and it was really difficult to pass the time. Since her husband was raising a lover outside, her heart was even more empty. That’s why she came up with the idea of ​​opening a clothing store with a friend. . Wu Lingling planned to come out to take care of the company's accounts because she was bored at home.She originally wanted to take care of the family wholeheartedly, but staying at home with nothing to do every day was really boring, and her heart was particularly empty.

After she stated to Pan Wei that she wanted to go to the company to manage the accounts, Pan Wei pondered for a moment and said: "You can go to the company to manage the accounts, but the premise must be to take good care of your daughter and this family." "Dandan has already gone to elementary school, and we can take a lunch break at noon. We just need to pick him up in the morning and evening." Wu Lingling said calmly and slightly excitedly, "Since I was pregnant with Dandan until now, I have stayed at home for seven years. I think if I stay like this any longer, I'm afraid I'll go crazy."

"I understand your feelings very well, so I agree with you when you proposed to go to the company." Pan Wei shrugged helplessly. After Wu Lingling came to the company to manage the accounts, she gradually got rid of the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, and she could be with her husband every day at the company. The home is cared for warmly and considerately. These days let her regain the feeling of being a woman, so she feels very happy about this life.She thought that this kind of life would go on like this, but she gradually discovered that her husband was gradually different from before.Compared with before, my husband loves to dress up and go out to socialize more, and he comes back very late every night.At first, she thought that her husband was just entertaining the boss of the printing factory or the company that made the cover, so she didn't take it seriously.But after a while, she slowly found something was wrong. She felt that her husband was getting farther and farther away from her. In addition to daily life, she also had sex at night.When she began to realize that her husband might have a woman outside, rumors about the company's secrets spread everywhere, but later she found out from an American editor that her husband did have a lover, and this lover was none other than the company's editor-in-chief. rice lip.

For her husband's cheating, Wu Lingling knew the reason.For so many years, the life of the husband and wife has been relatively indifferent, and there is almost no sex life, let alone a common language exchange. The only thing that allows them to communicate is Dandan. She understands that her husband is like this, and the ultimate responsibility for the current situation lies entirely on herself.Although she was responsible, she still couldn't accept the fact that her husband cheated. Compared with other families whose husbands take care of their lovers, Wu Lingling talks to her husband rationally. That day, she pretended to be the same as usual, and she made dinner at home and waited for her husband and daughter to come home. After dinner, Dandan went back to her room to do her homework. After Wu Lingling finished packing, she took off her apron, gritted her teeth, and said, "Pan Wei, how many years have we been married?" "Why did you suddenly ask?" Pan Wei sat on the sofa opposite Wu Lingling, flipping through the covers of the magazines that came out today, and raised his head to look at her suspiciously. "Seven years. Do you feel happy in these seven years of married life?" Before Pan Wei could continue, Wu Lingling went on to say: "I know you are not happy, and I am also not happy. Looking back on the past seven years, like most marriages and families, they went from full of enthusiasm to a trough. , there is not only no passion for each other, but also no common language, let alone spiritual communication and harmonious sex life." "There are indeed contradictions in our marriage, but I am responsible for making you so thoughtful." Pan Wei put down the cover, looked directly at his wife and said. "Actually, it's not your fault. It's just me. Although I have a beautiful appearance, I can't bring you a real sex life. You know I'm so indifferent to that aspect that I can't even give you a son. , I know that deep down in your heart you have longed for a son, don't you?" Wu Lingling said, looking at Pan Wei with some excitement. "About this, you can still see clearly." "That's why you came to Mi Lips, isn't it?" Wu Lingling said, her eyes suddenly turned red, as if bloodshot after staying up late. "This... how do you know?" Boss Pan widened his eyes in shock. "Everyone knows about it, but they keep it from me, a woman." Wu Lingling suppressed her emotions and didn't cry out. "Actually, I don't want to hurt you because I don't want to tell you. You know how important it is to me to have a son." Pan Wei tried his best not to say it out loud. "This damn traditional Chinese concept!" Wu Lingling murmured cursingly. "You also understand my family situation, how much I long to have a son." Pan Wei shrugged helplessly. Wu Lingling suddenly wept in a low voice, choked up and remained silent. "Although I'm with Mi Lip, but...you don't have to worry. For you and for the family, I won't divorce. You can rest assured about this." Pan Wei said quietly. "Really?" Wu Lingling raised her head and gouged Pan Wei fiercely. "I know you feel uncomfortable, I hope you don't do stupid things because of this." Pan Wei shook his head, looking a little flustered. "Don't do stupid things because of this? You damn man..." Wu Lingling couldn't suppress her emotions and shouted loudly. "Mom—" Dandan didn't know when she appeared in front of them. Standing at the end of the living room, she looked at her mother in panic, and at the same time looked at her father in confusion. Wu Lingling squatted down, her hands were trembling and she slowly hugged her shoulders, her head was deeply buried on her knees. "Dandan, come, let's go back to the study." Pan Wei said and walked towards Dandan. "What's wrong with mom?" Dandan looked at his father anxiously. "Mom just remembered something sad, be good, be obedient, go back to the room first." Pan Wei patted Dandan on the shoulder, then picked her up and walked to Dandan's room. Next door to Dandan's room is Boss Pan's study, and he never lets anyone in, including his daughter.Wu Lingling knew that he liked to read alone in the study at night, so she never bothered him. In order to maintain her last dignity and keep her husband's heart, Wu Lingling decided to talk to Mi Lip.Since the colleagues in the company already knew about this triangle relationship, she felt that there was no need to hide it or go outside to talk about it, so she chose to be in the company's office. Mi Lip was communicating with the writer, when Mr. Wu’s QQ profile picture suddenly flickered, she froze for a moment, clicked to open, and saw the message above: “Please come to the office!” Mi Lip didn't ask anything, but she felt vaguely uneasy in her heart, so she moved her chair and walked towards the office. "Mr. Wu, what's the matter?" Mi Lip entered the office and said directly. "Close the door, I have something to ask you." Wu Lingling shifted her gaze from the computer to Mi Lip. Mi Lip closed the door, and was slightly surprised to see Mr. Wu raising his hand to signal to sit on the sofa opposite her. "Mi Lip, you are a smart woman, I asked you to come in today, you don't need me to say it, you should know what it is." Wu Lingling stared at Mi Lip sharply and calmly. Mi Lip was a little timid under Mr. Wu's eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "Mr. Wu means..." "You did a good job, do you want me to find out?" Wu Lingling suddenly stared fiercely at Mi Lip. "What should come will still come." Mi Lip sighed secretly and lowered her head. "Since Mr. Wu knows, I'm not afraid to tell the truth. In fact, I just fell in love with Mr. Pan, and there is really nothing else." Mi Lip said in a low voice. Mi Lip's bluntness made Wu Lingling stunned for a moment, but the cold light was still shining in her eyes. "Could it be that you simply fell in love with Mr. Pan, without any other purpose, who would believe it?" Wu Lingling said coldly. "Really, it's just a simple and innocent love." Mi Lip looked at Wu Lingling timidly. "I don't care whether you are in love with Pan Wei, or you are willing to be a mistress or a mistress, I still need you to leave the company and Pan Wei." Wu Lingling couldn't help but annoyed. "I know it's really wrong for me to meddle in your family, but I'm not what you imagined." Mi Lip opened her hands and explained helplessly.She knew that no matter how she explained, Mr. Wu couldn't believe her. Wu Lingling knew in her heart that Pan Wei and Mi Chun were lingering, maybe one of the reasons was that they loved each other, and she also knew Mi Chun better. She was not the kind of character who would rather be a mistress, but for the sake of her family and marriage, she had to be ruthless Come on, kick Mi Lip away. "I don't care what your real purpose is. You have to leave the company and Pan Wei. As for the conditions, I won't treat you badly." Wu Lingling stared at Mi Lip to make a decision. "I know...there is no real love between Mr. Pan and you, is there?" Mi Lip suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Wu Lingling. After Wu Lingling heard this, she trembled slightly and said, "It's a matter between our husband and wife, you have no right to know." "A family without love, a marriage without love, can't you be happy?" Mi Lip asked. Wu Lingling's eyes gradually calmed down, and she said: "As a woman, since you know it so well, I don't need to say anything. Although we have no love at all, I must hold Pan Wei forever. No one can get him out of here." Take it from me, including you." "Mr. Wu, don't worry, I will never hurt your family, but I am hopelessly in love with Mr. Pan, and there is nothing I can do about it!" Mi Lip said, her eyes turned red. "No matter what, I'll give you time, you must leave the company." Wu Lingling threw down this sentence fiercely, and waved Mi Lip out. Wu Lingling hates this kind of woman's hypocrisy the most. Mi Lip sighed helplessly, wiped his eyes, and walked out silently with his head bowed. Wu Lingling felt her body go limp all of a sudden, staring at the back of Mi Lip outside the floor-to-ceiling window, pondering over and over again. After Wu Lingling quarreled with Pan Wei and Mi Chun several times, they clarified their respective positions. The husband just wanted to get a son, but Mi Chun was kept in the dark.She felt that if the quarrel continued, not only would her husband leave her, but it would also cause deeper harm, so she gradually calmed down and thought about how to deal with this troubled triangle relationship.In order to hide her husband and Mi Lip, she deliberately opened a joint clothing business with a friend. On the surface, she is really busy and has no time to take care of the family. In fact, she neglects her husband and family, making her husband understand that without her, this family will be as cold as the Dead Sea. A lifeless family.She liked to torment him this way.Even if something happened to Mi Lip later, she still did this. "Does Mi Lip's disappearance have anything to do with you?" When Pan Wei said this to her suddenly one day, she couldn't believe that what her husband said was the truth. "Mi Lip is missing?" Wu Lingling looked at her husband in shock, her eyes full of disbelief. "Didn't you do it?" Pan Wei was stunned when he saw his wife's innocent face. "Do you think I will do this?" Wu Lingling suddenly laughed coldly. Pan Wei looked at his wife in front of him, and felt that she seemed to be a different person, and a chill surged up in his heart. I just want to grab the last bit of happiness, can't I even ask for this?Wu Lingling thought sadly.She thought of how kind and gentle her husband was to her before, but now he is so indifferent.
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