Home Categories detective reasoning Pandora's Redemption

Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six

Pandora's Redemption 哈兰·科本 4575Words 2018-03-15
Myron ran three blocks away, stopped, leaned against a house, and vomited.Some bums stopped around him, applauding, and Myron waved to his fans.Welcome to New York. Myron wanted to call Wen on his mobile phone, but the phone had been broken in the chaos.He found a sign and found himself in the Meatpacking District near the West Side Freeway, which was just 10 blocks south of the Speedster.He staggered forward, clutching his side, trying to stop the blood that kept pouring out.A public telephone that can be used normally is a miracle in this area of ​​Manhattan, but a miracle happened right in front of Myron's eyes.He immediately dialed Wen's cell phone.

As soon as the bell rang, Wen immediately answered, "Let's talk." "They are dead," said Myron, "both of them." "Be more specific." Myron briefly told Wen the details. After he finished speaking, Wen said, "I'll be there in three minutes." "I need to call the police." "It's not wise to do that." "why?" "They won't believe your tragic story," Wen said, "especially the mysterious savior." "You mean they'll think you were the one who killed them?" "That's right."

Wen has a point. "But we can clarify," Myron said. "Yes, maybe eventually everything will be cleared up, but it will take a long time." "We don't have time." "Do you understand?" Myron thought for a while, "But someone saw me leaving the bar with Pat." "so what?" "The police will ask those witnesses, learn about this situation, and then deduce that I am at the scene of the murder." "You don't have to worry about that." "what?" "It's inconvenient to say more on the phone, I'll be there in 3 minutes."

"Where's Zora? What did you do to him?" But Wen had already hung up the phone, and Myron put down the receiver.A few more bums stared at him like he was a dropped sandwich.Myron met their gaze without flinching until they looked away.Tonight, Myron was no longer afraid. Three minutes later, a car drove up, a Chevy Nova.Wen collected a lot of these cars, all of which were dilapidated, and it was impossible to track down the owner. Wen called it a discarded car.Wen likes to use the cars for certain nighttime events, though it's best not to ask. The door opened, and Myron glanced inside to see Win behind the wheel.Myron got into the car and sat next to Wen.

"It's a done deal," Wen said. "what?" "The police have arrived at the scene and started investigating." Really bad news. "I can still go back and find them." "Yeah, of course. And they'll ask, Mr Polita, why didn't you call the police? In fact, why did you call your friend before you called the authorities? Are you under suspicion Assisting Miss Esperanza Diaz in the murder of Leigh Lee Palmus's best friend? What were you doing in that bar? Why did Mr. Palmus want to kill you?" "I can explain all these problems."

Wen shrugged, "You decide." "Like it's up to me to go with Pat or not." "yes." "My decision was wrong." "Yes. It's too dangerous for you to go with him like that. There are other ways." "any solution?" "We can change the time and grab Pat and make him talk." "Let him speak?" "yes." "You mean, beat him? Or torture him?" "yes." "I wouldn't do that." "Grow up quickly," Wen said, "It's a simple cost-benefit analysis: it doesn't matter if it's worth the temporary discomfort of causing an outlaw to greatly reduce your risk of being killed. Wen glanced at him. "By the way, you look terrible."

"You should go and see those two guys in the room. Compared with them, I am much better." Myron added: "Did you kill Zola?" Wen smiled: "You know I won't do that." "No, Wen, I don't know, did you kill him?" Wen parked in front of the "Speed ​​Junkie" bar. "Look inside." "Why are we coming back here?" "Two reasons. One, you never left." "I never left?" "I'll testify that you've been here all night and only been out with Pat for a little while, and Thriller will support my testimony," he smiled. "And Zora."

"You didn't kill that guy." "It's ma'am, Zora likes to be called ma'am." "Ma'am? You didn't kill the lady?" "Of course not, they got out of the car." I was surprised, Myron said. "why?" "Usually when you threaten a person..." "I never threatened Zora. I threatened Pat. I said I 'maybe' would kill Zora. Besides, so what? Because Billy Lee Palmus, a drug addict, hangs Should Zola suffer if the phone is disconnected? I don't think so." Myron shook his head, "You always surprise people."

Wen stopped, "And you have been getting into trouble recently. But at least your luck is not bad. Zola said that she is willing to use her life to ensure your safety. I know she can't do it, so I tell you not to go." "I don't think I have any other choice." "Now you know." "Maybe." Wen put one hand on Myron's arm quietly, "Esperanza is right, you still can't forget her." Myron nodded, and Wen lowered his arms. "This is for you," Wen said, handing Miron a small bottle, "Take it." Trial size mouthwash, thanks to Wen.They walked into the 'speed fan', Myron went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth, splashed some water on his face, and checked the wound, which was painful.He looked in the mirror, still brown from three weeks with Therese, but Wyn was right: he looked terrible.

Milon walked out of the bathroom, Wen was waiting for him. "You said there were two reasons. You asked me to come back here for two reasons." "Reason number two," Wyn said, "Nancy, maybe you prefer the name 'Thriller', she's worried about you, and I want you—to meet her." When they reached the corner booth, Zora and Thriller were busy chatting like, uh, two bachelorettes in a bar. Zola smiled at Myron, "Zola is sorry, the lover of my dreams." "It's not your fault," Myron said. "Zola was referring to their deaths," Zola said. "Zola really wanted to spend a few hours alone with them first."

"Yes," said Myron, "what a pity." "Zola has told Wen everything she knows. In fact, there is not much. Zola is just a beautiful tool being used, and she doesn't want to know too much." "You work for Pat?" The fake woman nodded, her wig not moving at all. "Zora's a bodyguard, can you believe that? Zora Everakhan has to condescend to be an ordinary bodyguard?" "Yeah, things are tough. So what does Pa do?" "Does everything, mainly drug dealing." "What's the relationship between Billy Lee and Pat?" "Billy Lee called Pat his uncle," Zola shrugged, "but that's not necessarily true." "Have you seen Crue Hyde?" "No." "Do you know why Billy Lee hid?" "He was very scared and always thought someone was going to kill him." "Is it me that he's afraid of?" "Looks like it is." Myron couldn't figure out what was going on, so he asked a few more questions, but got no more results.Wen reached out and pulled Zola out of the cubicle. She was wearing high heels, but she walked smoothly, which is not everyone's ability. Zola kissed Wen's cheek, "Thank you for not killing Zola, sweetheart." Wen bowed slightly, "It's an honor, ma'am." Elegant and charming Wen. "I'll take you out." Myron sat beside Trembling, and without saying a word, she cupped his face with both hands, and kissed him deeply.He also responded enthusiastically.Gentle on his mouthwash, it's great.When they paused to catch their breath, Trembling said, "You sure make a woman happy." "You're not bad either." "You scared me to death." "I didn't mean to do that." She looked at Myron's face, "Are you okay?" "It's okay." "I kind of want to invite you to my place." Myron said nothing, and lowered her eyes, she was still staring into his face. "That's it, is it?" she said. "You're not going to call me, are you?" Myron said, "You're beautiful, smart, funny..." "But it's about to be ruthlessly thrown away." "It's not because of you." "Oh, very creative. Don't tell me it's because of you, okay?" Myron squeezed out a smile, "You really know me." "I want to get to know you." "My heart is broken, Nancy." "Who isn't?" "I just ended a relationship of many years..." "Who mentioned the relationship? We can just date, okay?" "No." "what?" "I can't do it," Myron said. "I can't help myself. Every time I go on a date with someone, I start to picture the kids, the barbecue in the backyard, the rusty baskets in the driveway, whatever. You can't help but put the other person into this mode and see if you feel it." She looked at Myron: "God, you're really weird." You are right. She started fiddling with the straw. "Can't you imagine me in these family patterns?" "Quite the opposite," Myron said, "and that's the real problem." "I get it, or at least I think I get it." She straightened up. "I'm leaving." "I'll walk you home." "No, I'll take a taxi back by myself." "no need." "I think that's fine, good night, Myron." She turned and left, Myron stood up, Wen came to him, and they both watched her disappear through the door. Wen nodded, "I've called a car for her." "thanks." After a moment of silence, Wen put one on Myron's shoulder. "Can I express my impressions of the scene just now?" "Say it." "You are a hopeless idiot." Myron and Win pulled up in front of the apartment of the doctor who had seen Myron's wound on the Upper West Side, and Myron re-stitched the wound, squealing in pain.The two good friends returned to Wen's residence in Dakota, and sat down in a room decorated in the style of Louis X. They each held their favorite drinks, Myron held a Yoo-Hoo, and Wen held a amber liquid. Wen picked up the remote control, changed the TV channel to find something to watch, and finally stopped on CNN.Looking at the TV screen, Myron couldn't help but think of Therese who was alone on the island. He looked at the time. If it was normal, it should be the time for Therese to broadcast the news. Now, a guy with ugly dyed hair appear in front of the camera.Myron didn't know when and if Trace would come back, and he didn't know why he kept thinking about her. Wen turned off the TV, "Another can?" Myron shook his head, "What did Sawyer Pierce say to you?" "Nothing, he just said that Crewe has a drug addiction, he wants to help Crewe, etc. You know, Sawyer is leaving the Yankees." "I have no idea." "He's grateful for the Yankees that made him famous, but now it's time for dear Sawyer to take charge of his own destiny and inspire more unknowns, who will soon be on the speaking tour." "Like those rock stars?" Wen nodded. "And outrageously priced T-shirts." "Is it black?" "I don't know, but at the end of every speech, rabid fans light their lighters and shout 'Free Bird!'" "Typical 1977 style." "Who said it wasn't? But I did a little research and guess who's sponsoring this tour?" "Budweiser, the well-deserved king of beer." "Basically," Wyn said, "his new publisher, Lifton Press." "That's Vinson Liverton? Former owner of the New York Yankees?" "it's him." Myron whistled, thought for a while, and came to no conclusion. "After a spate of acquisitions, it may not mean that Lifton has half the city's publishing industry." "Maybe," Wen said. "If you have any questions, Sawyer is giving a lecture tomorrow at Cadgemore Hall at Reston University, and he invited me to attend, with a companion." "I usually don't say yes to a first date." "Are you proud of this?" Myron took a long swig of Yoo-Hoo, maybe because of his age, now that Yoo-Hoo doesn't taste so wonderful anymore, he wanted a big skim latte with a little vanilla, although he didn't want to Order this drink in front of other men. "Tomorrow I want to investigate Crewe's autopsy." "By Sally Lee?" Myron nodded, "She is in the courthouse now, but she will be back in the autopsy room tomorrow morning." "Do you think she'll tell you the situation?" "I have no idea." "Maybe you should turn on your charm switch again," Wen said. "Is that Lisa Lee interested in the opposite sex?" "Yes now," said Myron, "but once I turn on the charm switch..." "Yes, everything changes." "Glamour is irresistible," Myron said, "and it can make a woman hate a man." "You really should put this sentence on your business card." Wen turned the wine glass in his hand, "Did you reveal any important information before our old friend Billy Lee died?" "Nothing," said Myron. "He thinks I killed Crewe, and now he wants to kill him." "Oh?" "Oh what?" "Your name is involved again." "He's a drug addict." "I see," Wen said, "so he's just talking nonsense?" silence. "I don't know why," said Myron, "I've always been involved in this thing." "It does appear to be so." "But I really can't imagine why." "Little puzzles of life." "I also don't see how Billy Lee has anything to do with all of this: Crewe being killed, Esperanza having an affair with Bonnie, Crewe getting kicked out of the team, Crewe signing with Fabio, et cetera. " Wen put down his glass and stood up, "I think we'd better go to sleep first." good suggestion.Myron crawled into bed and soon fell asleep.A few hours later—after a period of rapid blinking and alpha sleep—his consciousness returned and his brain began to churn.Suddenly, he understood, and he remembered that Fafa was following him, and he remembered that Fafa had said that before Miron and Therese went to the Caribbean, he met Myron in the cemetery. Everything becomes clear.
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