Home Categories detective reasoning seven deadly sins

Chapter 12 Niuzhuwu

seven deadly sins 言桄 4337Words 2018-03-15
I have lived in Ma'anshan for four days, that is to say, after another three days, I must return to Beijing because my wife is coming back. Can I solve this intricate, weird and weird case in one fell swoop in just three days, wash away my shame, and establish my reputation?You may find it difficult, but I am still very confident. The reason why I am full of confidence this time is very simple, because the suspects in this case are limited to the expedition group, that is to say, even Kai Ruo is included (because the cases we have received have been committed by the client several times. question), and there were no more than five suspects.While I'm having a hard time pinpointing Fafara's murderer, I'm sure it won't be hard to narrow down Tevis's murderer, even though his death is somewhat bizarre.

Caro, Rocco, and Justin and I watched Tevis dive underwater, and it was definitely Tevis, the three of us wouldn't mistake a friend's face in broad daylight.From this point of view, no matter why Tevis died in the burning rhinoceros, dressed neatly, there were only two people who could approach and attack him - Livia and Seamus, because the other three were always with me. At present, the alibi of Livia and Seamus was given to each other by the two of them. Even if the perjury of each other is ruled out, it is difficult to insist that one of them has been by someone's side all the time.The reason is very simple, at least the two of them are different from each other, so they won't go with each other when they go to the bathroom.Then it is very likely that one party left the other party under the pretext of going to the bathroom, ran to the rhinoceros burning pavilion down the mountain to kill people, and then returned quietly.This narrowed my goals down to two.I believe that as long as any one of them is a murderer, as long as the murderer still wants to commit crimes, he will definitely show his feet.And I have been waiting for the day when he shows his feet.

I told Kai Ruo what I thought. "What? You want me to follow Livia, and you follow Seamus?" Kai Ruo asked in shock, "You locked the target so quickly?" "Yes, if nothing else happens, the murderer is between the two of them." I assured, patted my chest. But the truth is not that simple. I asked everyone and couldn't find where Seamus went.Feeling lost, I had no choice but to go back to my room first, and wanted to sort out my thoughts a little bit before talking. Unexpectedly, as soon as I climbed the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, I heard a "dong dong" sound upstairs. I hurried up and walked up quickly. I found Livia's room The door was ajar, with a gap open.

"Livia, you forgot to close the door!" I reminded loudly on purpose. But there was no echo from Livia's room, nor was there any movement.My heart was startled suddenly: Two consecutive murders have been reported recently, and the news has become tighter. Under such circumstances, the murderer will either hide silently, or will complete his murder plan even more frantically. I rushed to Livia's door in three steps at a time, pushed the door open with a "bang", and shouted her name.Fortunately, there was no dead body lying on the ground as I imagined in the room, and the room was empty.

I finally let out a sigh of relief, it seems that the false alarm just now was just that Livia went out by herself and forgot to close the door.But when I was about to gently close the door, I was surprised to find that there was a note stuck to the door of the bathroom on the right side of the corridor of Livia’s door, with a sentence written in English printed on it: “You will be sentenced soon.” I gently opened the note, and found that the glue underneath was still just stuck.It seems that the person who spread the scary note didn't go far. The thumping footsteps I just heard on the stairs must have been caused by him fleeing quickly because he heard the sound of me going upstairs.

I hurriedly exited Livia's room, closed the door, and stood vigilantly in the corridor. Where else could the murderer who spread the horrific information escape - I was going up the third floor when he escaped, so it was impossible to go through this path ; but if he can open the doors of Livia's rooms, does he also have the keys to these rooms?Maybe he's hiding in a room somewhere, waiting for me to leave the corridor!So, I can't rush out of here to find someone else to help! I quickly took out my cell phone and dialed Kai Ruo's number. "Caro, where are you?"

"I'm just casually walking outside the yard with Livia!" Kai Ruo responded to me, then pretended to say casually, "I wanted to find Seamus, who knows where this guy went, I happened to see Livia as soon as I went out, so we will be together!" "Then ask Livia, did she close the door when she went out?" Kai Ruo agreed, and I vaguely heard her talking to Livia in English on the other end of the phone. After a while, she picked up the phone again and said to me: "Yeah, Livia said she just kept the door open." Going up. Because she found that the room key could not be found in the morning, she went downstairs to find Aunt Zhao, but she went out to buy food for the restaurant. She didn’t say a word, but just closed the door, she thought everyone didn’t know.”

I hung up the phone in a hurry because I suddenly noticed that the screens on the windows at the end of this corridor were open! It was just a coincidence that the murderer walked into Livia's room!He couldn't have the key to someone else's room, and if he did, he wouldn't have just slipped the note up and down the door before! He escaped through the window at the end of the corridor! I walked quickly to the window, and when I pushed it open and looked down, I suddenly understood who the murderer was. "Didn't the suspect be Livia or Seamus? Why did he become him again?" Kai Ruo looked at me puzzled.

"Sorry, I overlooked a few facts, but when I opened the window in the corridor on the third floor in the morning, I suddenly thought of why the strange knocking sound suddenly disappeared after I opened the door that day." "why?" "Everything is an illusion! My hearing is wrong! Do you still remember what I said, I suddenly opened the door when there was movement at the door." "Yes, and then I saw Livia open the door, you have already told us." "That's right, if that's the case, there seem to be only two explanations. One is that Livia is the mysterious knocker, otherwise, under the eyes of the two of us, that person can't disappear out of thin air like a transparent person. The first The second is that both Livia and I have hearing problems."

"Oh? How do you explain this?" "The reason is very simple. After the mysterious knocker left me a note, he did not leave from the stairs next to my room. Instead, he escaped from the corridor on the west side through the window. Livia probably heard that The sound in the corridor was only when I opened the door to check, but since my room was diagonally opposite to hers, and it was morning, the whole corridor was very quiet, so I misheard her door opening sound as a mysterious figure standing in front of my door. Sound. Therefore, when Livia opened the door of her own room, I also slammed the door open almost at the same time. In this way, a misunderstanding occurred. Livia thought that the voice she heard was from me guarding the door. And I think there should have been someone standing there before I opened the door. Therefore, in my opinion, the mysterious figure disappeared instantly while Livia and I watched each other."

Kai Ruo nodded and said: "If you exclude the existence of superman's mysterious power, your explanation is the most reasonable - but how can you be sure that he escaped through the window? Anyway, there are three floors, not so Is it easy to climb?" "It's very simple, do you still remember the shape of this building?" "Trapezoid! I understand. The window at the end of the corridor on the third floor is the roof of the two rooms on the west side of the second floor, and below that is the roof of the two rooms on the west side of the first floor. This way, the person can easily Turn over the roofs of the two rooms at the west end of the second floor from the windows on the third floor, then go down to the roof of the first floor, and turn into the corridor on the second floor through the windows on the second floor." "Yes, come with me." I led Kai Ruo to the window at the end of the corridor on the third floor, then pushed it open effortlessly, pointed and said, "Look, the window sills outside are clean and dust-free, isn't that how the mysterious man wiped the windows?" Did you drop your footprints every time?" "And the person who lives on the westernmost side of the second floor is Justin!" "Haha, right? In fact, there are still two points that point to him! First, why does everyone admit that he received the threatening letter, but he denied it? That's because he was the one who distributed the threatening letter, and we The question was relatively sudden, so he had no time to respond or fabricate a scandal related to himself, so he had to pretend to be furious and leave the meeting. The second is the murder of Tai Weisi. Yes, when Tai Weisi went into the water He's with us all the time, but don't forget, he found Teveys' body in the gazebo. He could have gone to the gazebo with an excuse and killed him there, killed Teveys, and then pretended he found the body haunted Don't forget, when we rushed up to the gazebo, the wound on Tevez's neck was still bleeding. Doesn't this just mean that the murder happened not long ago? It is better to believe that he committed the murder before he lost his voice and screamed! Because at that time, all our attention was focused on pulling the diving rope, and he had sufficient time and opportunity to execute his murder plan!" "That's right!" Kai Ruo clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Yan, it's yours!" Being praised by the beauty, I couldn't help but smile happily. "But why did Justin kill Fafara and Taiweisi? They didn't seem to know each other before. In Chinese, there is no hatred in the past life and no hatred in the future. Is he really a fanatical religious defender or justice? The executor fails?" "I think we still need to work hard to solve this problem. From now on, I will focus on tracking Justin." I pondered for a while before saying. "I will help you solve this mystery. This is also the scariest and most perverted incident I have experienced since participating in several expeditions. We must bring that self-righteous murderer to justice." Kai Ruo and I were swearing vigorously, when suddenly her cell phone rang loudly, Kai Ruo looked at it and said, "It's Seamus." She pressed the answer button on the phone and put it to her ear, and I heard Seamus shouting in a shrill and frightened voice: "Kai Ruo, where are you? Are you there? Tell him to notify the police and the hospital. This time, Justin! Justin! In his own room!" I hastily called Deputy Director Wu, and then ran to the second floor with Kai Ruo.As soon as we got off the stairs, we heard a commotion from Justin's room, and we rushed over, only to see Seamus standing at the door helplessly, his face turned pale with fright.Rocco shook his head and beckoned us to come in from the house, and said repeatedly: "It's too miserable, the body is already cold. Let's not destroy the scene. I have already called Livia and asked her to estimate the time of death." Kai Ruo and I walked into the room carefully, and saw Justin's fat body slumped on the sofa in the room, his nightgown was open, revealing his chest and belly full of curls, his head was tilted to one side, and his tongue was sticking out. out of the mouth.A red rope was looped around his neck, and there were purple strangle marks under the rope. On the table in Justin's room, there was a small portable printer. One end of the printer was connected to his laptop, and a WORD document was opened on the screen without a screen saver, with a few English words printed on it. : "Crecsent Park, Dayton, Pride (Crescent Park, Dayton, Pride)." I looked back at Rocco inexplicably, and he shook his head helplessly, expressing that he didn't know what was going on. Livia hurried over at this time, probably because she saw too many corpses in the past two days, so she didn't have much surprise on her face.She quickly squatted in front of Justin, observed his protruding eyeballs and purple face, then shook her head and said, "He must have been dead for a while—who found the body?" Seamus stood deep behind Rocco, and said in a low voice, "It's me. He called me in the morning and told me to come to him after lunch. I came over as scheduled, knocked on the door twice, and found that the door was not closed. I saw this tragic scene right away! I am going crazy, there are corpses everywhere these days! Corpses!" "Hey, what is this?" Kai Ruo, who was looking around in the room, suddenly pointed to the back of the computer. We hurried around, and there was something quietly lying behind Justin's computer, something that had long since disappeared from our memory. "Seamus! Come here! Do you see that this is the rhino horn cup you brought?" Rocco shouted. Seamus ran over inexplicably, and his face became even paler. "What is this? How could it come back? I burned it with my own hands that day! No way! We must have offended the devil at the bottom of the river! We are cursed! We are cursed!" I heard the sound of a police car coming from the courtyard. The sound pierced the silence brought about by our inexplicable surprise, but dispelled the clues I thought I had sorted out before.I felt surrounded by the boundless river fog, and I was in this dense fog, completely unaware of where this case was headed and where it would go in the future. I stood in front of the window on the second floor and looked out as if in a fog. I saw two police cars from the Caishi Police Station slowly driving into the yard.Aunt Zhao rushed out of the building in a panic, seeing the people who drove into the Yamen in the hotel she opened, she yelled angrily: "Oh my God! How will I do business in the future! We are orphans and widows. , these hateful foreigners!" Deputy Director Wu quickly jumped off the Cherokee, opened the rear door very respectfully, and the two women stepped down smiling one after the other. I felt cold sweat wet my whole body in an instant, and I was flustered for a while, and rushed out of the door staggeringly. "Yan, what's wrong with you? You look like you saw the water monster at the bottom of the river again!" Kai Ruo shouted loudly from behind. "Much scarier than that! Much scarier than that!" I yelled, hopping around.
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