Home Categories detective reasoning Hill City Murder

Chapter 6 Chapter Six

Hill City Murder 约翰·托格诺里尼 2898Words 2018-03-15
In the mountain city court, Black looked around.A listless junkie walked in to get his morning methadone, and a missionary wearing a hat with a huge cross and a picture of Jesus walked over to try to sublimate the junkie's soul, but unfortunately he didn't succeed.The missionary approached Blake again and asked, "Are you a born-again Christian?" "No, thank you. I was born a Christian." The missionary was stunned by Black's answer and walked away. The bailiff came out and called, "Bail applicants Burundi Williams, George Slavin." The judge is Simon Bennett.In the eyes of the residents of Shancheng, he is an impartial judge. Except when dealing with drunk driving or unlicensed driving cases, the Shancheng police will often say to those arrested for this with regret: "Unfortunately, my friend, Bennett will probably judge You're in jail for six months. In western Sydney, you'd just pay a fine."

Most judges have a majestic face in the courtroom, but Bennett gives people more than a sense of majesty. He will make people realize that the court is dominated by him the moment they walk into the courtroom. Williams and Slavin walked into the dock. "Who are the defense attorneys for Burundi Williams and George Slavin?" "I defend them both, Your Honor," replied Ronald Harwick.He is now also Slavin's defense attorney. The police prosecutor rose. "Your Honor, the police objected to his request for bail. Detective Inspector Jack Blairka will appear to state his reasons."

Bennett looks at Black. "Please take the oath, Inspector." While taking the oath, Black noticed that there were several familiar Sydney reporters in the room.He then proceeded to state his reasons for objecting to bail. "We object to the bail requests of Mr. Williams and Mr. Slavin mainly because of concerns about the threats they pose to witnesses who point to drug trafficking, alcohol sales to minors and physical intimidation. At the same time, both refused to cooperate with the police investigation. The murders of Mr Sean Ramage and Mr Jason Legg." Bennett asked, "Inspector, why do you think the defendant was a threat to the witnesses?"

"The three witnesses were all young women aged 16 or 7. Moreover, we seized a kilogram of crystalline methamphetamine, commonly known as methamphetamine, from the defendant." "Mr. Harwick, do you have any questions?" "No," Harwick replied.Blake steps off the witness stand. Bennett reviewed the transcripts of Williams and Slavin and said: "Mr. Harwick, I can't find any reason to agree to bail your clients, Mr. Williams and Mr. Slavin. I think that Harwick Sir, your client's application for bail is a formality and a waste of court time. Gentlemen, wasting time is not allowed in any court. Mr. Williams, Mr. Slavin, you will be remanded in custody , until the official court trial for illegal drug trafficking and serving alcohol to minors. Also, I hope you will assist the police in the investigation of the murders of Mr. Sean Ramage and Mr. Jason Legg.”

Blake looked around the courtroom.Anyone here that Williams and Slavin knew?He looked around more carefully.Williams and Slavin could be threatened by McHale.Who is the minion sent by McHale? After 10 minutes, Blake walked out of the courtroom, realizing that he had to deal with the media outside the courthouse.As soon as he opened the door, five reporters threw a series of questions one after another.The shutter of the camera kept ringing, and the cameras and microphones were aimed at him. "Inspector, can you tell me something about the murder?" Black immediately responded: "We will explain it later, and we will not comment on this matter now."

"Inspector, are these two murders drug-related?" "No comment." "I heard that the dead were all loaded into supermarket shopping carts and pushed off the cliff. Is it true?" "No comment." "Both dead were strapped face down in shopping carts right?" "No comment." Blake got into the car, and the media knew so much about the case.Who broke the news?murderer?Your own team members?Or someone from the police station?He knew he had to explain it to Commander Morant. As soon as Blake stepped into the Shancheng Police Station, his cell phone rang. "I'm Blake," colleagues from the Queens Mountain Police Department told him. Rick Burns' body was found lying on a dirt track near a village in Queens Mountain, lying in his car with a short hose in his hand. Shotgun, the head has been blown off.

It was 10 am.Blake hastened to his office, knowing that Burns had died of murder, not suicide as it appeared.He hoped that the forensic doctor could rush to Queen's Hill, and he himself would rush there immediately, while other colleagues investigated all the information about Burns. Blake walked into the office and said to Maria, Mick and Angela, "Morning everyone. Another body found." "Who?" Maria asked. "Rick Burns, the owner of the Castle Hotel. Was it connected to the first two murders? It must have been," said Black. "Where did you find it?" Maria continued to ask.

"A small road near Queen's Hill. Maria and I rushed over immediately. Angela, Mick, you continue to investigate the Castle Hotel. See if anyone else owns a stake in the bar? How much is the stake worth? Which bank is responsible? Byrne Did Stan leave a will? Who is his lawyer?" Blake and Maria drove to Queen's Hill.Blake's cell phone rang when he first arrived in Kekamang Mountain Village. It was Morant calling.He was repeatedly pestered by the media, so he called to find out the details of the murder and Blake's view of Burns' death.After Black reported the entire current case, Morant told him that he would attend a press conference at noon.Blake told Maria about the press conference, and Maria said, "Boss, one of the great principles of the media is: Bloodshed equals headlines."

Blake and Maria arrived at the scene of the crime and learned about the situation from the local police.Blake then walked over to the body.The corpse was slumped on the steering wheel, the head almost fell off, and only the net root tendon connected the body to the head.Blake smelled a pungent smell of gasoline seeping into the wheel wells. "It wasn't murder, but in a sense it should be," Blake said. "Burnes did take his own life with this shotgun. He probably thought it was better than being doused in gasoline and burned to death." "So Burns thinks suicide is better than being burned alive?" Maria asked. "I guess you thought it was McHale and his mate who made him choose. Why do you keep obsessing about McHale?"

"It was a pretty brutal murder, and McHale could have done it all. He could have thrown two drug addicts down the McLeod Hollow from Lonely Mountain Lookout." "Boss, but possibly others." "Who?" "We've only just begun our investigation, but you seem to have been obsessed with McHale. Has your opinion of McHale clouded your judgment?" "Pause. A body was found by chance after being thrown off a cliff and identified. We have found another body, also identified. Both cases are related to drugs and the Castle Hotel. We are again on CCTV McHale and his accomplices were found in the hotel on the night of Frankenstein's death. And look at Williams, who was scared out of his wits. Who else could scare such an executioner like this except McHale ?I'm pretty sure it was McHale who told Williams to put Frankenstein's ring in the bar safe."

"But maybe you're right, there might be other suspects. There might be other rich people paying McHale, he's a mercenary killer with a lot of commissions. Now it's Burns again, there's been three murders and Castle The hotel is related. Only by finding the rich man behind the scenes can we know the motive and organization behind the case." Angela, who stayed at the police station, had already checked out the ownership of the Castle Hotel, which had just been changed three weeks ago.Burns sold 50% of the pub to property developer Steve Conway.Now she is investigating the ownership of the warehouse adjoining the Castle Hotel.The phone rang, it was Blake, and she reported to him the information she had. "We'd better go and meet Mr. Conway." "I'm investigating whether the warehouse behind the Castle Hotel is his." "Where's Mick?" "He's searching Burns' room at the castle." "Well done, Angela. Ask Mick to wait for the forensic doctor to come, and then let them go to Room 17 to check for traces of drugs. You can then call in a drug detection dog from Western Sydney to conduct a comprehensive search of the bar." Blake's phone rang again as he checked the crime scene. "This is Blake." It was Morant calling, wanting more details about Burns' body.The press conference was scheduled to be held in half an hour. After hanging up the phone, Black said to Maria: "I have to go back to the mountain city. Morant wants to talk to me. Maria, can I trouble you to wait here for the forensic doctor to come?" Black Often asks subordinates for help in an inquiring tone rather than ordering them. Maria nodded.On the way back to the mountain city, Blake was preparing how to answer the questions that the reporters might ask. At the same time, he was thinking about who disclosed the details of the case to the media, whether he was a member of the team or someone else?
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