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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Hill City Murder 约翰·托格诺里尼 1669Words 2018-03-15
Blake motioned for the team to gather over. "The four of us are going to the Castle Hotel. I want to interrogate Burundi Williams in the police station. We can charge him with liquor laws and bring him back. Angela and I go in first and order some drinks. Maria and Mick come back in 10 minutes and sit at another table, waiting for my order of action. Both murders involved the Castle Hotel." The car is parked around the corner next to the Castle Hotel.Blake and Angela entered the bar first, and they ordered two cocktails called Rum and Coke.It's a typical pub, with distillery ads on the walls, signed AFL and NFL star players' jerseys, boxing gloves and posters of the bands that will be playing there for the next two weeks.Then four locals walk in, two men and two women, one of whom orders four glasses of Modern Spirit, which is not cheap.At the other end of the bar sat three young girls who were clearly underage.Blake and Sheen counted, and counting the waiters with bar cloths tucked into their belts, there were ten people in the bar.

As Maria and Mick walked into the public bar of the Castle Hotel, Burundi Williams came in through the other door and yelled, "Last drink!" and a minute later: "Everyone! Leave me!" The waiter echoed Williams' words.The local who had just bought wine for his companions complained dissatisfied: "The wine has just been served." After hearing this, the waiter stepped forward, inserted his fingers into the four glasses of wine, and said, "Now you can go It's gone." The three young girls sitting on the other side of the bar giggled, seeing the humiliation of the other guests as a joke.They knew they didn't have to leave.

Blake chimed in: "He's not leaving until you give your money back." Burundi Williams said: "Asshole, who do you think you are?" The waiter handed Williams a long black flashlight, and William Tapping the palm of his hand like a stick, he said sharply, "You bastard, you want to trouble me?" Black produced his police ID and said, "This is Inspector Jack Black of the Yamashiro Criminal Investigation Unit. This is my colleague, Sheriff Maria Theodosius, and Mick Watson and Angela Hugh two detectives. I do have a question. You're serving alcohol to an underage girl, and you're charged with physical intimidation. You better return the money to this gentleman, or I'll add another charge of trespass to property .Okay, do you have any questions?" Williams' face darkened.

Mick Watson walked up to the three teenage girls and said, "Girls, please show your ID to prove you are of age." Watson stared at Williams and said, "You don't look too good, man. Can you please get the person in charge?" "I'm in charge," Williams replied. "You're Mr. Williams, right?" Blake asked. Williams has long lost his previous arrogance: "That's right." "We have some questions for you," Blake said. Watson checked the girls' IDs. "Inspector, we have to go back to the police station. Two girls are seventeen and one is sixteen."

The local got the money back, thanked Blake and then said to Williams, "Burundi, this is the last time I'll be in your smoky bar." "Mr. Williams will no longer be a bar manager, here or elsewhere. Mr. Williams, you and your staff are suspected of selling alcohol to minors and making physical threats. You will be taken back to the police station , we will formally charge you under the Hotel Authorization Act. You will also assist the police in the investigation into the deaths of Sean Ramage and Jason Legg. Okay, where is the owner of the hotel, Rick Burns? " Williams replied: "He's back in Sydney." Then he glared at the waiter and said: "Don't you know you need to check the ID, idiot."

Maria said: "As a manager you are responsible for the operation of this hotel." "I don't know Sean Ramage and Jason Legg," Williams said. Angela said to the girls, "Girls, please put the contents of your bag on the bar." They emptied the bag, and each of them had a large bag of meth in a plastic bag .The methamphetamine in the plastic bag was divided into 20 packets, each worth $20.The three girls looked at Blake eagerly. Blake said, "Mr. Williams, could you please open the bar safe for me to look at? We also need to have all the CCTV records. Also, please give me the phone number of Mr. Burns." William Adams nodded.Blake and Mick followed him to the office, and Williams reluctantly opened the safe.

The safe contained cash, official documents, three packets of methamphetamine and a small plastic shopping bag. "What's in the shopping bag, Mr. Williams?" Mick handed the bag to Blake, who opened it to find a small black velvet bag containing four gold rings.The ring styles are diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades. "Mr. Williams, who has the key to the safe?" "Rick Burns." "But he's not here, is he?" said Blake. "Call my lawyer." Blake said, "Good idea. Mr. Williams, you still have a little time to close the bar. It may not be open for business in the short term."

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