Home Categories detective reasoning Yamanote Line Detective Corps Mejiro Station's Death Grip

Chapter 3 Nippori Station

Shiho breathed a sigh of relief after a boring day of school life ended. There is always no way to fit in there.The thoughts and behaviors of the students seem very naive, and they are too lazy to talk to them or listen to what they have to say.I really hope to graduate soon and join the ranks of adults as soon as possible.As a child, he is protected on the surface, but he is not free in his heart.I have to stay at home obediently at night, and I can’t go to KTV without my parents’ company, and I’m not allowed to watch movies with a little bit of bloody scenes (in fact, Shiho can’t fall asleep after watching horror movies, so she’s very scared).

On days like this, only when she takes the Yamanote Line to and from school every day is the precious time for Shiho to live her adult addiction.Sitting on the right is the boss of Wucun Village, and on the left is Mickey Mickey, sandwiched between two charming mature men, and he is also in a good mood today. "There are no customers coming..." Shiho said to the boss of Kirimura who crossed his arms and looked lonely at the crowded passengers in the car. "No wonder, who would have guessed that this guy is a detective?" Mickey Mickey shook his shoulders.Indeed, the boss of Wucun looks like a kind little brother, but he is already an uncle in age.Besides, he is a legendary detective, and no one would have imagined that the legend would sit in such a place.

"Don't be wordy. Don't fool around in this kind of place, go write the manuscript, your virtual editor is here to remind you." The boss of Wucun retorted not to be outdone. "What kind of virtual editor, it's impolite. Ms. Shinohara, the former 'Ms. Kandagawa' beauty editor, exists 100% of the time. A few days ago I received a call from her, urging me to quickly write a work." Mickey Mickey put his thumbs up against his puffed chest. "Anyway, it's self-publishing again. You should wake up, the Fengqian Society didn't teach you to be good last time, didn't you? For that former 'Miss Kandagawa', you are the perfect fat sheep. I think you have no hope of competing for the Literary Newcomer Award, but you will definitely win the Best Sheep Award that costs 50 cents a piece!"

"No, there is no such thing. She really understands my work, and it is because of this that she wants to launch my work. Seeing her eager eyes, you will also know that she is serious." "Uh... I really don't know how naive it is." The boss of Wucun turned his head and said.In fact, Shiho also felt the same way. "Anyway, anyway, if you don't find a case quickly to solve it, I won't be able to write it. You also know that I write based on real cases, in a semi-documentary style." In other words, Mickey Mickey sitting here at the moment is also a part of collecting materials for writing.To put it bluntly, it is all dependent on others.

"You can also write a story about a down-and-out private detective who has no clients." The boss of Wucun mocked himself. "How can I write this kind of story? Anyway, I'm also a mystery writer." "So it's all my fault that you can't write?" "That's right." Mickey Mickey replied simply.It's like this when these two people meet, it's like watching a corny skit. "The impression of a tram is like a microcosm of life, but unexpectedly it is surprisingly calm..." The boss of Wucun stretched with a bored expression on his face.Shiho asked Mickey Mickey, from the time he got on the train to the present, the tram seems to have circled five times.Of course he obediently paid the fare.

The train stops at Shinjuku Station.As soon as the door opened, a large group of passengers got out of the car, and the vision in the car instantly widened, the sense of oppression disappeared, and the whole person became relaxed.However, before he had time to catch his breath, more passengers rushed in than before, and it was difficult to breathe.Obviously the previous bus left two minutes ago, so why are there so many people? "Excuse me..." The woman standing in front of her suddenly said to the boss of Wucun. "You are...the one from last time..." Seeing the other person's face, even Shiho immediately recognized her.

"I'm so sorry last time. My name is Yoko Matsumiya." About two weeks ago, it was the woman who claimed to be harassed by a satyr.Her flaxen hair was tied into a ponytail, just like last time.Even Shiho, who is also a woman, thinks she is beautiful.Not just beautiful or cute, but exuding the proper manners of a mature woman.She was wearing a lace shirt with a lotus leaf collar and a slightly shorter dark blue narrow skirt, revealing a pair of white and slender legs under the skirt.Mickey Mickey was fascinated just like last time, Shiho couldn't help but bumped his side with her elbow.

The last time I saw Song Gong, it was probably because she was in a mess. She gave the impression of being aggressive and malicious, but today she looks a little weak and timid, and her complexion is not very good-looking. The eyes are erratic, very unsteady. "Are you Mr. Kirimura?" "how do you know?" "Well, actually, I contacted Mr. Wakabayashi later and apologized to him personally." Ruolin is the person they designed to frame. It is said that he is the president of the information venture capital company. He is a handsome and promising young man who is very suitable for wearing a suit.

"So that's how it is." "At that time we talked about Mr. Wucun, and I heard that you saw through the way we contacted through the game console. Are you a private detective?" "Uh, yes, but it's really nothing." The boss of Wucun scratched his head and smiled shyly. "He's the first homeless person in Japan... It hurts!" Mickey Mickey was about to interrupt, but Shiho stomped on him. "He is the first Yamanote Line detective in Japan." Shiho quickly corrected what Mickey Mickey said earlier. "Wow, what a cute little sister, is Mr. Kirimura's daughter?"

"No, I'm just a little assistant and propaganda minister." Hearing Shiho's answer, Matsunomiya's previously tense expression immediately relaxed. "What a great detective agency." "Uh, it's not that powerful..." The boss of Wucun Village looked embarrassed, smiled and scratched his head.Shisui thought, it is best to get rid of this habit of scratching her head. "I heard your name from Mr. Wakabayashi, so I searched online. It's amazing! There are a lot of people discussing it on the Internet. Everyone says that there is a legendary detective on the Yamanote Line. Because I don't know when and where it will be. A carriage appeared, so it was difficult to find you."

After hearing Matsumiya's words, Shiho secretly made a victory gesture in her heart.Nine out of ten discussions on the Internet are directed and acted by Shisui herself. Whether it is the source of the rumor or the follow-up related comments, it is all done by Shisui.It seems that the urban legend marketing method is quite successful, the problem is how passengers can find the boss of Wucun Village. "I can actually see such a godly person with my own eyes." "Uh, no, no..." Song Gong's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked extremely moved, as if a die-hard fan saw an artist he admired. "Why are you stuttering?" Shisui leaned her face closer to Boss Wuli, and whispered in his ear. "Oh, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing." "You are a legendary detective, please be more confident." "Yes, yes." He sat up straight while speaking, showing an inexplicably calm expression, and looked up at Song Gong. "By the way, what do you want from me?" The voice sounded like he was acting, pretending. "Actually, I have something to discuss with you." "So you have a case to entrust?" "Well, that's right." The boss of Wucun village almost shouted "Great!" with a victory gesture, but this time he was trampled hard.It had been several weeks since a case finally came to his door, and Shiho could understand his desire to cheer, but if he showed it, he wouldn't be like a legend.Paying attention to these details is also an important work item for Shiho.Mickey Mickey, who was sitting by the side, suppressed a laugh. "Anyway, please sit down first." Shiho got up and gave up her seat to Matsumiya.Facing the little girl making way for him, Matsunomiya hesitated at first, but then he said "thank you" and sat down. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Wucun boss turned his head and asked Song Gong who was sitting next to him. "Well, please take a look at this first." As she spoke, she took out three clippings from her purse.After Wucun read it, his eyebrows on the right raised unconsciously, and then he passed the newspaper clippings to Mickey, Mickey and Shisui. "Aren't these the same three people at that time?" Shiho pointed to the photo on the report and said.Headshots were attached to each report, and Shisui knew who they were at a glance, and according to the reports, these people were no longer alive. "Well, yes, they are all witnesses who wanted to frame Mr. Ruobin at the beginning." Several photos are of young people who look like college students, elderly women, and middle-aged men.They are the three people who gave witness testimony when Matsunomiya accused Wakabayashi of being a pervert. "All three died unexpectedly." An elderly woman slipped to the bottom of a valley and died while walking.A middle-aged man fell into the sea and drowned while fishing, and his body surfaced a few days later. As for the college student, he accidentally slipped and fell on the flyover, and died of severe head injuries.It is said that it was raining that day and the ground was very slippery. In addition, he had just finished his fellowship and was going home, so he was drunk. The police seemed to treat it as an accident.These are all things that have happened in the past two weeks. "Do you think this is a coincidence?" Song Gong's voice trembled slightly, his face turned pale. "Three people died within two weeks, it really doesn't seem like a coincidence." The boss of Wucun, who stared at the report and became serious, replied in a heavy tone. "That's right! It can't be a coincidence! Someone must have done something good, and then I must have been targeted, and I will be the next one!" She said in a low voice in the crowded tram, her cheeks still trembling uncontrollably. "Miss Songgong, calm down. Did you call the police?" Wucun boss put his hand on her back and asked softly. "No. The police have already set the tone that it was an accident, and they won't listen to me at all. Besides, I can't call the police. After all, I designed to wrongly accuse others of being a pervert." Indeed.It is impossible for the police, who have determined that it was an accident, to reverse the case because of uncertain evidence, and the police do not know that the three of them are members of the blame group.However, it is unlikely that these three people died one after another in just two weeks.No matter if you stumble or fall into the sea, you just need to push the other person's back while they are not paying attention. Anyone can do it. In addition, college students are drunk, middle-aged men lose their right arms, and elderly women who are walking have unstable feet. They have to pretend to be accidents. Death is easier. "Boss, this must be murder. If this continues, Big Sister's life will be in danger." The boss of Wucun Village looked at Songgong seriously: "Miss Songgong, you seem to be a decent person, why do you want to frame Mr. Ruobayashi?" Song Gong lowered his head, bit his lips tightly, and raised his head after a while. "It's all for money. I was cheated by a friend and had to help him pay off his debts. Just when I was desperate, a friend who knew a little about the underworld told me that I could work for the blame group." Her expression was full of self-blame and remorse: "Underworld...do you have such a friend?" There was some disdain in the eyes of the Wucun boss.Song Gong seemed to have noticed it too, and quickly shook his hands to explain. "No, that's not the case. It should be said that it is a friend of my friend. Because my friend saw that I was forced into a shapeless shape by the person who scolded me, I contacted that friend because he was worried." It seems that the object of her debt is not a kind person.Shiho, who has seen similar situations in TV dramas, roughly understands what's going on. "Did you communicate on the Internet from the beginning to the end?" "Yes." She looked a little surprised, staring at Wucun Boss.Probably thinking that as expected of a detective, he even knows the rules of the underworld. "That friend told me about the website, and the website has a password to prevent ordinary people from entering. I also asked the person for the password, and after that, all contact was by email. The content of the email is written in a special password, which must be deciphered with a special program. I don't know what mechanism is in it, but the mail will be automatically destroyed after a period of time." "This is a common method used by the underworld. If the police intervene in the investigation, there will be no evidence. In other words, even if you confess everything to the police, there is no record to follow, and it will only make the police believe you less and less." Matsumiya nodded with a serious face.The same is true for members using handheld game consoles to communicate in the train. The police probably didn't expect the game consoles to be used for this purpose.The boss of Wucun said that he had never heard of this method of using game consoles to commit crimes before. Then he said with a feeling: "These people are very thoughtful. I don't think even the manufacturers themselves thought that game consoles would be used as criminal tools." It is said that the game console was delivered to Songgong's home by home delivery. "So, is there anything unusual around you recently? For example, someone is following you, or the mailbox has been rummaged." "Well, I've felt it before, and I've been feeling it recently." "Before? You mean before the incident of framing a pervert?" "Yes, it happened several months ago. It's like receiving strange emails on my mobile phone, and I felt that someone was staring at me several times." "Did you call the police?" "Yes, but the police didn't pay much attention to me at all. I can't list any actual victimization conditions, and when I said that someone was staring at me, it was just my own feeling, and there was no definite evidence." "I have taken several cases that entrusted me because of encountering stalkers. Most of the clients go to the police first, but most of the police only accept it on the surface. After all, the police are already busy enough, and it is actually impossible to spend money on one person. Too much manpower and time, so the police will not take action until something happens." The boss of Wucun Village explained with a heavy face. "Yes? But, isn't it Mr. Police's job to stop stalkers?" Shiho asked a question. "Of course, prevention is very important, but adults also have adult problems, and sometimes they just can't do what they want. Just like school teachers, they will shrink back when they encounter bullying." "Exactly." Shiho understood.Even if some students said they were being bullied, the teacher would not admit it easily. They would only say that the students were playing around or had misunderstood it, and the teacher was happy to deal with it this way.After all, if something goes wrong, the parents will come forward.Shiho understands the feeling of wanting to avoid troubles and problems, and it must be a similar situation when facing a stalker. "May I ask you, do you have a boyfriend?" "Not now." "Not now?" "Well, we broke up a while ago." Song Gong lowered his head slightly, showing a lonely expression. "May I ask why you broke up?" "The other party is too hardworking, and he is dating three other women at the same time." After finishing speaking, Song Gong pursed his lips tightly. "Standing on four boats? It's too strong." Mickey Mickey bit his ear at Shiho.Shiho thought that Mochizuki in her class was also dating four girls at the same time, and was beaten up after being caught.It seems that creatures like boys will not change when they grow up. "How did you know he was cheating?" Wucun Boss continued to ask. "I got an email. There was a message on my phone that didn't show the sender's name." "Is it the stalker?" "Probably... nothing is written in the content, only a few photo files are attached." "Did you take a photo of the cheating scene?" Song Gong nodded, sighed and said, "Yes." "Is this the strange email you said?" "Well, I have received several text messages before this." "How many people know the email account you use on your phone?" When the boss of Wucun asked this question, Song Gong tilted his head and thought for a while. "Not many people. I only gave it to some trustworthy friends, and then I went to the DVD rental shop I often go to. There are also some stores that need to collect point cards or KTV members to fill out forms." "Where's your ex-boyfriend?" "I probably don't know. I changed accounts after the breakup, and they didn't contact me anymore. I have had three boyfriends in total, and every time I broke up, I was dumped." Songgong said with a self-deprecating smile.How could a boy dump such a beautiful girl!Shiho really doesn't understand adults.It turns out that women don't rely on their faces alone, which makes Shisui inexplicably at ease. "It feels like a certain level of persistence to find out about your email account." "Is it the same person who killed those three people?" Song Gong touched his arm and said: "It's hard to say. But, do you have any intersection with the three people who died?" "No. We met for the first time on the tram that day, and we didn't know where we were at first, so we used the messaging function of the game console to communicate. The target's compartment and the headshot were sent to my hand at that time Game consoles. And then inform us of our respective body types, ages, and clothing characteristics, so when I saw a few of them holding game consoles around the target, I could recognize them immediately." "Did you still contact the three of them after the matter was over?" "We disbanded on the spot, I don't even know their names." "That's it..." The boss of Wucun crossed his arms and looked at the ceiling of the carriage. Several members of the blame group have no intersection, but only one person has a clear motive to kill four people including Yoko Matsumiya. "The murderer is Mr. Wakabayashi." Shiho raised her index finger and said.Matsunomiya looked at Shiho and frowned. "In the first place, Ms. Songgong colluded with the other three people to falsely accuse Mr. Ruobin of being a pervert, so he took revenge, didn't he?" Shiho thinks it is quite sharp reasoning.Also, the stalker is also Wakabayashi.Since it happened before the tram pervert case, it means that he was a pervert who followed Matsumiya, and happened to be the target of Matsumiya and the others.It's a bit of a coincidence, but it's not 100% impossible. Well, it makes sense. "That's amazing, Shiho, you look more like a detective than Yu." Mickey next to Song Gong lightly clapped his hands and praised. "Hehehe, no more." Shiho stuck out her tongue and said. "Wakabayashi did have a motive. Four people who didn't have any intersection, including Ms. Matsunomiya, Ruobin not only knew all of them, but was framed by them. The motive for the murder is very clear." The boss of Wucun also supports Shiho's reasoning. "That's right, we did try to slander Mr. Ruolin, but it didn't work. No matter how much he held grudges, he wouldn't kill people for it. And every case was disguised as an accidental death, with insidious and despicable methods. Besides, I I have already gone to the door to apologize to him personally, and even knelt down to make amends. He forgave me on the spot, and his eyes looked very kind. I really can’t believe that it was a lie or acting. If this continues, I’m afraid I’ll never believe anyone people." Matsumiya covered her face.Having said that, Wakabayashi probably felt the same way back then.Shisui remembered what the principal said at the court meeting, harming others will eventually harm oneself, that's what it means. "Karma retribution." "Wow, Shiho, you actually know such a difficult vocabulary." Mickey Mickey made funny moves. "This is common sense, don't underestimate me." Having said that, Shisui didn't know how to write these words, because the principal said it.But for Song Gong, these words seemed to pierce into her heart.She raised her head and looked at Shiho with complicated eyes. Did you say something you shouldn't have said?She looked troubled. "If the murderer is Mr. Ruolin, how did he find out where these three people live? These people met for the first time, and they didn't introduce themselves to each other. If he did it, at least three people must be known first. living quarters and daily activities." Mickey Mickey raised another question. Since I am a reasoning writer, at least I should reason first. "At that time, Mr. Police asked the addresses and names of the four people, and then wrote them down in the notebook, right?" On the platform of Otsuka Station where they got off that day, the four of them verbally alerted the police to their address and name, and Shiho, who was standing next to them, also heard it.Although she didn't remember the details, she had the impression that Matsunomiya said she lived in Nippori because Shiho's grandparents also lived there.She didn't even remember the names of the other three, but they should all live in Tokyo. "But Mr. Wakabayashi is not next to the police, so you shouldn't be able to hear him from where he stands." Hearing the problem pointed out by the boss of Kirimura, Shiho also recalled the situation at that time.When the police questioned Songgong and the other three witnesses, there was a distance from Wakabayashi.Maybe it was because Wakabayashi did not want to hear the conversation, so the distance was more than ten meters.Although Shiho and the others standing next to him could hear them, it stands to reason that Wakabayashi should have nothing to do. "Maybe he can read lips." "Lip reading?" Mickey Mickey said a word that Shisui was not familiar with. "You can tell what the other person is talking about from the movement of your lips, so you can understand the content of the conversation even if you can't hear the voice." He explained triumphantly. "That's impossible, because the four of them were answering Mr. Police's question with their backs to Mr. Ruobayashi, and Mr. Ruobayashi couldn't see their mouths." This is also Mr. Police's consideration.The female victim might shrink back if she saw Wakabayashi.In addition, although there was another station attendant watching, the policeman who was separated by a distance never left Ruolin's eyes.So all four of them turned their backs to Ruolin, and the police stood in a position where they could grasp Ruolin's every move. "yes?" "Mickey, Mickey, are you really a mystery writer? Not at all, you." Are his detectives as clueless as he?No wonder the books are not selling. "Then how did Mr. Ruolin find out the addresses of those three people? The police probably told him." Mitch Mitch couldn't figure it out. "I don't know. But he does have a motive, and the possibility of him being the murderer cannot be ruled out." The boss of Wucun folded his hands and rested his chin on them. "We have to find out if Mr. Ruolin is the stalker who pestered Big Sister." Hearing what Shiho said, Boss Kirimura nodded. "As expected of Shiho, she looks like an assistant. But you have to work hard at school." "I know. My grades are actually pretty good." Except for arithmetic, she was at the top of her class.If she makes good use of the Internet she is familiar with, such trivial things as school homework can be done easily.If there is something she doesn't understand, there will be kind netizens teaching her, and she can learn all kinds of knowledge. After a while, the tram arrived at Nippori Station.The bachelor suite where Songgong lives is within walking distance from this station. "Anyway, I'll monitor around your residence for a while to see if I can find any suspicious people." "I'm sorry to trouble you." She forced a smile on her face and saluted the boss of Wu Village. "Boss, let's talk about money first. You are not a volunteer." Shiho elbowed his side. "Ah, yes." He scratched his head and said.It is this virtue that will become a Yamanote line detective. Shiho's grandparents live near Nippori Station, so she often goes in and out of this station, and every time they come to the station to pick up Shiho.The amiable grandparents like Shiho the most. Go out of Nippori Station and pass Goten Junk, and then walk for three minutes and you will come to a descending staircase named "Sunset Section", from which you can overlook the Yanaka Ginza shopping street. "Wow, I didn't expect it to be so lively." The boss of Wucun looked at the street and expressed his feelings.It happened to be dusk at this time, and the nearby housewives and residents were out shopping, and the street was very lively. "There is a nostalgic atmosphere of the old street here, which is very good." Mickey Mickey seems to be here for the first time.There are butcher shops, dessert shops, shoe shops, cigarette shops, tofu shops, grocery stores, etc. on both sides of the not-so-wide road. It is a traditional shopping street.There are also shops selling roasted flower branches, karinto, and Edo folk crafts.It is undeniable that the nostalgic atmosphere of this old street is more or less deliberately created by the store to attract tourists, but walking on the street really makes people feel very comfortable.Shiho likes this shopping street the most. Although each store is small, the people in the store are very kind and kind. It is really a lovely street.It has a completely different fun from the downtown areas of Shinjuku and Shibuya, which are full of fancy signs.There are also fashionable teahouses and cafes here, not only for nearby residents, but also for young couples and foreign tourists. "My hometown is in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka. A lot of large shopping malls have been opened in the suburbs there, and traditional shopping streets like this have all been eliminated." "Oh? Mickey Mickey is from Hamamatsu, right? Eel pies are famous, right?" Shiho's cousin lives in Hamamatsu, and she has been there several times.My cousin's family runs an unagi restaurant, and the unagi rice from Lake Hamana I eat there is the best in the world. "You actually know that. Speaking of which, the fine traditional Japanese culture is probably only seen in Tokyo. Local cities are now occupied by large chain stores, and the shopping streets that were closely integrated with the region in the past have disappeared. No matter where you go, All you see are similar fast food joints, family restaurants, and shopping malls, and the character of the area is gone, and it's all just unattractive streets." "That's it." Mickey Mickey nodded with a sad face.For Shiho, who was born and raised in the center of Tokyo, she envied the splendor and splendor of large shopping malls everywhere, but adults seemed to think differently. "My grandfather's watch shop is over there." Shiho said, pointing to the shopping street. Go straight from here and you will see a supermarket. Grandpa's watch shop is nearby.Dad said grandpa was a stubborn watchmaker, but in Shisui's eyes he was a kind and reliable grandpa. "Wow, it's so cool to have a grandfather who is a watchmaker." Perhaps it was the vibrant shopping street that slightly eased Matsumiya's anxiety, and her expression became less tense. "However, don't let grandpa and the others know today. If they find out that I haven't returned home at this time, they will be worried." Shiho and his party broke through the crowd and walked in the shopping street.The aroma of roasted flower branches constantly stimulates the nasal cavity. "The building I live in is at the end of the shopping street and turn left." Matsumiya pointed to the front to guide Kirimura and the others.After a while, a group of people passed Grandpa Shiho's watch shop.Shiho's grandfather was repairing his watch with a monocular magnifying glass. He seemed so absorbed in his work that he didn't notice them at all.Shiho breathed a sigh of relief. "Please wait a moment." Songgong walked into a small shop on the way, and the sign said "Dawn Delicatessen".The others followed her, smelling the scent of dinner as soon as they entered the store.I don't know if it's because of the scent, but Shiho's stomach growled suddenly, probably because she felt more at ease with Boss Wucun and Mickey Mickey today. "Shiho, are you hungry?" Matsunomiya lightly stroked Shiho's stomach, showing a happy smile. "Brother Shu!" As soon as she greeted, a young man came out from behind.At first I thought it was a very short person, but it wasn't because he was in a wheelchair.The young man has short hair like a mountain of swords, like a character in a cartoon, with fair complexion and inexplicably delicate and smooth.There are a pair of big eyes on the round face, which gives the impression of joy.A towel was tied on his head, covering his overly wide forehead, his lower body was covered with an apron, and his abdomen was swollen high. Overall, he looked obese.At first glance, he is a little older than Matsumiya, probably less than thirty-five years old. "Yezi, welcome." Brother Shu showed a kind smile. "Wow, Ye Zi, you are here again." A woman wearing an apron appeared behind Brother Shu. She was as fat as him, but had cute features.Song Gong told everyone that this was brother Shu's wife.She also greeted customers with a loud voice. "As usual, give me four." "No problem." Brother Shu turned the wheelchair in the other direction, picked up the tongs to pick up four croquettes from the iron plate, and skillfully put them into the paper bag. "It's been almost a year since Ye Zi moved here. Give two more as a gift." "Wow! Thank you!" Song Gong clasped his hands together and smiled.Brother Shu smiled and Mimi looked at her, feeling like a reassuring big brother. "Haven't seen your boyfriend recently? Didn't you all come together before?" "We broke up." She said with a wry smile. "Really? He's handsome." "Men can't just look at appearances." Shiho feels the same way, but looks matter too. Brother Shu shrugged, and handed the paper bag containing the croquettes to Song Gong. "Who are these?" "Oh, these two are Mr. Kirimura and Mr. Miki, and this cute little sister is called Shiho." Shisui and the two big men nodded and greeted Brother Shu. "Shiho is the granddaughter of the owner of Doshan Watch Shop." "Huh? Master Daoshan's granddaughter! It's been a while since I've seen her grow so big that I can't recognize her at all. The last time I saw her she was so small." Brother Shu stretched out his hand and said with a smile near his knee.Shisui also vaguely remembered the scene of queuing with her grandma, but she remembered that Brother Shu was not in a wheelchair at that time. "The old couple are customers in our store. I also took the watch to ask him to repair it. This is my father's relic. Thanks to the old master, I can always walk very accurately." Brother Shu stretched out his hand while talking, and asked Shiho to look at his watch.A gold watch with a simple design, it seems to be a foreign brand called Omega, the second hand is moving nervously. "My grandfather's technology is not built." "Of course, so you can leave it to him with confidence. Every store in this shopping street, the boss is proud of his work. The spirit that your grandfather has protected for many years will be inherited by us juniors. .” Shiho was so happy that she almost floated up.Grandpa's enthusiasm has revitalized this shopping street, and there are still people willing to pass on his spirit.Proud to have such a grandpa. "Hey, everyone, the croquettes in this store are the best in the world." It can't be called a reward, but Shisui also helped to promote Brother Shu's croquettes, and it's true to say that they are the best in the world. "Huh? So Shiho also knows about the croquettes here?" "Of course, my grandma will bring me to buy it every time I come here. It should be said that this is a super famous store in Yanaka Ginza, and everyone who lives nearby knows it." "Mr. Kirimura and Mr. Miki, please use it too." Song Gong opened the paper bag to reveal the croquettes inside, which were still steaming. "Come on, Shisui eats one too." After thanking Shisui, she reached into the paper bag and took out one. "Little sister Shiho, don't forget to dip it in our special sauce." Brother Shu handed Shiho a container full of sauce.Four people take turns pouring sauce on the croquettes. "Delicious!" Even though he had eaten it several times, he still couldn't help but praise it loudly. The crispy batter is filled with warm mashed potatoes and ground meat.There is a taste of nostalgia spreading in the mouth, which makes the mood calm down immediately.It is even more delicious with special sauce. The boss of Wucun Village and Mickey and Mickey also had a great time. "Ah, there is a strong nostalgia." "I'm still nostalgic, you only lived for ten years, right?" Mickey Mickey immediately caught the language problem: "You are very annoying! Do you think nostalgia and sadness are emotions that only adults have? That is a big mistake." Seeing Shisui's angry appearance, Brother Shu smiled and said, "This little sister is still so interesting." "Brother Shu, give me ten croquettes!" Not long after, other customers also came to the store. The croquettes seemed to be very popular. Almost all the customers who came to Lu Yan bought croquettes. "I'm full, I'll buy it tomorrow." Song Gong walked out, waving to Brother Shu. "Tomorrow is Thursday, we have a public holiday." Look at the sign outside, it does say that the public holiday is every Thursday. "Ah, that's right. I really want to eat it every time you guys take a public holiday. Why don't you take it all year round?" "Don't force others to be difficult. I'm not a robot, and I want to rest." Brother Shu showed a wry smile while greeting other customers. "Wouldn't it be nice to invite a few more people?" "It can't be helped. A small shop like ours only sells croquettes, so how can we afford to hire people?" A croquette is one hundred yuan, so you have to sell a lot to make money. "Then just do more?" Shiho raised her index finger and said.As long as you do more and sell more, you can make money.If she were the boss, she would do that. "It's not that simple. The sales of cooked food will vary greatly due to the daily weather and temperature. Even if you work hard, you will lose money if you can't sell them all." "Well, the croquette business is also very difficult." The work of adults is indeed very profound.I feel that the enthusiasm and wisdom of adults are hidden in the things I inadvertently eat. "I don't know how many croquettes I can eat from Boss Shu in my lifetime?" A hunched over grandma among the customers joins the conversation.Shisui asked her age, and she turned ninety this year. "Wow! It's nine times as big as mine!" "Huh? There's a cute little sister. Do you live around here?" "No, I don't live here, but the owner of Daoshan Watch Shop is my grandfather." "Oh! You are the granddaughter of Boss Dozan. You probably don't remember, but I carried you to the shrine on my back when you were a baby." "Really? Thank you so much back then." Shisui saluted the old lady. "Oh, she's such a beautiful young lady now, I'm happiest when I live a little longer to meet this kind of thing." The old lady deliberately said it funny, and the whole store was immediately enveloped in the aroma of croquettes and hearty laughter.It's a really comfortable shop. "Grandma Qingshui, you will live another thirty years, and you will eat another thirty thousand croquettes. I think I will go first." Brother Shu scratched his head while sitting in the wheelchair and said with a smile. "Three+ years? I won't be one hundred and twenty years old by then? Where can I find an old woman who has lived for so long? It's too difficult." "Don't say that. There are many people in this shopping street who are encouraged by the old lady. You want to live a long life." Hearing what Brother Shu said, the old lady smiled shyly but proudly. "Okay, the old lady is going home. I have become more and more forgetful recently. Going out alone will worry my daughter-in-law and grandson. Sometimes I can't even say my own name, and I probably have started to go dementia." Grandma Qingshui took the croquette with a hint of loneliness in her tone. “不过,别老是关在家里唷。没事多到外头走走,跟商店街的人聊聊天,这样就能刺激脑部,不容易痴呆唷。” “只是我不管再怎么痴呆,也不会忘记你这家店的可乐饼有多好吃啦。” “对呀,清水奶奶,我店里的可乐饼比任何医院开的药都有效唷。” 曙哥用生意人特有的洪亮嗓音回应。 “好,明天再来买喽。” “明天是星期四,店里公休哦。” “啊啊啊,对耶。我果然痴呆了。” 清水老奶奶拿着纸袋慢慢往外走,其他排队的顾客都自动让出走道。 “不好意思啊,老太婆动作慢。” “别这么说。”松宫笑着回答。 “咦?你是美铃?”清水老奶奶看着她,一脸惊讶。 “不是啦,清水奶奶,这位是叶子小姐哦。” 曙哥招呼顾客的同时不忘纠正老奶奶。 “说得也是,美铃不可能在这里嘛。对不起啊,这下子真的老糊涂了。”老奶奶咯咯笑着走出店里。 “欸,美铃是谁啊?”松宫兴致勃勃地问曙哥。 “哦哦,以前住在这条商店街的女孩子啦,不过现在不在了。”他一副很忙的样子。 “那个女孩子长得跟我很像啊?” “怎么说昵,要说像也有点像吧。” “什么嘛,我还以为相似度很高呢。” “唉,清水奶奶虽然还很健康,但是愈来愈健忘啦。” 曙哥边回答边把头上的毛巾重新绑好。松宫似乎觉得期待落空,噘起嘴说了句“是哦”。 顾客不断上门,大家都想买可乐饼。 “好啦,我后天再来喽。” 松宫对着忙碌的曙哥打声招呼。他转过头来对松宫竖起大拇指说:“叶子,世界上男人多得是,打起精神啊!” 她听了用力点点头走出去。店门口不知道什么时候已经排起长长的队伍。 “曙哥为什么会坐轮椅啊?” 走在路上米奇米奇问松宫。 “说是几年前出车祸。” "So this is ah……" 他一脸严肃,声音低沉。诗穗之前看到曙哥时他还没坐轮椅,所以是四、五年前的事喽。 “不过他做的可乐饼真的很好吃。” 雾村老大刻意表现得很开朗。确实好吃,让人还想再吃一个。 “对呀,我经常下车之后会先绕去买了再回家,怎么吃都吃不腻。” 一行四人终于来到松宫的住处。 “我之前住在高圆寺,因为工作的关系搬来这里,在这里住了差不多一年了。” 刚才曙哥是不是说庆祝一周年所以多送了几个可乐饼? 诗穗几个人跟着松宫,从谷中银座切过夜见世大道,再转进小巷子里。走了一会儿之后她停下脚步。 "right here." 她住的大楼跟其他建筑没什么两样,据松宫说屋龄大约十年。雾村环顾四周,商店街那边人很多,但这一带倒很清静。 “总之,我们刚才从日暮里站到这里一路上,应该都没人跟踪。”雾村老大告诉松宫。 "You even know this?" “我好歹也是个侦探呀。” 据说雾村老大对别人的样貌过目不忘,稍微有些伪装他也能一眼识破。照他本人的说法,似乎对自己的记忆力跟观察力很有信心。如果被人跟踪,他也能马上察觉到。 这么说来,上次他在电车上也没疏忽。松宫跟号称目墼色狼犯案的三名证人一直操作着掌上型游戏机,他全看在眼里。他说没人跟踪的话,应该错不了。反过来说,如果跟踪狂出现,应该会被雾村老大发现。对跟踪狂来说,今天或许是幸运日。 “我会在这里监视一段时间。” 雾村老大站在跟大楼相隔一段距离的地方,对松宫说。从这里可以看到大楼出入口,还有她住家的玄关。另外,视野多少包括了大楼周围,只要有可疑人物接近就能立刻因应。 “你要一直站在这里吗?”松宫有点担心。 “电视剧或电影里侦探在监视时经常会开车或在公寓租一间房,但实际上就这样站着的也很多,我们叫做'伫立监视'。” 在这种地方站着监视会让周遭居民起疑心,偶尔还会有人报警。另外还得在面对他人冷眼、如坐针毡的状态下持续站立好几个小时。据雾村老大说,不少侦探就因为受不了伫立监视在精神上带来的痛苦而放弃这一行。这份工作除了体力之外,更要求心理上的抗压性。在电视剧里看到的侦探似乎是比较帅气、酷炫的行业,实际上做的大多是些无趣又乏味的事情。果然这才是真正成熟大人的工作吧。 “所以你不用客气,这也是侦探的工作。” “对不起。”她愧咎地低下头。先前她虽然企图陷害若林先生,但本性不坏,从她刚才跟曙哥的对话就能了解,她其实是个心地善良的女孩子。 “对了,你先前说跟踪狂传过奇怪的邮件,方便的话我想看看。” "Okay, sorry to trouble you." 松宫从皮包里掏出手机,开启画面后递给雾村老大。诗穗跟米奇米奇也一起凑过去看,他们随意挑了几封浏览。 “跟你交往的男人不是你想像的那么老实。你要小心。” “你跟这种人交往,实在令人担心。别被他骗了。” “这个男人很卑鄙,他配不上你。我要你过得幸福,希望你能谈一场美好的恋爱。” 从字面上看起来,内容不像在要胁松宫,用字遣词也很有礼貌,感觉得出寄件人的个性很老实。 “这哪里不好?不是很浪漫吗?有个人默默守护着大姐姐呀,他一定是打从心底关心你,至少我看起来是这样。” 诗穗说出自己的看法,比起爱掀女生裙子的裕树要来得好多了。 “诗穗你还不懂啦。就算再怎么有礼貌、再怎么老实,对成年女性来说看不到的对象是非常恐怖的。你想想看,随时都有人看着你唷,不会很恶心吗?” “会吗?如果有个男生在一旁默默守护我,我应该会很开心吧。” 站在雾村老大身边的松宫露出淡淡的苦笑。面对这种情况会感觉恐怖的似乎才是成年女性,诗穗暗自记在心里。 “诗穗,你是不是忘了一件重要的事啊?这个寄件人很可能是杀人凶手耶。” “啊,对哦。”米奇米奇提出的关键点让诗穗忍不住拍了下手。接下来松宫的性命也可能不保。想到这里,发现她的苦笑中还透露着一丝不安。 “这张照片是?”雾村突然把手机画面转向松宫问她。诗穗探头一看,照片上拍到一对男女,身形修长的型男跟一名貌似模特儿的女生,长相不输给松宫。 “男的是我最近分手的前男友。” “女生呢?” “我不知道名字啦,反正是他劈腿对象的其中一个。” 松宫回答得很不是滋味。 照片里的两个人似乎没发现有人在拍他们。看到这两人的行径,诗穗不由得掩着嘴。这对男女不知道在哪条街上接吻。传送这些邮件的人用的是免费信箱,不在松宫手机或电脑的通讯录里,不知道是谁。 “类似的照片传来了好几张。” 松宫边说边找出照片档案,拿给雾村看。他一张张仔细检查。 “这小子还真厉害,一个换过一个。” 上星期寄来的十几张照片里,至少就有松宫以外的三个女生,而且每个都是大美女。寄件人还很仔细地把每张照片标上拍摄时间跟地点,雾村看了一下,好像都是这一个月左右的事。 “这男的还真大胆,玩弄女人也该有个限度吧。” 接过手机的米奇米奇有感而发。 地点在上野、莺谷,离这里都不远,搭山手线的话只要一、两站就会到。不仅如此,还有在日暮里站附近拍到的照片,表示这个男人居然在女友身边也不断偷吃。 “再让我看一次。”雾村老大突然从米奇米奇手中抢过手机,然后紧盯着画面。 “怎么啦,雨?” 雾村老大没理会米奇米奇,径自追问松宫:“你跟这个人分手了吧?” “是啊。他一开始还想蒙混过去,不过我拿出这些照片,他只好乖乖认了劈腿的事。真的很傻眼耶,居然就像逃命一样从我面前消失,然后再也没联络。我的男人运真的很差。” 她露出又好笑又好气的表情。 “那之后呢?还觉得有人跟踪你吗?” “其实不太像跟踪,比较像有人一直盯着自己吧。不过有一段时间的确觉得有人跟踪,这种比较恐怖,甚至觉得有股杀气。” “现在跟之前那段时间的感觉不同吗?” “嗯,我不太会形容,就是有种感觉。现在没有那股杀气,变得像是被观察,虽然不太舒服但不至于害怕。” 松宫用食指抵着下颚,边想边回答。能从这些动静来判断,说不定她的直觉比想像中还敏锐。 “有没有可能现在跟前一段时间的跟踪狂是不同的人呢?” “不同的人?嗯,这么说起来确实有可能,给人的感觉完全不一样。” 诗穗搞不太懂雾村老大究竟想说什么,米奇米奇似乎也一样,露出一脸茫然的样子。就连回答的松宫好像也没掌握到雾村老大真正的用意。 雾村老大啪地一声把手机合上:“总之,我已经猜到寄送这些照片的人是谁了。” “啥?”在场其他三个人听到之后齐声发出惊呼,松宫更是用手掩着嘴说:“不会吧!”只不过靠这么一点线索就能理出头绪,连诗穗也不相信。 “你有超能力吗?” “怎么可能。总之我们现在去确认吧。” 雾村老大一手拿着松宫的手机,同时催促诗穗等人往前走。难道跟踪狂所在的地方就在徒步可到达的范围吗?几个人半信半疑跟着走,才两分钟就到了,他们来到“曙光熟食店” 的门口。顾客比刚才少了很多,看来摆出来的商品已经卖掉不少,柜子里几乎是空的。 四个人在门外等候二十分钟。已经要打烊的曙哥推着轮椅到店外,似乎准备拉下铁门。听到雾村老大出声叫他,他显得有些惊讶。 “有什么忘了买的吗?不过我们已经打烊了哦。”他的语气中带点困惑。 “不是,只是关于寄给松宫小姐的电子邮件,我有些事想确认一下。” “什、什么?你在讲什么啊?” 曙哥坐在轮椅上挺直了身子。不过是提到电子邮件,他就出现莫名其妙的强烈反应。 “这些照片是你传的吧?” 雾村老大打开松宫的手机荧幕,把照片转过来给曙哥看。 “这、这、这……到底……是怎么……回事?” 曙哥的声调往上扬,不知道什么时候脸色变得苍白,眼神飘忽不定。 “你一直监视她,不对,是在一旁守护着她,对不对?” 面对雾村老大的指控,曙哥猛摇着头,但嘴巴只能一张一合,说不出话来。接着他闭上双眼,调整呼吸之后才看着雾村老大说:“怎么可能!?”好不容易才挤出一点声音否认。 "Why do you say that?" “首先是拍照时间。这些照片都是星期四拍的,换句话说,可以推测拍照的人应该是每周四休假。” 这么说来,曙光熟食店明天公休,明天正是星期四。 “等一下!我平常去看的牙医也是星期四公休呀。” 诗穗在一旁插嘴。另外,她家附近的荞麦面店也是每周四公休,休星期四的工作到处都有,光凭这一点就咬定是曙哥,不会太武断吗? “再来是拍摄地点都在附近,尤其跟最近的车站都离得不远,所以我猜拍照的人可能行动范围受到限制吧。” “意思是因为曙哥坐轮椅吗?” 诗穗料到这句话的用意,雾村老大听了点点头。 “然后,这些照片的拍摄角度,每一张的视线都比较低吧?” 仔细看看,的确如此,不像是成人的视线。曙哥坐在轮椅上,视线无可避免会比一般人低。 “还有这张照片,电线杆前面停了一辆车对吧?” 雾村老大指着手机荧幕。确实有一辆黑色厢型车。 “仔细看看车体的部分,应该能看见拍照人的倒影。” 诗穗睁大眼睛看,确实隐约有个人影,而且看起来坐在椅子上。不过整体模模糊糊的,看不清楚长相。 “要不然可以用我的电脑来分析影像,我有侦探专用的特殊软体,这么一来就能让人影变得更清晰。”雾村老大对松宫叶子说。 “好吧,我说实话就是了。”曙哥举起一只手,似乎已经放弃挣扎。松宫直盯着他。 “曙哥……为什么做这种事?” “雾村先生说得没错,这些邮件都是我传的。” 他坐在轮椅上坦承。他是从登录在商店街公会的集点卡资料上得知松宫的邮件地址。商店街的店家联合发行了集点卡,申请时要登记电子邮件。松宫就是用手机的电子邮件帐号登记的。 “到底为什么啊?”松宫一脸困惑质问他。 “我很担心你啊。实在不能原谅那个男人一再劈腿,就只有这个原因。” 曙哥的表情跟诗穗印象中的变态完全不同,他的眼神甚至给人真诚又老实的感觉。 “难道你对松宫小姐有爱意吗?”米奇米奇问曙哥,但他却摇摇头。 “我的确隐瞒自己的身分寄送了那男人劈腿的目击证据,或许因此被当成了跟踪狂。我当然很喜欢叶子,但不是男女之间的喜欢。我很爱我的太太,再说就算我对叶子有爱意,凭我这双腿也是痴心妄想吧。” 曙哥语气中带着自嘲,拍了拍自己动不了的双腿。 “别这么说……”松宫一脸哀伤摇了摇头。 “如果不是爱上她,又是什么样的感情呢?”米奇米奇继续追问。 “我只是单纯希望她能过得幸福。” “这个说法太难让人相信了,毕竟你们认识才一年吧?有这么深的感情太奇怪了。” 听到米奇米奇这么说,曙哥的表情顿时变得僵硬。看来个中缘由他不太想多说。 “啊!我想起来了!”诗穗突然拍了下手。 “你想起什么了?”雾村老大问她。 “车祸呀。几年前我听我奶奶说过,商店街有一对年轻兄妹出车祸,哥哥虽然获救,但妹妹过世了。” 大概是四年前吧,诗穗到爷爷奶奶家玩,当时奶奶还哭着跟爷爷说那对兄妹真可怜。 “该不会出车祸的那对兄妹就是曙哥?”诗穗问他。只见曙哥紧闭着嘴没作声。 “你妹妹就叫美铃吧?” 美铃。刚才清水老奶奶看着松宫就叫出这个名字,接着又说“美铃不可能在这里嘛”。 “叶子跟美铃长得真的非常像。一年前,你第一次上门光顾,我费了好大的劲才掩饰自己的惊讶,一开始甚至以为我妹妹回来了。” 曙哥露出慈爱的眼神看着松宫,眼眶有些泛红。 “对不起,叶子,我实在没办法原谅你那个劈腿的男朋友。我的行为侵犯了你的隐私,根本就和跟踪狂没两样,就算我自认为像个哥哥,但我们毕竟没有任何关系,做这些事完全只是一种自我满足,结果还让你担心受怕,我真的、真的感到很抱歉。” 他坐在轮椅上对松宫深深行了一礼。 “曙哥,请把头抬起来。”松宫凝视着低下头的他,好一会儿之后平静对他说。曙哥抬起头看着松宫。 “像你这样监视别人又寄匿名邮件的行为实在不太好,不过,你有这份心意我很高兴。” “我的行为是个不折不扣的跟踪狂耶。有时候打烊之后我还会到你家附近监视,为什么你会觉得很高兴呢?” “因为你果然是我认识的曙哥呀,是一个温柔亲切、疼爱妹妹的大哥。我想美铃在天上一定会说'我这个哥哥真是受不了,老爱瞎操心。'” 曙哥吸了吸鼻子,轻轻点着头。松宫那张露出浅浅微笑的脸大概酷似他妹妹吧,只见他的眼神充满了爱怜。 “曙哥,我可以问个问题吗?” The boss of Wucun interrupted suddenly.在米奇米奇跟松宫的表情都变得柔和之后,只有他还保持侦探般的锐利眼神。 "what is the problem?" “你之前在松宫小姐的住处附近监视吧?当时有没有看到什么可疑人物?” 诗穗看着雾村老大,“嗯?”难道还有其他人跟踪松宫吗? “你这么一问……我大概看过三次,有个行迹可疑的男人骑着机车,会隔着一段距离盯着叶子,然后看到她走进住处之后就离开。” “什么样的男人?” “对方每次都戴着全罩式安全帽,看不到他的长相。身高算满高的,体型跟你们两位差不多。”曙哥指着雾村老大踉米奇米奇说。 “你有没有记下机车车牌之类的特征?” “没有,因为隔了一段距离,看不清楚。我想靠近一点看,不过对方马上就离开了。” “很明显是跟踪松宫小姐吗?”雾村老大的语气多了几分犀利。 “嗯……很难讲。安全帽看起来像面对着她的方向,但实际上是不是看着叶子,坦白说我也不敢百分之百肯定。不过,连
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