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Chapter 11 4. Additional fees will be charged in the future

Stadium Murder 青崎有吾 3520Words 2018-03-15
so amazing.Now Yuno has completely agreed with Riran Tenma's mind. With only scanty clues such as umbrellas and eyewitness testimony, the only conclusion has been deduced.But it doesn't stop there. He also used subtle tact in convincing the police. He prepared a two-stage reasoning, deliberately allowing the other party to take the lead for a while, and naturally let the other party draw a conclusion, and then use the other party's conclusion to turn defense into offense, and draw his own conclusion. How could such a thing be done! In short, he made such a magic skill. This man is - a genius.

There were only three people left in the career guidance room, Yumino, Satoran, and Minister Sagawa.The detectives gathered in another room for an urgent discussion.The topic at the time was "About Nao Sagawa's innocence". The minister then showed surprise, laughter, crying and other rich emotional expressions one after another. Finally, he sobbed with joy and gratitude and calmed down.Right now she is sitting on a chair wiping her tears, whimpering from time to time, she looks like two people from the previous minister, Yukino can't bear to look at her. Of course it was Liran who saved her, he walked to the window after the minister thanked him many times, and looked at the gradually darkening sky.The clouds in the rainy season seem to have regained their spirits, and raindrops are scattered again.

"thank you very much." Yukino also thanked him, and then walked to his side. "One hundred thousand yen, don't forget." Sato dyed back with his eyes still facing the outside.Ah, there is such an agreement. You Nao calculated in her head that there are fifteen people in the women's table tennis club, and each person is less than seven thousand. "can it be cheaper?" "no." "Y-yes... I'll find a way." "As soon as possible. I want to buy all the original art collections of 'Madoka'." "...Huh? Original painting collection?"

"Yes. The six volumes are very expensive. I thought it would be impossible to buy them all. This time, I have the right opportunity. If you have 100,000, you will have a lot of money. By the way, you can also buy CM's STAFF volume." Yukino couldn't understand what he was saying, but it probably wasn't for any serious use. "Don't you use it for living expenses?" "This is the money I earned myself, and I have to use it as I like." Is this man smart or stupid... His image of a genius in Yukino's heart just now gradually collapsed. "It's okay. Anyway, thank you."

"No thanks. Because that's just my show." "Ugh?" Performance? The reasoning that stumbles the criminal police is indeed a wonderful performance that makes people dumbfounded. "I just put plausible truths together. Haha, it's so stupid. Talk about 'prove it done' and think I'm Ellery Quinn." Li Ran recalled his actions just now, showing a masochistic smile. "There is no need to use such complicated steps, one sentence can prove that Sagawa is not a criminal." "Oh? No way?" "Really. But then it's hard to convince the police."

Is that why you deliberately used such an exaggerated 'performance'? But... In this way, Liran still has an answer that can restore Minister Sagawa's innocence, but he didn't use it in the challenge to the criminal police and won? how is this possible. "Can you explain?" Hearing Yukino's cautious question, Liran replied rudely. "If Sagawa was the prisoner, she couldn't make the scene a secret room." "……what." It is so simple that it cannot be more simple, and it is so clear that it cannot be answered more clearly. If you think about it carefully, it is exactly so.If the minister killed Asajima when the backstage was a secret room, it would be like confessing that only he could commit the crime.She should have opened a lock somewhere from the inside, or confessed seeing someone run away.

But the minister didn't do it because she was not a prisoner. This reason does not come from certain evidence, so it is difficult to convince the police, but it is already an overused routine in mystery novels.Why did I only find out now. Yu Nai has weakness in all limbs. "I always think it's stupid to pay 100,000 yen for this." "Hey, don't say that. Umbrella's reasoning is not wrong. It's just that the way to achieve the goal is different..." Li Ran looked at the remains in the corner of the room as he spoke, "Huh?" and made an indistinct voice.

"……What's wrong?" Li Ran didn't respond when she heard You Nao's greeting, she frowned slightly, and stared intently at the table with the remnants. After a while, he muttered dryly. "It's kind of weird." "Strange? What?" Yukino also looked at the leftovers.In front of each remnant is a small note recording where it was found. Kleenex is "Left Pocket of Victim's Trousers", Student Handbook is "Left Breast Pocket of Victim", Keychain, mobile phone, wallet is "Right Pocket of Pants", DVD-R disc is "Right Butt Pocket" .These are the items that the victim Asashima carried with him, in addition to the red ribbon for girls, and the umbrella just discussed.The ribbon is "Backstage Right, Under the Stairs", and the umbrella is of course "Backstage Left, Men's Room".

What's so wonderful about it? "A ribbon?" Yuzuno casually said the item that came to her mind.If the umbrella is weird in the toilet, it doesn't seem normal for the ribbon to fall in the background either.Although there is no basis. Li Ran shook his head. "No. It's uneven." "average?" He walked to the long table, squinting at what was left of the scene as if he were picking out merchandise in an open-air store. "Kleenex in the left pocket of the trousers, but keys, cell phone and wallet in the right pocket? Don't you think it's weird. It's not usually so uneven."

"Ah, that's exactly what it sounds like." It is true that there are too many items on the right side, the pockets will bulge and affect walking. "What's going on here?" Liran groaned softly, and stretched out his index finger to confirm each item one by one.Not long after, his hands stopped on the Kleenex. "This Kleenex has blood on it." "Yes. It's also in the student handbook." "Anyone with eyes can see." "Sorry." "You don't need to apologize....You seem to have said that Chaojima's body has been moved, right?"

"Well. That's why I judged that it was not suicide, but homicide." "Where did you move from to where?" "Ugh?" Yukino recalled the conversations of the detectives who overheard, but couldn't find the answer.My brother only said that the body had been dragged. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't hear..." "From the inside of the side curtain on the right backstage to the center of the stage." A calm voice came from behind. Yukino turned her head and met the eyes of Minister Sagawa who stopped whimpering and wiped away the tears. She returned to the expression she had on the field, serious and full of confidence. This is a normal minister. "When I was suspected and questioned by the police just now, what they said." "Across from the backstage side curtain. Hmm." Before Sodeno had time to applaud the minister for recovering his spirits, Satoran touched his chin, "...that's really interesting." muttered something. "Interesting? Did you find anything else?" "No, nothing. Just thought of something." "What is it? Tell me quickly." "Before that, Hakamada, would you like to pay more?" Yukino was taken aback.Yes, I almost forgot.This boy was hired with money. "The content of the contract is as follows. I certify Sagawa's innocence, and you pay 100,000 yen." "Ten, one hundred thousand? Hakamada, did you make such a deal?" The minister was taken aback, but now was not the time to dwell on this.Li Ran's words made Yunono's heart itch uncomfortably. "I kept my promise. I was supposed to quit, but I found a little personal interest. Let's call it a big sale." He showed a high-handed attitude, but sadly Yuzuno couldn't resist. Liran opened his right hand and stretched it out in front of Yukino. "50,000, plus another 50,000, I will solve this incident. How?" "Fifty thousand... huh?" Compared with the amount, Yukino cared more about what he said later. "Solution, can you solve it... Can you solve this incident?" "It's still hard to say." Li Ran smiled and shrugged. "But I want to try. Give me a hundred and fifty thousand if it works. How?" "please!" Minister Sagawa shouted. "Let's do it, Sato. If you want money, the table tennis club will find a way. Catch the prisoner! Asashima was killed, and I'm still under suspicion. I'm already mad!" "Me too, please!" If the minister says the same thing, there is no reason to object.Yuzuno also begged him. If the murderer can be caught for less than 10,000 yen per capita, it can be said to be a very cheap price. ——If you can really catch it. Li Ran nodded contentedly: "Okay, I understand. The contract is established." He clapped his hands to end the conversation, and turned back to confront the remnants of the scene again. His back looks like a reliable private detective, but Yukino's ears didn't miss the truth he said unintentionally. "Now 'Cencoroll' and 'Eve's Time' are also available." Ah, this person really is a good-for-nothing. After the transaction just now, the elder brother Hakamada detective came back. "Nao Sagawa has been cleared of suspicion." With a tired face, he told this as soon as he opened his mouth. "It seems important to start an investigation... I'm sorry for doubting you." Yuzuno was very upset that he only offered a slight apology to the object of suspicion. "Brother, isn't this enough?" Yu Nai just wanted to reprimand, "Brother, do you have time?" But Bei Liran got ahead of him. "...I was a little concerned just now, why do you insist on calling me brother?" "I want to distinguish you from my sister. If you don't mind me calling you by your last name, I don't care." "Ha...forget it. What's the matter?" "This is the key chain that Asashima is carrying, is it the key of the broadcasting room?" "Ok." "Is there a key to the old gym radio room inside?" "Yes. Let me think about it, it's probably the one with 'Bu Wen' in it... Hey!" My brother raised the volume.As soon as Satoran heard the answer, he took out the key chain from the bag with his hand wrapped in a handkerchief. "What are you doing, don't touch the leftovers at the scene without authorization! Put them back!" "I won't get fingerprints on it." "That's not the question...Hey, where are you going!" It seemed that he didn't put away his attitude of being indifferent at all. He walked past his brother and opened the door. Just as he was about to step into the corridor, his brother managed to grab his shoulder. "Don't take it out without permission! What do you want to do!" "If you can't take it without authorization, please give me permission. Or will my brother come with me?" "Where are you going..." "You asked where I was going...take the key to the radio room, of course to the radio room, the one in the old gymnasium." "Broadcasting room? What are you doing there?" "Who knows." "what?" After Li Ran gave a very vague answer, she deftly broke free from her brother's hand and left the room.My brother helplessly yelled "Hey, wait a minute" and followed. "Liran is really amazing. She never backed down from the criminal police." Minister Sagawa who stayed behind showed longing eyes.Yuzuno echoed her words. "It's really amazing." But when it comes to respect, I feel a little different.The image of the knight who rescued the minister has already collapsed, so I don't want to comment too much. "Ah, I'm going too. It's easier to deal with my brother when I'm here." "Well, that's right. Please! We must solve the incident!" "Yes." The minister's cheering voice was full of uncompromising trust, Yuzuno could only return a stiff smile, and then left the room. What will happen next?Liran——can my brother and his party solve the incident?
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