Home Categories detective reasoning I'm not fit to be a detective at all

Chapter 57 Section ten

One day, Fu 樫, who rarely left home earlier than usual, walked into the office full of energy.As soon as he opened the door, he saw Takeshi opening Huili's desk drawer and looking around furtively. "Oh! Takeshi, long time no see! You look very energetic! So you are still alive!" "Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so it's Big Brother Fukashi. Please don't scare me, okay?" "What are you doing, kid! You're too rude! Seeing a senior you haven't seen for a week, what's your attitude! Do you want to die!" "I'm sorry! That's not what I meant... I'm just glad I'm not Huili-san..."

"What, there's no one in the office... eh? Why are you sneaking through Huili's drawer? Do you want to borrow something from her?" "Actually, I brought the Wraith Retreating Amulet from the Happy Meeting today. I want to secretly hide this in Elder Sister Hui's personal belongings." "What is that?" "This is the amulet cast by Fayan Teacher. As long as you put this next to the demon, it can seal her magic power. I think I should hide it at the bottom of this cosmetic bag first." "Wooha, why do you keep insisting that she is a devil again. Where have you been so weak lately? But, is it really okay to do this kind of thing? That guy Huili is a girl after all. She I must be like other girls, I hate boys stealing my desk. Like the uncle, I opened her drawer to borrow ink pads before, but I just opened it by five centimeters, and I was beaten to death by her immediately. .”

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh A little, but if something goes wrong, it's a headache..." Wu Zhi suddenly shrank his neck trembling. At this moment, the sound of turning the doorknob came from behind Fukao again. In the 0.3 seconds before the door was opened, Takeshi, who heard the voice, broke through the limit of human beings, and rushed back to his seat in the blink of an eye at a super fast speed that was too fast to be seen by the naked eye.When Huili walked into the office, he immediately pretended that nothing happened, sat silently at the desk and wrote the report.

"Good morning... Ah, isn't this Ito! It's been a long time since I saw you. You look full of energy. So you are still alive." "Good morning, sister Huili!" (smiling) The younger generation's actions in a blink of an eye scared Fu 樫 to the point of death.Frightened by the unexpected speed, he even muttered unconsciously: "I, my eyes... didn't see anything..." The strength that ordinary people use in daily life is said to only account for about 30% of the potential strength of the human body.Maybe when Takeshi sneaked into a religious group to practice, he also learned how to control the remaining 70% as he wanted... Could it be that in the near future, the ace of the Sasano Detective Agency is not me, but Takeshi Maybe.Tomikake kept in mind the chill that ran up his spine, and decided to practice harder every weekend.

After Noriko and Sasano also entered the office, Takeshi not only distributed seaweed, but also served everyone the tea he bought as a souvenir.The tea used today is the ultra-high-grade "mana tea" that costs 3,000 yen per 100 grams from the headquarters of the Happy Club. Although there is nothing to explain now, this mana tea comes from a certain spiritual mountain in Pakistan, and it is also the place where the Fayan teacher of Tianxianyuan went to Qinxing. It is a precious tea infused with natural mana.For such a precious gift, Takeshi was looking forward to the heartfelt thanks from the seniors, but he didn't expect everyone to be merciless, leaving a comment that "the usual cheap ones are much better than this".

And when Takeshi handed the tea receipt to Nianko, slanderous and slanderous curses came at him immediately. "Who would buy local products and report to the public account!" "You have a smart brain!" It seems that this office has begun to be invaded by Satan's magic power. "Then it's not too late, Ito, you should have found some clues about Takumi's whereabouts?" As expected of a magnanimous elder, Sasano was the only one present without a single complaint, quietly drinking the mana tea made by Takeshi. "I haven't found any clues yet... But at least I can be sure that he is not a lay believer, but I hardly meet other monks."

"What are you doing? Don't you all get together to practice?" "No. Although we all work in the lecture hall of the headquarters, there is a special dormitory in the dormitory for monks. But they will work in shifts, so I will pass by the believers on duty in the morning... ..." "What is that 'going out to rest'?" "It means leaving the headquarters to sell products or do shakubuku at ordinary homes. As long as the Taoism becomes relatively high, you have to go to the station to do shakubuku alone." "Go to the station to fold clothes?"

"It's Shakubuku." Noriko blew on her nails, and seldom interrupted the conversation. "It's just to take the initiative to persuade you, right? It's like when Takeshi was forced to buy that pile of books." That's right.Takeshi replied.I don't know if it was because the amulet worked, but Senior Satan suppressed his usual animal nature and asked in a calm tone. "So besides that...do you know anything else?" "Yes. I clearly know that you are the incarnation of the devil." Of course, Takeshi, who was not diligent enough, didn't have the guts to really say this sentence, so he decided to skip this part without any trace and continue on.

"Yes. It seems that I clearly know what preparations I should make to meet the coming end of the world, and I also know how powerful the magic power of the Fayan instructor of Tianxianyuan is." Satan hissed with displeasure on his face: "What is this?" "The mentor received the apocalypse as early as the age of thirteen and was liberated. After that, he spent more than 20 years traveling around the world to do spiritual work. In the utopian world born after the end of the world, the Fayan instructor will He is the third savior after Sakyamuni and Jesus Christ."

I don't know if it was due to the sudden hearing of the names of several enemies. Senior Satan frowned and remained silent. Senior Fu 樫, who is Satan's right-hand man, took over the question. "What do you mean by the end of the world? What will happen then?" "I'm afraid it will be a nuclear war. Almost all human beings will perish in this war. Only by joining the Happy Club can the believers who convert to the teacher survive and live in the ideal land in the future." "It's such a coincidence that only believers survived. It's impossible for the religious order to have a nuclear shelter. Even if there is, I don't think it will be of much use in a nuclear war that can destroy mankind. .”

"...but there is a way to prevent the end of the world. As long as everyone joins the happy meeting and continues to do the right thing, it is possible to make war, poverty, and natural disasters all disappear, and even the energy problem can be solved together. Utopian worlds can be created without triggering the end of the world.” "Even natural disasters will disappear! How can there be such a healthy thing in the world! I can't bear it, it's really a religion full of lies..." "That's not true! The teacher has received a revelation from the gods! Even if humans love to lie, how can the revelations from the gods be false!" Takeshi remembered what Komura-sensei had said at the headquarters.According to the teacher, the Happy Society is the group closest to the gods in the world, so when promoting the teachings, the hostile Satan will possess family members or acquaintances to resist Shabuku... In other words, they will deliberately challenge The faults taught by the religious order have made various obstructive actions.What the teacher was referring to happened to be the current situation. "Listen up, kid. If the energy problem can be solved just by practicing, the power company and the Japanese government won't have to work so hard. If it's so good, why can you explain why you can solve it just by joining the religion?" "If you don't join the religion, Brother Togashi will never be able to get married for the rest of your life." "Fuck you! So I was just asking you, why can all problems be solved just by joining a religion! If you have a way to convince me, I will immediately join a religion tomorrow!" "Really? Then in order for Brother Fukashi to participate in the practice, I will recommend you to the religious group in advance. By the way, if Elder Huili doesn't change her terrifying personality, it should be very difficult to marry. Do you want to do it? Come and take a look together?" "What did you say……" Satan, who finally showed his true demon form, kicked off his chair and stood up with a beastly expression on his face. "You, what do you want to do? Are you going to threaten me again? I, I am not afraid of you! I say this for everyone's benefit! As long as all Japanese citizens can follow the teachings of Fayan teacher, they will be able to create A better society!" Takeshi wasn't afraid at all.Although Satan's courage frightened him so much that he couldn't straighten his back, but the belief that he was right made him work hard to overcome his fear. Seeing Takeshi's strange appearance, Fukao suddenly showed a recovered expression.He called Takeshi heavily. "Hey, Takeshi, let me ask you a question." "What, what's wrong?" "You...you must have been brainwashed!" "Huh? I didn't!" "That's right! You kid has been talking from the perspective of a believer since the very beginning, hasn't you?" "Why did Brother Fu 樫 say such things! People just discovered the truth." "Where is the truth! You are justified in not saying a word from the beginning! And after all, what kind of onion is that Sage Eye teacher! Hulk Hogan's ax bomb is better than believing in the teachings of Sage Eye! Convincing!" Huili pulled back the chair she just kicked off and sat down, sighing. "Really, this is the so-called counterproductive, painting a tiger can't be an anti-dog..." "Who is a dog! If I were a dog, you would be a devil!" "What did you say..." Huili stood up with a ghostly expression again, raised the chair high and waved it vigorously. "Wait, wait! Huili, calm down! You can beat Takeshi, but you can't destroy the office!" Tomikata persuaded Erika, who was serious about throwing the ball, and then looked at Takeshi again. "Hey, Takeshi. During the time you sneaked into the investigation, we also investigated a lot of things about the happy meeting of the religious corporation. As long as it is for the religious order and money, those guys are a bully organization that will use any means." "Impossible! No matter if it's Teacher Fayan, Teacher Gucun or Lawyer Matsushige, everyone is worthy of everyone's sincere respect!" "The Matsushige you're talking about is Matsushige Toyoyoshi, right? That guy, he had a criminal record in a drug case. Seven years ago, the police caught him and his accomplices using the top floor room of Tutiancuo as a drug factory." "Hey... how, how is it possible, lawyer Matsushige would never do that kind of thing! There must be something wrong!" "Stop being an idiot! We have even confirmed the testimonies of relevant people and the news reports at the time!" "How come... But, but, even if that kind of thing really happened, it has been seven years... It has nothing to do with now..." "And that's not all. We also suspect that he supplied synthetic drugs like LSD and mescaline, and other similar drugs, to members of the cult." "Doubt... that's just suspicion, right? The so-called doubt means that you are not sure if there is such a thing!" "Hey, Eri. Say something, too!" Huili opened the drawer impatiently and took out her investigation notes.Seeing this moment, Takeshi was worried that the amulet would reveal its secrets. "There is a believer who is seriously ill in the sect. He joined the sect because he believed in the saying that 'as long as you practice hard, you can cure your illness'. He paid two million yuan to receive the treatment of the sky-casting magic eye of the Tianxianyuan Fayan. Of course, it is impossible for the condition to improve. But even if the condition deteriorated, the believer still believed in Fayan's words, refused to go to the hospital for treatment, and finally died of such a disease." "No... no way..." "In addition, there have been two suicides in the headquarters of the religious order in the past. One jumped from the roof of the dormitory, and the other hanged himself with a towel in the room. However, the two deceased had traces of violence, Even the police went to the church to conduct searches. However, the injuries on the body are not directly related to the cause of death, and there is no evidence of violence, so these cases can only be closed in the end.” Even Takeshi was surprised when he heard the report of several dead people in the sect. "According to the ex-believers who have quit the religion, when they are practicing, the religious order seems to make everyone drink something similar to hallucinogens on a regular basis. Judging from the symptoms, it is very likely that it is the illegal drug that Ah Fu just mentioned." Fu 樫 then continued to pursue the victory against the stupid Takeshi. "Didn't you also investigate on the Internet with us? Moreover, there are constant disputes between them and the family members of believers, and violence is commonplace. Have you ever seen such things during your practice?" "Yes... I seem to... have seen it too..." Speaking of which, it seems that something similar happened.He did seem to have seen an old couple who wanted to take their daughter away, but was dragged out by the believers. "Then, and lastly, this. This is Matsushige seven years ago. It is the photo of him being arrested with his accomplices at that time." In the photos that Fukao threw out, lawyer Matsushige and his accomplices were photographed when he was young.The person standing next to lawyer Matsushige was also the same one when he was young. "This person... is Fayan Teacher..." "That's right. Tenkenin's real name is Taishi Yamamoto. Matsushige and Yamamoto were both members of the same violent organization before. They were kicked out of the organization after they were arrested for the drug case." "How is it possible... The instructor said that he had been working hard in a cave in Ethiopia five years ago..." "Okay, that's the reality. You say this kind of guy can solve natural disasters and energy problems, and can also create a utopian world? Don't make me laugh out loud." Sasano called Takeshi who was in a state of emptiness from another corner of the office. "Ito. Everyone has the freedom of belief. If you personally want to join the religion, I have no objection. It's just that you must first put the Takasugi couple's commission first. After all, you are a detective. But having said that, I, who appointed Ito to infiltrate, have a lot of responsibility..." At this time, Wu Zhi finally saw everything clearly.It turned out that the stories he thought were true were all lies.Whether it is the life of Fayan or the end of the world, as well as utopia and gods and demons, these are all nonsense. "Yes, yes, sorry!" He stood at attention and lowered his head so low that his forehead even touched the table. "I, I was completely fooled by them... I'm sorry... Brother Fukuoka, sister Erika, I'm sorry, I was talking nonsense just now..." (tears) This is his sincere apology.However, Takeshi is not reflecting on being cheated, but he is obsessed with the task of investigating the missing persons behind him, trying to persuade his seniors to join the religion, making everyone drink mana tea of ​​unknown origin, and hiding the amulet of repelling the resentful spirit... ...But let’s forget it before it is discovered, and even scolding seniors for not being able to get married, etc., these things that angrily speak to everyone, realize how shameful and stupid I am. "It's good if you know your mistake! You are lucky to be able to wake up before you officially joined the teaching. Although I was a little upset with you just now, the Takeshi five minutes ago is not the real Takeshi after all. This There's no other way. Huili didn't take it to heart, did she? Right?" "Hmph, I can't stand it." "Wuuu... I'm really sorry..." Wu Zhi, who continued to bow his head to apologize, was deeply moved. What a caring seniors.I didn't expect that everyone would like adults to forgive a lot of stupid juniors who forgot their work and fell into the trap of radical religion.I am so blessed by everyone.Let me rejoice that I can come to this firm and work with such great seniors. "Keep your head up. Nobody's mad at you." "Yes...thank you all...uh..." (tears) "By the way, Takeshi. You'd better apologize for that, right? It's about treating Huili as a demon and stuffing something into her drawer secretly. Even if people are willing to forgive you, at least you have to Express your apologies." "Wait a minute la la la! (Crying bitterly) Brother Fukuoka, why are you saying it la la la! (tears)" "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Instead of making a big deal out of it, it would be better to sneak it back when Huili gets home. After all, you even turned over her cosmetic bag." "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" (tears) After Wuzhi waved his hands in a panic to stop Fukao and failed, he had no choice but to silently pray that someone just didn't hear him, while quietly turning his head to look at Huili. ...Before his eyes, there appeared the figure of Satan with his hair standing on end and setting off a murderous tornado. "Ito...have you opened my drawer...and even turned over the cosmetic bag..." "I didn't open it. How could I do that kind of thing. And why do I have to open Miss Huili's drawer without permission? Let alone a cosmetic bag?" Hui Li silently opened the desk drawer on the right.After she opened the cosmetic bag to check... from the deepest place, she found a mysterious rectangular amulet that looked like a wishing stick.On the amulet it is written, "The resentful spirits will recede from evil and return to righteousness. Seal the soul of Satan's puppet Ashida Huili in this amulet." ... "Ito, you brat..." "Yeah... (crying bitterly) please forgive me! (tears) The me five minutes ago is not the real me!" When Huili enters brutal mode 2.0, she can no longer communicate in human language.Huili growled in a low voice, leaped behind the desk and rushed Takeshi to the ground, strangling him by the neck.Just before Takeshi was about to die, Erikai used the headlock technique of wrestling, aimed at the top of Takeshi's head with one hand, and continuously used the iron fist of anger that Fukashi had used before to punish him while screaming. The 40,000-yuan amulet can't suppress Satan's magic power at all, and the magic power of Fayan Teacher is really a lie.While feeling the sound from the skull, Takeshi thought deeply in his hazy consciousness.
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