Home Categories detective reasoning I'm not fit to be a detective at all

Chapter 51 fourth quarter

Go west from Sasazuka, go south on Ring Road No. 7 for about five minutes, turn left into the residential area in the direction of Shimokitazawa, and you will arrive at the residence of the Takasugi couple. Compared with the nearby families, Takasugi's house is not only a single-family house with several pings, but also has a spacious garage attached; and judging from the solemn attire of the couple just now, it can be seen that Takasugi's family is a very wealthy family. When the three investigators came to visit, it was Katsuji Takasugi who came to greet them.The group followed Katsuji's footsteps to Takumi's room on the second floor.The room with a size of 4.5 ping has roughly been tidied up, even if there are beds in the room, it will not feel particularly crowded.

Eri looked around the room for a while, and asked Katsuji. "Excuse me, have you tidied up this room?" "Yes. But this is my son's personal space after all, so we can only do a general cleaning. We still don't dare to mess with his drawers..." The son's disappearance was just a whim, and today he will come back suddenly... For the parents who really want to believe this, they must not know whether they should rummage through their son's private space. "So after Takuya disappeared, the room almost kept its original appearance, right? But in order to find clues, we have to search through all the drawers and trash cans, and carefully check every corner of the room. Is this okay?"

"At this point, I can only trouble you to do so. I will leave this part to you all." "I understand. Then please ask uncle to wait downstairs for a while. If there is anything else, I will ask you again." After confirming that Katsuji had gone downstairs, the three began to divide and cooperate to search the room. The textbooks of criminal law and civil law are displayed on the bookshelf. It seems that they should be the textbooks used by Takumi in law school. In addition, there are thick dictionaries and reference books such as the Complete Book of Six Laws, which are all books that have nothing to do with clues.There are also electronic strategy books and comic books on the side, revealing the reading interest of young people.

Takeshi probed under the bed, only to find two storage boxes that were half occupied by foreign films, DVDs and magazines, but nothing special at all. I don’t know if the trash can has been emptied or there is no garbage in it, it’s empty; there are only stationery, batteries, tools and supplies in the desk drawer, as well as a notebook with English words written on it. It doesn’t look like it’s about the whereabouts of the missing person. clue. "Ito, you investigate this." Huili opened the laptop inserted in the bookend and turned on the power. "I see. Let's see, I hope he's not locked up... Ah, it seems to be all right!"

Fortunately, the laptop does not have a password, and after a while, the Windows desktop screen appears. "In short, you should scan the folder first. I will borrow the laptop from my uncle later, and then I will investigate in detail later." "I see." There are several folders on the desktop, but the file names are "Civil Law I", "Criminal Law II", "Criminal Procedure Law", "Sahashi Seminar Report", etc. Most of them are course materials related to the major of the university .Considering the possibility of a smoke bomb, Takeshi checked the contents of the folder a little, but it was true that almost all of them were PDF files or reports typed in Word, which were schoolwork files with the same file name as the folder.In addition, the more personal part, as well as the photo archives taken with classmates and friends, seem to have nothing to do with Takumi's whereabouts at first glance.

"Hmm... Although I just scanned it roughly, it seems that there are no clues..." "Where is Ah Fu? Did you find anything?" Hui Li turned her head, and Fu 樫 was picking up all the books in order by the bookshelf, flipping through them roughly to check the inside pages. "Well, there doesn't seem to be any mysterious code note in it... I haven't found anything so far." Takeshi looked around the room again, and asked Huili: "Since there are no clues left in the room, could it be that Takumi did not run away from home as his aunt said, but was taken away by someone? ? For example, being kidnapped..."

"No, there is no such possibility. In any case, at least he disappeared voluntarily." The overly certain conclusion made Takeshi startled. "Huh? Why would Sister Huili know? Did you find anything?" Huili opened the closet silently, and began to reach into Takumi's pocket.Takeshi waited for Huili's answer with shining eyes... but he didn't hear anything.And for some reason, Huili didn't even seem to have the intention to answer. "Mei, Huili, wait a minute! Why do you know that Takumi disappeared by yourself? Please don't pretend you didn't hear!"

After inspecting the closet, Huili opened the glass door of the TV cabinet and carefully checked the gap between the DVD player and the game console... She still didn't say a word. "Miss Huili, I'm sorry! I'm asking why you know! Please don't be so mean, please tell me!" "..." The boss's behavior of deliberately ignoring him all the time made Takeshi look like weeping, and Fu 樫 behind him finally came to the rescue. "Takeshi, think about it carefully. How is this room different from yours?" "Compared to, is it compared to my room? Well, the space is bigger, and there are a lot of hard-looking books..."

"So what's the other way around? Is there something in your room that you can't see here? No, it's not just in your room. Something that every puberty boy should have, but it doesn't. Appear here." Wu Zhi opened his mouth in a daze and tried to use his brain, but he couldn't think of anything.Huili continued to search the room silently as if she hadn't heard the conversation between the two of them. "Let me give you one last reminder. When you first looked under the bed, you saw two unfilled storage boxes. Although there were two boxes, they were only half filled. Since So why not put it in the same box in the first place?"

"Well... Could it be that the two boxes were actually full, but some of the things were taken away by Takumi?" "But the box is full of magazines or DVDs. Who would take such things with them when they run away from home. So rather than being taken away, it should be him..." "Ah! So that's it, I know! It's the A book, right? He annihilated the pornography of those A books or movies himself!" "That's right!" Fukao quickly stretched out his index finger and pointed at Takeshi. "This is the room of a male college student. Like A-books, A-movies, and pornographic video games... there should be more or less lewd things hidden. But here, I didn't even see a ghost."

"So it's like this... If I go missing, my room will definitely be rummaged like this. If my parents find out the porn under the bed, I will feel very embarrassed..." "That's right. But now it's the 21st century, and it's already the era of digitization of A-books and the era of computerized homework. Even if there are no things that take up space like A-books in the room, at least the computer can There must be a porn folder." "That's true...Although there may not be many students who hide A manga or swimsuit photo albums now, but as long as you are a man, it is impossible not to have a porn folder..." "That's the thing. Most adult men's computers will definitely have pornographic folders. Even if they are not ordinary adult men, they should also have gay folders. But he obviously has a personal computer, whether it is pornographic files. There is still nothing in the clip, it is simply impossible in this era of IT pornography... But having said that, I don’t think it’s better to digitize everything. The A-book with the style of the past is actually different. Flavor." "Ah, I think so too. It's true that as long as you go online, you can watch pornographic pictures, but just text content, it is easier to arouse daydreams, which is extremely exciting. For example, for junior high school students The column about erotic experience that is published in girls’ magazines that girls read. Moreover, the erotic experience discussed from a female perspective is even more erotic: psychologically, the blood is also racing..." Boom—a violent vibration and bass sound echoed in Takumi's room.It was the sound of an angry Huili holding a stack of reference books and banging on the desk vigorously. "Please don't talk about such low-level topics anymore! It made me feel bad!" It's just that there was no sign of Takeshi at the position where Huili was glaring.It turned out that Wu Zhi mistakenly thought that the loud noise and vibration just now was a major earthquake, and he was so frightened that he quickly got under the bed to take refuge.From the small gap between the bed and the floor, there was an indistinct sound. "Mei, Huili-san, I'm sorry... it's Brother Fukashi talking nonsense..." "You actually put all the blame on me! I'm just teaching you the basics of finding the missing man as a senior! It's all because your comprehension ability is too bad!" Just as the two perverts from the Sasano Detective Agency were shirking each other, Katsuji suddenly poked his head out from the door. "Excuse me, what happened? I just heard a loud voice..." "Ah, I'm so sorry!" Huili panicked and put on a professional attitude. "Uh, it's our investigator Ito. He seems to have accidentally bumped his head when he got under the bed. Come on, come out quickly! There's nothing in there, right?" "Yes... there doesn't seem to be anything like a clue." Seeing Takeshi crawling out from under the bed, Katsuji couldn't help shrinking his body in fright.After readjusting his emotions, he took out a mobile phone. "I just forgot to say one thing. Takumi didn't take the phone away." Takeshi, whose lower body was still under the bed, looked up at Katsuji. "Huh? Didn't he take his mobile phone away?" "Yes. It's just that all the text messages and call records in the phone have been deleted..." Huili took Takuya's slider phone, with a long rod-shaped charm hanging on it, and asked. "Usually when Takumi goes out, he should always carry his mobile phone with him, right?" "Yes. Even if you just go to a convenience store, you never leave your phone." "Is that so..." Huili looked at the phone in her hand thoughtfully. "It seems that Takumi himself deleted the text messages and call records on the phone. So in other words, this is a planned disappearance." "Did he really run away from home..." "At least I can be sure that it has nothing to do with kidnapping and other cases, as my aunt feared. Please rest assured about this." "Okay. It's just that the thought of Takumi running away from home in silence still makes me sad... Ah, I made tea for everyone, please come down and rest for a while."
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