Home Categories detective reasoning money laundering

Chapter 7 Section five

money laundering 橘玲 3966Words 2018-03-15
The women are waiting at the coffee shop of Lijiasa shop opposite Chater Garden on the east side of Central.Three o'clock in the afternoon.Today is another hot day.There are many inexplicably large hotels on Hong Kong Island, but the Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a quiet and stylish hotel, most of the guests here are regulars. Qiusheng and the woman had never been in touch by e-mail.This time it was because of Chengren's strong request, and the related work was completely arranged by him.She hopes to set up a legal person in Hong Kong or overseas, and open a bank account in the name of the legal person.I don't know the details yet. Qiu Sheng guessed that the other party wanted to use this method to evade taxes. In this case, it is of course impossible to leave evidence in the email.Therefore, Qiu Sheng did not have any information at all in advance.

"Luxury. Super big beauty. Stay tuned." Chengren wrote in the email.In this case, there is no need to agree on a so-called mark, so Qiu Sheng appointed to meet at this coffee shop on a non-holiday afternoon, where there would not be too many people.There was a Caucasian man and an oriental woman in the store, and it was obvious that they were having an affair.A group of Japanese tourists couldn't help cheering when they saw the luxurious English-style afternoon tea.There were a few men in the coffee shop who opened their briefcases, held documents, and were discussing business. Wedgwood's ceramic vases are reminiscent of colonial antiques, like stepping into another world different from the hustle and bustle of the outdoors.

On this day, Qiu Sheng got up at six in the morning as usual, and confirmed the closing prices of the New York stock market and the Chicago futures market the day before.The Nasdaq is still hovering around 2,000 points, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is also hitting the 11,000-point mark.As the illusion of Koizumi's reforms disappeared, the Japanese stock market was weak, and the Nikkei 225 stock index in the Chicago futures market did not move at all.He turned on CNBC's stock market news channel, and the aging anchor exaggerated the little things, and analyzed how dramatic the stock market had just closed.If the stock market had been this dramatic every day, stock traders would have had their stomachs pierced and died long ago.

He made coffee, turned on the computer, and watched the TV absently.The time is already 7:55, and the Singapore stock exchange SGX has started Nikkei 225 trading.He confirmed the Nikkei from real-time news on the Internet—12,860, 10 points below the Chicago close.Five minutes later, at 8:00 a.m., which is 9:00 a.m. Japan time, the Nikkei 225 of the Osaka Stock Exchange also started.Perhaps influenced by Singapore, the market opened down 10 points at 12,850.He immediately checked several short-term option prices, and found that the volatility was too small, and he had no intention of intervening.Within thirty minutes he was weary.

Ah Mei, who rarely stayed overnight, got up sleepily, and after she got dressed, they went out to have breakfast together.Ah Mei lives with her parents and brothers in the New Territories of the Kowloon Peninsula. When she goes to work in Mr. Chen's company, it takes nearly an hour one way.She often lamented, "It's actually much easier to commute from you, but my parents are very nagging and don't allow me to live outside." Yesterday, she also asked a friend to make up a lie to be able to stay here. Ah Mei said that it is too extravagant for Qiu Sheng to live alone in a prime location on Hong Kong Island, and she should be made a "roommate" as soon as possible.In fact, the price of real estate in Hong Kong is so expensive that it is impossible to live alone.Moreover, the collective consciousness of Chinese society is very strong, and there is no concept of independence at all.On the other hand, the customs in Hong Kong do not allow you to live with young girls easily. If you want A Mei to be a roommate, you still have to go through the necessary procedures first.Thinking of these things, Qiu Sheng could only say a few perfunctory words every time.Ah Mei is very dissatisfied with Qiu Sheng's attitude, which becomes the reason for their quarrel every time.Recently, it may be because Ah Mei's mind is full of traveling in Canada, and she has no time to take this issue into consideration.

Qiu Sheng bought the "Asian Wall Street Journal" at a nearby newsstand, and read the newspaper while drinking preserved egg porridge at the breakfast shop he frequented.The new-economy fantasy that once swept America in the 1990s disappeared like a Coca-Cola bubble.Today, everyone in Silicon Valley is on tenterhooks, wondering when the working capital gap in the IT industry will appear.Ah Mei's plan to ask Mr. Chen for a long vacation also seems to have hit the rocks. "He told me to take consecutive vacations during Christmas and New Year's Eve. This is impossible. My relatives will come to the house at that time, and I can't be busy at all."

In Hong Kong, gatherings of relatives take precedence.Unless Qiu Sheng and Ah Mei got engaged, there was no legitimate reason to cancel these routine arrangements.Mr. Chen knew these truths and deliberately teased A Mei, but A Mei didn't notice it at all. After Qiu Sheng broke up with Ah Mei who was going to the subway station, he pushed through the crowds and returned home, flipping through the hedge fund information sent by the investment consulting company he was using.Affected by the current economic downturn and the increase in the number of funds, hedge funds with a minimum subscription amount of US$1 million have also dropped to US$50,000.Most of them choose a few funds with good performance in the past and repackage them as hedge funds. Many customers like to buy this kind of fund. The handling fee of the fund is already high enough. A financial product that doubles the handling fee.Of course, how other people like to spend their money is someone else's business.

The detailed data was listed on the data, and he only read half of it before throwing the data aside in disinterest.No matter how you analyze past performance, you cannot predict the future.Moreover, no one can guarantee that these data are correct.This kind of data is just for reassurance. Akio listened to Mozart and flipped through a novel about the economic collapse caused by the collapse of Japanese national debt, but soon got tired of reading it.Because the plot of the story is so absurd and funny, it turned out that a bond trader who bought and sold bonds issued by the country turned the tide and saved Japan. More than 95% of the people in the world don’t care whether Japan will go bankrupt or whether it will cause financial panic. Qiu Sheng is also one of them.Bankruptcy of the state is no big deal.The important thing is how to live.

As a result, he kept looking at the stains on the ceiling until the afternoon. When he came back to his senses, he found a young woman standing at the door of the coffee shop.The woman was wearing a summer suit that was recognizable as Chanel, and her wavy hair was dyed a light brown color.All the men in the cafe looked at her.She is indeed a beauty embryo, and she will never admit her mistake.Qiu Sheng raised his hand to signal her, stood up and bowed slightly.The woman walked to the table with a sigh of relief. "My name is Reiko Wakabayashi, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule."

The woman bowed respectfully. Reiko sat down with her head held high, and ordered iced tea from the waiter.Although it is typical Japanese English, her pronunciation is very standard.Qiusheng looked at Lizi from the front, and found that her facial features were well coordinated, but there were a few shallow crow's feet at the end of her eyes.She should be less than thirty years old, or in her early thirties.Gucci's purse and Bulgari's watch all prove that she is rich.Her face seemed a little pale. After exchanging pleasantries, Qiu Sheng asked her about the commission.Reiko said that the company run by her fiancé will have tens of millions of yen in profits, and she hopes to use overseas legal persons to hide these profits.

"Because he was too busy to come to Hong Kong, he asked me to find out." Lizi peeped at Qiusheng nervously.After her eyebrows are shaved, the perfect shape is drawn.The blue eye shadow matching the color of the suit set off her brown eyes even more.The make-up on the face was impeccable, almost like a model in the coloring page of a fashion magazine.Qiu Sheng couldn't help but blush for this extravagant woman.However, Qiusheng still felt that there seemed to be something wrong with her, but he didn't know what was wrong. Qiusheng first asked about the industry her fiancé was in.Reiko doesn't know much about the business, but it seems to be a real estate and financial consultant's job. "Can the consulting industry make tens of millions of yen in profits?" "Uh, I'm not sure about that." "You want to do business with a legal person established in Hong Kong and transfer these profits overseas without paying taxes, right?" "right." "I advise you to give up this idea." Qiu Sheng said coldly, Li Zi's eyes widened in astonishment. "Everyone thinks that tax evasion can be easily done by setting up a legal person overseas and pretending to have transactions. In fact, this is a huge misunderstanding. If it is a manufacturing or distribution industry, it is true that you can use an overseas subsidiary to avoid tax, but if it is a financial There is no actual commodity circulation in related industries, so it is easy to be targeted by the National Taxation Bureau. If the profit is about 10 million yen, it can be manipulated in Japan. For example, it can be transferred to a subsidiary with a different settlement period , or ask a friend’s company to issue a reminder, or remit it to the employee’s account in the form of a bonus, and then take it back for the test. It takes money to set up a legal person overseas. Once it is found to be forged by the IRS, It will turn into vicious tax evasion, and it will cause a lot of trouble at that time. It is completely meaningless to do so." After hearing this, Lizi lowered her head and pondered for a while, then finally looked up at Qiusheng. "Actually, the amount to be processed is a bit more." "how many?" "500 million yen." Reiko replied in a hoarse voice. "What is the company's annual turnover?" "I'm not sure, maybe around 1 billion yen..." "A company with a turnover of 1 billion has a profit of 500 million, and then, should it be taken overseas to evade taxes? This is ridiculous. I advise you to give up. It is impossible to hide from the IRS, in case it is discovered , not only punitive heavy fines, but also imprisonment and criminal record. Even if half of the tax is paid, there is still 250 million left on hand, isn’t that enough?” "That's what I told him too." After Lizi finished speaking, she bowed her head again and remained silent. Qiusheng waited for her next words. "He seems to want to return the 500 million yen to someone." She said with a soft sigh. "Can't it be paid openly?" Reiko didn't speak. "Recently, the underworld will open one or two legal companies. You can sign a contract with them, transfer the money, and then let that company go bankrupt. In this way, all the amount can be treated as a loss. The other party is Experts in dealing with black money, after that, just leave it to them.” Reiko still didn't say a word, she just shook her head blindly with tears in her big doll-like eyes.Although Qiusheng didn't know what was going on inside, she seemed to have to take the 500 million hidden funds overseas and hand them over to others. "Take a step back, can the other party set up a fake company? If the remittance is transferred to the company I set up, there will be no reason to justify myself. If it is a third-party company, even if it is discovered that there is no You can also make excuses for transactions." "My fiancé said that I should set up a company overseas, sign the contract, and send the money there... He asked me to ask if there is any good way." "It's just nonsense. Even you would be a criminal if it was done in such a grand manner." Reiko's white hands clenched the handkerchief tightly, and her slender body kept trembling.She wears bright blue nail polish with gold dust, and on her left ring finger she wears an engagement ring with a ruby ​​and diamonds.Qiu Sheng couldn't help but smacked his lips.Why did Makoto introduce such a troublesome guest to me? "You call back to Japan now, and I can talk to your fiance. Otherwise, the burden on you is too heavy." Hearing what Akio said, Lizi begged hurriedly, "Please don't do this. When I left Japan, I promised him that I would get things done. If it doesn't work, it will jeopardize his position." "You mean, is it life-threatening?" Reiko was silent again.A line of hot tears slid down her pale cheeks. Qiusheng couldn't help thinking in his heart: "I just want to cry." This was the first time he encountered such troublesome things. "It's really nerve-wracking. I'll try to figure out if there's any way, can you give me a day?" Although the autumn business is in decline, but right now he has to answer like this.Of course, this is also to find a reason to meet such an attractive woman again. Finally, Qiu Sheng asked the most important thing. "In this world, there is no way to make such a large sum of 500 million yen disappear out of thin air like magic. In any case, there must be someone breaking the law. Are you mentally prepared for this?" Reiko nodded with a livid face. Qiu Sheng asked for her contact number and how many days she was going to stay in Hong Kong.Reiko said she would not return to Japan until the matter was resolved.Qiu Sheng took the note with the room number of the Peninsula Hotel on it, agreed to contact her the next morning, got up and left.
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