Home Categories detective reasoning The Case of Rogue Lupinge

Chapter 14 Farewell, Act 11!puppet!

The Case of Rogue Lupinge 孙了红 2257Words 2018-03-15
The situation on the stage went from calm to climax, and then from climax to calm again. Because, the puppet's serious warning finally forced Hawthorne's hasty steps back.Because Hawthorne saw the puppet's eyes and showed a fierce expression, he felt that what the abominable thing said might not be all lies.I hurried upstairs, in case those brainless guys upstairs really implement the so-called "scorched earth policy", this is not a very interesting thing!In desperation, Hawthorne could only return to the "round table meeting" and continue to negotiate a "reciprocal treaty" with the puppet in a diplomatic way.

The condition proposed by the puppet is to exchange all the freedom of the people in the house for the famous painting of the Tang Dynasty. But Hawthorne could not accept this request.He said: "Outside this room, the police detectives have surrounded the brigade. I have no right to sign that contract alone—" His biggest concession was to let go of some unimportant people.The two sides held each other, and the group meeting fell into a stalemate. So the puppet stretched out its hand, expressing a desperate attitude.He said: "You can do whatever you want! I think after I was arrested, my charges would not be enough to set foot on the West Fort; but, what about your painting? After tearing it up, I wonder if it can be put together again?"

He said with emotion: "Although the war is cruel, no matter what, the cultural relics handed down from thousands of years ago should not be lightly destroyed!" Even at the end, he made a threat to the other party, saying: "If this deadlock is not resolved, he will immediately send out a signal and ask the upstairs to take 'necessary measures'!" This reminded Hawthorne of the guarantee he had given in Room 349, when he said lightly to the nervous collector: "That painting is your life and my reputation." , I will not let others plunder my reputation."

And now, what if he reaches out and pats the puppet on the shoulder? ... Thinking of this, our poor victor can finally let out a breath of silent air. Thus, the agreement at that meeting was finally proclaimed in this delicate situation. Thus, the drama on our stage finally came to an end under this delicate situation. The big things seem to be gone.However, there is still a small plot here, we must add an explanation in the manual: The first point is that in the above-mentioned "round table meeting", the two protagonists in this play once told some lies, making their opponents a little fooled.Lying is not something that can be taught.Therefore, to the extent possible, the author must dismantle this diorama to respect their later generations.

Let me tell the lie about Mr. Huo first.At that time, he told the puppet, "Besides his house, there has been a large police detective team, which has created an 'Atlantic wall', and I have no right to release it and so on."These words sound quite scary, but in fact, the purpose of these scary words is only to scare people.Why didn't Hawthorne mobilize the brigade for reinforcements?The reason is quite simple.In the past, he had learned more than once about the cunning of puppets.This time, he found the puppet's residence because he found "Little Pinocchio" outside the entrance of the Epulo Cinema.However, he feels that a large-scale attack may not necessarily be sure of success; if a large-scale attack is still unsuccessful, it will be a fresh damage to his dignity.In this case, he would rather only carry a "carry-on bag" than make a "exploratory" surprise attack.

However, the puppet surprised him with such unrealistic boasting. Before the puppet escaped from the room, Hawthorne's big words consumed a lot of sawdust in his wooden skull.He had conceived many contingency plans, just in case something changed.If Hawthorne saw his fearful state at that time, he would be very proud, and he wanted to lend him many new handkerchiefs to wipe his sweat. But our poor puppet, he has been fooled! But don't think that the great detective has completely won the diplomatic victory. ——In terms of puppets, he also has a little masterpiece. remember?The puppet was at the negotiating table, and he once told Hawthorne, what to say—he has an electric button on the small round table; would tear that picture apart.Do you think all these amazing remarks are true?Let me tell you the truth!There is not even a trace of these words!

Originally, our Mr. Huo had really found an opportunity to "reach out and pat the puppet on the shoulder".However, he gave up because of the "no trace" words.It's not a small thing for him to be fooled! You see, what a fantastic and brilliant smokescreen we, the diplomats, put on! In fact, all the smoke screens put up by diplomats are not bizarre and brilliant! In addition to the above-mentioned incidents, there is another point that we have to add: although Hawthorne spent considerable effort to fight for the famous painting of Wu Daozi from the hands of the puppet, it began to hang up in the exhibition. , but it has been postponed for a day; until Tuesday, the lovers of ancient times will not be given the opportunity to appreciate it carefully.

As for that masterpiece from the Tang Dynasty?What kind of masterpiece is it after all?This has never been explained in more detail in the previous article.Now that I am tired of the nib, when I am not very tired, I might as well introduce it briefly. That painting depicts the deeds of "World Honored One Sakyamuni, under the bodhi tree, saw the star at night, suddenly enlightened".How beautiful the lines and colors of this painting are, I am ashamed that the author is not a painter, so I cannot explain it in detail.The main point is: if someone looked at the painting carefully at that time, they would surely find that there was something extra in the corner of the silk painting: it was a very small round seal engraved with "Lu Ping Collection" four characters.This medallion is left on the root of the bodhi tree.When you look at it carelessly, you will never notice it.

There are many things in the world, it is a bit ridiculous to think about it: every collector likes to try to appropriate some of the noble works of art in the world; every collector wants to keep their collections, Up to a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.Because of this despicable mentality, they have to leave some pitiful hands and feet on the temporary possessions, such as the seals collected by XX.It's ridiculous that a character like Lu Ping who always has an attitude of entertainment, he can't get rid of this tone.However, have you ever seen any collectors who can keep their possessions for a thousand or ten thousand years?

But at any rate, our poor little troublemaker has at last left a seal, recklessly, on the picture. Strictly speaking, our puppet is a total failure in this drama.However, his failure was in the hands of a world-famous great man. Although he failed, he still had some "glory of failure". As for the final victory, of course it belongs to Hawthorne.However, Hawthorne seems to have some regrets in the memory of this drama.Therefore, although he was victorious, he also felt a little "sadness of victory". Thus, our funny drama finally came to an end under the symphony of "the glory of defeat" and "the sorrow of victory".

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