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Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Atrocities

dragon tooth 埃勒里·奎因 7024Words 2018-03-15
"That's it," said Vee, as they got back into the car, "and my role as the saddest mourner is over. Now that the funeral is over, cheery little tits, please take me by the way to New Haven, and you go with the wind—and take my blessing with you." "No," Kelly objected, "Ellery, don't you send her away!" "Don't think so," Beau said. "Where are you going, beauty?" "New York." "Then we'll take you there." "But that's not going your way!" "Who told you?" Bo said with a smile, "We're going there too."

"You mean—honeymoon in New York?" Kelly asked, gasping in surprise. "That's right. The only thing those bright boys can't think of is where to find us." "Oh," Kelly responded.Then she said bravely, "I think it's a brilliant idea, don't you, V?" "Yes, indeed," Wei murmured, "imagine how happy you'll be there—a wedding dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and then a walk on the wilderness of Central Park, and so on." Wait. What a romantic place for a honeymoon!" "Well, it is!" Kelly said. "Yes, dear. Anyway, it's your honeymoon—and your husband, oh, thank God!"

From the time they approached New York, Kelly and Vi had been at each other's throats non-stop.Kelly wanted Vi to spend the night with them, and Vi insisted that he was tired, sleepy, and needed to find a place to rest, etc... Beau also tried hard to persuade Vi not to leave them.Kelly, on the other hand, was uncomfortable with Beau and Levi—just a little bit.Then she felt ashamed of herself for feeling that way.However, Wei still stubbornly did not change his mind in the end, and Kelly felt relieved. Wei got off at a fancy ladies' restaurant on East Sixties. The two women parted with tears and hugs.

"Will you keep in touch with me, V?" Kelly asked, crying. "Of course, little one." "Tomorrow—I'll call you tomorrow." Then Vigo's tall figure disappeared, leaving Kelly alone with her silent husband. Bo concentrated on driving the car through the busy pedestrian traffic in the downtown area; while Kaili also took out lipstick and powder puff, and spent a long time smearing and grooming her face in order not to be idle.However, even the most detailed make-up is always finished, so she has nothing to do but stare blankly ahead, her cheeks are hot as if they are about to catch fire.

"You smell so good," he said aloud. A wave of tenderness welled up, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Where are we going?" she asked softly. "The Villanoy. Just off Times Square. They can't find us there in a million years." "Wherever you say, dear." When they arrived at the Villanoy Hotel, the concierge came over to open the car door for them, and the two waiters picked up their luggage without any explanation. Jue blushed instantly—and then Bo went to the front desk to register, writing "Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Queen" in forceful letters, and the waiter at the front desk didn't even bat an eye.

Then came the long ascent in the elevator, and was scrutinized throughout by a man and woman with clearly probing eyes.The woman whispered something to her male companion, and they both laughed.It was clear to Kelly that the pair must be whispering about the newlyweds.At last, however, the ordeal was over, and they exited the elevator with their luggage and waiter, and walked down the long corridor to the room marked "1724" on the door.After entering the room, the waiter put down the luggage, opened the curtains of the living room, and opened the windows wide.In an instant, a beautiful, quiet and eccentric New York City came into view.

The waiter went to the bedroom to repeat the same work.At that time, Kelly noticed that there were a pair of single beds in the bedroom, and she remembered her husband downstairs just now—it was a husband! - Exactly what was asked for a pair of single beds.Then it occurred to her that maybe he was used to... The waiter quietly left, pocketing the half dollar tip without seeming surprised.Finally, it was just the two of them in the room. "This room is quite nice." Kelly broke the tense silence.She went to examine the wardrobe, delighted by the first impulse of housewife life. Beau stood motionless in the middle of the living room, his hat still pressed over his curly hair, a cigarette quietly forgotten between his fingers--how foolish he was, Kelly said. Thinking with a snicker in his heart, he poked his head into the closet.

"Won't you rest for a while, Mr. Quinn?" Kelly said aloud. "Kelly," he called her in such a way that she withdrew from the bedroom closet, took off her hat and put it on the bed, took off her gloves, and did it all very slowly.And now she began to feel that pain in her heart again, the pain she had never felt in anyone else but only in...him. "What's the matter?" She tried to maintain a casual tone.However, no matter what he wanted to say at this time, it should be tragic.She feels it.All afternoon, the tragic end had been looming. "What's the matter, dear?" Kelly asked softly.

He kept looking at the cigarette butt in his hand.Kelly stared at his face.Oh dear, dear, what stands between the two of us?Does this tragedy have to happen at such a moment?He looked up, and she was smiling. "I gotta run some errands, Kelly." "Now?" "Right now. Hungry?" "Not at all hungry. What has to be done now?"—badly, she shouldn't have asked that.It would turn him off. "It's work. It's urgent—" That was the only answer she deserved.Work!It's almost funny, "I'll have someone bring you something to eat."

"Don't bother. If I need anything, I'll call room service." Kelly turned and bent to reach for her bag. "Are you going to be out for a long time?" "Oh, let me do it." He said, took the bag from Kelly and took it into the bedroom.She followed him slowly.He didn't answer her question, "While you're waiting for me, you can unpack these bags—you always have to pack anyway, so you better pack it now, lest..." "Honey," she said, running up to him and throwing her arms around his neck, "what's the matter?" She couldn't help herself.She couldn't take it any longer.

He looked like he was going to lose his temper, and she knew she was wrong again. "Something wrong? Look, Kelly, I just had to get out—" "Then you go," said Kelly cheerfully, and let him go, "don't be so funny! Anyone would think you were leaving me forever. You wouldn't leave your bride here An hour, will it, Mr. Quin?" "Don't be a silly child!" He kissed the tip of her nose first, then the dimples on her cheeks, and finally the arches of her upper and lower lips, "Be careful, little one." Step out. "Ellery! Come back—" She heard the outside door slam shut. Kelly sat down slowly on one of the beds.Her head hurts.blank.It's empty.Nothing.Think nothing of it.Sitting dry.Or get up and do something.just don't think about- flower. right!He is troubled because of this!He forgot to buy her flowers. He was ashamed of it.So, he acted very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, just because he felt ashamed in his heart, and everything else was just her imagination... He was going downstairs to buy her flowers son gone.He might bring back boxes of flowers and buckets of champagne, and then they'd have dinner just the two of them in a room high in the city... Mr and Mrs Ellery Queen, loving each other Sitting on top of the world! She fell onto the bed with a whimper, stretched out and lay comfortably, yawning and laughing.But it was not a sleepy yawn, but an excited yawn. Kelly hastily undressed, took a cold shower, restyled her hair, reapplied her makeup, and put on a new outfit—a red belted dress, a peasant girl with stripes The color of the stripes on the shirt not only accentuated the color of her eyes, but also made her complexion more vivid and bright. It's still early.Maybe after dinner they could go for a walk on Broadway before returning to the hotel.She should have put on that little straw hat with the feather band... She unpacks her luggage.The clothes are crumpled, but they'll be hanging out in the closet by tomorrow morning.She hung the clothes one by one on the hanger.At this moment, she suddenly thought of another thing: he didn't even have a handbag with him.It happened so suddenly - they fled and got married.... She flushed again.She took out the contents of several bags, quickly packed the powder puff, and put the cream, deodorant, perfume and toilet water into the small cabinet in the bathroom.These items should never be on the bright side, or packed in a small handbag dedicated to cosmetics.Women should keep all of these cosmetics hidden—especially if they are married. He shouldn't—never—see her face heavily powdered and her hair tied in an ugly hairnet.She'll keep her face fresh forever...and always amaze him... How silly.So childish.Her mentality seems a little out of order.As long as he loves her, how and how different are these places? People have said that the results will be different if these aspects are done well or badly.She hadn't really believed it, had never believed it.But what was the source of all these cautious and absurd thoughts in her mind at the moment?Could it be because, deep down in her heart, she wasn't absolutely sure that he loved her? All the things that had been taken out of the bags were packed, and her prettiest nightgown was spread out at the foot of one of the beds, with her loveliest pair of slippers on the floor beside it.Only then did Kelly realize that it was almost eleven o'clock and he had been out for two hours! She went to the living room and sat down by an open window, lit a cigarette, and frowned in thought.After a while, she picked up the phone. "I'm Mrs. Quinn." As soon as Kelly spoke, she couldn't help trembling for calling herself so contemptuously. "Did Mr. Quinn call me or send me a message just now?" "No, ma'am." "thanks." She gently put down the phone and looked out the window. The short sheer curtains on the windows fluttered gently in the breeze.Outside is a "U"-shaped patio, and their two rooms are located on the right side of the "U".The windows on the opposite side of the room were all dark; however, the side of the U that joined the opposite sides of the U, the room next to Kelly's living room, was lit.The outer wall of that room and Kelly's living room met exactly at a right angle of the "U", and the windows of the two rooms seemed to be only seven or eight feet apart in a straight line. There were people in that room, Kelly thought idly; the window of that room was open, and on the drawn curtains she could see the irregular shadows of the people moving about in that room. But then the lights in the room went out, and only a moment later, Kelly noticed the curtains shake. It's no use fooling yourself anymore.He didn't go shopping for flowers.He has been there for so long, if he buys flowers, he will buy all the flowers in the greenhouse.He is going to do something else.So what could be the matter?Is it reasonable to do so at this time?Well, she'll be so happy to strangle him when he comes back! Oh, maybe he was hurt.Maybe he just went shopping for flowers, or arranged a surprise party, and got run over by a taxi, or slipped and broke his leg, or—or—no, no .If that was the case, she already knew it by now.Even if no one informed her, she would know.It's not going to be that kind of accident.It won't be any accident.He just left, he left here on purpose. What really happened was that he proposed to her, hurried her to find the lovely sheriff, married her like—like a Saturday night romp, and drove her secretly Came to New York for a "honeymoon," left her in a hotel room like a -- a piece of luggage, and then he disappeared. Kelly pulled the screens aside so the night air could blow in to cool her hot cheeks. Vi...she can call Vi. No.She might as well die for that.Can't play tonight.Not tonight.Even if she had to be at this window like a made-up dummy—alone! —Sit all night... and can't make this call. In the middle of the night, she called the main service desk.Still no news.In fact, she also expected that there would be no news, but she still had to ask. She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and rinsed her mouth, which felt dry and had a bitter taste. As soon as she came out of the bathroom, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart skipped a beat.He is back!As for why he left just now, where he went, who he met, what does it matter?He is back! She ran to the living room door and opened it. Margot Cole stood in the doorway smiling at her. "May I come inside?" Kelly said, "Go away." "Is that the right thing for you to say, Mrs. Quinn? Surely you wouldn't let me be in the corridor?" "Go away, or I will ask the people in the hotel to throw you out!" Margo stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind her. "I don't believe you can imagine a situation like this." "What do you want to do?" "Are you really married?" "Yes! Here you go, will you?" "I'll leave after a few words." "If you don't go," cried Kelly, "I'm going to call me—my husband!" "Go and call." Margot smiled. The two stared at each other silently, sharply and hostilely. Then Kelly said, "You know." Her tone was downcast and weak. "Of course, I know, my dear! Well, since the bridegroom is away, I thought I should come and comfort the bride." "Where is he?" Kelly whispered. Margot walked past her, strutting up and down the room, looking haughtily and contemptuously at the formal furniture, the cheap prints on the walls, and the cheap trinkets. "How do you know he left me? How do you know we're in New York? How do you know we're in this restaurant?" "Everything is arranged, my dear," said Margo, drawing out. Kelly went over and sat down in the armchair by the window, fumbling for another cigarette. "I guess," she said quietly, "that's another little trick you've played"—and the whole room seemed to spin. "My dear poor child," sighed her cousin, "what a brave man. What a show. But it's not the same, dear, you're a fool after all! You're married to him. I thought I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to do this. However, his plan succeeded!" Kelly choked on a puff of cigarette, which she threw out the window. "His—plan?" "Well, you don't know. Poor thing. Well, yes, dear, it was a plan. Remember last night? After you had a little accident in the garage? He found you, Brought you back to your room, didn't he? He stayed with you all night—he's so smart. But this morning, when the doctor came to see you, your future husband, he came for... me. " "That is not true!" "Ask him. He came to me, and then he had this plan. You have been following this plan today." Margot laughed loudly, "I know how you got married, and Knows where you're on your 'honeymoon' before you do!" "Get out!" "Not yet, dearest." Margot put her gloved hands on the back of Kelly's chair.Kelly could hear her breathing, but she didn't look up, and she didn't look back, "I can't leave until I show you what a fool you are. I'm taking revenge, honey. You are willing to give up your property because you love him. So you married him. But, do you know why he married you? Because he loves me!" "No," Kelly said, feeling faintly sick, "no..." "And where did he go on your wedding night?" "He must go somewhere—he'll be right back—" "He didn't have to go out. I told him to go out. Men are fragile," Margo said with a smile. "I don't want to risk your husband being vulnerable at the wrong moment. You are You know that there is a kind of temptation in being indecisive and pitiful. So I made him make a promise to marry you, and then immediately abandon you—yes, on this first night tonight, So he's gone, and you understand that." "I don't believe it—not a word," Kelly murmured. "The rest was his idea—by marrying you, you gave up your share of Uncle Cadmus' inheritance, and it became mine. It is so now. So, you Nothing left, my dear—no money, no husband. The money is his and mine now. You can get a divorce if you like. This marriage has done you no less— You have renounced your inheritance! Don't you admit that you are a fool? Aren't you a stupid, credulous, and ridiculous fool?" Margo's voice rose higher and higher until it finally hissed through Kelly's head, causing a pang of pain; Kelly could picture her cousin's pale face and that without looking up. How abominable the eyes of the double Egyptian, made with triumphant pride. Kelly said, "I want you to stay here, Margot. I don't want you to go. You stay here until Ellery comes back—" "He won't come back," Margo said in a tone. "You better pack up and go." "I'd love to see your face when he denies your lie. I want you to stay—" "I'd be glad to stay, my dear, but I have more important things to do. Besides, there's no point in staying, is there?" "If—that's—true," said Kelly dryly, "I think—I'll kill him." "It should be gratitude!" Margo said with a smile, "You actually want to kill him! You should thank him. Don't you know that your useless little life is also blessed by his regeneration Woolen cloth?" Kelly barely caught her sarcasm. "You're a lucky little girl. He saved you by marrying you. If you hadn't been so lucky, you would have been finished. Did you forget those two things?" What is she talking about?Kelly thought hesitantly. "Did you think that little visit to your room was just a joke? Was it an accident that your filly stumbled? And what happened in the garage last night, was it an accident or someone's negligence? ? Do you think so?" "No!" Kelly yelled, "I know! I know all about it. I know you did it. You. You!" "You really think so?" Margot laughed again. "Smart girl! But I'm not the only one who planned these operations. You don't know that, do you? I— There are others." "Anyone else!" Callie yelled, straightening up in her chair. "I and--" Suddenly the whole world exploded right above Kelly's head.Half instinctively protecting herself, half unconsciously falling back into her chair, three startling bullets exploded. She heard a gasp behind her, a grunt, then a body sliding, and finally, a heavy thump on the carpet. Clutching the arm of the chair tightly, Kelly looked out into the moonlit courtyard in amazement, saw the curtains on the window diagonally opposite (only eight feet away) from where she was sitting, swaying curtains, and a hand ...A hand holding something stuck out from the window, and made a strange throwing motion... Then, something suddenly flew past her head, landed on the floor, and whirred again. One sound. Kelly stood up from her chair, stumbled over to Margot's body lying motionless on the floor, picked up the flying object unconsciously, turned it over in her hand and looked at it. It was a .22 caliber pistol with a pearl stud, still smoking from the muzzle. her revolver.is hers.The one stolen from the side pocket of her car.Still smoking... It's just that at this moment, the eyes and the mind are so coordinated, and the mind doesn't think more than what the tearful eyes see--at this moment, she knelt beside Margo, her hands were cold. Holding the small 22-caliber pistol tightly; while holding the gun, he stared blankly at the red stream of blood in Margot's throat that was pouring out tears and overflowing, looking at Margot The collapsed left eye, already blood-colored, looked at the red groove on Margot's right cheek. Margo was motionless—Margo was dead. From the room with the dangling venetian blinds, someone shot Margo three times at right angles across the patio. — Margo is dead. Hear a sound from the door. Kelly turned, still on her knees, the revolver still in her hand. — Margo is dead. And standing at the door was her husband.With bloodshot eyes and a fierce face, he stared intently at the bloodstained dead woman on the floor, at the revolver in his wife's hand.
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