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Chapter 5 Chapter Five: The Misfortune of Overseas

dragon tooth 埃勒里·奎因 7333Words 2018-03-15
The moment Kelly made eye contact with her cousin Margot for the first time, she knew in her heart that they would be enemies. When she scrambled to show her various identifications to Lloyd Goossens and Edmund De Carlos, who made her sick at first sight, when she lived in the manor in Tarry City As she toured the vast manor with its lush forests, its bridle paths, its hidden creeks, and its unexpected trellises, when she chose her servants and cars, and put her own The whole time of the excitement of making an otherwise dreary room bright and colorful, when she went shopping, when she gave interviews to the press, and when she settled down here in the East and started a new life For a long time, no matter what Kelly did, she was looking forward to her cousin's arrival from France.

It was a strange, sentimental anticipation, because Kelly always had a sense of loss, a loss that she probably wanted to make up for in other ways. However, when she met Margot Cole, she realized that what she had hoped for was just an illusion. Kelly, Vee, Goosens, De Carlos, and Beau, all of them entered the bay in a speedboat, anchored at the quarantine port, and greeted the "Normandy".With his briefcase in hand, Goosens boarded the liner that landed to pick up Margo.After a while, they appeared on the ship's side, went down the gangway, and boarded a motorboat, which carried them towards the speedboat.

Margot Cole boarded the speedboat like a mass of perfumed furs, followed by a bright French maid and a mountain of luggage. As she continued babbling with Goossens, she glanced indifferently over Vee, settled on Kelly, sized her up and then moved away.Then she walked over to De Carlos and Beau.She greeted the bearded, toothy De Carlos with a smile; and when her blue, squinting, Egyptian eyes fell on Beau, they narrowed, With a rather surprised look, he scanned Beau from his unkempt hair to his untidy feet. It was at this moment that Kelly decided that the two of them were destined to be enemies.

"She can't wait," whispered Vi, touching Kelly's arm. "Showless one. Don't let her bully you, honey. She will." Margot Cole was a tall, well-built woman, the sort of woman who would look energetic even lounging on a sun lounger on the beach.She seemed to be one of those grim, pompous sorts of women.She walks in a graceful, somewhat contrived manner, and, somewhat deliberately, shows off her tightly packed hips. "Either a stripper or a model," Vee said. "I don't like her. What about you?" "No," Kelly said. "She must be thirty years old."

"Thirty-two," said Kelly, who had recently learned a thing or two about family history. "Look at these so-called men, look in their eyes! It's like they've never seen a butt. It's disgusting!" When Lloyd Goossens introduced them both, they hesitated politely. After shaking hands with Beau, Margo said: "So you're the one looking for me. How handsome he is, Mr. Goossens! I knew it. I ignored Mr. Quinn's advertisement in the French newspaper and I was waiting for him to come to me in person.” "I think," Beau laughed, "that would be very interesting."

"Shall we go to my office?" asked Goossens. "Miss Cole, there are a few more formalities—of course you can stay at a hotel until we—oh—check your identification. Sure. , if you'd rather—" "No, no. Let's get this trouble out of the way," said Margot. "Mr. Quinn, are you coming?" "How can I resist such a beautiful smile?" "Sarcasm at me! Then—oh, of course, and you, Kelly dear! I'd be at a loss without you. I was born in America, but I've been living in France—" "That's bad luck for France," muttered Vi.

Kelly smiled and said, "I'll gladly protect you from this brutish new world." "Oh, no, no," said Edmund de Carlos, "that's my special duty, ladies." With that, he bowed first to Kelly, then to Margot, and at the same time, He licked his mustache-covered lips with the tip of his red tongue. Immediately, the speedboat set sail through the waves. Kelly is having a bit of a headache at the beach.She politely said goodbye, drove her brand new convertible, and left with Wei first. Margo waved them off cheerfully, watching them with her cold Egyptian eyes.

After they arrived at Goossens' office, Goossens conducted a very strict review of Margot Cole, but there was no doubt that her identification was legal and valid. She accepted a cigarette offered by the lawyer, and De Carlos lit it for her. "I find it a little odd to be called Miss Cole, or just Margo. You know, I've called myself Ann Strange since 1925." "Why is that?" asked Goossens, filling his pipe. "My mother died that year. Of course, I don't have much memory of my father. We never met any of my mother's acquaintances in the United States. She didn't even have a home. In France, we always went from one city to another. Another city running around non-stop - Dijon, Lyon, and Montpellier for a few years in the south, in short, a lot of places. Mother taught English to French kids for money so I could study in mission schools I don't know anything about our family, and my mother never talked about it. However, after she passed away, I found some letters, a diary, and some small souvenirs, so that I knew that I was a scientist. Especially," she laughed, "I know my dear uncle Cadmus, and how much he was a help to my mother, my father, and me while we were starving in our garret in Paris. .As you know, a letter from Uncle Cadmus made my father kill himself. That's why I'm changing my name—I'm going to forget everything about the past."

"Have you brought those letters and other things, Miss Cole?" She pulled them out of an alligator shopping bag.Goossens found the letter Mrs. Cole wrote to Cadmus Cole in 1909, compared the handwriting on Nadine Malloy Cole's letter with the handwriting on the diary, and found that The fonts are exactly the same. There are also some old faded photographs of Huntley Cole and his wife, one of which is labeled "Paris 1910" and shows little Margo, just three years old, chubby, blond, wide open Bright but timid eyes. And Cole's 1909 typewritten letter to his siblings in which he declined financial assistance.Goossens and Beau also compared this letter with Kelly's surviving letter Cole typed to his sister Monica in 1918, and saw that the stylistic features of the two letters were very similar, The signature was the same, in his bold, austere, capital handwriting.

"Of course, we're going to have experts examine all of these things, Miss Cole," said Goossens. "You should understand—this is a great legacy. Procedurally—" "I don't know what else to say or do to prove I'm Margot Cole, but if you want to hear my life story—" "We are very happy." The lawyer said politely, and glanced at Bo, only to find that Bo was looking down.On Goossens's desk was a brief report from the French firm Beau had hired a few weeks earlier. That report gave a brief account of Margot Cole's personal life from her childhood in Paris until 1925, and after 1925 they were at a loss, where the thread was cut off.But now they figured it out.It was because Margot Cole changed her name to Ann Strange that year that French private detectives ran into a dead end.

Margot recounted her experience in detail, from the time her mother left Paris with her as a baby until her mother died.Tell me how she went back to Paris after that and became a fashion model. Margo looked reserved and dignified: "I've made enough money, and I have some very kind, wealthy friends," she said in a low voice, "so that by 1932, I'd be able to... …Let’s just stop working, so to speak. Since then, I’ve been on the go – the Riviera, Cannes, Deauville, Monte Carlo, Capri, Europe anyway Those boring places don't mean much." "So someone lost a bet," said Beau. "Ever married, Miss Cole?" "Oh, no! How nice to be alone, don't you think, Mr. Quin?" "Mr. Quinn" smiled. Goossens said: "I'm glad you think so, Miss Cole, because in your uncle's will . experience—in order to have a solid proof of your happy celibacy..." After two weeks, everything was done.The report from the French firm stated that Margot Cole's oral statements about her life since changing her name to Ann Strange in 1925 were all true.She has never been married.The report also touches upon some of Miss Strange Cole's inescapable experiences in "those boring parts of Europe"; however, Goossens deliberately ignores these matters; aspects of evaluation. Miss Cole accepted without hesitation the terms her uncle made in his will, and, amidst the envious praise of the press and the curious gaze of the public, she settled in Tarrytown with dignity. manor. "Your work is done now, too," she whispered to Beau. "You won't abandon me, poor little boy, from now on, will you? I feel at a loss in this big strange country; you'll come and see Me—often?" Then she took his hand and squeezed it very gently. They were alone in a well-groomed garden of the manor, but Beau noticed that the curtains in Kelly Sean's bedroom moved slightly. He suddenly put the smiling woman into his arms and kissed her.And when he let her go, she was still smiling. "Mr. Quinn, why do you know I want you like this?" Margo asked. "I'm a psychic," Beau said.He looked towards the window again, and saw the curtain jerk and then stopped. "You witty one," whispered Kelly's cousin, "how jealous the dear little one would be. Come again—quickly." In the offices of the Ellery Queen Undercover Company, Mr. Ellery Queen watched his partner sympathetically.Mr. Quinn, who had just returned from the Adirondacks, was thinner than before, tanned, but healthy; his partner was gaunt, with double quote-mark creases parting his plump eyes. "I always thought you were someone who could work for money," said Mr. Quinn, "but I didn't expect you to quit halfway." "It's really not because of the money! Indeed, there is no big deal. Goossens and De Carlos insisted on only paying the fifteen thousand dollars that Cole has already paid us. There's enough money—" "And it's too much." Quinn agreed. "But the job's been done! The deal with us was that we find these two women. That's what we were hired to do, and we did, and we've done it. So what else do you want?" "I want to know," said Mr. Quin firmly, "why Cadmus Cole won't tell us the real purpose of employing us. I want to know why he doesn't tell us the plain and simple truth. I want to I know what's on his mind." "Go and ask a witch!" "Did he expect to be murdered? Was he murdered? If so, who killed him and why? Perhaps Cole hired us to find answers to these questions. , and, for reasons unknown to us, he didn't say so. But if that's really the case he wants us to investigate, our job isn't done—" "Fifteen thousand dollars is not what you pay for this job," Beau yelled, "then try to ask Goossens and De Carlos for more money. Have you been feeling too Like an obscure anonymous person?" Mr. Quinn said decisively: "Bo, you are not such a person." "I do not know what you're talking about." "There must be a reason why you don't want to continue doing this research, and I know it's not because of the money. What is it?" Beau looked at him: "Well, smart guy. There was a reason, not money, but a woman. What's wrong?" "Oh," said Mr. Quinn, "Miss Shawn?" "I didn't say that!" cried Beau. "Anyway, I think she—seems a little in love with me, so I can't be with her all the time, and mess up her life, that's all! She— —this girl can't be in love!" "Oh, I see," said Mr. Quin. "It's miserable. Well, then, to be clear, you're not in love with her—are you in love with her?" "It's none of your business." Bowen said angrily. "Oh, then, sir, since you love her too, you're going to go back to her sooner or later, and you know that. You'd better go now, then. I can't take over the business, because you're Quinn If this little trick of ours is caught, it will have the following consequences: first, we have to return the fifteen thousand yuan; people." "But, what excuse can I find to go back?" Beau frowned, "Goosens and De Carlos just sent me away yesterday, and Kelly is still mad at me... By the way, and Margo—" —” "Of course," said Mr. Quin, "that's a woman who's obviously very willing to associate with you. There's no law preventing a young man from calling on a woman for social reasons. You just have to keep your eyes open and wait and see. I have one." A strong presentiment," said Mr. Quin thoughtfully, "that something will go wrong." "Troubles? That's enough for now! Let's just say..." Bo showed a vigilant look, "What do you mean - troubles?" Mr. Quinn smiled: "Bo, have you ever thought that the whole incident was caused by a man named Cadmus?" Beau looked at him intently. "Cadmus? Cadmus Cole? So what?" "Don't you remember the legend of Cadmus, the king of Sidon, who founded the city of Thebes and brought sixteen letters to Greece?" "No," Beau said, "I don't know." "Where did you go to school?" sighed Mr. Quin. "Anyway, the myths say that Cadmus roamed the world in search of—the children of those old myths always travel the world in search of something— —Cadmus went through countless hardships and dangers, and had to do many foolish things, one of which was to plant the dragon's tooth in the ground." "Oh, friend," Beau said, "I kind of get it." "Dragon teeth," repeated Mr. Quinn thoughtfully, "yes, yes. Cadmus planted dragon teeth, and every dragon tooth turned into a—troublemaker. That is to say, there will be trouble, Beau!" "Oh." Mr. Rumel replied flatly. "Our Cadmus, in his will, planted some of the dragon's teeth with his own hands," said Mr. Quinn, "so keep an eye on them, Beau. Keep an eye on them all—especially It's De Carlos." "De Carlos!" Bo snorted. "Yeah, De Carlos. I don't like the way this baboon looks at Kelly. And they live in the same house... Maybe you're right. Maybe I should keep an eye on it." Mr. Quinn showed a satisfied smile: "Okay, this matter is settled. Is there any news from Santiago de Cuba?" "No progress so far. Angus and the crew of the Argonaut have disappeared without a trace... sorry," said Beau, looking preoccupied. "I think I'll have to see in Tarry— Margo is gone." "Give her my regards," muttered Mr. Quin. The beautiful princess - that is Cinderella, she is not happy.Her daily life was very disordered and irregular, as Violet Day had warned her emphatically.These days, Wei is someone she can rely on and comfort her.Kelly couldn't imagine what she would be like without Vi by her side. Partly because of Margo. Margo begins to expand her influence and threat in Kelly's life.She tried to rule the whole house, even the part that belonged to Kelly.When she refurbished her own apartment in French style, she insisted that the whole house be refurbished simultaneously and in the same style.Callie doggedly defends her maple and calico décor, challenging Margot's supremacy.Margot then said something in French that sounded inappropriate for a woman, and Kelly's eyes lit up like fire; if Beau hadn't just arrived at the critical moment, I'm afraid Kelly would be hurt more than just emotionally up.Of course, at this time Kelly withdrew immediately. "Let her try," Kelly said excitedly to Ve. "Just let her! I'm gonna knock her nose out!" Then it was Beau (or "Ellery," as the excited family knew it) that made her unhappy.He seems to be there all day.Kelly was determined at first to try to be polite to him, but then this determination broke down, and she became cold and stiff.For he seemed to be completely infatuated with Margo; he was always with her, flattering her, handing her around like a pug dog, and taking her out. And Margo's attitude was almost unbearable.She would give Kelly a mischievous, sly look, then turn her head to whisper something to Beau, and then they would laugh together as if they had just shared some secret.Kelly thought they were so annoying.Later, when she saw Beau again, she would run away immediately, or run to the stables, lead a horse and go for a gallop, or go swimming with Wei in the open-air swimming pool, or take the boat she bought for a walk on the river. A little while, or go for a walk in the woods of the estate. "If only I could get out of here," she said to Vi angrily. "Vi, she's trying to humiliate me! She's waving him like a flag before my eyes at every opportunity." !" "Then why don't you go?" Verity asked earnestly. "I can't! I asked Mr. Goossens that my uncle's will required me to live in this manor for a full year, and Mr. Goossens said he couldn't do anything about it. V!" Kelly grabbed her friend, "Don't you think she's trying to ... drive me away?" "I'm sure she'd do that kind of thing," said Vee, grimly. "She's that kind of person. I think if you've lived somewhere else this year, the will doesn't matter to you, your share." It's hers, right?" Kelly's eyes flashed with anger for a moment: "Then, this is exactly what she wants to achieve! Two thousand and five hundred dollars a week, she is not satisfied, and she wants my share!" "If you're like her and want to monopolize the mink fur market, two thousand five thousand a week is not enough." "Well, she can't drive me away! I'll fight her!" "Good job," Vi said excitedly, "don't forget to give me a chance to give her a slap from time to time, okay, honey?" From there, things got interesting.Kelly doesn't get cold feet anymore. Whenever the two started whispering softly again, she leaned over with concern, as if she wanted to join their conversation.Besides, Mr. Edmond de Carlos had secretly wanted to pursue her since she had lived in the manor, and now, she showed an attitude of acceptance, as if tacitly allowing him to pursue her.As a result, De Carlos was refreshed, with a scorching gaze of evil in his eyes.He couldn't wait to press every step.He suggested that she should and should hang out with him more often.For he had discovered all the beauties of New York, and was happy to take her to enjoy it.They deserve to be a couple of best friends.Once, she said yes; and that very evening Beau, in a tuxedo so hot that he couldn't rest, accompanied the beautiful Miss Cole to the Summer Theater. It all went smoothly and dull at the same time.But on their way home in De Carlos' limousine, something happened. Since then, Kelly has stopped accepting De Carlos' invitations to go out, and she finds herself under some kind of threat. And Mr. De Carlos' eyes are even more fiery and full of evil.His enthusiasm for the New York nightlife, which had been so wild and reckless before, had almost faded.He spends most of his time at the estate—watching Kelly.She went to ride, and he followed.She took the boat, and he followed.She was swimming and he was by the pool, and she was getting a little nervous.She no longer goes for walks in the woods. Kelly was genuinely terrified.Vee had the idea of ​​sneaking some poison into his soup, but Kelly wasn't interested in the jokes anymore. "Then why don't you talk to Ellery?" Vee asked. "He's a man, and besides, he's a detective." "Then I'd rather die! Oh, V, it's not just because of De Carlos looking at me that way. I've dealt with men who looked at me that way in the past. This time it's because of—something else. She trembled a bit, "I don't quite know what's going on with me either." "That's your hallucination. Why don't you make some friends? You've been here all these weeks and you don't know anyone here." Kelly nodded sadly. Vi found Beau: "Listen. I don't appreciate your taste in women, but I used to think you were a pretty good guy. If you're a man at all, you help keep an eye on Deca Ross the bug. He's--as the saying goes--on Kelly's mind, and I don't mean the little stuff." "I thought she kind of encouraged him to do it," Beau said flatly. "It's so interesting!" It was Margo who leaned over and spoke, and the belt of her bathrobe was untied and put back on her toned shoulders. "I didn't talk to you again, mother!" "Okay," Beau said quickly, "I'll keep an eye out." Since then, Beau has come more frequently.
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