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Chapter 3 Chapter Three "Famous Writers Live in Wright Town"

disaster city 埃勒里·奎因 3854Words 2018-03-15
"I'll go and tell Mr. John about your visit." Rudy finished with contempt, and turned and strode away; her apron stood stiffly around her like a white Dutchman's cap. "I guess Rudy knows we're here to rent the haunted lot," Mr. Pettigrew said, laughing. "Why does she treat me like a Nazi stooge when I'm just here to rent a house?" asked Mr. Quinn. "I guess Rudy doesn't think it's proper for a man of status like John F. Wright to rent out a house. Sometimes, I really don't know who has more pride under this family name." —Is it Rudy, or Hermione?"

Mr. Quinn looked around carefully: several pieces of old mahogany furniture in good style, a handsome fireplace of Italian marble, and at least two of the several oil paintings on the walls that looked good. J. C.Noticing his interest in those paintings, he said: "Hermione chose the pictures herself. She knows a thing or two about art, really—here, here she is, and John." Ellery rose to greet him.Originally, he thought he would see a woman with a strong figure and a serious expression, but he didn't expect that the Hermione in front of him was completely different from what he expected - Hermione always surprised people who met for the first time.She was petite, with a kind and sweet face.John F.Wright was also small, but elegant, with the bronzed face of a country-club member, and he carried a stamp album with care.From the very first sight, Ellery liked him.

"John, this is Mr. Ellery Smith, and he's looking for a furnished house," J. C.He said nervously, and introduced them to each other: "Mr. Wright, Mrs. Wright, Mr. Smith." After speaking, I unconsciously cleared my throat. John F.In her high-pitched voice, she said, "It's a great honor to meet Mr. Smith." Hermione stretched her arms and said sweetly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith." But Mr. "Smith" could see from her beautiful blue eyes Seeing a cold gleam, it is judged based on this, even in this scene, the hostess is more indifferent than the host.He could not help paying attention to this Mrs. Wright.Hermione bowed in greeting, and buried her long, feminine fingers in her glossy gray hair the way she always did whenever she was happy, flustered, or both.

"Of course," J. C.Respectfully: "I immediately thought of that very fine six-room house you built next door. John—" "John, I don't like the idea of ​​letting a house," said Hermione in a very cold voice. "I can't imagine, Mr. Pettigrew—" "Perhaps, if you knew who Mr. Smith was, you wouldn't say so," J. C.Said quickly. Hermione seemed startled, and John F.Lean forward in a rocking chair in front of the fireplace. "Oh?" Hermione asked, "Who is he?" "Mr. Smith," J. C.Boldly say: "It is the famous writer Ellery Smith."

"Famous writer!" Hermione took a breath. "It's amazing! Rudy, let's put it on the coffee table." Rudy put four goblets and a jug of grape juice and lemonade with ice on the coffee table, which made a soft sound. "Mr. Smith, I'm sure you'll like our house," Hermione went on. "It's a dream house, furnished all by myself. Have you ever given a public lecture? Maybe our women's club— —” "We've got good golf courses around here," John F.Say. "Mr. Smith, how long do you intend to rent for?" "I'm sure Mr. Smith will love Wright so much that he'll live there forever," put in Hermione. "Mr. Smith, please use the drink made by Ludi..."

"Judging from the rapid development of Wright Township," John said, frowning, "the house may be sold soon—" "John, that's easy," J. C.Say. "We can state in the lease that if there is a possible buyer willing to buy the house, we will notify Mr. Smith in advance and give a reasonable time to move out—" "Business, business!" said Hermione cheerfully. "Actually, what Mr. Smith wants now is to see the house first. Mr. Pettigrew, you stay here with John and his precious stamps. Mr. Smith, please?" Hermione took Ellery by the arm as she walked from the big house to the little one, as if fearing that he would fly away if she let go.

"Of course, the furniture is all covered with drapes now, but it's a really nice house. It's all new, early American bird's-eye machine wood. Look, Mr. Smith, it's pretty, isn't it?" Hermione took Ellery upstairs and downstairs to look everywhere, from the basement to the attic, showing the kitschy master bedroom to her heart's content, and admiring the beauty of the living room with its marquise wood furniture. , and arty alcoves, rugs, half-empty bookshelves... "Very well, very well," said Ellery feebly. "All very well, Mrs. Wright."

"By the way, I'll find a housekeeper for you," Hermione said happily. "Oh, dear! Where are you going to work? We can make the second upstairs bedroom a study. You must have a study for your writing, Mr. Smith." Mr. "Smith" replied that he believed he would be clever. "So, do you like our little house? I'm so happy!" Hermione said in a low voice, "Of course, you're here to visit Wright Town in disguise, right?" "Mrs. Wright, with this description, you think highly of me..." "In that case, I will tell no one who you are except a few of my closest friends," said Hermione, laughing. "Mr. Smith, what are you planning to write at the moment?"

"A novel," Ellery replied vaguely, "a novel in particular, set in a typical small town, Mrs. Wright." "So you came here for inspiration! How clever! You chose our lovely Wright! You should meet my daughter Patricia right away, she is the brightest child. If you want to understand Wright , I believe Patricia will be a good guide to help you..." Two hours later, Mr. Ellery Quinn signed his name "Ellery Smith" on the lease in which he agreed to lease the furnished house at 460 Hill Road from 6 August 1940 6 months, 3 months rent in advance, the monthly rent is 75 US dollars; if the house will be sold, notify the lessee at least 1 month in advance.

When the two left the Wright home, J. C.revealed that: "Mr. Smith, to be honest, I just held my breath for a minute in there." "when?" "When you signed the lease with John F.'s pen." "You're holding your breath?" Ellery frowned. "why?" J. C.Laugh out loud: "Because I think of poor old Hunter and how he fell dead in that house. 'Haunted House'! How extraordinary! And you're alive and well!" With that, he couldn't help laughing as he climbed into his coupe to pick up Ellery's luggage at the Hollis Hotel, leaving Ellery pissed off in the Wright driveway.

Ellery felt a chill down his spine as he returned to his new home.Now that Mrs. Wright wasn't holding his arm, it turned out that there was something in the house, kind of—oh, kind of empty, unfinished thing, like being in outer space, Ellery almost Say to yourself that it is something "not human".When he thought of this, he couldn't help hugging his hands tightly. "Haunted house"!He took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and set about tidying up his new home. "Mr. Smith," cried a terrified voice, "what are you doing?" When Hermione rushed in, Ellery dropped the veil of ashes guiltily.Mrs. Wright's cheeks flushed, her gray hair no longer looked bright: "How dare you touch these things! Abetta, come in, Mr. Smith won't bite you." A timid South American walked in holding his steps. "Mr. Smith, her name is Abetta Manaka, and I am sure you will find her work very satisfactory. Abetta, don't just stand there, start tidying upstairs!" Alberta flew away too.After murmuring thanks, Ellery sank into a chair upholstered in rich cotton.Mrs. Wright, on the other hand, was attacking the room with frightening vigor. "In a little while, the whole house will be in order! Oh, by the way, when I was driving Alberta up here in town, I stopped by the Wright Town Chronicle office—wow, look Dust!—had a little secret talk with Frank Lloyd, you know, editor and publisher of the Wright Chronicle, and I don't think you mind." Ellery's heart skipped a beat of its own accord. "Oh, and I took it upon myself to order some groceries and meat for you at Logan's Grocery, although of course you're going to dine with us tonight. Oh my God, did I forget...  ...Gas...Water...No, I haven't forgotten anything, I've got everything done. Ah, forgot the phone! Going to do it early in the morning. Well, Mr. Smith, I told you, I know, No matter how much we keep it secret, sooner or later the whole town will know you've moved to Wright, so of course a journalist like Frank will have to write about you, so I figured it'd be best to ask him privately not to report mentioned you as a well-known author—Baby Patricia! Carter! Oh dears, I have a big surprise for you!" Mr. Quinn got up hastily and touched his coat involuntarily. At this time, the only and only organized thought left in his mind was that the color of Patricia's eyes was like the babbling brook bubbling in the sun. "Looks like you're the famous writer," Patricia Wright said, looking him sideways. "My father told Carter and me just now that my mother was caught by someone. I thought I would see a rough poet with a repulsive face, melancholy eyes, and a potbellied belly; I'm so happy." Mr. Quinn tried to put on a friendly face and said something casually. "Honey, don't you think he's great?" Hermione exclaimed excitedly. "Mr. Smith, you must forgive me. I know you must think I am too rustic. But, I am really excited. Baby Patricia, please introduce Carter." "Carter! Sorry, dear. This is Mr. Smith, and this is Mr. Bradford." As Ellery shook hands with the tall, wise-looking young man in front of him, he could see a worried look on his face.He wondered if the young man was worried, and what could be done to tie Miss Patricia Wright's heart.Thinking of this, a burst of sympathy immediately surged in my heart. "I suppose," said Carter Bradford politely, "that we must all be too rustic for you, Mr. Smith. Do you write fiction, or non-fiction?" "Fiction." Ellery replied.It appears that there is a war. "What a pleasure," Patricia said again, and gave Ellery another look.Carter frowned, and Ellery smiled. "Mom, let me come to this room...Mr. Smith, it doesn't matter how you want to change the room layout after we stop interfering with your life, but now—" As Patricia tidied up his new home under Carter's hesitant gaze, Ellery thought, "May every blessed day from now on, the saints in heaven grant me such an ominous event as today. Carter My boy, I'm sorry, but I'm chasing your Patricia!" His good mood never faded, even until J. C.Pettigrew didn't lower himself as he retrieved his luggage from town and waved the freshly released Wright Town Chronicle.Publisher and editor Frank Lloyd only technically kept his promise to Hermione, with no reference to Mr Smith at all other than that he was "Ellery Smith of New York" , but the title of the report is: "Famous Writer Lives in Wright Town"!
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