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Chapter 6 June Medicine Finger

crime calendar 埃勒里·奎因 12069Words 2018-03-15
Examining the special interest of women since ancient Rome reveals that the Diva Juno had many names and identities.She is worshiped by all kinds of women with different names.She is a savior, prayed to by slave girls and women in distress; she also plays the role of leader and protector in wedding ceremonies; women, whether married or unmarried, go to the grove to stand for her She is worshiped in the temple; she is also the protector of labor tools and the goddess of war.In short, everything related to women has an indissoluble bond with her.She disliked moonlight and roses, so her offerings included foolish gooses, beautiful peacocks, cuckoos with monotonous voices who laid their eggs in other birds' nests, and serpents known for their accusing nature.She is the goddess of advice and money, and is in charge of almost everything a woman is interested in.In Greek mythology, of course, Juno became Hera, bribed by Aphrodite, and since the judgment of the unfortunate Paris, she has become the most jealous and intolerant character.In short, Juno is everything to a woman, so the poet Ovid had Juno say that June was named after her.

June is the best season of the year for getting married.An ancient Roman adage says, "Marriage in June brings glory to the man and happiness to the woman." Countless men and women believe in it, including Richard Troy of Palm Beach and his eldest daughter, Helen. .Helen had always wanted to have her wedding in June, and it finally happened, a dream come true—although it was different from the wedding she had dreamed of, even if it was only for a short time.But the wedding day was in June, yes, she was dressed as a bride and got a ring. Father Richard Troy named his eldest daughter Helen because he was a very practical sentimentalist.As a young man, Troy made his fortune in the greeting card business.He credits Helen's name as an inspiration and inspiration.So the father was not at all surprised when Helen Troy grew into a stunning beauty, which he took as yet another testament to his accomplishments.

Mr. Troy always regretted not having had the foresight to provide a similar service to his younger daughter, Effie.After the birth of his youngest daughter, he hastily handed over the important task of naming to his wife.The wife is a well-behaved person who pays great attention to reputation, so she looked up Euphemia in the dictionary. The meaning of this name symbolizes "good reputation".Effie did get a lot of praise as she grew up, but that also came with her troubles. She rarely joined conversations, dressed very modestly, and always looked as if she was about to fall asleep.Effie became a problem for Mr. Troy.

But Helen was the apple of his eye, the "golden apple" as he called it.He said to Helen: "You have to remember that this is the real reason for the Battle of Troy, haha!" Mr. Troy, who was easygoing, said this without enthusiasm.As Helen's breasts gradually plumped up, a team of young men began to fight each other for her. She easily walked through the battlefield where men were sad and bloody for her, her character became more and more mature, and her appearance It is also cuter, just like Juno, with all manners and styles.After Mrs. Troy passed away, Helen was no longer under the vigilant supervision of her mother, and soon began to associate with some dubious men. One bad boy really made Mr. Troy awkward for a while.But Helen smiled and assured her father that she could control the boy, and Mr. Troy let it go, but he became famous later on.

What a mistake. Victor Luz is European, with a short build, particularly thick eyebrows, and a pair of large peasant-like hands.He was ashamed of those hands, for he came from a distinguished family, his father was a member of the UN mission, and his fingers were as thin as a woman's cigarette holder.He himself is an international student at Princeton University.After enrolling in school, his big hands were quickly spotted by the coach of the boxing team, so these hands became one of his specialties.Combined with his quick movements and natural deadly left hook, he quickly became a name in the school.But when he participated in the inter-school competition, his performance was disappointing. Once he was hurt, he would fight with his opponents, gouging their eyes, hurting their lower parts, and even biting with their mouths.So the school boxing team had to expel him.

But Victor has the unique demeanor of a mainlander, and he has a lot of money.So right out of school, he moved into a bachelor pad on Park Avenue and found a lot of social success.He regularly attends horse shows and hunting clubs, and is a coffee society influencer, for which he was interviewed by a television station. Henry Middleton Yates, a bond salesman for a Wall Street financial institution, was one of the bloody warriors who pursued Helen Troy, but his heart was not broken.A natural bond salesman, he possessed unrelenting courage.When most of the competitors had automatically lost the battle, he still pursued this Trojan beauty tenaciously.Helen also likes him, thinking that he is good in nature, handsome, satisfying and easy to control.If their relationship had been closer, if there had been more competition, perhaps she would have been passionate enough to marry him.Of course, her mother had to agree to this, but she hadn't agreed yet.Henry was well aware of these two obstacles to his happiness, but he was patient, knowing that time would drive them away.Henry had already calculated that as soon as Mrs. Troy died, he threw Victor Lutz, whom he knew in Princeton, to Helen.

Henry is a scheming person, and his plan is based on his understanding and grasp of Helen.He understands her state of mind at this time, she is not satisfied with the indifferent love, there are signs that she is tired of the endless Trojan War in the past, he thinks what she needs is the final decisive battle, so as to finally satisfy her conquest want.So he introduced Victor Luz to the Troy family.In his opinion, Lutz is the best person to play this role.Luz won't be easily defeated, but he can only revolve around Helen.Don't worry that Helen will really fall in love with him, and don't worry that his fame and money will lure Helen to do stupid things.Henry knew very well that Luz's emotional taste was too foreign for Helen, and she would not give up her freedom for the sake of fame.Luz can only please her in the short term, but she will soon be dumped by her.After having such an experience, Helen would naturally kneel at his knees with gratitude.However, Lutz is a person who forgets the rules when he fails, and he will not give up honestly, so it is not that simple.Helen knew this too late.Henry had thought that Luz would be like everyone else, knowingly accepting Helen's dismissal when she proposed to terminate the relationship, and reluctantly smiling and leaving with a broken heart.However, later facts proved that he was wrong on this point.

When Henry took Victor Luz to Troy's house, Luz became smitten with Helen.Helen also showed great interest in him, so the two began to meet frequently, and Luz kept expressing his fiery love to Helen.Later, Helen felt tired of playing with him, so she proposed to terminate the relationship-but Luz refused.Only then did Helen actually look at him for the first time.There was a certain warning in his obstinacy that he would not quit quietly like a gentleman. He still pestered her, even threatening her guards with violence.He wrote her vulgar notes, harassed her on the phone, and said he wanted to die with her.He also often ran to the garden wall outside her bedroom window and cried. He hid at the door of her house, rushed over when he saw her come out, and even knelt down at her feet in broad daylight.One night he shamelessly and publicly humiliated her in a nightclub, causing Helen to run away screaming - into the arms of Henry Middleton Yates.

As far as Henry Middleton Yates was concerned, the matter was over.Unfortunately, however, Victor Luz is doing his own thing. Richard Troy was drinking his coffee the morning after the nightclub humiliation when his youngest daughter, Euphemia, came in and said, in a tone she had never had before: "Victor Lutz is in the study asking for meet you." "The boy?" said Mr. Troy, frowning. "What does he want?" "I don't know, Father," Effie said, "but he looks very serious. Maybe he wants to apologize for what happened last night." "I think I should smash his nose with my fist," said her father helplessly. "Where's Helen?"

"She doesn't see him. Besides she's in the garden with Henry Yates. I'll bet Henry smashed his nose." "I'm totally able to handle my daughter," Mr. Troy said.This sounded like the opposite, and he reluctantly went to the study. Victor Luz sits on the edge of a chair with his knees slightly apart, a suede glove in one large hand and an umbrella in the other with his hamburger hat hanging from the folded head .Seeing Old Troy coming in, he quickly stood up. "Look, Lutz—" began Mr. Troy sullenly. "Forgive me, Mr. Troy," said Lutz, "I have come today for two purposes. I wish to show my humility in front of your daughter and to formally apologize to her for my public outrage last night. But she would not see me. So, sir, I offer you my apologies."

"Oh, ah, yes. Yes, I see," said Mr. Troy. "The second purpose of my visit is to ask your permission to propose to your daughter," said Victor Luz. "I am madly in love with Helen, Mr. Troy. Without her I cannot—" "—you can't live without her, can you? Yes," sighed Mr. Troy, "it's amazing, though there are many lads who have to manage to live. Mr. Lutz, my only mission in life is to See my daughter happy. If Helen thinks you'll make her happy, I don't care what I think. You go ask her." "Oh, what a great man you are!" Luz exclaimed joyfully. "Nothing," said Mr. Troy, laughing. "I'm just delegating my responsibilities to someone more competent." But Luz is engrossed in talking to herself: "I've told her I love her, she's beautiful, etc., but the word 'marry'... how can she not misunderstand? I'll go now ask her!" Just then, the door of the study opened, and the beautiful Helen appeared, followed by Henry Middleton Yates.Behind Henry, Effie also timidly followed in, trembling all over. Luz blinked as if avoiding the harsh light.He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Helen's hand: "Helen, I must tell you!" Helen smiled, withdrew her hand, wiped it carefully with a handkerchief, then walked to her father and said, "Dad, Henry wants to talk to you." "Henry," said Mr. Troy, "oh! oh, yes, yes." "I beg Helen to let her marry me. Mr. Troy," said Henry Middleton Yates, "and she has. I wonder if you will?" Mr. Troy looked overwhelmed.Effie let out a sudden scream, then fell silent, looking more timid than before, running into the hallway like a mouse being chased by a cat.Helen looked thoughtful, Henry Yates looked dazed. All this was too much for Mr. Troy to cope with.Victor Lutz threw himself on Henry Yates and pinned him to the ground, and the two wrestled and fought desperately.Luz pointed to Henry's neck with his big hand, grabbed Henry's head and smashed it hard to the floor, and hit Henry with his head.Helen let out a piercing cry. "Grandson!" Luz cursed, his face flushed, "You'll never get her! I'm going to kill her first!" A series of angry scolding sounds came from Henry's throat, and Helen grabbed Luz's umbrella and hit Luz on the head.Mr. Troy had also grown stronger with anger.Although he has always believed in the friendship of mankind and wholeheartedly supported the United Nations, this matter in front of him... Mr. Troy grabbed Victor Luz by the throat and kept picking his neck.Lutz let go of poor Henry Yates at last, pale and weak. Helen knelt beside her convulsed knight, whispering comfortingly. Luz stood up and fumbled for his umbrella without even looking at them. "I said I was going to kill her," he said as he left, as if to no one in particular. "I will, if she marries Yates." "But that's not the whole story, Mr. Quinn," Mr. Troy told Ellery a month later. "You can imagine it won't end there. It's only just beginning." "Did Lutz make any further threats to Helen?" Ellery said, "or did he do anything specific that suggested murdering your daughter?" "No, no, the beginning of a whole new relationship. I honestly don't understand young people these days," said Mr. Troy. "If, when I was young, he'd been flogged or thrown in jail— Miss Potter, please let me say it again, won't you?—this incident really upsets me." "I don't think we understand, Mr. Troy." Nicky showed a very cooperative look. "Oh, after Lutz was beaten up, he immediately changed. He apologized to Helen almost on his knees, and even hugged me. The next day he gave Helen a large bundle of orchids and wrote :Blessings to you for upcoming events, your friend, Victor Luz - I'm afraid he doesn't want to go too far in the greeting card business, lol! - He also sent Henry Yates a box of preserved Sixty-five-year-old Cognac. The effect of all this: Helen forgave him within a week, and Henry said he wasn't so bad after all." "And two weeks from now?" Ellery asked, "because obviously it's not over." "You're quite right, no," said Mr. Troy angrily. "Helen invited him to her wedding two weeks later, because Lutz had a big party with Helen and Henry as guests of honour, and the boy Suggesting a toast to their happiness most of the time." "How sweet," Nicky said. "Mr. Quinn, I'm as good as anybody in kindness," said Mr. Troy earnestly. "I'm not saying it's because the kid is from Europe—some of my best friends are Europeans—but I Tell you this guy can't be trusted. If he's a 100% American, it's even more dangerous. I don't think I can be wrong about people. When he heard that Helen was going to marry Henry Yates, I saw his face was terrifying, full of murderous intent!" "Clarence Darrow once said he never killed, but he got a kick out of reading obituaries," Ellery whispered, "but you don't trust this man—" "I know his type!" "Is he going to your daughter's wedding?" "Not only in attendance," howled Mr. Troy, "he's best man!" There was a silence. "Oh my God," Nicky said, "how could he be like this?" "He's been very close to Henry since the fight in my study," said Mr. Troy irritably, "apparently he's trying to make Henry feel comfortable, and he's doing everything he can to get Henry to let him be best man at the wedding. I reminded Helen, but she thought it was so romantic when she was riding the clouds those days! Let me tell you, it was enough—” "When and where is the wedding, Mr. Troy?" asked Ellery thoughtfully. "How will the event be arranged?" "I'm not going to say it, Mr. Quinn. My wife passed away so soon that the wedding was of course impossible at the cathedral. I would have liked Helen to wait a few more months, but June started on Friday and she insisted on the The wedding will be held in June. Of course, the wedding in June is lucky. She doesn't want to wait another year until the next June. So the wedding is planned to be held at home simply, and only a few guests are invited in a small area, only the family Members and a few friends will attend, and the time is scheduled for next Saturday... I have already been to the police station, Mr. Quinn," Mr. Troy said with some concern, "would you like to attend the wedding and help keep an eye on the scene?" "I really don't think you need worry much, Mr. Troy," said Ellery, smiling, "but if it puts your mind at ease—" "Klutz," Nicky asked, "wouldn't he have doubts about the presence of strangers?" "Just to make him suspicious!" said Mr. Troy suddenly. "Mr. Troy's right, Nicky. If Luz knew he was being watched, it's unlikely he'd try to do anything bad. Of course," Ellery said nonchalantly, "if he did. " Careful or not, Ellery didn't wait until Saturday to meet Victor Lutz.He decided to get to know him right away, to get to know him.In addition, Ellery asked his father, Sergeant Quinn, to send his subordinate, Sergeant Thomas Willey, on a special mission to follow Lutz openly and closely.The sergeant did what he was ordered to do, but complained that doing so was damaging to his professional pride.By the day of Troy Yates' wedding, Ellery had a rough idea of ​​Lutz's life and habits.Lutz's personal life was fine, living comfortably and respectably on his father's money.There is nothing interesting in Lutz's file, except that Lutz has a bad temper and bouts of bestiality many times, and it is said that this is the inheritance of his ancestors.He was a descendant of a long-established European aristocratic family whose sadism had developed in early attempts to convert savages into peasants.Luz also knew he was being followed. However, just to be on the safe side, Ellery and Richard Troy arranged for Sergeant Willie to also attend the wedding. "Play the role of a detective," Ellery explained. "What do you mean, play?" cried the sergeant. "Private detective, Sergeant, pretending to be watching a wedding." "Oh, I see," said Sergeant Willie, reluctantly agreeing to attend the wedding. There are fewer days in June, and all brides hope to get married in this month. Outside the Troy family's house is a garden, and the walls of the courtyard are covered with thousands of roses, covering the entire wall.There is also a river outside the wall.Helen's wedding was held in the garden of her own courtyard. Her dress and all other attires were made by famous experts. The food at the wedding banquet was also very particular. The priest who presided over the ceremony was a bishop, and the total number of guests present was no more than Fifty or sixty people.Juno Regina watched the wedding with a smile from behind the pheasant wall of heaven. Everything was going well, and it seemed to Ellery that he had been just killing time all afternoon.He and Willie showed up early and did a thorough inspection of the house inside and out, and they made it a point for Luz to see what they were doing.Seeing Sergeant Willy's heroic physique, Luz's face turned pale, and he whispered something to the bride's father. "Oh, the detective," said Mr. Troy aloud, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. Luz bit his lip and went upstairs to the groom's room.He gritted his teeth with hatred to find Ellery at his heels.Ellery waited patiently outside the door when he entered.After a long time Lutz came out with Henry Yates and Ellery followed them downstairs. "Who's that guy?" he heard Yates asking Luz. "It was the detective, Mr. Troy." "What do you want a detective for?" The downstairs hall was full of people, and after going downstairs, Ellery nodded to Sergeant Willie, who was guarding the hall, and Sergeant Willie deliberately bumped Lutz. "Watch out, kid! What are you doing?" Luz roared angrily. "Sorry," said the sergeant.He then reported to Ellery that the target was not carrying a gun. Both of them never took their eyes off Luz. The wedding ceremony took place on the lawn, with Ellery sitting in a chair in the front row, just behind Lutz.Sergeant Willie stood on the terrace outside the living room door, one hand tucked under his coat and akimbo in a classic Napoleonic posture. Ellery stared at the best man as Bishop whispered in his ear.Standing slightly back from the groom, Luz looked serious, alert to the stranger staring at him from behind.Yates stood between Luz and Helen Troy, and it was not easy for Luz to have direct access to her.The bride in gown was simply too beautiful to dwarf all the women present, especially the bridesmaid, Euphemia, Helen's own sister, who looked grotesquely about to cry.Standing by the bride, Mr. Troy glanced up at the best man, as if to challenge his bad idea of ​​desecrating the good times of the moment. The bishop continued to say those few clichés... "Now take out your ring," said the bishop. The groom turned to the best man, and the best man quickly reached into the lower left pocket of his jacket and touched it.His hand groped inside for a long time but couldn't find it, and then stopped inside as if paralyzed.There was panic in the garden.Victor Luz frantically rummaged through all his pockets.The bishop looked up at the sky. "For—for God's sake, Victor," whispered Henry Yates, "this is no time for gags!" "No!" Luz choked, "I promise you... I can swear it!" "Maybe you've got it in your coat pocket!" "Yes, yes! But the coat...?" Effie Troy stuck out her pointed chin and whispered, "Your coat is in the wardrobe upstairs in the hall, Victor. I put it there myself when you came." "Go ahead," grumbled the groom, "you're an idiot...Baby, I'm sorry...Bishop, please forgive me..." "It's all right, young man," sighed the bishop. "I'll be right there," Luz stammered, "I'm so sorry..." Ellery twisted his nose as Victor Lutz entered the house, and Sergeant Willie followed. When Luz appeared again.Ellery stood up quietly and walked over to Sergeant Willie, who was standing on the terrace.Luz crossed the lawn, shyly holding up the ring in his hand, and the smiles appeared on the faces of the guests.Lutz handed over the ring to Henry Yates in strict accordance with the prescribed etiquette, and only then was he relieved.The Bishop, looking embarrassed, started all over again. "Now please follow me and say..." "What's Lutz doing, Sergeant?" Ellery asked softly. "He went upstairs to the hall wardrobe, rummaged in a coat pocket, and left with the ring—" "Is that all you did?" "That's all. Came back downstairs with ring in hand." They looked again at the lawn. "It's finally over!" "Just for such a small matter, I have to miss the Turkish bath." Sergeant Willie's tone was clearly dissatisfied. Ellery quickly returned to the lawn.At this time, the bride and groom were surrounded by a group of people laughing, kissing, shaking hands and talking happily.The newly born Mrs. Henry Middleton Yates had never been so happy and charming, and made her ugly sister Effie even more ugly.The bridegroom was almost dizzy with joy, and Mr. Troy, the father, relieved at last of his fears, seemed even more bewildered. As for Luz, who had calmly congratulated the bride and groom, he was standing outside the crowd, smiling and talking to the pale Effie, who looked mournfully at her sister's husband.Mr. Troy was talking pleasantly with the Bishop.The male waiters started their work, some rolled out the big round table, and some pushed the mobile bar to walk among the guests.Two photographers are busy setting up equipment.The sun was mild, the roses sweetened the air, and beyond the embankment a barge whistled to wish the couple well.Ellery shrugged.Now that Helen Troy was safely Mrs. Yates, everything she had done for the past two hours seemed childish.He has to see Mr. Troy now... "Baby! What's the matter with you?" It was the groom's voice.Ellery craned his neck to look.The crowd around the couple suddenly stopped.Mr. Troy and the bishop also turned their heads to visit with concern. Ellery rushed through the crowd unconsciously. "Henry..." The bride leaned against her husband, her face pale.She raised one hand to cover her eyes, as if shielding herself from the harsh sunlight. "What's the matter with you?... Helen!" "Hold her!" Ellery yelled. But the bride has fallen on the grass. Constable Quinn was particularly angry that day.He first quarreled with Dr. Prouty, then said some hurtful words to Sergeant Willie, who was already at a loss, and lost his temper with his son.Poor Richard Troy could not stand such a blow, and was put to bed by the doctor.Effie Troy was screaming hysterically in her room under the nurse's watch.Henry Yates sat in an empty chair in the reception room, drinking brandy from a glass without raising his head.Victor Lutz was in Mr. Troy's study, smoking a cigarette incessantly, under the fierce eye of Sergeant Willie.No one spoke, not even a word.Ellery was stunned by what had happened, frozen there like a drop of water falling from a stalactite, and after a while he started looking around for Nicky Potter.The only thing that was not in dispute on that sentimental afternoon was that it was the shortest of all June weddings in history. After what seemed like a century, Officer Quinn motioned for Ellery to pass. "Here I come, Dad!" Ellery stood before his father like a sword. "Why were you in a daze just now?" Officer Quinn looked hostile. "I still don't understand what happened," Ellery said in a voice that sounded like he was about to cry. "She just fell down, Dad. She died in a few minutes." "Seven minutes have passed since the onset of the poison," said the inspector dryly. "What? She doesn't have time to eat or drink anything at all!" "Directly into the blood. Use this." The officer opened his fist, "You let him!" "Wedding ring?" The ring gleamed on the officer's palm.It was an ordinary-looking gold ring. "It's all right now. The needle has been removed." Ellery shook his head, grabbed the ring and checked it quickly.He looked up, looking puzzled. "Yes," the police officer nodded, "this is a poisonous ring. There is an automatic spring hidden in the inner wall of the ring. After being pressed, a hollow needle pops out, just like the fangs of a poisonous snake. After the ceremony, everyone went up to congratulate her, kiss her, Shake hands with her... as soon as the person shaking hands is strong, the poisonous needle pops out - seven minutes later the bride is dead. I have only heard of kissing poisoning before, but shaking poisoning - this is the first time!" "Not the first time," murmured Ellery, "the poison ring goes back at least to Demosthenes. Hannibal also killed himself with the poison ring, but it is different from this poison ring. Medieval hollow The needles are set in the bejeweled base of the ring and are used to attack, and this one directly stabs the person who wears the ring." "European Middle Ages." The police officer sounded very grim.He was originally a sentimental person. Seeing the beautiful bride in her wedding gown fell under the scorching June sun, he was deeply irritated, "This is an antique. I have asked an expert to identify it. It is just It's a gadget that aristocratic families like Lutz like to play with, and has probably been in his family for centuries." "It might be found at the pawn shop on New World Third Avenue," Ellery said. "Is this really a replica of the ring that Yates bought?" "I haven't heard anything from Yates yet, but I'm guessing it's not the same one. It can't be. Yates' ring, of course, is gone. The killer took advantage of Yates' excitement and nervousness at the wedding to keep him from When he got the ring that Lutz gave him, it was not his original one. Yates bought his ring two weeks ago, and almost everyone except Helen had seen it. So the murderer had A lot of time to find a poison ring that looks like this... if he doesn't have one on hand." "When did Yates give Luz the ring he bought?" "Last night. Lutz claimed, of course, that he knew nothing about the drug ring. He said - he said - that when he went back to his room to find the ring during the ceremony, it was in a coat pocket in the hall closet upstairs. When Rie touched the ring, he just took it out and hugged it quickly without looking at it. Willy confirmed it." "Then he just gave it to Yates, and Yates kept it in his hands," Ellery said. "Yates? The groom? Keep it in your hand? I don't—" "Suppose Henry Yates hid the poisonous ring in his hand. The ring Lutz gave him was good. Then it is possible for Yates to hide it in his hand and put the poisonous ring on Helen's finger." Hearing this, the police officer was furious: "Are you out of your mind? The young man is going to kill the girl he married? What a beautiful girl. You still use this method!" "I didn't say he did it, but you'll find," said Ellery, "that Helen Troy, upon her marriage, was left by will to a large independent estate from her mother. Henry Yates, after all, was only A bond salesman—a very good one, of course. He would be least likely to arouse suspicion if he chose the time and manner of murdering his bride... the man who gave him the ring, the one who was The man the bride rejected, the man who actually threatened to kill Yates if she married her. Those facts, so to speak, were good for Yates—” Officer Quinn said through his teeth, "Do you know what's wrong with you, son? Your imagination has atrophied." "It's not imagination at all, it's logic." "Yes—this is nonsense!" "And then there's Effie Troy," Ellery went on pointedly, "Effie is hopelessly under Yates - even a squinting fool could see that. It's Effie, by her own admission." , hang Lutz's coat in the closet in the hall upstairs. Willie says none of the wedding guests or hired help ever go there, Dad. Since Lutz arrived at the house, Willie Just kept staring at the stairs and said only Luz and immediate family members had been up there." The police officer stared at his son sharply: "So, you don't believe that Luz did it?" "I haven't seen any evidence to blame him for this. There are at least two other possibilities, either of which makes more sense." "You're going to go to heaven again if you tell me," said my father gruffly. "The case is very simple in my simple mind analysis. Lutz threatened that if Helen Troy married Yates." To kill her. That's the motive—" "Just a motive," Ellery said patiently. "As best man, Luz kept the wedding ring and had the best chance of exchanging that drug ring for it. It was an opportunity." "Just a chance, but that chance was just as good for Effie Troy and Henry Yates," muttered Ellery. "Not the best time at all." "Lutz shakes the bride's hand right after the ceremony—" "Dozens of others have done the same." The police officer stared, his face suffocated: "If there is no evidence to the contrary within the next twenty-four hours," he roared, "whether it is the genius father or not, I will arrest Luz for murder!" Let's face it, of course: Ellery really didn't make a big appearance in the Troy-Yates-Lutz case.In a way, this June wedding was as unfortunate for him as it was for the bride.Not only because he had failed in his mission to prevent this tragedy from happening, not only because his reputation as a prophet was damaged, but because he found himself suddenly discredited in the eyes of the secretary. Nicky, Juno's messenger to women, will no longer be a fanatical advocate of legal love and marriage, God forbid.The beautiful bride was murdered at her wedding, and the first holy kiss from her husband was still on her lips. The warmth has not dissipated, and she has died.This incident deeply hurt Miss Porter, it was like a newborn being mutilated alive, it was inhumane.She has been insisting that the police take drastic measures and not follow the legal procedures to severely punish that demon Luz, who she is sure is a demon. 读完了星期天报纸的详细报道后,妮奇径直来到奎因家的公寓,尽管这天她不上班,她还是特意来告诉奎因先生她对其拙劣表现的具体看法,并立即将他归入缺乏人性者之列。 “怎么会这样呢,埃勒里?”波特小姐严厉地冲埃勒里喊叫道,“人家特意请了你去,你居然还能让这样的悲剧在你的高价鼻子下面发生!” “的确,”奎因先生疲倦地说,“我没有料到。这件事是不能得到原谅的,居然有人会用一枚结婚戒指谋杀她。按照我的某个亲戚的话说,就是连天才都没想到结婚戒指会成为凶器。我们不是生活在博尔吉亚时代,妮奇。”埃勒里跳起来开始在房间里来回走动,“确实太残忍了。古代围绕婚姻制度信仰的神话和传说都没有这样的事。你曾听说过医药指吗?” “转变话题是一个多么古怪的做法。”波特小姐冷冷地说,脸色也有些变了。 “没有改变话题。医药指是几个世纪以前英国人对无名指的叫法。他们的医生用那个手指搅拌药品和饮料。” “真长见识。”妮奇不屑地说。 “人们相信那个手指通过一条特别的神经同心脏直接相连,这样有毒物体就不可能在没有任何警示的情况下进入。而结婚戒指,妮奇,就是戴在这个手指上的。” “很有诗意,”妮奇不耐烦地说,“但是就所发生的事情来看,你说的全都是空话,你不同意吗?这样就很难将维克多·卢兹作为罪犯,不是吗?为什么还不给他戴上镣铐?奎因警官昨晚上为什么在不停地烤问可怜的埃菲·特罗伊和更加可怜的亨利·耶茨?大家究竟都在等些什么?出什么事了?” 埃勒里在屋子中央突然停了下来,一动不动地站着,好像是在凝视四维空间并被反复出现的什么东西吸引住了。 “埃勒里,你怎么了?” 埃勒里又回到了太阳系,很明显地打了一个冷战:“错了吗?”他无力地说,“我说过什么事错了吗?” “没有,但你看上去——” “带了电似的,妮奇。我经常被自己弄得像触了电一样。接通我爸的电话,”他自言自语道,“试一下总部。我得和他谈谈……上帝帮助我。” “他正忙着呢,”妮奇在放下电话时说,“一会儿将给你回电话。你的表现非常古怪,埃勒里。” 埃勒里坐回到椅子里,伸手摸索着香烟:“妮奇,这个案子的前提就是握手的压力,要求以某种方法用劲,使有毒戒指上的弹簧松开。当你和某人握手时,你会伸出哪只手?” “我伸出哪只手?”妮奇说,“当然是右手。” “对方会伸出哪只手?” “也只能是右手。” “但女人通常在哪只手上戴结婚戒指?” “她的……左手上。” “就这么点细节,你看。只是个小节,但它确是揭开整个案子的关键,当然,我直到现在才想起来。”从他的口气看来,妮奇觉得为海伦报仇的时机就要到了,“握一个人的右手怎么能松开戴在海伦左手上的那个毒针呢?” “不可能,”妮奇兴奋地说,“所以肯定不是通过握手松开的!” “这一点别无选择,妮奇——只能通过握手。但现在可以推断,既然有毒戒指戴在海伦的左手上,那她的左手就被人握过。” 妮奇看上去有些茫然。 “你没看出来吗?仪式结束后很多人挤了过去,谋杀犯走过来伸出左手要和海伦握手,于是海伦也就只好伸出了左手。” “所以怎样?” “所以谋杀犯是一个左撇子。” 波特小姐考虑了一下:“接着呢,你说呀,”她追问道,“因为结婚戒指一定是戴在她的左手上,所以凶手就只能去握她的左手,但他不一定非得是个左撇子。” 大师此时苦笑了一下:“他一定是有意安排的,妮奇,人的大脑活动就如同处于自然状态下运行的机器。如果不是左撇子,在设计犯罪时就会本能地制订出一个靠右手犯罪的方案。一般情况下,用左手实施的犯罪表明罪犯是左撇子。”埃勒里耸了耸肩,“当主教在仪式中间要求拿出戒指时,新郎转身向他的伴郎要,伴郎的手自动地伸向了左下方的口袋。一般来说,要不是左撇子的话,一个人在可以自由选择两边并没有条件限制时,会自动搜寻右边的口袋。维克多·卢兹自动地搜寻左边的口袋,所以他一定是个左撇子。” “由于这种细节推理符合逻辑,”埃勒里叹了口气接着说,“所以,可以断定是卢兹干的,他说到做到了。是他精心地把戒指放在了外套口袋里,这样在事后看来,就好像谁都有可能调换戒指。爸爸是对的——” The phone rang. “埃勒里吗?”是奎因警官尖利的声音。 “爸爸——”埃勒里说,男子气十足地吸了一口气。 但警官说:“我给你说过卢兹是我们要抓的凶手。我们在麦狄逊大道的一家古董店里追踪到了那个有毒戒指,当卢兹面对证据时,他彻底崩溃了。我刚刚在他签字的口供上吸完墨水,别再想你那些关于亨利·耶茨和埃菲·特罗伊的阴谋了!你找我有什么事,埃勒里?” 埃勒里只好把要说的话咽了回去,只是谦逊地说:“没事,爸爸。”说完了就挂上了电话。
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