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Chapter 34 Chapter Thirty-Four

lure 亚刚 2900Words 2018-03-15
Ouyang Zhenshan and Da Li made a special trip to Tianshui Well. The purpose of their trip is to find an important person—Er Manzi. Since the several enterprises run by Zhang Zhixiong were all closed down, except for a few persons involved in crimes who were arrested, most of the employees scattered and went to find their own ways to make a living. Not easy.After some investigation, they only learned some things of little value. This Erleizi was also an employee of Zhang Zhixiong. He worked as a handyman in the Binhai Hotel at first. Stealing it for himself, the hotel manager wanted to fire him for it.This happened to catch up with Zhang Zhixiong, who felt that such a person could be used, so not only did he not drive him away, but he often gave him some small favors and promoted him to work as a restaurant buyer.This time organizing a four-day tour in northern Shanxi, Zhang Zhixiong was asked to go out with the group for some unknown purpose.

However, from the moment the tour group returned to Changshan and disbanded on the spot, Er Manzi never showed his face again. Could it be that he ran back to his hometown Tianshuijing? Da Li drove the car directly to the gate of the Tianshuijing Village Committee. The person who greeted them in the office, Ouyang Zhenshan, knew him. That was Shui Yuqin's younger brother, Shui Yuming. "Hey, it's Brother Ouyang, welcome, welcome!" He said and stretched out a strong and strong hand. After exchanging pleasantries, Ouyang Zhenshan explained the purpose of his visit, and then introduced Da Li to Shuiyuming.Shui Yuming is now the village security director, and he led the two of them around the village to investigate.From the mouth of the folks, I learned that Er Manzi is still single in his forties, and has no other place to go except two old bungalows and a small courtyard in the village.The only place he can stay is Tianshuijing, which is the hotel where he works part-time in Changshan.Er Manzi did go home a few days ago, but disappeared without anyone noticing after only staying for two days. No one knows where he went.

Ouyang Zhenshan and Da Li went to visit Zhao Guitian by the way. Although Brother Guitian looked old, his body was still so tough. Years of hard work did not break down this man.Accompanied by Brother Guitian and Shui Yuming, they went to see the tombs of Shui Yuqin and Xiao Lingzi. The road leading to a barren slope outside the village was bumpy and winding. Walking on this difficult path, Ouyang Zhenshan had mixed feelings, and a burst of sadness welled up in his heart. He tried to hold back the hot tears swirling in his eyes. Did not cry out.At this moment, he really wanted to cry out all his sorrows to his relatives who were buried in the ground, but the culprit who killed his daughter has not been brought to justice, and his revenge has not been avenged, so now is not the time to pour out his personal feelings.Moreover, with Big Brother Guitian and Shui Yuming by his side, he didn't dare to cry, for fear of causing their grief and indignation.

The clear autumn wind swept across the trees, a group of withered and yellow leaves swirled and fell down, and some of them fell quietly to people's shoulders. Da Li took two steps forward and supported Ouyang Zhenshan who was staggering under his feet.It stands to reason that he should go to help Brother Guitian, because Da Li and Ouyang Zhenshan are both younger than Zhao Guitian. Da Li couldn't help but feel his heart warm up, and his eyes were filled with crystal clear tears. Two inconspicuous earthen graves lie quietly on the hillside, and the ashes of Shui Yuqin's mother and daughter are buried in them.Around the tomb, there are luxuriant grasses and blooming mountain flowers.Ouyang Zhenshan remembered that the wild grass here was half the height of a person, and Shui Yuqin once led him here to catch wild rabbits.Now the old place is revisited, things are right and people are wrong, and an unspeakable feeling hurts his internal organs.Tears, unknowingly dripped into the grass.

Yuqin, do you know somewhere in the dark that I came to see you?Since you once promised me with your body, why did you have the heart to turn into a bunch of incense ashes and abandon me?You're gone forever, but do you know that I'm exhausted physically and mentally under the pressure of love and career?If you can really hear my heart in the spirit of heaven, how many things do I have to say to you?Yuqin... Ouyang Zhenshan was silent on his lips, but thousands of words were surging in his heart. The strange thing is that there is a large bunch of dazzling wild flowers on the two graves. The colorful colors seem to move the world. Although the two piles of paper ash in front of the grave have been extinguished, there is still smoke and heat. .Signs that someone has just been here!Ouyang Zhenshan turned his head to look at Zhao Guitian, and then at Shui Yuming, but they all shook their heads in amazement.Who came here first?The question lingered in several people's minds and could not be solved for a long time.

Ouyang Zhenshan politely declined Brother Guitian and Brother Yuming's kindness to ask them to stay for dinner, and expressed that he would rush back to Changshan City as soon as possible, because there was no longer any delay because of the mission.At the same time, I also asked Shui Yuming and Brother Guitian about the matter. If Er Manzi returns to the village again, please contact them immediately.Da Li understood Ouyang Zhenshan's mood very well. If Zhang Zhixiong couldn't catch him for a day, he would have trouble eating and sleeping, so he insisted on going back immediately.

Da Li drove out of the village in an off-road jeep, and after a while turned onto the road leading to the county town. Da Li drove the car very fast, the poplar trees on both sides of the road flashed backwards, and the sound of the wind The windshields were swished and rattled.He understood Ouyang Zhenshan's mood, and knew that what his boss wanted right now was to rush back to Changshan as soon as possible. Suddenly, he heard Ouyang Zhenshan yell "Stop", and hurriedly slowed down and braked, and the jeep stopped against the side of the road with a "squeak".It turned out that Ouyang Zhenshan saw two people standing by the side of the road waving at their car, apparently wanting to take a ride, so he stopped Da Li.He opened the car door and stuck his head out, beckoning to the back again, only to see a pair of young men and women running over quickly, shouting "Thank you".

"Ah, Captain Ouyang, it's you!" The two young men shouted in surprise. Ouyang Zhenshan and Da Li recognized the hitchhiker at the same time, and said in unison, "Why are you two!" Unexpectedly, the hitchhikers turned out to be Li Baojie and Honglian, what a coincidence.The two hurriedly laughed and got into the car.The jeep was back on the road, and everyone chatted along the way. Due to the action of "closing the net", Zhang Yu and others have been arrested, and Li Baojie no longer has to live in that kind of concealment. He learned the truth about Xiao Lingzi's death and his death at the Public Security Bureau.After a few days of suffering in grief and anger, he wiped away the tears on his face, and felt that he should cheer up and start a new life, so he found Honglian, a fellow villager, and the two discussed and decided to jointly open a restaurant and a house. It has already been leased and is now actively preparing for opening.

"Okay, that's great, when will it open, let's go and join us." Da Li laughed happily after hearing their brief introduction. Ouyang Zhenshan felt relieved when he saw that the two young people could cheer up and do some serious work. He said, "If you need help with any difficulties, just say so, and we will definitely help." "Thank you, we will come to you when we have difficulties in the future." Honglian said with joy on her face. The jeep continued to drive quickly, and soon after passing through the county town, it drove onto the national road leading to Changshan.The two young people were talking while watching the scenery outside the car window. Honglian was in a particularly good mood, laughing and talking constantly along the way, and sometimes even hummed a couple of pop songs.

Ouyang Zhenshan took out two bottles of purified water and handed them over. The two nodded their thanks, took them, and unscrewed the caps to drink. "Are you going back to Changshan?" Ouyang Zhenshan asked. "Yes." Li Baojie replied. "Then where did you go when you came out?" Ouyang Zhenshan remembered that Li Baojie and Honglian were fellow villagers, and he knew that their hometown was not in Toyota, but in Qingyan County, which is close to the provincial capital. A question made Li Baojie lower his head, and the joy on his face just now was gone. "We went to Tianshui Well to see, Xiao Lingzi... her grave."

Ouyang Zhenshan and Da Li understood at this moment that they presented the flowers and burned the paper they saw on the graves of Shui Yuqin's mother and daughter just now. Silence, long silence. No one in the car said a word, only the rustling of car tires on the asphalt. Later, it was Da Li who broke the oppressive silence. He looked ahead and said to Li Baojie behind him, "Don't worry, Baojie, Xiao Lingzi's revenge must be avenged. That Zhang Zhixiong will not escape the law sooner or later." .” There was another silence. Seeing that no one said anything, Da Li asked them about the restaurant, when it opened, what the name of the restaurant was, how big it was, and so on.The two young men stopped being silent and answered one by one. Honglian said: "Our restaurant is not big, it's called Baolian Restaurant, and we only employ two people, plus the two of us, the manpower is not too small." She raised her head and took a sip of pure water, and said, " That's right, there is a fellow from Tianshuijing Village." "What?" These words caught Ouyang Zhenshan's attention, and he asked quickly, "Who is it?" "He called Wang Erlai." "Second lame?!" "Yes, his nickname is Er Laizi." "Quick, take us to find him!" Ouyang Zhenshan shouted suddenly. Ouyang Zhenshan's call surprised Li Baojie and Honglian first, and then delighted them. What surprised them was that there must have been a major problem with Wang Erlai; what made them happy was that Captain Ouyang asked them to lead them to find Wang Erlai, so that they could go to the police station. The bureau's car has been home.
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