Home Categories detective reasoning Exotic deep sleep

Chapter 10 Ten, not the end

Exotic deep sleep 何慕 1891Words 2018-03-15
It is already spring. Today's sunshine is very good, the panda is squatting on the window of KFC, eating a French fries dipped in ketchup in a daze.I can't remember how many times I've lost love, anyway, the number of times is meaningless.Panda feels that as a person who has a real insight into life and life, no matter how he treats life, he is a pessimist in his bones.The biggest characteristic of pessimists is that although their attitude is relatively negative, they can always withstand blows.In this spring season for everyone, enjoying the feeling of falling out of love may not be a pleasant thing.

It's almost four o'clock now, and I've been waiting for half an hour, but the person who made the appointment hasn't arrived yet.Panda asked for another large order of French fries and a small glass of Coke.An online game with exquisite graphics is running on the laptop. The art of this online game is well done, especially the characters, which can be called almost perfect.Panda opened the file of the client, he wanted to make a nude patch for the character modeling of this game. Unexpectedly, the back of the head was slapped, and the panda turned its head sullenly.Behind him was a skinny young man in his twenties. Although he wasn't handsome, he didn't look bad either.Panda sighed, turned his head back again, and continued to stare at the screen.The young man sat opposite the panda, snapped his fingers at the ordering counter, and shouted, "Ye Xiu! Same old!"

He closed Panda's notebook, took a sip of Coke, and said, "What's the matter, bastard, what do you want me to do?" The panda scratched its head, and said with some embarrassment, "That... I'm broken in love." "Pfft...it's none of my business that you fall in love. Don't you always fall in love? Haven't you gotten used to it yet?" Ye Xiu walked to the side of the two and put down the plate, "I added two extra packs of tomato sauce for you." The young man raised his head and smiled, and put the money on the dinner plate, "Thank you very much."

"Any new stories to tell me?" Ye Xiu blinked. "Yes, but it's not me. Do you want to go to the library of F University with me this Saturday, and let's go find an old madman and listen to him?" Ye Xiu's eyes widened, "F University library? Old lunatic?" "You'll know when you go, very interesting old guy." The young man smiled maliciously, "Wait for my call!" Ye Xiu wanted to say something, but the male store manager behind him called out, "Hey, Ye Xiu, come help!" Ye Xiu could only nod vigorously at the young man, and then returned to the ordering counter.

"The manager is jealous." Panda opened a packet of tomato sauce, bit the torn end, clamped the bottom with two fingers, stroked it up, and smacked his lips. "It's a bit." The young man smiled, "Why did you invite me here?" "Your sister, didn't I tell you that I was broken in love?" Panda showed a wretched smile, "The policewoman who ate with us last time..." "Xu Jia?" The young man frowned, "Aren't you, he has a fourth-degree black belt in Taekwondo." "I have thick skin." The panda's eyes were full of sincerity.

"I think you have a thick skin." The young man sighed, "Even if you don't want to die, I still want to live a few more years." Panda stood up unwillingly, "Okay, okay. I won't chase the policewoman anymore. But I'm not talking about you, brother Chuan. This policewoman saved your life anyway, so you don't feel anything for her." No?" "I have a feeling, I still want to make a promise with my body, but will they let me?" Xu Chuan pushed open the glass door and said angrily. On Christmas Eve, after being hypnotized by Zhang Xuan, he lost consciousness.

Fortunately, the case has been reported to the police in City S in advance, Director Chen and the others are well prepared.While Xu Chuan was having a candlelight dinner with Zhang Xuan at the office with the bug, Director Chen, Xu Jia and more than 20 policemen were standing by in the next room.The operation that night went smoothly. When the police broke into the door, Zhang Xuan did not resist, but raised her hands with a smile.The only small episode was that Xu Jia was too impatient when she entered the door. She fell at the door and half of her face was swollen from the fall. Later, she felt that her image was not good and she didn't even attend the celebration banquet.

"How did that genius girl get sentenced? She killed so many people, so she deserved the death penalty?" Panda and Xu Chuan walked side by side on the street. "How could it be so fast? She was only caught for a few days, and she should be still in the detention center. It seems that the police have just submitted a public prosecution opinion to the procuratorate. The procuratorate will only prosecute after review and approval, and then wait for the court to open." Xu Chuan Dao, I don't know why, I feel a little uncomfortable. The panda glanced at him, "I said Brother Chuan, do you feel a little guilty?"

Xu Chuan froze for a moment, "Guilty? Why?" "I caught Zhang Xuan. You see, you had something to do with her sister's death. She almost killed everyone else, but left you behind. Doesn't this mean that she has something for you? But In the end, you're sending people to jail." Xu Chuan was a little annoyed, "Fuck, it was Xu Jia and the others who arrested them, but I didn't do anything. Besides, I was already deeply hypnotized by her and lost consciousness. If Xu Jia and the others hadn't come in, who knows how Zhang Xuan would have dealt with it. Me, maybe dissected me too."

"But you still care a little bit, don't you? I see you are always in a trance these days." Panda said in a rare serious way. Xu Chuan remained silent. "Actually, I always find it difficult to get along with women who are too smart. Women have a much stronger desire to control and possess than men. If they are smarter, they will always make people feel terrible. Zhang Xuan... " "Forget it, Panda." Xu Chuan sighed, "Don't mention her." Panda nodded. "When the verdict comes down, it's better to visit her once before the execution." Xu Chuan said a little desolately, "I don't know if she will hate me."

The panda patted him on the shoulder and stopped talking. The sunshine of early spring shines through the branches that have already sprouted, and sprinkles warmly on the white concrete road. People come and go on the road, and everyone is in a hurry. Xu Chuan raised his head to look at the orange sun. Zhang Xuan... In the past few days, I have had a strange feeling that I can't help but think of Zhang Xuan's confident smile. Could it be that this story has not yet come to an end?
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