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Chapter 53 Chapter 3 Mysterious Waiter

Case Tracking 九木 3644Words 2018-03-15
After another two days of careful investigation, the appearance of a clue also gave Meng Shaohui a glimmer of hope in solving the case. Through the interview and investigation of all the actions of the deceased Li Jian before his death, combined with the confessions of the driver and Liu Honghong, Meng Shaohui found that in the seven days before the death of the deceased, due to some problems in the development of new products, he had been working overtime in the company, eating and drinking. He lived in the company, and the only time he went out was the night of the seven days before he was killed. He attended a charity dinner that night, and the invitation was received a few days ago.The investigators also brought the video captured by the on-site surveillance that night back to the police station.

Meng Shaohui studied the video nearly ten times, for fear of missing any suspicious details. The reason why he was so interested in this video was not only because it was the only time the deceased went out before he was killed, but also It was a coincidence in timing. According to the information provided by the forensic doctor, the growth period of golden silkworm Gu was seven days, so judging from the seven days before Li Jian's death, it happened to coincide with the time he attended the charity dinner. During the time, his board and lodging are all in the company. "I believe everyone has watched the video of Li Jian participating in the charity dinner. I wonder if you have noticed any problems in it?"

After Meng Shaohui watched the video for the eleventh time, he summoned the investigators. "We have checked that the guests attending this charity dinner are all well-known figures in the city. Their identities are not suspicious, and based on their identities, the possibility of killing people is not high." "That's right! And in the video, they all basically greeted Li Jian, but none of them did poisoning." "Captain Meng, Li Jian may not have been poisoned at the dinner party! It's also possible that he ate food with voodoo poison elsewhere. Why do you conclude that the poison was poisoned at the dinner party?"

"The reason is simple. The forensic autopsy results showed that the largest golden silkworm in the deceased's body grew in seven days. Based on this calculation, the deceased was most likely to be poisoned on the day when he attended the charity dinner, and during the day and before and after that day During the two days, the deceased lived and ate at the company, and did not even return home. According to the information provided by his colleagues, during this period, the deceased went to restaurants outside the company with them, and every time he visited The restaurants are not fixed. If the murderer wants to poison during this period, there are too many uncertain factors. How to ensure that the deceased eats the poisoned food and everyone else is safe? Where to eat, there is no standard at all, and there is no guarantee that the food served on the table will be eaten by the deceased alone, and from the development of the case so far, except for the deceased, the rest of the people who ate with the deceased at that time Everyone is safe and sound, which shows that the murderer's poisoning was targeted, and the possibility of large-scale poisoning is very low." Meng Shaohui analyzed.

"But isn't the food at the banquet also randomly chosen?" "But there's one thing that isn't." Meng Shaohui fixed the video on a waiter holding wine. "Meng team, you mean there is something wrong with the wine served by this waiter?" "Yes, I have repeatedly studied the video of the entire banquet. The rest of the waiters have appeared in the video at least four times, but this waiter has only appeared in the video once, and the only time is He took the wine bottle and walked to the side of the deceased Li Jian, and poured a glass of wine for Li Jian, and then the waiter left quickly and never appeared in the video again." After Meng Shaohui finished speaking, he pressed the the play key.

The waiter in the video is about 1.5 meters tall, but since he is always facing the camera, it is impossible to see his specific appearance, but judging from the only sideways picture, his face is relatively long and his chin is slightly flat.After the wine glass in Li Jian's hand was empty, the waiter walked up to Li Jian with a tray with wine bottles on it. After filling Li Jian's wine, the waiter quickly turned away with his head down, and he He lowered his head deliberately when he passed by all the places with cameras, so that he was never able to take pictures of his specific appearance. From this suspicious behavior, it is not difficult to see that the waiter is very aware of the location of the camera.

"Well, what do you think?" Meng Shaohui asked. "Obviously, the waiter is very familiar with the situation at the banquet scene, and knows the position of the camera probe like the back of his hand." "And he lowered his head very deliberately in front of the camera, just to avoid being shot by the camera." "It is not surprising that there are waiters present at this kind of banquet, and I also believe that most of the waiters working there will know the position of the camera probe, but the suspicious point is why only this one waiter is there The camera will deliberately avoid shooting before the probe, and he left quickly after pouring Li Jian's drink, and never appeared in the screen again? All these actions make me have to doubt him." Meng Shaohui said.

"Captain Meng, do you mean to say that the wine in the waiter's tray was poisoned by the Golden Silkworm Gu?" "It should be like this. That's why he left quickly after pouring the wine. It should be because he was worried that the other guests would ask him to pour the wine, which would hurt the innocent." "So the waiter is the murderer?" "Whether it's the murderer or not is still uncertain, but his identity is definitely suspicious. Immediately investigate the waiter in the video through the hotel and the guests who attended the banquet that night, let all relevant personnel identify him, and try his best to find out his identity." Whereabouts." Meng Shaohui ordered.

The emergence of new clues undoubtedly provides a new breakthrough for the investigation of the case, but the pace of investigation has never been able to keep up with the pace of the murderer's crime. The investigation on the waiter has just started, but the murderer created a new case. The deceased Wu Likai, 42 years old, had a Ph.D. in biology and worked in Hongxing Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as the director of project research and development. When Meng Shaohui arrived at the scene, Wu Likai's body had already been put into a body bag by the forensic doctor, but there were many maggot-like creatures wriggling in the blood left on the bed where the corpse was buried before. Meng Shaohui took a close look at them. The creature was exactly the same as the golden silkworm in Li Jian's body before.

"Golden Silkworm Gu again?" Meng Shaohui asked the forensic doctor. "Basically, it can be concluded that the death of the deceased is exactly the same as the death of the deceased in the last murder case. It is also bleeding from the seven holes, and a large number of Gu insects crawled out of the seven holes of the deceased." "Who found the body first?" Meng Shaohui turned to the investigator and asked. "The wife of the deceased found the body first, but she was sent to the hospital because she was too frightened. It was his neighbor who reported the case. He said that he slept until midnight. When he heard the call for help from the wife of the columnist Wu Likai, he came to see it. They found Wu Likai laying motionless on the bed bleeding from seven holes, and then called the police."

"The same method of murder, and the two deceased were both engaged in biological research. What is the connection between them? What is the murderer's motive?" Meng Shaohui frowned in thought, and then he quickly ordered: "Investigate Li Jian for me immediately. Relationship with Wu Likai." The forensic doctor conducted a detailed examination of Wu Likai's body and confirmed that the cause of his death was exactly the same as Li Jian's, that he was poisoned by the golden silkworm Gu. And through questioning Wu Likai's wife, Zhao Jingjing, it was learned that when she fell asleep in the middle of the night, she suddenly heard her husband moaning, thinking it was his stomach trouble again, and urged him to get out of bed and take medicine, but Wu Likai not only did not respond, but instead She struggled violently and twitched a few times. At this moment, she felt that something was wrong, so she turned on the light to check the situation, only to find that her husband was lying there motionless, bleeding from seven holes.And just a week before the incident, Wu Likai also had symptoms of stomach pain, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because before that, his body was very healthy and he had never suffered from stomach problems. Judging from the cause of Wu Likai's death and the symptoms he experienced during his lifetime, the murderer who poisoned Li Jian was very likely to be the same person who killed Li Jian. It can basically be determined that this is a serial murder case, so the two cases were quickly combined for investigation. . The relationship between Li Jian and Wu Likai was investigated, and the results were soon reached.Both of them had worked in Xinxing Century Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. six years ago, when Wu Likai and Li Jian were both researchers in the company's laboratory. "New Star Century Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd?" Meng Shaohui searched for clues related to this name in his memory, because this name seemed familiar to him. "Yes, according to the information, there was a case in this company three years ago. A vice chairman named Chen Haitao was killed and thrown off a cliff, but the case is still pending." "Oh! I remembered." The investigator's reminder made Meng Shaohui immediately search for the answer in his memory, because this case was the last case his teacher was responsible for investigating before he retired, so he still paid attention to it at that time. Chen Haitao, who works for Xinxing Century Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is the vice chairman. When the accident happened three years ago, he was in charge of researching and developing a new anti-cancer drug, but he disappeared suddenly for unknown reasons. On the third day after his disappearance, he downloaded a After a rainstorm, someone found his body halfway up the mountain. The cause of death was that someone hit the back of the head with an instrument, resulting in a comminuted fracture of the skull. His belongings were not lost.Since the incident happened late at night, and the incident was located in a relatively remote corner of the mountain, there were no witnesses, and the torrential rain damaged the scene of the incident for several days, making the case still unsolved. "What is the relationship between Li Jian and Wu Likai and this Chen Haitao?" "For the time being, we only found out that they are the relationship between the boss and the subordinate." Meng Shaohui nodded lightly, and continued to ask: "Where is the waiter at the dinner party? Do you have any clues?" "Well, we brought the transferred video to that hotel and asked the manager of the hotel to identify it, but the manager said that there was no such person in the hotel. Afterwards, we checked and compared all the waiters, but none of them could It matches the physical characteristics of the waiter in the video, and we also asked the waiters who were in charge of the dinner that night to understand the situation, and they all said that they didn't pay much attention to this person because they were busy that night." "What about the guests? Has anyone noticed the existence of this person?" "No, on this occasion, unless something very special happened, it is impossible for anyone to pay attention to the existence of a waiter." "Then what happened to Wu Likai's investigation?" "Wu Likai's interpersonal relationship is exactly the same as that of Li Jian, but no suspicious person has been found. Wu Likai attended a seminar a week before he was killed, and there was a dinner after the meeting. We have also checked the banquet for that night. Surveillance video, in which a waiter approached the seat where Wu Likai was sitting and poured wine for him, and the most suspicious thing is that he is also very clear about the location of the surveillance probe, and he was not photographed from the beginning to the end. He was positive, and he only appeared at the dinner party once. Through the comparison of physical characteristics, he should be the same person as the waiter who appeared at the banquet attended by Li Jian. However, the results of the investigation were the same as before, and no one could Provide valuable leads." "Well, the murderer is very smart. Not only is he well aware of the position of the surveillance cameras at the banquet scene, and he cleverly avoided the frontal shots, but he also took advantage of the blind spot of people's cognition on this occasion, so that no one would notice at all. His existence." Meng Shaohui couldn't help admiring, "It seems that this mysterious waiter should be the first suspect so far. If we continue to conduct more detailed investigations on this waiter, I don't believe that he can really be like air." come and go freely without leaving a trace.”
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