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Chapter 51 Chapter 1 The Bizarre Murder Case

Case Tracking 九木 4772Words 2018-03-15
At four o'clock in the morning, the city is completely silent, and the night is like a big ink-like curtain, completely covering the whole city and isolating it from the world. The pitch-black night looks calm on the surface, but the inner tide is turbulent. Fear, depression, and gloom spread to every corner of the city along with the night. At this moment, almost everyone is in a sweet dreamland, even those taxi drivers who are busy with business all night also park their cars in front of some food stalls on the side of the road, and some eat some late-night snacks to refresh themselves. Some simply lay in the car and fell asleep. Also, there is no business at this time, so it is more practical to take the time to rest.

However, the peaceful atmosphere was quickly broken. Several police cars sped by from south to north, and the red and blue police lights flashing alternately pierced the dark night. At this time, the appearance of police cars is undoubtedly Gives a hint: Something went wrong! Indeed, just about five minutes before, the 110 alarm station received a report. A homicide occurred in Jiaxiang Garden in the north of the city. Meng Shaohui, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, also received the notification immediately. He didn't even bother to wash his face. Grabbed a piece of clothing and drove to the scene.

The crime took place in Room 702, Building 5, Jiaxiang Garden. This is a duplex unit on the top floor. From the luxurious interior decoration, it is not difficult to see that the owner is either rich or expensive. Covered by the terrifying breath of death. The scene of the crime was located in the study room on the second floor, but the scene was a bit horrible. After witnessing the tragic state of the corpse, some young investigators rushed to the bathroom one after another. It is no wonder that even experienced Meng Shaohui saw the tragic state of the corpse , I felt a little uncomfortable.

The deceased was a male, wearing pajamas and lying on his back on the ground next to the desk. Objects that fell from the desk were scattered around the corpse. Of course, these are very common scenes, and the main scene that caused the investigators to react uncomfortably was Concentrated on the corpse, a large amount of blood flowed out from the seven holes on the face of the corpse, and some creatures similar to maggots continued to crawl out from these seven holes, and some maggots that had crawled out fell on the blood beside the corpse They kept tumbling inside, as if the blood was their "natural bathing place", where they enjoyed the joy brought by the blood to their heart's content.

"Why are there so many maggots? Has the person been dead for a long time?" Seeing such a scene, Meng Shaohui frowned, resisting the churning feeling in his stomach, squatting next to the corpse and asked the forensic doctor suspiciously: " But you don't smell the rotten smell?" "Of course there will be no rotten smell. According to preliminary judgment, the deceased died for about two hours. As for the maggots crawling out of the deceased's body, I am also at a loss now, and I don't know how to answer you!" the forensic doctor said helplessly. Shaking his head: "This is the first time I have encountered such a scene."

"It's only been two hours?" Meng Shaohui stared at the corpse in surprise, and also showed a puzzled expression, "Then what's the cause of death?" "I didn't find any obvious scars on the surface of the corpse, but judging from the bleeding from seven holes in the corpse, it is very likely that it was poisoned. But in this case, without a detailed autopsy, I can't draw a conclusion at all." While speaking, suddenly the abdomen of the corpse trembled violently a few times, and then a large number of maggot-like creatures swarmed out from the seven holes of the corpse, which really shocked everyone present, who thought it was a fraud. The dead body, but fortunately, the shaking only lasted for five or six seconds.

"How could this be?" Meng Shaohui stared at the corpse in surprise. "I will immediately take the body back for a detailed examination." "Who is the deceased?" Meng Shaohui stood up and asked the investigators. "Li Jian, chairman of Guanxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd." "Who first found the body and called the police?" "The driver of the deceased." "Driver?" Meng Shaohui glanced at his watch, "At 4:30 in the morning, why did the driver of the deceased appear here?" "It's like this. According to the driver of the deceased, the deceased was going abroad to discuss a business today. The plane departed at 6:20 in the morning, but no matter how hard he tried to call the deceased's cell phone after he came here, no one answered, nor did he go upstairs and knock on the door. The person answered, because the deceased was a very punctual person before he was alive, and there would never be such a situation that he would not even answer the phone today, so he was worried about an accident, so he called the property owner, and the property owner asked a locksmith to open the door. The body was found."

The driver of the deceased was sitting on the sofa in the living room and smoking a cigarette, and the smoke almost enveloped his whole body. It is not difficult to see from his trembling body and pale face that he was still in shock. "Relax." Meng Shaohui walked to the driver and said. "I...I...I really didn't...didn't think...that...this kind of thing would happen." The driver said with trembling lips. "Since you are the driver of the deceased, you must know the deceased very well. I have a few questions for you." The driver stabilized his mood a little, nodded and said, "Well, I...I will answer truthfully."

"Did the deceased live alone?" "Yes, the chairman is not married and does not have a girlfriend, but he often takes women home for the night." "Did you send him back last night?" "yes." "What time is it?" "I remember it was after 7 o'clock, because the chairman had to catch an early flight today, so the chairman went home early last night." "Then did he bring a woman home last night?" The driver frowned and said hesitantly, "It's not easy to talk about this." "If you have anything to say, just say it honestly."

"It's like this. Most of the people the chairman brings home for the night are girls who sit on the stage in the nightclub. Sometimes I send him to the nightclub for a social event. When he leaves, he will bring a woman home for the night. But sometimes if he has already returned home, but when there is a need for that, I will call the lady to come home. I sent the chairman home directly from the company last night, so whether he asked the woman to go home for the night last night, I wonder I really don't know." "Is there a fixed date for the lady your chairman is looking for?"

"It seems to be there! But I don't know the details." "Do you know the identities or addresses of the women he's looking for?" "I don't know, I'm just a driver after all, I never dare to ask about things the chairman doesn't say, and the women brought home by the chairman for the night always take a taxi and leave by themselves the next day, and I never need to see them off. " "Then you should know which nightclub he usually goes to!" "I know this, I know this." The driver nodded quickly. "Write down all the addresses you know immediately." Meng Shaohui asked the investigator to hand the driver paper and pen, and after he finished writing, he continued to ask: "Then according to your understanding, did the deceased have any grudges with anyone before his death?" ?” "As far as I know, there is definitely no such thing. Apart from comparing his private life with that, the chairman is still good at dealing with people. He has never seen anyone insulted or scolded loudly. Even when I sometimes scratch my car If he touches it, he won't blame me." "Then what time did you come here today to wait for the deceased?" "At 3:45, when I arrived, I looked at my watch." "Then from the time you were waiting for the deceased downstairs until you went upstairs and found the deceased, did you notice anyone leaving the building, or did anything suspicious happen?" The driver carefully recalled it for a moment and said: "I didn't see it. I parked the car downstairs at that time, and then I stood by the car and smoked. I didn't see anyone during this period, and nothing happened. what happened." At the same time that Meng Shaohui finished questioning the driver, the on-site investigators also found clues at the scene. "Team Meng, we found signs of being looted in both the bedroom and the living room. A large amount of property was lost, and the deceased's mobile phone was not found." "Could it be robbery?" Meng Shaohui thought for a while, and continued to ask after a while: "Anything else?" "There were no traces of fighting at the scene of the crime, but the bed of the deceased was very messy. We found women's hair tissue and a small amount of semen spots on the bed. In addition, we extracted a large number of clear fingerprints at the scene." "Does the door show signs of being pried?" "I haven't found this. The door lock is intact inside and out, and there is no trace of being pried." "Captain Meng, the surveillance camera of the elevator captured a suspicious-looking woman." The investigators took Meng Shaohui to the security room of the community. In the surveillance video, it was clear that a beautiful woman in a pink backless dress and coquettish dress entered the elevator at 10:40 last night. It was the floor where the deceased Li Jian lived. Until 3 o'clock in the morning, this woman appeared in the elevator again. From the camera, it can be clearly seen that she looked a little flustered at this time, and that she had entered the elevator earlier. There was a small black satchel on her arm during the elevator, but it was gone now, replaced by a black plastic bag. When the elevator reached the first floor, she poked her head out of the elevator and looked around for a while. , and left quickly after seeing no one around. After watching the surveillance video, Meng Shaohui quickly ordered: "From the perspective of clothing and time, this woman may be the lady who the deceased called to stay overnight. Immediately print out the appearance of the woman in the video, and then go to various nightclubs to investigate and investigate as soon as possible." To find out the whereabouts of this woman, she is the most suspected at this stage." The morning sun rose slowly, like a flame, and began to burn the black curtain that covered the night sky for hours along the horizon until the blackness was completely burned. Brightness replaced darkness, and the rising sun swayed its dazzling light to its fullest, as if to show off its victory over darkness. The number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased, and the sun shone on everyone, instantly sweeping away the tiredness that people still had.However, for the investigators who shoulder the heavy burden, whether it is the arrival of morning or the fall of night, it does not make any difference to them at all. While the investigation of the mysterious woman was in full swing, Meng Shaohui received a call from the forensic doctor. In the call, the forensic doctor hoped that he could go back quickly because something unexpected happened during the autopsy. At the door of the dissection room, the forensic doctor told Meng Shaohui: "Meng Meng, although you are used to seeing big scenes, but because of the special situation of the corpse this time, I must remind you to be mentally prepared before entering the dissection room." Looking at the forensic doctor's serious expression, Meng Shaohui already felt the seriousness of the situation. He took a few deep breaths, then nodded, indicating that the forensic doctor was ready. Although Meng Shaohui had imagined all the disgusting scenes imaginable in his mind before entering the dissecting room, when he stood in front of the dissecting table and saw the tragic state of the corpse, he still felt a strong sense of vomiting. He hadn't experienced this uncomfortable reaction after seeing a dead body for many years. No wonder, if it was just an ordinary dissected corpse in front of him, it would be no problem for him to sit on the side and eat now. I have been there before, and I am familiar with it, but the corpse in front of me is completely different from the ones I have encountered before. Inside the dissected corpse, there are densely crawling creatures similar to maggots. The visceral room that had been devoured to the very last in the corpse seemed to treat it as a "playground" in which to play to its heart's content. And among these countless maggot creatures, the most eye-catching one is about ten centimeters long and as thick as an adult's thumb. It is golden yellow all over, lying lazily in the little left stomach of the corpse, There was only a thin layer of skin left in the corpse's stomach, which it used as a natural "sheet" under its body. It occasionally raised its head and shook it twice, as if enjoying itself. Meng Shaohui, who had finally suppressed the feeling of vomiting, felt a chill rush from the soles of his feet to his scalp after watching this scene for a while, and his body shivered unconsciously. "Captain Meng, are you okay?" Seeing this, the forensic doctor hurriedly asked from the side. "It's okay." Meng Shaohui frowned and shook his head. "I'm not afraid of your jokes. This scene has caused several colleagues to vomit in the toilet for a long time. It's not easy for you to bear it!" "I almost vomited too. I haven't experienced this feeling for many years." Meng Shaohui smiled wryly, and then asked in doubt: "Why is this corpse like this? So far, the deceased has only been dead for a few days. When I was young, why is my whole body full of maggots?" "These are not maggots, but silkworms." "Silkworm?!" Hearing this, Meng Shaohui was even more surprised. He resisted the feeling of discomfort in his stomach, approached the corpse, and carefully observed the creatures inside the corpse. Indeed, they are different from maggots. The maggots are smaller and wriggling like snakes. Now, the whole body of the living things in the corpse is golden yellow. Except for the big one, the rest are bigger than the maggots Many, almost as thick as a little finger, and from the largest one, the feet on both sides of the abdomen can be clearly seen. "It's similar to silkworms, but how could silkworms get into the human body and eat human internal organs?" Meng Shaohui was puzzled. "Now we can only say that this kind of creature looks like a silkworm, but it is not necessarily a silkworm. What kind of creature it is has already been tested. As for why they would run into the human body and eat human internal organs, it is even more unclear." The forensic doctor was also extremely confused, "But judging from the number of these creatures, they should have existed in the body of the deceased for a while. In addition, the largest one should only be a female, and it should have a strong reproductive ability. These small ones It should be bred by it." "It's incredible that something like this could happen." "In addition, judging from the degree of damage to the organs in the corpse, the damage to the stomach is the most serious, almost none. So I think this creature should have entered the human stomach through the mouth, and then lived in the stomach to absorb nutrients. to reproduce, but it is really amazing that this kind of creature can survive the erosion of stomach acid." Just as he was talking, a forensic doctor walked into the dissection room with a document: "The creature in the deceased's body has already had preliminary test results. It is a silkworm, but there have been some mutations, which caused the color of the silkworm to change. Turned golden." "Mutation? Man-made, or?" Meng Shaohui asked in surprise. "Further analysis is still underway, but the possibility of man-made is relatively high, because it is impossible for silkworms to survive in the human body." "In this way, this case is absolutely impossible to be an accident, but someone deliberately made this mutated 'silkworm' to be eaten by the victim through some means, and then when the time is right, the creature has multiplied to a certain number, then Resulting in the death of the victim and the murderer with a perfect alibi?" "It should be like this, and the murderer should have a high degree of education, with some research in biology and genetics. After all, it is not an easy task to mutate creatures." "Then can we tell when the deceased was poisoned?" "Due to biological mutations, I can't give you the answer for the time being. It will take some time to test this aspect, but we will definitely do it as soon as possible." "Well, if there is any new progress, please let me know in time."
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