Home Categories detective reasoning Case Tracking

Chapter 38 Chapter 5 The Fate of the Devil

Case Tracking 九木 5894Words 2018-03-15
At eight o'clock in the evening, the phone on Meng Shaohui's desk rang quickly, and there was an unexpected message from the other end of the phone. A male body was found in a single apartment, and the identity was the man he had been looking for. Arwen. This is a single apartment with a simple layout. The whole room is only about 40 square meters. On a bed, a naked male corpse drenched in blood lay on his back, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood. Meng Shaohui approached the bed and saw that the corpse's hands and feet were tied up with hemp ropes thick as thumbs and fixed at the head and foot of the bed respectively, and the mouth was tightly stuffed with a black cloth. The expression on his face was extremely painful, and his facial muscles were distorted out of shape. It was obvious that he had been greatly tortured during his lifetime.

The original color of the sheets on the bed had been completely covered by dried dark red blood, making the whole corpse seem to be floating on its back in the ocean of blood, the scene was horrible.And on the wall full of splattered blood, there are five words "the fate of the devil" written on it. The dark red text is particularly eye-catching on the white wall, and it also adds a weird feeling to the whole crime scene. atmosphere. "It seems that I took the case too simply." Meng Shaohui blamed himself. "Team Meng, the deceased has been dead for almost 24 hours. Scars from hard objects were found on the back of the deceased's head, but they were not the cause of death. The real cause of death should be excessive blood loss. Multiple stab wounds were found on his body, and traces of arteries cut by a sharp weapon were found on the wrists and neck of both hands. It is preliminarily judged that it was a knife in the neck that ultimately led to the death of the deceased," said the forensic doctor.

"That's bloodletting?" Meng Shaohui asked in surprise. "You can say that." The forensic doctor nodded. "Any other discoveries?" Meng Shaohui asked after calming down a little. "Not for the time being. As for the detailed situation, we will have to wait for the autopsy to find out the results." The forensic doctor replied. "Who found the body?" Meng Shaohui asked the investigators. "The landlord of this house, because the deceased had already paid a year's rent, so the landlord seldom came over, but now at the end of the year, the deceased has not contacted the landlord to renew the lease. The landlord wanted to come and ask, but called for a long time No one answered the door, and the number before the call was shut down again, so the landlord used the spare key to open the door and found the body."

"Well, from the appearance, it is indeed very similar to the puzzle provided by Wang Zhi." Meng Shaohui said. "Can you confirm that the deceased is the Ah Wen that Wang Zhi said?" "Yes, and also, this is the ID card found in the deceased's drawer. The deceased's name is Song Wen, 21 years old." The investigator handed over the ID card and said, "In addition, many used documents were found in the drawer of the deceased's computer desk The mobile phone card, and some are brand new and unused in the outer packaging. The mobile phone of the deceased was not found at the scene, so it is not clear what number the deceased is using now."

"Immediately take the mobile phone card that the deceased has used to the relevant department, and ask them to assist in calling out all the previous call records as much as possible." Meng Shaohui ordered. "Another point is that the hard disk in the deceased's computer was also removed. Judging from the blood stains on the case, it is believed that the murderer removed it. Moreover, there were obvious traces of flipping in the room. As for the details, I don't know what, but it seems that the murderer didn't come for money, because the money and bank cards are in the drawer."

"Song Wen is a pimp, so the contents of his mobile phone and computer hard drive are undoubtedly very important. The murderer obviously understood this, so he took these two things away. It seems that there must be something in these two things. There is something that is not good for the murderer, but the murderer's doing so will create a big problem for the investigation, the murderer is really not simple at all!" Meng Shaohui thought to himself. "Team Meng, I found something, look at this." The investigators handed a crumpled student ID to Meng Shaohui. The name of "Song Wen" was clearly written on the student ID, and the school he belonged to was "Warth Academy of Art". The date on the ID was 2006 year.

"Song Wen is a student of Hua Si Art Institute?" Meng Shaohui felt a little surprised by this, "Go to the school immediately to find out about Song Wen." When Song Wen's detailed autopsy report came out, all the investigators in charge of handling the case couldn't help but gasp. The ground pounded his brain upward. According to the results of the forensic medical examination, a total of 36 wounds cut by sharp objects were found on the face, arms, chest and legs of the corpse, 13 of which were caused before death, but none of these wounds were fatal.The three wounds found on his wrist and neck were the real cause of his death. All three wounds severed the artery, causing the victim to bleed to death.

All the scars on the victim's body showed traces of repeated cutting. After analysis, a large amount of reddish-brown substance was also found in the wound, which was analyzed to be iron oxide. This is basically consistent with the knife wound on Yang Ling's body. "It's so cruel, it's simply not human." "Yes! What kind of deep hatred is there to kill people in this way?" "Using a rusty dagger, and cutting 36 times after the person is still alive, is like torture in ancient times." "If you really want to kill someone, you can just kill him directly. Torturing people like this is a process that makes life worse than death."

"This murderer is simply a pervert." The investigators were all filled with righteous indignation, accusing the murderer of the cruel murder method. However, Meng Shaohui seemed unusually calm at this time. He sat quietly by the side, sorting out all the clues related to the case in his mind. Although the murderer's brutality did make him very indignant, instead of spending time and energy blaming the murderer, It would be better to calm down and find a way to solve the case, and it would be more realistic to arrest the murderer as soon as possible. "Okay, everyone calm down! The murderer's behavior is certainly hateful, but at the same time, this cruel murder method also pointed out the direction for us to investigate the case." Meng Shaohui said.

"It's obvious, it's a vendetta." "And when we were investigating Song Wen, something happened to him. Could his death be related to Yang Ling's murder?" "It should be related. The methods of the two murders are very similar, and blood was written on the scene. It's just that red paint was used in Yang Ling's case, and Song Wen's blood was used this time." "Well, you are all right." Meng Shaohui nodded, "In the first case, because the murderer had to remove the corpse, and the blood had dried up after the corpse was moved to the auditorium, the murderer replaced it with red paint. The content of the text written in the case is somewhat different, but judging from this method, the test was committed by the same murderer. In addition, the murder weapon used by the murderer is a rusty dagger. But apart from these superficial clues In addition, there is another very important point. After Yang Ling was killed, we found the clue of Song Wen and started to investigate, but all the men who met Yang Ling through Song Wen's introduction didn't even have Song Wen's full name. It is clear, and it is even more unclear where Song Wen lives, and it is not difficult to see from Song Wen's frequent changes of mobile phone numbers that he is a very cunning and cautious person. But judging from the time when he was killed, it should be in Yang On the second day after Ling's death, the men who introduced women through Song Wen didn't know the details of Song Wen, so how did the murderer find out about Song Wen's residence?"

"Could it be that the murderer knew Yang Ling and Song Wen in the first place?" "Yang Ling and Song Wen are both students of the Wentz School of Art. If the murderer knew them, wouldn't the murderer also be a student of the Wentz School of Art?" "Team Meng, we learned from Wentz Art Academy that Song Wen did study at the school in 2006, but was expelled by the school at the end of 2007. As for the reason, the school teacher said that it was because he organized the school Girls went to nightclubs and bars to solicit customers, that is, prostitution, and this was also recorded at the police station, but there was no evidence at the time, so he was released, but later the school still expelled Song Wen. The investigator handed the information to Meng Shaohui. "Police station?" Meng Shaohui flipped through the documents carefully. "Yes, on December 25, 2007, it was a Christmas night. Song Wen took 6 girls from the school to a bar in the city. At that time, it happened to be the year-end anti-pornography campaign. The police station made a surprise inspection that night. In that bar, although Song Wen was at the same table with 6 girls and several strange men, they were only drinking and did not commit any illegal acts. In addition, Song Wen and the 6 girls were classmates, so there was no When the direct evidence proved that he organized prostitution, the police station had no choice but to release him. However, it has long been an open secret that Song Wen often took some girls to entertainment venues at school. The school also talked to Song Wen many times, but to no avail. There has never been any definite evidence to prove that Song Wen organized these girls to engage in prostitution activities, and this time he was caught by the police station, although he was also released due to insufficient evidence, it gave the school the best reason to expel him." "It seems that the relationship between Yang Ling and Song Wen is very obvious. Although Song Wen has been expelled from the school, Yang Ling and Song Wen still keep in touch. Yang Ling uses Song Wen's relationship to introduce herself to rich man, and Song Wen earns referral fees from it, they are mutually beneficial, but why did they offend the same person and bring about a fatal disaster?" "By the way, have you noticed the autopsy reports of the two deceased? There is also one thing in common. The two deceased always had several stab wounds on their bodies before they died, and they all had bruises in their mouths. It was stuffed with cloth, but the murderer took away the cloth in Yang Ling's mouth afterward." Meng Shaohui said. "Sebu must have done it to prevent the dead from calling for help! If the two victims were injured with a knife while they were awake, calling for help must be inevitable." "But don't ignore it. The back of the head of the two deceased has marks of being attacked by a hammer. That is to say, the two deceased should have been in a coma before they were killed. In this case, if the murderer kills them, believe them It is impossible to have the opportunity to resist and call for help. If the murderer used a dagger to vent his anger by cutting the corpses of the two victims after they died, how to explain the cuts when the victims were alive ?” Meng Shaohui questioned. "Could it also be to vent anger? Judging from the murderer's brutal murder method, torturing the dead while they are still alive must be more effective in venting their hatred than destroying the corpse after death." "If yes, then how to explain the wounds left by the murderer after death? If the murderer hurt the two victims while they were unconscious in order to vent their anger, why not just cut them alive Killing them, isn't that more able to vent the hatred in the heart? And the hands and feet of the two deceased have signs of being bound. After attacking the back of the head, stuffing cloth in the mouth, and binding the hands and feet, it can be said that before the two victims were killed, they did not If the murderer really wanted to vent his anger, he would have the opportunity to torture them to death. However, the actual situation shows that the murderer did not do this, but did it differently during their lifetime and after death. It caused some damage, don't you think there is something wrong with it?" Meng Shaohui frowned. Hearing this, all the investigators at the scene were lost in thought, but after a long time they figured out why, and even felt that Meng Shaohui's question was a bit of a dead end, maybe the murderer cut the victim while the victim was still alive just on a whim. After a few stabs, the victim struggled after waking up from the pain, so the murderer did not torture the victim, but directly killed the person and then destroyed the body to achieve the purpose of venting.After all, in the whole process of killing, no one can figure out the murderer's thinking. "Captain Meng, could it be that you are thinking too much?" "Don't be afraid if you think too much, just be afraid of not being able to think of it!" Meng Shaohui said, "Let's talk about Yang Ling's case first. Ling should also be familiar with it, or Yang Ling has something in the hands of the murderer, otherwise Yang Ling would not have left the hotel in a hurry because of a phone call that night, leaving Wang Zhi alone. From the point of view of the auditorium, it is impossible for the murderer to be someone outside the school, because moving the corpse is not a simple matter. It’s okay to climb over the wall and enter the school, but it’s okay if the murderer is alone, but at that time he still has a dead body, it can be said to be extremely difficult to enter the school from outside the school, not to mention that there are security patrols in the school , Judging from this, the murderer probably killed Yang Ling in the school, and then moved the body to the school auditorium." "Yang Ling was killed between 22:00 and 23:00 in the evening, and the body was moved to the auditorium between 4 and 5 hours after her death, that is, between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. The interval between the corpses is so long, if the murderer is someone from the school, then hiding the corpses is the key." "That's right." Meng Shaohui nodded and said, "Although it's late, the murderer couldn't just find a place to hide the corpse, not to mention that there were traces of being tied up and hurt before death on Yang Ling's corpse, that is, It is said that the murderer must have a very safe place for him to commit the crime, and then wait for the opportunity to move the body." "It seems that the murderer is likely to be the teacher of the school, because most of the students live in collective dormitories, but the teacher's dormitory is independent. And the teacher must also know the school environment very well." "Students are also possible." Meng Shaohui added, "Judging from the time of the incident, the school's teaching building must be empty, and it is entirely possible that the murderer led Yang Ling to the women's toilet on a certain floor of the teaching building, and then committed the crime. You know, most of the school's security guards are men, and the teaching building is empty and quiet late at night. If the security guards patrol, the footsteps will easily spread throughout the building, and the security patrols will only Keep an eye out for classrooms, toilets are generally neglected, let alone women's toilets." "Well, it makes sense, but Team Meng, what you said can only prove that the murderer is very likely to be the students and teachers in the school, but what does it have to do with the injuries they suffered during their lifetime?" The investigator asked puzzled road. "That's the problem. If the murderer is a student or teacher in the school, it is very easy to kill Yang Ling. It is not surprising to know her mobile phone number, but Song Wen has already been expelled, and the mobile phone number is unknown. How many were changed, and how did the murderer find Song Wen immediately after killing Yang Ling and kill him?" "Captain Meng, what do you mean?" "What I mean is that the wounds on Yang Ling's body were most likely tortured to extract a confession by the murderer. The purpose is to let Yang Ling tell Song Wen's whereabouts, because judging from the relationship between Yang Ling and Song Wen, She is very likely to know where Song Wen lives, otherwise, if Song Wen does not tell her after changing her mobile phone, then she will not be able to find someone to contact those rich men for her, and Song Wen will definitely keep close to Yang Ling After all, Song Wen made a living by introducing women to rich men and earning introduction fees from them. And when Yang Ling told Song Wen's whereabouts, the murderer killed her, and then vented his anger on the body and moved her. Corpse." Meng Shaohui boldly guessed, although bold, but also reasonable. "Captain Meng, according to what you're saying, the scars on Song Wen's body are probably the result of the murderer's torture to extract a confession? That means the murderer will continue to kill?" "No way? After getting Song Wen's whereabouts from Yang Ling, who does the murderer want to know from Song Wen's whereabouts?" "Song Wen is a pimp to put it bluntly. If the murderer really wants to get someone's whereabouts from him, it's nothing more than those rich men who hooked up with female college students through him." "By the way, have you found any connection between Du Yuhan and Song Wen?" Meng Shaohui asked suddenly. "It's not clear yet. Song Wen's cell phone has not been found. It is not clear what number he is using now. Although the men who met Yang Ling through Song Wen before all provided Song Wen's contact information, those numbers have already disappeared. Shutdown, we have handed over those mobile phone cards to relevant departments for investigation, and there is no result yet." "Also, Song Wen's number found in Yang Ling's call records has also been shut down and shut down, which means that Song Wen probably just changed his mobile phone number before he was killed, and he was killed before he could use it. The murderer took away the mobile phone and computer hard drive just to increase the difficulty of our investigation and delay the time to facilitate his actions." "Captain Meng, do you still suspect that the case is related to Du Yuhan?" "Probably not? If it makes sense to say that Yang Ling's case is related to Du Yuhan's suicide case, then Song Wen should have nothing to do with Du Yuhan's suicide case, right? Song Wen was fired long ago when Du Yuhan committed suicide. , does he know that Du Yuhan committing suicide is still a thing!" "That's right! Besides, Du Yuhan's classmates and teachers all said that she is an obedient and good student. How could she get involved with a pimp like Song Wen?" "This is true, but I always think that Du Yuhan's suicide case is a bit strange. What is the reason for her suicide? Whose is the child in her belly? And the money she deposited in the bank a few months before suicide Where did the money come from? And Yang Ling was killed by the murderer and her body was moved to the stage of the auditorium, where Du Yuhan committed suicide. How can this be explained? The murderer of Song Wen is probably the same as the murderer of Yang Ling Personally, what is the motive for the murder? And why did you use such a cruel method? Also, who sent the anonymous letter to the reporter to expose the truth about the creation of the drama script, the most important thing is that Du Yuhan was also mentioned in the letter Yang Ling's suicide was probably caused by some despicable means, and Yang Ling was killed on the night when the truth was exposed. From the time point of view, it was too coincidental. On the surface, Du Yuhan's suicide case and The two murders are indeed unrelated, but in fact Du Yuhan's suicide case is tangled up in the case like a thread, but we haven't found where the thread ends yet." Meng Shaohui said.
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