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Chapter 37 Chapter Four: The Death of Du Yuhan

Case Tracking 九木 4814Words 2018-03-15
Du Yuhan's death was not difficult to investigate, because detailed records of her death were on file. According to the extracted files, the forensic examination of his body and the on-site investigation concluded that Du Yuhan had indeed committed suicide by cutting his wrists. The cause of death was severed arteries and excessive blood loss.However, some content in the file still caught Meng Shaohui's attention: "Du Yuhan is three months pregnant." Although no suicide note was found at the scene of Du Yuhan's suicide, the autopsy found that Du Yuhan was three months pregnant, and the on-site investigation also found no trace of homicide, so the case was closed on the grounds of emotional frustration.But as to who the child in her womb belonged to, she never found the answer.

Looking at the file of such an unreasonable suicide case, Meng Shaohui couldn't help frowning. Of course, he didn't deny the test results of the forensic doctor and technical investigators, but he was a little puzzled by Du Yuhan's suicide. Judging from the photos taken back at the scene, Du Yuhan fell face up in the center of the school auditorium, which is also where Yang Ling's body is now.On the ground to Du Yuhan's right hand was an ordinary fruit knife, while the left side of his body was soaked in a lot of blood, and the close-up on the wrist of his left hand clearly showed the wound where she cut the fatal knife forcefully.

After reading the autopsy report and the photos of the scene, Meng Shaohui sighed and shook his head.It really takes a lot of courage for Du Yuhan to choose to end his life in this way. The feeling of watching the blood flow out of his body and that he is walking towards death step by step is not something ordinary people can bear. It can be seen that Du Yuhan's The heart is dead before committing suicide. "It's the blooming season, but I chose this painful way to die, alas!" Meng Shaohui sighed, "What is the reason that made her want to commit suicide? Could it be related to her pregnancy?"

At this moment, the investigator responsible for investigating Du Yuhan's suicide brought back some information about the case. Through investigations and interviews with all the classmates who have a good relationship with Du Yuhan, it is known that Du Yuhan's academic performance has always been among the best, coupled with her pure and beautiful appearance and talent in drama performances, she is well-known in the school, and she is worthy of the name. Beauty, there are countless boys who pursue him, but until she committed suicide, she had never heard of any boys in the school. Even her close friends said that she was emotionally blank.

"That's weird. If she doesn't have a boyfriend, what's the matter with being pregnant?" Meng Shaohui thought. "Team Meng, there is one more thing. In March of this year, that is, six months before Du Yuhan committed suicide, she would go to the bank to deposit various amounts of money for her mother's medical expenses at regular intervals. Among them, the largest amount was The first sum is 50,000 yuan, and the rest are mostly around one or two thousand." "Do you know where her money came from?" "It's not clear, because she deposited it in the bank herself, and her friends didn't know about it. Although her teacher said that she had organized teachers and students to donate, the money was directly handed over to the hospital and not Without Du Yuhan's hands."

"Her mother was diagnosed with leukemia at the beginning of the year. The cost of treatment for this disease is very high. The mother and daughter depend on each other, and her mother is just an ordinary worker. I believe the family savings are not much. By March It is estimated that there is not much left, but Du Yuhan suddenly has money at this time, and she saves it in the bank every once in a while. She is a student who has to go to class during the day and take care of her mother after school. So where did her money come from? " "Team Meng, do you think it is possible that Du Yuhan earned the money by going out to perform in bars and other entertainment places at night? With her appearance, I believe that performing in these places must be very popular, earning one or two dollars a night Qian is also normal."

"It seems to make sense. Could it be that her boyfriend met in that kind of place? That's why no one around her knows about it? But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that the previous statement that the murderer is from the school is overthrown? And Or her boyfriend met outside the school, but he is from the school?" Meng Shaohui whispered to himself, "Go to all the entertainment venues in the city to investigate as soon as possible to see if there is any record of Du Yuhan's previous performances. , I followed the clues to find out who she had been in contact with during the performance."

"Captain Meng, do you really think that Yang Ling's murder is related to Du Yuhan's suicide?" "Well, it's impossible for you to ask me to give you a definite answer now. The reason why I boldly assume that the two cases are related is because of various factors at the scene of the crime and years of experience in handling cases." Meng Shaohui Stretching his waist, he said, "A murderer must have a motive when he commits a crime. Just like robbery and murder, the motive is for money; the murder between lovers, the motive is nothing more than love. In Yang Ling's murder case, It is obvious that the murderer's motive is revenge, and who would have a grudge against Yang Ling? After all, she is just an ordinary student at school. What kind of hatred would cause the murderer to kill someone and cruelly destroy the body? It should be impossible for love to hate. After all, Yang Ling knows some rich men with families. Even if the relationship between these people and Yang Ling is severed, they will not kill people. If you assume One of these men who had a relationship with Yang Ling wanted to kill Yang Ling, so why did he want to kill Yang Ling? These men had a lot of money, if it was because Yang Ling asked them for money that they were motivated to kill? It is unlikely, then it is possible that Yang Ling wanted to tell the story of their past and told the other party's wife, which made the other party murderous. But if this is the case, then after this person kills Yang Ling, even if he wants to Throwing the corpse will definitely be thrown in the wilderness, where it is not easy to be found. It is impossible to throw it in the school auditorium like now for fear that others will not find it. Therefore, it is obvious that he was seeking revenge because of emotional problems The possibility is basically ruled out, so what is left in the end is pure vendetta, but what kind of deep hatred exists between the murderer and Yang Ling? In fact, the murderer gave us a reminder when he arranged the corpse removal scene. The exhausted effort to move the corpse to the stage of the auditorium, and put it in that strange shape to make a fuss, there must be some meaning in it, and this meaning must have an inevitable connection with the stage. Through investigation, the only one with the stage The one that is necessarily connected is the case of Du Yuhan's suicide, so do you think I can't suspect that these two cases are related?"

Meng Shaohui's analysis was so clear that the young investigator nodded in admiration.In the process of handling a case, rich experience in handling cases will indeed make the case less detours in the process of investigation. "But Team Meng, we have also checked Du Yuhan's relationship. The mother who is closest to her is still receiving treatment in the hospital. She also has an uncle who works in other provinces. Around the time of Yang Ling's murder, we did not find any evidence of his relationship with him. A record of coming to our city." "Well, from this point of view, Du Yuhan's breakthrough should be the father of the child in her womb. Finding a way to find out the identity of the man who had sex with her and made her pregnant may be helpful to the detection of the case. Definitely help." Meng Shaohui mused.

On the other hand, through the list of reporters provided by the school's vice principal Guo Qiang, the police easily found the reporter who revealed the truth about the creation of the drama script that day. It was sent to the front desk of their unit, and the envelope stated that it was to be handed over to the reporter covering Wentz Art Institute. The script of the award-winning play "Repentance" by Wentz Academy of Art was not created by participating teachers and students, but by a female student named Du Yuhan. She was also the heroine of the original play, but unfortunately she Suicide on the stage of the school auditorium. Without the script she wrote, they would never have won the award, but the school didn't say a word about her contribution and shamelessly took her work as its own.And her death is likely to be forced to death by the current heroine Yang Ling using some despicable means.The content of the above report is true and reliable. Friends from the reporter, if you can disclose this matter during the interview, I believe Du Yuhan's spirit in heaven will be extremely grateful to you.

Finally, the three words "enthusiastic person" are written on the signature. The above is the entire content of the letter. The entire content of the letter is typed out by a printer, and the paper is also very ordinary A4 paper.According to the reporter, he also told the story at the time with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to be true, and in the end all the media reporters were kicked out by the school. After that, the school's vice principal The editor-in-chief of all the media was found, and this disgraceful incident was finally calmed down. If we just look at the content of the anonymous letter, there is actually nothing wrong with it. After all, it is not a big secret that Du Yuhan wrote the drama script, and the school just does not want her death to cause negative impact on the dialogue drama competition. That's why her name was withheld from the entry list.The only more attractive content is that "Du Yuhan's death was probably caused by some despicable means by Yang Ling", and it was precisely because of the appearance of this anonymous letter that the school lost face at the press conference, let alone Wen Si The Academy of Art is also a private institution. Once such news that is not good for the school occurs, it will naturally affect the number of students in the coming year. It is no wonder that the school will find the media to quell the incident afterwards. It can be said that although the content of the anonymous letter is simple, its influence is very large. Although the school tried every means to quell the matter afterwards, it may not be able to quell all the students in the school if it can quell the media. Being spread out, it can be seen that the person who wrote the anonymous letter was not simply exposing the truth of the incident, but more like deliberately trying to make the incident a mess. "First there was an anonymous letter, then the reporter disrupted the situation, and then Yang Ling was killed. Several things happened one after another. It didn't seem like a coincidence, but more like someone had already planned it. If so, then my bold assumption before was not wrong. Yang Ling's murder has a certain connection with Du Yuhan's suicide, but what is the point of this connection?" Meng Shaohui frowned, thinking, "It is undeniable that Du Yuhan's source of income before committing suicide is a very big doubt. , and it is very strange that she was pregnant when she committed suicide, what else did I ignore?" At the same time, the investigation of the investigators who were in charge of investigating the call records before Yang Ling's murder also took shape. Before Yang Ling was killed, that is, at 22:16 in the evening, an unfamiliar mobile phone number called Yang Ling's mobile phone, and the call lasted about three minutes. This mobile phone number is a new one, and it has been turned off after talking with Yang Ling, so it is impossible to continue to trace it. After checking the phone book of Yang Ling's mobile phone, the investigators found that besides Wang Zhi, she also maintained improper relationships with several men. The investigation found that these men were all married successful people. People inquired and found out that they all met Yang Ling through the man named Ah Wen, and some of them had a one-night stand with Yang Ling, and some of them had fostered Yang Ling for a period of time.During the time when Yang Ling was killed, these people also had alibi, and after the breakup, they did not contact Yang Ling again, which also ruled out the possibility of them committing the crime. "It seems that this man named Awen is suspected of organizing prostitution activities." Meng Shaohui said. "Yes, but the mobile phone of Ah Wen provided by Wang Zhi has been shut down, and the mobile phone numbers of Ah Wen provided by the men related to Yang Ling have also been shut down, so now we are looking for this in other ways. The whereabouts of Ah Wen. Team Meng, is it possible that this Ah Wen killed Yang Ling and has escaped now?" "If so, what was the motive for the murder?" Meng Shaohui asked doubtfully. "Before, Yang Ling got in touch with those rich men through this Ah Wen, and he got some introduction fees from it, but since Yang Ling was taken care of by Wang Zhi, he didn't get any introduction fees from Yang Ling. Is it possible that the killing intent was triggered for this reason?" "If it's because of the money, then he doesn't need to kill Yang Ling at all. He just needs to ask Wang Zhi for it. After all, Wang Zhi owes his status to his father-in-law. He is very worried that the matter of keeping his lover will be exposed. If Ah Wen used this to blackmail Wang Zhi, I believe that the money he got would be much more than the introduction fee. What's more, how could a pimp like Ah Wen have only one woman under his command, Yang Ling, there must be many women , and some of these women are adopted, if he kills these women because he can't get the introduction fee, then he will kill many people? The most important point is that in terms of killing methods, there is no Like it's about money." "Yang Ling? Ah Wen? Prostitution?" Meng Shaohui was contemplating, "I have been paying attention to the strange shape of Yang Ling's body and the words written on the ground, but I ignored the scars on the body. Especially the fact that the lower body of the corpse was completely destroyed." "Didn't the murderer do it on purpose to vent the hatred in his heart?" "If it is to vent anger, then it should be enough to cut the corpse beyond recognition. There is no need to deliberately destroy the lower body of the corpse. I feel that there must be some meaning in it." "Maybe the murderer's psychology is a little abnormal?" "There is also this possibility, but judging from Yang Ling's chaotic private life, it seems that the murderer's behavior is not abnormal, but more like a revenge for her indiscreet private life." "But Team Meng, if it's really an act of revenge, then the murderer is likely to be Yang Ling's real boyfriend, because only driven by this kind of relationship is it possible to do that kind of crazy behavior. Suppose Yang Ling also has a boyfriend, and this boyfriend is not like those men who take care of Yang Ling or have a one-night stand with Yang Ling. The relationship between him and Yang Ling is a pure lover. When he knows that Yang Ling is so chaotic After the private life, it is possible to kill people and then destroy the corpse, the most important thing is to destroy the lower body of the corpse, so as to achieve the purpose of revenge on Yang Ling for sleeping with other men." "Your analysis is very reasonable, but if this makes sense, then there are doubts about the place where Yang Ling was dumped. After all, it is the place where Du Yuhan committed suicide, and the murderer placed the body as if begging for help. Someone made a gesture of forgiveness, and wrote down the words 'the devil redeemed with death'. If the murderer was Yang Ling's boyfriend who killed Yang Ling in revenge for having sex with other men, then it would be a shame to put the corpse in that way. It can barely be interpreted as begging for forgiveness, but what about the words on the ground? It should be written like 'slut' or 'slut', how could it somehow be related to 'devil'?" Meng Shaohui proposed own different point of view. The investigation of the case seems to have returned to the starting point, which makes Meng Shaohui feel a little helpless. Although there are many clues in front of him, most of them are guesses and assumptions. The clues that can really become the breakthrough of the case have never appeared.
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