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Chapter 31 Chapter Thirteen Another Murderer

Case Tracking 九木 3346Words 2018-03-15
After Zhao Bowen was killed, Ma Yongquan also began to feel a little uneasy, which confirmed his original speculation that Yang Haisheng was not the only murderer, but what he didn't expect was that the murderer would dare to continue to commit crimes when Yang Haisheng had already been arrested. .He is the only one left among the four who is still alive. The murderer will definitely deal with him in the next step, but when and how the murderer will act, he has no idea. Uneasiness and fear are constantly invading his heart. This was a feeling he had never felt before, but what he didn't expect was that the police's sights had already been aimed at Shixiang's home where he used to hide Shen Hao's body.

"Team Meng, we have checked the residents of Shixiang Home, and there is basically nothing suspicious, but the four units on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3 have not been occupied since they were purchased, and we have not been able to contact the head of the household. "The investigator reported the investigation to Meng Shaohui. "Who are the heads of the four units?" Meng Shaohui asked. "The data shows that these four units were bought by four different people. From the time point of view, these four units were booked after Shen Hao's disappearance and before the house inspection. After the house passed the inspection, These four people bought the house immediately, and it was a one-time payment. What's more, these four people have one thing in common, that is, they have all gone abroad before buying the house."

"It seems that someone used their ID cards to buy the house. They used the ID cards of four people to buy four houses in one go. They neither lived in nor sold. There must be some reason." Meng Shaohui pondered "After Shen Hao disappeared, Ma Yongquan postponed the time for house inspection, and in the process, these four houses were booked, but no one has moved in since the house was handed over. The coincidence of time and the abnormal behavior of buying houses , are these four houses related to Shen Hao's disappearance?" Although those four houses are very suspicious, and it is very likely that Shen Hao has been killed and his body is hidden in one of the houses, but it is only a guess after all, and he applied for a search warrant to enter the house without being fully sure. If he guessed wrong, Ma Yongquan would definitely bite back.

So Meng Shaohui came to Ma Yongquan's office with questions. Of course, he didn't expect to get an answer from Ma Yongquan's mouth, but he just wanted to deliberately disclose the clues he learned to Ma Yongquan so that he could mess himself up. Meng Shaohui knew very well that To deal with an old fox like Ma Yongquan, one must not play cards according to common sense. "You police don't go to investigate the case, why do you always come to me for nothing?" Ma Yongquan was obviously very impatient with Meng Shaohui's arrival. "Of course I came here to find out something." Meng Shaohui ignored it and sat down on the sofa by himself.

"I wasn't there when Zhao Bowen died. I don't know what happened. You can find out what's going on with me." Ma Yongquan said coldly. "Since it is to understand the situation, of course it is not only about Zhao Bowen's death, I also need to understand Sun Mei and Qian Shaowei." Meng Shaohui still said calmly. "Didn't your police already know about Sun Mei and Shaowei's situation? I've already told you everything I know, so what else can I say?" "After all, this is a case where human life is at stake. I am worried that some clues will be missed."

"You are wasting my time." Ma Yongquan scolded angrily. "But don't say that to Mr. Ma. You are in big business, and time is precious. How dare I waste your time! I am here for work. I believe Mr. Ma, you also hope that the case can be solved as soon as possible!" "Haven't you already caught Yang Haisheng? Isn't the case solved?" "If it was that simple, I wouldn't bother you, Chairman Ma! We have already confirmed that Zhao Bowen's death was poisoned by lysergic acid diethylamide, just like Sun Mei and Qian Shaowei's. At the time of the incident, Yang Haisheng was locked in the detention room, and it was impossible for him to poison, so the police have reason to believe that he is not the only murderer."

"Since there is still a murderer, then hurry up and catch it! Why are you bothering me?" Ma Yongquan was obviously prepared to say that there was another murderer, but he was not interested in it. "Mr. Ma, three of your partners have already died. Obviously, the murderer is targeting the four of you. Now you are the only one left alive. The murderer's next target must be you. Are you really Don't you have any idea of ​​where the murderer came from?" "What do I know? We are all honest businessmen, and we never have any grudges with others. I don't know who wants to harm us. What's more, killing the three of them doesn't mean killing me too! Maybe they With whom did the three have a grudge? As I have said, we are just business partners, and we will do our own things after we leave the company.”

Ma Yongquan obviously pushed everything on the three people who had been killed, thus putting himself out of the world.Meng Shaohui naturally understood the meaning of the words, but he didn't ask any further questions, because he didn't expect Ma Yongquan to say anything by himself. "By the way, Mr. Ma, our police found out that after the disappearance of your company's former accountant supervisor, Shen Hao, the original acceptance time of Shixiang's home was also postponed. I don't know why?" "It's nothing special. We found some problems in some places, so we just postponed the time. This is for business reasons, so there is no need to tell you! And what you said about Shen Hao's disappearance, I can say with certainty that it has nothing to do with it. He is just the company's chief accountant, he doesn't care about the quality of the house, even if he doesn't disappear, we will do the same when we find the quality of the house, it's better to find out the problem by ourselves than to be found out by others!"

"It seems that Mr. Ma is still very serious in his work!" Meng Shaohui teased, and then brought the conversation to the topic, "By the way, Mr. Ma, there is one more thing I want to know from you. We found out that your company developed The four units on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3 of Shixiang Homeland were bought out at the beginning of the market opening, but the people who bought the house did not move in from the beginning to the end. I don’t know why?” "Officer, why do you ask such strange questions? I doubt your ability to work." Ma Yongquan was obviously very disgusted with Meng Shaohui's questions that had nothing to do with the case, but he couldn't help explaining why. He knew very well in his heart, "I'm just a developer, and I'm only responsible for developing real estate and selling houses to make money. As for who buys it and what it's for, I don't care about it? Maybe they bought it for real estate speculation. Woolen cloth."

Ma Yongquan had just finished speaking, when Meng Shaohui's cell phone rang: "What? The evidence is insufficient, and the director does not approve the search warrant? Then I will talk to him personally when I go back!" "I'm sorry, Mr. Ma, to bother you for so long. I have something to do, so I'll go first. Don't worry, our police will definitely catch the murderer." Looking at the back of Meng Shaohui leaving in a hurry, a feeling of uneasiness hit Ma Yongquan, and where did this feeling of uneasiness come from? I believe no one knows better than himself. Shen Hao's body was hidden in his unit, and through the conversation with Meng Shaohui just now, he knew very well that the police had already begun to suspect that there was something wrong there. Once the search warrant was approved and the body was found, it would be too late.Although he was ready to push everything to the three dead people, whether the police would believe it easily, even he himself was not sure now.

Of course, Meng Shaohui's phone call just now was just arranged in advance. He just wanted to perform such a play in front of Ma Yongquan. If there were really problems in those units, I believe Ma Yongquan would definitely take action. After leaving Ma Yongquan's company, Meng Shaohui rushed to the hospital non-stop, because he had already guessed the real identity of the other murderer in his heart, but guesses were always guesses, and Yang Haisheng, the only one who knew the murderer's true identity, refused to cooperate. There is no evidence to support it, so we can only find a way to let the murderer himself show his original shape. "Shen Lang, when will you wake up? Uncle Yang has been arrested by the police because he suspected murder. He is your benefactor! If you don't wake up, you may not be able to thank him in person in the future." The little nurse said At the same time, he was also massaging the joints of Shen Lang's body. "If he wakes up, he will not only thank Uncle Yang, but also thank you!" Meng Shaohui said as he walked into the ward. "Police officer!" The little nurse stopped what she was doing, "Uncle Yang is really innocent, don't arrest him!" "The police will not wrong a good person, let alone a bad person." Meng Shaohui said, "For Shen Lang, Uncle Yang is indeed a good person, but at the same time, he did commit crimes." "Even if Uncle Yang really killed someone, then he must have killed a bad person." The little nurse said angrily. "You're right. He killed the bad guys. Uncle Yang just chose the wrong way to punish the bad guys." Meng Shaohui replied calmly, and then changed the subject, "I want to ask you, are you so angry in the hospital? After a long time, do you know who has the best relationship between Shen Hao and the hospital?" "What is your relationship best referring to?" "It's who you know the most and talk to the most." "As far as I know, it should be Head Nurse Lu! Because I was just assigned here before, and Shen Lang was already like this at that time. At that time, Shen Hao and Head Nurse Lu had the best relationship. When she came here, head nurse Lu was in charge of taking care of Shen Lang. Sometimes head nurse Lu worked the night shift all night, and she was still watching here during the day. To be honest, I really admire her, yes The patient is so responsible." "Then do you know that head nurse Lu has a boyfriend?" "I don't know much about this. I remember hearing gossip from other nurses, saying that Head Nurse Lu took great care of Shen Lang. In fact, she wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Shen Hao. But these are all rumors, especially after Shen Hao disappeared. It's over. Other than that, I never heard anything about her emotionally." "By the way, you and the head nurse went to see Yang Haisheng together that day. Did the hospital leader bring it up?" "Of course not, how could the leaders of the hospital have such thoughts! To be honest, the leaders of the hospital only care about whether the patients have medical expenses for treatment." When she said this, the little nurse deliberately lowered her voice, "It's Nurse Lu After Changzai found out about the situation, he took the initiative to propose it to the hospital leader. Shen Lang is really lucky. He has a good brother, a kind Uncle Yang, and head nurse Lu who is still caring about him. Of course, I am also one of them. "The little nurse smiled mischievously. "Shen Hao, Yang Haisheng, and Lu Yanxia, ​​these three seem to be tied together by Shen Lang, and Lu Yanxia is most likely the other murderer." Meng Shaohui thought to himself.
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