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Chapter 26 Chapter Eight: Biological Father

Case Tracking 九木 3435Words 2018-03-15
Although Feng Yun's boudoir friends don't know much about Feng Yun's past boyfriend, at least one thing is certain is that Shen Hao should have relatives living in this world, not that he doesn't have any relatives as he said before. . Although there is already a clue, but the question also arises, will the murderer really be Shen Hao's biological father?He left Shen Hao not long after he was born. Will the relationship between them be so deep that he wants to avenge Shen Hao?And if he wants to avenge Shen Hao, then there is a necessary premise that Shen Hao is dead, but now no one knows whether Shen Hao is alive or dead. As the father who left Shen Hao after he was born, what about him? Can Shen Hao's life and death be confirmed?

A series of questions seemed to tell Meng Shaohui that Shen Hao's biological father was not the real murderer, but he would never give up any clues that would help solve the case until he got a definite answer. A new round of investigation work was launched again. The investigators centered on Feng Yun's mysterious boyfriend back then and launched a more in-depth and detailed investigation. The focus was on the neighbors of Feng Yun's rented house. I believe that no matter how Feng Yun kept his boyfriend's identity secret back then, as long as this man really exists, it is absolutely impossible not to leave a trace of clues, at least the neighbors may have seen him.

However, due to the lapse of many years, most of the owners of the community where Feng Yun lived have changed, so it is still a bit difficult to investigate. After several days of investigation, I finally got a clue from a neighbor who lived across from Feng Yun. According to the neighbor's recollection, Feng Yun was a very enthusiastic and cheerful person. Sometimes she would greet her neighbors when she met them in the corridor, but her boyfriend was just the opposite. She didn't seem to want to be seen. This neighbor At that time, I suspected that he might be a married man, because most of the time he came to find Feng Yun later in the evening, and then stayed until late at night the next day to leave, during which time he was never seen going out.However, he and Feng Yun have a very good relationship, and they can often be heard talking and laughing in the room.

Although the neighbor didn't know much about Feng Yun's boyfriend back then, one night due to overtime work, when he came home early in the morning, he happened to meet Feng Yun's boyfriend leaving, although Feng Yun's boyfriend bowed his head and left quickly when he saw him But because there are lights in the aisle, I still have a little impression. He made a jigsaw puzzle of Feng Yun's boyfriend for the police, but he can't guarantee the similarity with the real person. After all, it has been so long, and It was just a one-sided relationship, he could only try his best to remember.

The man in the jigsaw puzzle has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, high nose bridge, moderate mouth shape, and a standard three to seven point hairstyle. It can be said that he is a mature and stable man, and the mature man's hair between his eyebrows It is no wonder that Feng Yun had a soft spot for him back then. Meng Shaohui handed over the jigsaw puzzle to computer technicians, and asked them to input the appearance of the man on the jigsaw puzzle into the computer, and then use imaging technology to draw his appearance into a 3D image through the computer, and then perform calculations.The main reason why it is so complicated is that the jigsaw puzzle provided by Feng Yun's neighbors is the appearance of Feng Yun's boyfriend back then. There will definitely be some changes in the past few years, and there must be a difference between the current appearance and the past.

"Team Meng, this is the current appearance of the person on the jigsaw puzzle you gave us." The computer technician handed the printed photo to Meng Shaohui, "But the similarity cannot be guaranteed, after all, it is the appearance restored through the jigsaw puzzle." , It is not comparable to restoring the appearance through the skull, and there is also the imagination of the computer itself. I can only guarantee that if the puzzle is close to my appearance, then the similarity of this photo should be 60% Let's go above!" There are more than 60% similarities, which is already very rare for Meng Shaohui, at least this is the most important clue so far that can be continued to be traced.

It is not difficult to see from the photos that Feng Yun's boyfriend is still very attractive now, but he looks much older than before, his eye sockets and cheeks are slightly sunken inwards, and his hair has all turned white, but There is no obvious change in the hairstyle, and the pair of slightly larger glasses, I believe these should come from the rich "imagination" of the computer. Although he had the photo, Meng Shaohui did not have great hopes, because it is not easy to find someone in the vast crowd, and now it is difficult to find someone based on a photo that is only about 60% similar. One can imagine.

But what Meng Shaohui didn't expect was that when the photo was sent to the investigators, someone recognized the man in the photo, and this man could be said to have missed the previous investigation, and he just kept giving Shen Lang Yang Haisheng in the Charity Nursing Home who donated medical expenses. Yang Haisheng in the interrogation room was sitting in a wheelchair. His hands were not handcuffed, which was also what Meng Shaohui meant. He didn't believe that the old man with gray hair and inflexible legs would be the real culprit in the case. , so he just used the word "please" to bring Yang Haisheng to the interrogation room.

"Do you know Feng Yun?" Meng Shaohui didn't directly ask questions related to the murder case, but started asking questions from Feng Yun's topic. His purpose was very clear, which was to start with the details and find out all the doubts. "Yes, she is my ex-girlfriend." Yang Haisheng's answer was very calm. He was brought here from the police to the nursing home. During this period, he has been very calm. There is no superfluous expression on his old face, and his hands are casually resting on the armrest of the wheelchair, as if in an interrogation room. To him, it was no different from the nursing home, it was just a different place.

"Is Shen Hao the son of you and Feng Yun?" Meng Shaohui continued to ask. "Yes." When answering this question, Yang Haisheng's tone was a little more emotional and helpless. Meng Shaohui didn't ask about the following content, but Yang Haisheng explained it himself. Yang Haisheng was 44 years old when he met Feng Yun, and Feng Yun was in his twenties at that time. Although there is a 24-year age difference between them, for a man, at this age and with a successful career, he can show His mature charm is unparalleled, not to mention his appearance is also considered outstanding.He knew Feng Yun because of a car accident. That night, Yang Haisheng had just negotiated a business deal. After drinking some wine with his client, he accidentally knocked down Feng Yun who was riding a bicycle on the way home. Fortunately, the speed of the car was not counted. Too soon, Feng Yun was only slightly bruised and sprained his ankle, without saying a word, he immediately took Feng Yun to the hospital for an examination, and visited Feng Yun in the hospital every day, which can be said to be the prerequisite for their mutual love.

For Feng Yun, her parents died early, she came to work alone in a strange city, she didn't have many friends, and she was in her youth, and she was in her early years of love. It is also reasonable to be moved by Yang Haisheng's meticulous care. After being discharged from the hospital, Yang Haisheng and Feng Yun came together logically. Yang Haisheng also bought a two-bedroom house for Feng Yun, but he couldn't accompany Feng Yun every day because he already had a wife at that time, but But there is no relationship between him and his wife, because his wife was chosen for him by his parents. Back then, he was not as beautiful as he is now, so he didn't object, so he got married in a muddle-headed way, but because there was not much love before marriage. I understand that the life after marriage can only be regarded as making do with it, but fortunately his wife is quite virtuous.But ever since he met Feng Yun, he had a feeling of true love, just like all boys and girls, they fell in love passionately, and loved each other deeply, this was exactly the feeling he had been looking forward to in his life for a long time . Every time he went to find Feng Yun at night, he stayed for a whole day, and would reluctantly leave until late at night the next day. Feng Yun once asked him the reason, but he didn't tell him, and Feng Yun never asked again. , but he is very clear that women have always had a keen intuition when it comes to feelings. Feng Yun should already know that he has an unspeakable family background, but when the two are in love, no one wants to pierce the window paper first, because Once it is broken, the relationship between the two will also change. Although the relationship between the two has been maintained very well, the good times did not last long. Two years later, Yang Haisheng's business investment failed, the company went bankrupt, and he owed a lot of debts. In order not to implicate Feng Yun, he took the initiative to ask Feng Yun Yun proposed to break up, but he didn't expect Feng Qu to be pregnant with his own child at that time. He hoped that Feng Yun would abort the child, but Feng Yun refused. Give it to Feng Yun as a little compensation, and then take his wife to other places to avoid debts. After a few years, Yang Haisheng's business has picked up again. Although it is not as big as before, it can be regarded as comfortable. He once looked for Feng Yun. Of course, his purpose is not to continue with Feng Yun. Together again, I just want to meet his son who has never met, that is, Shen Hao. At this time, Shen Hao seemed to be full of longing for the meeting of this father whom he had never met, because when he was donating blood with his younger brother Shen Lang voluntarily, he found out that his blood type was different from that of his younger brother, and then asked his mother about the situation. Feng Yun didn't hide anything from him anymore, and told him all about his life experience. Under Feng Yun's arrangement, their father and son finally met for the first time in their lives in an extremely ordinary restaurant.But their father and son did not cry like they did in the film and television drama when they met each other. On the contrary, they seemed much calmer. Perhaps it was because they had never met each other before, and the first meeting was a bit unfamiliar. After Yang Haisheng and Shen Hao's father and son recognized each other, Feng Yun never saw Yang Haisheng again. After all, so many years have passed, and the feelings of those years have long since disappeared. For Feng Yun, her current family is all she has.Of course, Feng Yun did not interfere with the communication between Shen Hao and Yang Haisheng. Later, Yang Haisheng took his wife and children to travel together. What he never expected was that when he boarded the tourist bus, he saw Feng Yun and her current husband and son at a glance, and Feng Yun also saw him. But in order to avoid the embarrassment of the two families, they tacitly pretended not to know each other.But I didn't expect that this was the last time Yang Haisheng saw Feng Yun. The bus encountered a car accident on the way. His wife, child, and Feng Yun's family were all killed in the car accident. Although he himself saved his life, his legs were damaged. Paralyzed. "It was a car accident that made me meet Feng Yun, and it was also a car accident that separated me from her. Fate always likes to play tricks on people like this!" Yang Haisheng couldn't help crying when he recalled the past, and the tears rolled down his wrinkled face. "It can be seen that you really love Feng Yun." Meng Shaohui handed over a tissue, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have donated money to treat Feng Yun's son Shen Lang." "This is the only thing I can do for her as a living person." "What about Shen Hao?" Meng Shaohui suddenly changed the topic and formally brought the conversation to the real topic.Facing this question, Yang Haisheng was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent.
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