Home Categories detective reasoning Case Tracking

Chapter 13 Chapter 12 Strange Attack

Case Tracking 九木 5700Words 2018-03-15
Through the investigation of Hu Zhendong's colleagues, it was indeed confirmed that he was having a party with his colleagues in a bar when Wei Qiuyuan was killed, and there was no possibility of committing a crime. Hu Zhendong's alibi was confirmed. On the one hand, it means that the possibility of him killing Wei Qiuyuan can be ruled out, but on the other hand, it means that the investigation of the case has returned to the original point, and the efforts of the past few days have once again been in vain. Although Wei Qiuyuan has a very perfect alibi, in Meng Shaohui's heart, he does not dispel his suspicions. The main reason is his calm attitude when facing the truth about the death of his biological parents, regardless of whether Wang Youcai's guess is true or not. If it is an ordinary person, after learning that there is something hidden about the death of his parents, he must be very surprised and excited, but Hu Zhendong was only a little surprised, and he quickly became very calm, and he was able to calmly respond to the interrogation. Analysis and rebuttal, these seem to be contrary to common sense. If it is not because his parents have left him for too long, the relationship has faded, or he has already known the truth of the matter in advance, but even so, he should still pretend to be completely innocent. I don't know the surprised expression, but he didn't have it at all. Could it be because of that perfect alibi that made him feel confident?

It is undeniable that Hu Zhendong's alibi was indeed perfect. He won the lawsuit on the day of the crime, and then he had a party with his colleagues to celebrate at night, so that he had a colleague's certificate, a barman's certificate, and a taxi driver's certificate. Everything was fabricated by him, and it must not be so perfect.However, Meng Shaohui seems to have some problems with this perfection. He always feels that all this is arranged in advance. The proof of his colleagues is unquestionable. The main doubts are concentrated on the bar waiters and taxi drivers. body.

According to the bartender, the reason why he remembered that Hu Zhendong came to the bar at the time of the incident was because Hu Zhendong gave him a tip of two hundred yuan that night. Indeed, the bar was dimly lit and there were many customers every night. Not a regular customer of the bar, and what happened ten days ago, if nothing special happened, I believe the waiter would never remember it so clearly.The reason why the taxi driver remembered that he drove Hu Zhendong that night was because he asked the driver for a small ticket when he got off the bus. At the same time, he accidentally dropped his wallet on the taxi. The contact information found the driver through the rental company, and thus retrieved the wallet, and the driver also had a deep impression on him. Hu Zhendong said that he wanted a small ticket because the company could reimburse him. However, the behavior of losing the wallet made Meng Shaohui feel that it was too coincidental .

If you combine the two points of waiter and taxi driver, Hu Zhendong's behavior is very ordinary in normal times, but now because these incidents happen to happen at the time when Wei Qiuyuan was killed, Meng Shaohui feels like It was deliberately arranged so that people would remember him and let more people who had nothing to do with him do alibi for him. As a lawyer, he must know the importance of alibi in a case. However, all of this is speculation, and there is no actual evidence to support it. Although there is a clue of bloody shoe prints, it can only prove the murderer's gender and some vague external characteristics, and it cannot prove that the bloody shoe prints were left by Hu Zhendong.What's more, at the time of the crime, Hu Zhendong did have an alibi. If he was the murderer, how did he go to Sparrow Village to commit the murder?Could it be that he can fly?Or maybe he paid for murder?

Although buying murder can explain why Hu Zhendong has a perfect alibi, there is a problem, that is, the time of Wei Qiuyuan's death. At that time, the door of Wei Qiuyuan's house did not show any signs of being pried. It was in the living room, and there was no trace of a struggle at the scene. All the signs are enough to prove that the murderer is an acquaintance. Could it be that the murderer Hu Zhendong is looking for is someone from the village?Even if it was, why did the villagers agree to help him kill Wei Qiuyuan?They treated Wei Qiuyuan as a reborn parent, how could they kill him?Without knowing Wei Qiuyuan's will, if he were to kill him, if he gave all the inheritance to his children, it would be tantamount to cutting off the villagers' income. I believe that none of them would be so stupid!

"A will...could it be a will?" Meng Shaohui suddenly had this thought in his mind, "Hu Zhendong already knew the content of Wei Qiuyuan's will before, so he used it as a bait to ask a certain villager to help him kill Wei Qiuyuan, and then killed him In this way, the village owns 90% of the shares of the mahjong factory (the other 10% is in the hands of Feng Yao), but the benefits belong to the whole village and cannot be owned by individuals. Is everyone willing to become a murder tool for the common interests of all people? Of course, there is another premise that Hu Zhendong announced the truth about the cancer in the villagers back then, so that the villagers not only killed for profit, but also for revenge. But according to Wang Youcai, the He never told anyone the secret, so how did Hu Zhendong know the truth about the cancer in the villagers back then? If he didn’t know the truth, then he couldn’t have the motive to commit the murder, and the theory of revenge is simply not valid.”

Hu Zhendong's clue made Meng Shaohui see the dawn of solving the case, but with his perfect alibi, the case undoubtedly plunged into darkness again after the brief dawn. But at this time, the police officer in charge of protecting Wei Xiluo in Sparrow Village called and said that Wei Xiluo had been attacked and suffered a head injury. Fortunately, he was discovered in time and his life was not in danger. Although he was glad that no one died, But the news made Meng Shaohui so angry that he almost smashed the phone. When Meng Shaohui arrived at Sparrow Village, it was already past 3 o'clock in the morning. When he got out of the car, he saw the police officer in charge of protecting Wei Xiluo, and immediately became furious.

"What's going on? Didn't you ask you to protect him? Why did something happen? What are you doing? Fortunately, he didn't die. What if he died?" Meng Shaohui reprimanded. "Captain Meng, I'm sorry, we don't know when Wei Xiluo left home." One of the police officers replied aggrievedly. "what's going on?" "We don't know the specific situation. We have been staying at Wei Xiluo's house all the time. At 10:30 in the evening, he said he was sleepy, so he went back to his room and went to sleep. But after 11:00, he yelled He ran back from the outside with help, and his face was covered with blood, we were all stunned at that time, because we never saw him leave the house, but we didn't ask carefully when we saw that situation, and quickly called the emergency number."

"Where is Wei Xiluo now?" "In the bedroom, the ambulance personnel just arrived not long ago. They said that his head was broken by a hard object. They originally wanted to take Wei Xiluo back to the hospital for treatment, but he refused to leave anyway, so the ambulance personnel had to treat him in the bedroom. For treatment, fortunately, the wound is not too deep, and the bleeding has stopped, so it should be fine after bandaging and resting." After listening to the police officer's report, Meng Shaohui didn't blame them any more. Obviously, it wasn't their negligence this time, but Wei Qiuyuan deliberately avoided the police's sight. Judging from his behavior, there must be some special reason.

Wei Xiluo's injury was not serious, and he didn't need stitches. The ambulance personnel just disinfected and bandaged the wound on his head, told him to rest more, and then left. "Why did you sneak out of the house, avoiding the police guarding you?" Facing Wei Xiluo whose head was wrapped in gauze, Meng Shaohui asked unceremoniously. "I received a text message. The other party said that he knew the secret of 'Birds Returning to Nest' and told me to go to the main hall of the Bird Temple at 11 o'clock in the evening, and not to tell other people, and to get rid of the police protecting me." Wei Xi Luo handed the phone to Meng Shaohui weakly.

Sure enough, the content of the text message was consistent with what Meng Shaohui had guessed before. Judging from the content, it was indeed very tempting to the Wei brothers. "Have you confirmed the identity of the other party?" "I replied to the text message, but the other party didn't say anything, only said that I will know when I arrive at night." "You didn't confirm the identity of the other party, and you didn't confirm the authenticity of the matter. You just went there rashly. Have you considered the consequences?" "Go and see, there's nothing wrong with it! If it's fake, it's like being played by someone, and a piece of meat is indispensable, but if it's true, then I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life." "Then you know now that you have been tricked! And you are not only missing a piece of meat, you almost died, you know?" Meng Shaohui reprimanded seriously, "Have you seen the appearance of the murderer who attacked you?" "I didn't see it. I went to the main hall of the Sparrow Temple. I waited for a long time and didn't see anyone. I thought maybe I was tricked by someone, but I can't think of anyone who can use this to trick me, only mine. My younger brother Beigui, because besides him, there is no other person who would boringly use this kind of thing to make me happy, so I planned to leave and come back to settle accounts with Beigui, but who would have thought that when I turned around and was about to leave, I was caught Hitting the back of the head with something, I thought I was being robbed, so I instinctively turned around and pushed the other person, and then ran away." "Then you didn't see the other person's appearance when you pushed him?" "No, it was so dark at the time, and my head had already been smashed, so I didn't have the heart to take a closer look at it, so I just wanted to run as fast as possible, saving my life is the most important thing!" "From the time you arrived in the lobby of the Sparrow Temple until you were attacked, how long was the period?" "About 5 minutes or so!" "Then you push away the other party, can you tell whether the other party is a man or a woman?" "I couldn't judge, I just instinctively turned around and pushed the other party, and then ran away." "Then the other party didn't chase you?" "I don't know. I was just running for my life. Why would I look back to see if the other party came after me? Of course, I can run as fast as I can!" Wei Xiluo said impatiently, "Officer, if it's a You, in that kind of dark situation, was suddenly smashed in the back from the back, would you pay so much attention?" "Then do you think it was your younger brother Wei Beigui who attacked you? He wanted to steal your father's inheritance, so he did this to you." "Of course not. We are blood brothers. We will definitely not make such serious troubles because of the inheritance. You must know that whether it is me or he who gets the inheritance, it is beneficial to both parties." "Then who would know that you wanted to find the secret of 'Bird Homing', and use this bait to lure you to the Temple of the Sparrow, and then commit murder?" "Everyone in this village knows that we are looking for the secret of 'birds returning to their nests', and it is very likely that one of them did it, because if we find the secret of 'birds returning to their nests' within a year, then the mahjong factory will We can share 40% of the shares, plus 10% in the hands of my mother. The interests between us and the villagers are divided equally, but if we all die, then all the shares of the mahjong factory will belong to the village, and the villagers will I will get the greatest benefit, it must be because of this reason, so someone wants to kill me, it must be." Wei Xiluo analyzed clearly. "Apart from this, do you have no enemies yourself?" "Nonsense, what kind of enemies can I have? I admit that I like to gamble. I have lost everything in my family and owed usury, but I don't have any enemies. I usually spend all my time at the poker table. How can I have any enemies?" What about time and people? The only person who has a grudge is the loan shark, but now that the old guy in the family is dead, I have a chance to inherit the inheritance, and they are not so urgent. What's more, if they kill me, they will not benefit at all. If they don't get it, they won't be so stupid!" "I don't see that you know how to analyze. Let's rest first! The forensic doctor will come to examine your injuries in a while. In addition, please temporarily hand over your mobile phone to the police, because we want to investigate the mobile phone number you called. " After Meng Shaohui dropped the last sentence, he turned around and left, because Wei Xiluo had already made his attitude clear, and he just didn't want to provide any clues. Since he is now a victim, not a suspect, there is no evidence to prove that he participated in several incidents. A murder case, so the questioning of him can only be done in moderation. Although Wei Xiluo didn't say any clues that would help solve the case, there were many loopholes in his words. The most obvious one was that when he pushed the murderer away, he couldn't see the face of the murderer clearly, and whether it was a man or a woman It's impossible to judge, if it's because it's dark and can't see clearly, then he has been there for a full five minutes, and these five minutes are enough for his eyes to adapt to the darkness, then he turned around and pushed the murderer away. In an instant, even if he couldn't see the murderer's appearance clearly, he could at least tell the gender.It can be seen from this that it is not that he has not seen the murderer, but that he probably knows the true identity of the murderer. The reason why he concealed the identity of the murderer is that he not only knows the murderer, but also has some kind of relationship with the murderer, or that this case He and the murderer made up and derived it himself. Instead of continuing to have meaningless questions with him, it would be more practical to go to the scene of the crime in person. The Temple of the Bird God was brightly lit at this time, and the police officers investigating the scene were earnestly searching for items that might become the key to solving the case. "Meng team, there is blood on this brick, it should be the murder weapon used by the murderer to attack the victim." Meng Shaohui took the evidence bag and saw half a blood-stained brick inside. "Take it back immediately for examination by the forensic department." Except for half of the blood-stained bricks, no dripping blood was found along the way at the scene. In addition, Wei Xiluo was not dead this time, but only injured and not fatal, so the murderer was not at the scene either. Leaves a clearly defined shoe print. But it was because of such a result that Meng Shaohui became more suspicious of Wei Xiluo's attack this time. Although in the homicide cases of Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan, the murderer took their mobile phones, it is impossible to know how the murderer led them to the Bird Temple, and the murderer of the two murder cases and the case of Wei Xiluo's attack this time The mobile phone numbers used are completely different, but because the clues about the mobile phone have not been disclosed to anyone before, the content of the text message Wei Xiluo received before the attack and the location where he was last attacked Meng Shaohui believed that the murderer who attacked him was probably the same murderer who killed Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan, otherwise the methods used could not be exactly the same.But the strange thing is that this time the murderer didn't kill the killer, and even the murder weapon he chose was completely different. The most fundamental point is that the murderer's entire murder process this time seemed very random, unlike the previous two cases. Just as carefully planned. Judging from the shoe prints left at the scene of the previous two murders, the murderer should be a woman, so in terms of strength, she is definitely not as powerful as Wei Dongsheng, so in order to ensure that there are no accidents during the murder, she deliberately put Wei Dongsheng In the study room, Wei Dongsheng was held down by the overturned bookshelf, and then the aorta in his neck was cut with a knife, causing him to die.In the second case, Wei Yannan was also a woman, so the murderer did not repeat the method of knocking down the bookshelf, but just led Wei Yannan to the study, and then killed him when he was not prepared.The crime scenes of the two murders were both in the study room. It is believed that the murderer took a fancy to the bookshelves in the study room and used the cover of the bookshelves to hide in them, waiting for an opportunity to kill. But this time when he attacked Wei Xiluo, why was the murderer so careless?Leading Wei Xiluo to the main hall of the Sparrow Temple was the first carelessness, because the main hall of the Sparrow Temple is said to be a main hall, but it can only be regarded as a dilapidated ancestral hall enshrining a statue of an unknown person. If you really want to say big, this hall is really not as big as the study rooms on both sides of the yard. Apart from statues and altars, there is nothing else in this hall. If the murderer chooses this place to commit murder, the first thing to solve is the hiding place in advance. If you are hiding behind the statue, it will be extremely inconvenient to climb up and down the platform where the statue is placed. Another general point is the method of murder. In the previous two cases, the murderer's method of attack will be different according to different people, but the purpose is only one, which is to kill them. But this time, the murderer His method of attack seemed a lot stupider. Using half a brick to slap Wei Xiluo on the back of the head was a bit too casual. Judging by the strength of a woman, it would be very difficult to knock Wei Xiluo to death, let alone knock him unconscious. If the murderer wanted to incapacitate Wei Xiluo before killing Wei Dongsheng, then the method of hitting the back of the head with a brick would undoubtedly not work. From this point of view, there are only two possibilities for the murderer to attack Wei Xiluo. One is that the murderer has already gained confidence in killing himself through the two previous cases, so he did not plan the murder as carefully as before, which made Wei Xiluo He escaped by luck, but it seemed impossible for the murderer to try to kill Wei Xiluo next time.The second is that the murderer never thought of killing Wei Xiluo, but why did he do it?The reasonable explanation is that the murderer and Wei Xiluo should know each other, and there is only one purpose for doing this, which is to stage a "bitter trick" in full view.If Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan were killed, but Wei Xiluo was not killed, then the police might suspect that the two previous cases were caused by family members fighting for inheritance. You must know that Wei Dongsheng, Wei Yannan and Wei Xiluo Xiluo and Wei Beigui are half-brothers. I believe that no matter which one gets the inheritance in the end, it will not be cheaper for the other. So killing only Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan will inevitably make the police focus on the other two brothers. . Of these two possibilities, Meng Shaohui agrees more with the second one, because according to what Wei Xiluo said, he turned around and pushed the murderer, but he couldn't even provide any clues about the murderer. If it was too dark to see clearly It would be too far-fetched to explain. After all, he had been in the hall for five minutes before being attacked. These five minutes were enough for his eyes to adapt to the darkness. At least the gender of the murderer can be clearly distinguished, but he used the excuse of not knowing everything about the murderer, which inevitably made Meng Shaohui suspicious of him. If he and the murderer co-directed the attack , It can only be said that this is lifting a rock to shoot oneself in the foot, cleverness is mistaken by cleverness.
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