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Chapter 11 Chapter Ten: The First Seven Murder Cases

Case Tracking 九木 4400Words 2018-03-15
Through the conversation with Wang Youcai, Meng Shaohui's understanding of Sparrow Village was further deepened, and at the same time, it was affirmed that people should not just look at the surface. The previous investigation work was due to Wei Qiuyuan's hypocrisy in front of the villagers, so no clues could be found. Now, the murder of Hu Liang and the whereabouts of his son Hu Zhendong, the emergence of these two clues, Undoubtedly, the investigation of the case has a new direction and doubts. But although Hu Zhendong is suspected in Wei Qiuyuan's murder case, what about Wei Dongsheng's murder case?If it wasn't Wei Yannan or Feng Yao who committed the crime for inheritance, then who would it be?What was her motive for the murder?Could it be that her family members also died of cancer because of exposure to radioactive luminous stones, so she wanted to kill Wei Qiuyuan's family members for revenge?

Although it is reasonable, there seems to be a problem. If Wei Dongsheng was killed because his family members also died from the radioactivity of the luminous stone, why did he wait so many years before committing the crime?And how did she know that the radioactive luminous stone was the culprit that caused the villagers to die of cancer?Only Hu Liang and Wang Youcai knew about it back then, and after Hu Liang's death, Wang Youcai never mentioned it to outsiders due to personal reasons. Could it be that Hu Zhendong hired an accomplice to intentionally disrupt the police investigation? Or there is another hypothesis, that is, although Wei Qiuyuan and Wei Dongsheng are father and son, it is very likely that their murders are not directly related, and the two murderers, a man and a woman, may not know each other at all.If the killing of Wei Qiuyuan was done by Hu Zhendong to avenge his parents, then could Wei Dongsheng's case be another "article" made by another mysterious murderer who took advantage of Wei Qiuyuan's death?But what was the motive for the murder?For legacy?Or is there some other purpose?

Wei Dongsheng's murder case seems to be more complicated than Wei Qiuyuan's murder case at this stage. In desperation, Meng Shaohui can only choose to "break down one by one", starting with Wei Qiuyuan's murder case with new clues, and in-depth investigation of the missing person. Hu Zhendong, his intuition told him that finding Hu Zhendong would definitely help solve the case. Although the place where the orphanage was located back then has already changed its appearance from the old to a new one, but because the vicinity belongs to the old city, there are still many nostalgic old residents living there. It is entirely possible to learn about the situation of the orphanage through them.

Just when the police's investigation into the orphanage had some clues, the murder happened again. This time, Wei Qiuyuan's second daughter, Wei Yannan, was murdered, and on the day she was killed, it happened to be Wei Qiuyuan's "first seven". The place where Wei Yannan was killed was at the door of the study on the left side of the Que Temple. When Meng Shaohui arrived at the scene, the body had already been removed. According to the conclusion of the preliminary forensic autopsy, Wei Yannan was killed between 11:00 and 12:00 midnight. The cause of death was that he was repeatedly stabbed into the heart by a sharp weapon, resulting in a rupture of the heart and excessive blood loss in the heart artery. No murder weapon was found at the scene, and there was no trace of a fight.

In addition, a group of bloody shoe prints were also found near the corpse. Judging from the size and texture, it seems to be consistent with the shoe prints left at the scene of Wei Dongsheng's case, but the specific situation needs further inspection. However, the forensic doctor confirmed one point through the bloody shoe prints, because judging from the situation at the scene, the murderer should have attacked Wei Yannan with a sharp weapon from the front. In this case, when the murderer pulled out the murder weapon, the blood splashed outwards , instead of flowing downward slowly, that is to say, most of the blood should be splashed directly on the murderer who was standing face to face with Wei Yannan. It was only a very small amount, and it was impossible to leave such clear shoe prints on the scene. However, the murderer's soles were stained with blood. That is to say, the murderer did not leave the scene immediately after killing Wei Yannan, but He stood beside Wei Yannan who fell to the ground, and did not leave until it was confirmed that she was really dead. It can be seen that the murderer was very calm at the time, and he was not worried about being seen at all.

In addition, this murder case is consistent with Wei Dongsheng's murder case, that is, Wei Yannan's mobile phone also disappeared, and it was turned off when he called back. Outside the scene of the crime, Meng Shaohui found Wei Yannan's husband Huang Lei who was being questioned by the police, but he didn't see any sadness on his face, instead, it was a kind of impatience. "Officer, have you finished your question? Can I go?" Huang Lei asked impatiently. "What's the rush? Did you do something wrong?" Meng Shaohui walked up to Huang Lei and glared at him.

"Officer, what do you mean by that? Do you suspect that I killed Yannan? She is my wife, why should I kill her?" Huang Lei frowned and asked in displeasure. "That's not necessarily true. Before the case is solved, any possibility exists." Meng Shaohui ignored Huang Lei, and while talking, he took the previous interrogation transcript from the police officer and looked through it, "Your wife died. Are you not sad at all?" "Sad? She doesn't deserve my sadness for her." Huang Lei said disdainfully. "From your tone, isn't your husband and wife relationship very good?"

"Anyway, everyone is dead, and I'm not afraid to say it frankly. Yes, our husband and wife relationship is not good. After my business failed, and she is fond of gambling, the family has long been impoverished. We can survive until now, all thanks to Her dad, that's our ATM! Originally, I thought her dad died, so I could get some inheritance, not to mention more, at least I had the money to start my business again, but I didn't expect that old guy to die Even if they don’t share the inheritance directly, they even put forward such a strange request. I’ve also asked the villagers about the “Bird Homing” thing, but no one knows what it is, and no one knows whether it exists or not. It was there before. Forget about the cash machine, the old guy. I have nothing now, and I have to spend a year looking for something that I don’t even know exists. She can wait, but I can’t wait. I respect the old guy, and I plan to wait. I divorced Wei Yannan in the first seven days, and now it's a good thing, and the divorce is saved." Huang Lei spread his hands and said.

"Then where were you between 11:00 and 12:00 last night? Wasn't Wei Yannan with you?" "If she hadn't said that last night was the old guy's first seven, and wanted me to come back to accompany her, I would have come back lazily! Where else could I be at that time, of course I would be sleeping at home! And she! She came back last night However, it seemed to be after ten o'clock. I just lay down at that time, and she left after a while, but I don't know when she left, because I was already asleep in a daze at that time, just vaguely listening to her. I heard the sound of opening and closing the door, but last night was the first seven of the old guy. I think maybe she came back to get something and then went to watch the spirit again, so I didn’t care. If a villager came to me this morning and said she was dead, I really don't know about this!"

"Okay, you can go, we will come to you again if there is anything." Meng Shaohui didn't want to ask any more questions, he just felt disgusted facing such a cold and heartless person. "Judging from the circumstances of Wei Yannan's murder and the disappearance of his mobile phone after the murder, the method seems to be exactly the same as that of killing Wei Dongsheng before." Meng Shaohui looked around the scene and thought, "This should be a serial murder case. Wei Yannan's suspicion is unfounded, so will the murderer's next target be Wei Xiluo and Wei Beigui? If so, then the suspicion about Feng Yao is also unfounded. It seems that it is necessary to take certain protective measures against them. "

The mourning hall in Wei Qiuyuan's home is quite simple. There is a black and white elegiac couplet hanging at the entrance of the hall. On the square table in the middle of the hall is a black and white photo of Wei Qiuyuan. In front of the photo are some cold meals. A burnt black washbasin was full of ashes from burning paper money. Feng Yao was sitting on the chair beside her, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked very haggard, while her two sons were leaning on the chair opposite her with their eyes closed. After hearing Meng Shaohui's footsteps entering the room, they came opened his eyes. "Officer, did you find out who killed Yannan?" Feng Yaoqiang cheered up and stood up from the chair, asking. "Not yet." Meng Shaohui shook his head. Hearing this, Feng Yao knelt down in front of Wei Qiuyuan's spiritual tablet with a "plop", and tears welled up in her eyes. "Old man, I'm sorry! I failed to take good care of Dongsheng and Yannan for you!" Feng Yao cried. Seeing this, Wei Xiluo and Wei Beigui hurried forward to help Feng Yao. "Mom, their death is not your fault, it has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself like this, pay attention to your body!" Wei Xiluo comforted. "That's right, brother is right. Besides, they are not your own anyway. It's clear when they die, and there are fewer people to fight with us for inheritance." Wei Beigui said bluntly. As soon as Wei Beigui finished speaking, there was a "slap", and Feng Yao slapped him heavily across the face. "Mom!" Wei Xiluo exclaimed in shock. "Immediately kneel before your father's spirit and kowtow to admit my mistake." Feng Yao roared with wide eyes. "I'm not wrong, so why admit it?" Wei Beigui said reluctantly, covering his reddened cheeks. "You!" Feng Yao raised her hand again. "Beigui, just keep your mouth shut! Don't you think Mom is not annoying enough? Mom told you to kowtow to admit your mistake, so just go and kowtow to admit your mistake. What if you lose a piece of meat!" Wei Xiluo pulled While holding the raised hand of the mother, she was also persuading the younger brother. "Okay, I admit my mistake." Wei Beigui reluctantly knelt in front of Wei Qiuyuan's spiritual tablet, and kowtowed three times hastily, "Dad, I was wrong. My son is young and ignorant. Your elders don't count the faults of villains." Meng Shaohui didn't say a word, just stood aside and watched what happened with cold eyes. This was their family matter, and it was inconvenient for outsiders to intervene.However, Meng Shaohui agrees with what Wei Beigui said just now, "fewer people will compete with us for inheritance".The death of Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan is undoubtedly a good thing for the three people present. After all, they are just half brothers. Now that Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan are dead, it is undoubtedly for the Wei family. The members of the group have come to an end in the competition for inheritance. As for whether they can unlock the secret of "Bird Homing" and get the inheritance, that's another matter. After Wei Bei got up, Meng Shaohui coughed a few times, which brought the farce to an end. "Officer, I'm sorry to make you laugh." Feng Yao said awkwardly. "No, no, I think what he said just now is quite reasonable." Meng Shaohui looked towards Wei Beigui, "After Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan died, there are indeed fewer people to fight with you for inheritance." "What do you mean by that? Do you want to say that I killed the person?" Wei Beigui stared at me angrily and asked. "Officer, what my younger brother said just now was just casually. How dare we kill people? Even if you lend us ten guts, we wouldn't dare! Besides, even if we kill them, we may not get the inheritance. We still have to solve the secret of 'birds returning to their nests', but we still don't have a clue about it. Do you think it's meaningful for us to kill them? On the contrary, they are still alive, and three cobblers are worth a Zhuge Liang However, the large number of people will certainly be helpful to find the secret of 'birds returning to their nests'." Wei Xiluo argued logically, "What's more, last night was my father's first seven days. The three of us have been staying here in the mourning hall. Why? Could it kill someone?" "Is that so?" Meng Shaohui glanced suspiciously at the three people. "Yes, officer." Feng Yao nodded. Although he was affirmed by Feng Yao, Meng Shaohui still couldn't dispel his doubts about the three people in front of him, but he knew that there would be no results if he continued to ask, so there was no need to entangle in this issue. "Last night was Wei Qiuyuan's first seven, so Wei Yannan wasn't with you?" Meng Shaohui asked. "We were together originally, but after ten o'clock, Yannan said he was sleepy, so he went home to sleep first." "Then do you know what enemies Wei Yannan has? Or do Wei Yannan and Wei Dongsheng have any common enemies?" Meng Shaohui asked a new question, but it was estimated that this question was for nothing. Sure enough, after a moment of silence, the three of them shook their heads one after another. "Officer, do you suspect that the old man, Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan were killed by the same murderer?" Feng Yao asked. "I can only say that this possibility is not ruled out for the time being." Meng Shaohui replied, "In addition, I suspect that the murderer is likely to target everyone in this family, so I hope you can leave here. Before, the police would arrange a relatively safe place for you to live in." "What? For all of us?" Wei Xiluo said in surprise, "Impossible! Police officer, the old man has stayed in the village all these years, while our brothers have all lived in the city. Who has he offended? We have nothing to do with it! There is no need to kill us at all!" "That is, although we are a family, we are half-brothers with the elder brother and the second sister. The murderer killed the old man and killed the elder brother and the second sister, but it doesn't mean that he will kill us! What's more, the old man wrote in the suicide note. Clearly, if you leave the village, it will be regarded as automatically giving up the right to inherit the inheritance. If you let us leave, does that mean you gave us the inheritance?" Wei Beigui also rejected my offer. "I'm also thinking about your safety. Is money more important than life to you?" Meng Shaohui asked. "Officer, don't we know what's going on with us? The old man and the elder brother and the second sister offended someone and caused their death. It has nothing to do with our brothers. They are them and we are us. What's more, we are now It's not a prisoner, you can't force us to leave here." Wei Beigui said arrogantly. "I agree with my brother, we won't leave here, and now we don't have any clue about 'Bird Homing', we won't leave the village even one step." Since the parties disagreed, Meng Shaohui had no way to force them to leave. He could only arrange a few police officers to protect them in the village. I hope the murderer really only targeted Wei Qiuyuan, Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan.
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