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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 The Uninvited Guest

Case Tracking 九木 2954Words 2018-03-15
The investigation of Wei Dongsheng's interpersonal relationship can be said to be full of problems. The friends he made during his lifetime can be described as "foul friends and dog friends", because they are all gamblers at the poker table. Some of them were loan sharks, but none of them had the motive of committing the crime. Although loan sharks often trouble Wei Dongsheng because they cannot receive money, they are the last thing they want him to die, and when Wei Dongsheng returned to Sparrow Village, he once told them that he was going to inherit the inheritance. Once the inheritance is obtained, the money will be returned to them, but who would have thought that he would never return after leaving.

As for the investigation of the number that Wei Dongsheng called into his mobile phone before he was killed, according to the dealer, he gave the number to some small retail stores for sale, and according to the memory of the owner of one of the small retail stores, at the time of the crime One night in the first three days, someone once bought a phone card, but because the door was about to close at that time, the person who came did not choose a number, nor asked him to help activate it. He just took a phone card and left the money. In addition, the man was wearing a hat with the brim pressed down very low, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could tell it was a woman from his voice, and he didn't pay much attention to the rest of the features.

Through the investigation of the mobile phone number, it was confirmed that the person who bought the phone card was a woman. From the perspective of gender, it was consistent with the conclusion of the bloody shoe prints at the crime scene given by the forensic doctor. However, this also made Wei Dongsheng's case and The case of his father, Wei Qiuyuan, had a fundamental disagreement. In the two murder cases, the suspects of a man and a woman, although the dead are father and son, but it is temporarily unknown whether the two murders are related, and it is not known whether the suspects of a man and a woman belong to a gang. What is the motive?In short, the mysteries that have emerged in the case so far are like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

"Could it be that there was a problem with my previous thinking?" Meng Shaohui self-examined in his heart, "First of all, what is the murderer's motive for killing Wei Qiuyuan? Wei Qiuyuan spent most of his time in Sparrow Village, which can be found in his network. Except for the villagers in the village, they are the clients in business, and there is no one who would have any enmity with him. If it is said that the villagers learned about the content of his will in advance, they were murdered for the inheritance, It seems possible on the surface, but it is not practical at all. The will was made in a law firm, and the possibility of leakage is very small, and it is even more impossible for him to leak it. Besides, even if it is true that the villagers killed people for the will , and there is no need to be so ruthless. If it is just to cover up the real motive of killing, wouldn't it be more straightforward to disguise the scene as robbery? And it seems unlikely that his four children killed for the will. As long as they know the content of the will, but if they know that the content of the will is not good for them at all, it is not worth the loss if they can't find the secret of "birds returning to their nests" in the end if they are so reckless? Even if they One of the four children in his family already knew the secret of "Bird's Return to Nest", so he killed him on the premise that he was sure of getting the inheritance, and then waited for the time to pretend to have solved the secret of "Bird's Return to Nest" and came out to inherit the inheritance , then it will inevitably attract the attention of the police, and doing so is just a stupid act that does not call itself."

For a while, it seemed that all the previous investigations were in vain, and it was impossible to find any suspicious persons who matched the motive of the murder. Afterwards, Meng Shaohui turned his attention to Wei Dongsheng's murder. Wei Dongsheng's death did come quite suddenly. His father's murder case was still under investigation, and when the investigation focused on the vendetta and the suspect being a man, Wei Dongsheng's murder case suddenly took a 180-degree turn. The most important change is the gender of the suspect, followed by the motive of the murder.Although Wei Dongsheng is fond of gambling, he has not cheated emotionally, and his relationship with his wife is still good, so the possibility of love murder has been ruled out.As for robbery, I believe it is unlikely. Although he apparently has a store specializing in mahjong supplies and is also one of the owners, he actually doesn't have a penny in his pocket. Of course, most of the money is lost at the gambling table. If there are robbers who really like such a person, it can only be said that the robbers have really bad eyesight, and they ran all the way to such a small village to kill a man in his pocket. People who have less money than themselves.But loan sharking is even more impossible. Killing Wei Dongsheng would only be worth the loss. They would not do such a stupid thing. Even if they wanted to kill them, they would wait at least a year to see if Wei Dongsheng could get the inheritance. Earn some interest money.Excluding love killings and robbery killings, only vendetta killings are the most likely, but what kind of woman would have such a great hatred for Wei Dongsheng that she wanted to kill him?For love?This possibility has been ruled out before, so besides feelings, what is the reason?

Suddenly two names flashed in Meng Shaohui's mind. Among the people under investigation at this stage, there were only two women who had the closest relationship with Wei Dongsheng. One was Wei Yannan and the other was Feng Yao. Could it be that they were fighting for inheritance?This is perhaps the biggest possibility so far. The same fibrous tissue as in Wei Dongsheng's nails was found on the upward side of the fallen bookshelf at the crime scene, which means that the murderer was hiding behind the bookshelf at the time. According to the list of calls to Wei Dongsheng's mobile phone, the strange The number of Wei Dongsheng was called in during the time period when Wei Dongsheng was killed. That is to say, it is very likely that the murderer first used a text message to lure Wei Dongsheng to one of the bookshelves in the study, and then called his mobile phone to distract him, and then took the opportunity. Push down the bookshelf, hold him down, and finally kill him.From this we can see two points. The first is that the murderer planned to kill people, and this plan can be said to be perfect; The method of pressing it down with a bookshelf ensures that the murder process is foolproof.

This guess seems reasonable, but there are also some problems.If Wei Yannan or Feng Yao wanted to kill Wei Dongsheng, there was no need to lure Wei Dongsheng to the study of the Sparrow Temple, just go to Wei Dongsheng's home at night, because with their relationship, Wei Dongsheng would not take precautions at all.Then there is the motive for the murder. If it is for the inheritance, Wei Yannan would never have killed Wei Dongsheng, because they are brothers and sisters. I believe that no matter who finally unlocks the secret of "Birds Returning to the Nest" and gets the inheritance, it will be beneficial to both parties. It is beneficial, not to mention the current situation, one more person is naturally more strength, I believe Wei Yannan does not want to see Wei Dongsheng's death.As for Wei Xiluo and Wei Beigui, although they are half-brothers with Wei Dongsheng and Wei Yannan, and it is indeed possible to kill Wei Dongsheng for inheritance, their gender is not the same as the bloody shoe marks left at the scene of the crime. It matches, could it be their mother Feng Yao?If she wants to kill Wei Dongsheng, her motivation is nothing more than not wanting him to get an inheritance, but in this case, there is no need to kill anyone. If she knows the secret of "Bird Homing", she can just tell the two children that it is not, and it will be done in a fair manner. Inheritance, why kill?

If neither Wei Yannan nor Feng Yao is the real murderer, but just a coincidence of gender and the real murderer, then who is the real murderer?The real murderer must be very familiar with the village and the Wei family, otherwise they would never have known that they had returned to the village, and the location of the murder was the most remote temple in the village. "But how did the murderer lure Wei Dongsheng to the Temple of Birds at such a late hour? Perhaps that strange mobile phone number is the key. If I were Wei Dongsheng, what reason would I have to go to that remote place at such a late hour? Where is the place?" Meng Shaohui frowned for a long time, thinking for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Could it be 'Bird Homing'? If the murderer sent a text message saying that he knew the secret of 'Bird Homing', and then asked Wei Dongsheng to go to the bird's nest at that time." The temple, this reason should be the most sufficient, and this reason should be the most attractive to Wei Dongsheng at this time."

If my guess is true, then the scope of the investigation can be narrowed down to Sparrow Village, and it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to commit crimes.Knowing that the people who Wei Dongsheng wanted to find "Bird Homing" were all in the village, originally only the Wei family knew the content of the will, but later the Wei brothers made a fuss in the village, so that the whole village knew the content of the will. That is to say, the villagers in the whole village may take advantage of Wei Dongsheng's eagerness to find out the secret of "Bird Homing" and get an inheritance, send text messages to lure him out, and then kill him.

Although it is just a guess, since there are possible suspicious points, we must investigate clearly. The next investigation can focus on all the villagers in Sparrow Village, and conduct a more rigorous investigation again. I believe that if the murderer is really in the village Here, the investigation would be much simpler. While the police were conducting a close investigation on the villagers, an unexpected visitor came to the police station early that morning. Through investigation, it was learned that the visitor was Wang Deshui, a small contractor at the construction site. He came to the police station without saying anything. It just said that his father must see the police officer in charge of Wei Qiuyuan's murder.

In the hospital, Meng Shaohui met Wang Youcai, Wang Deshui's father. He was in the terminal stage of cancer. He wore an oxygen mask on his thin and pale face, and a needle was inserted into his skinny arm. Constantly changing and beating.
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