Home Categories detective reasoning Case Tracking

Chapter 7 Chapter Six Case Analysis

Case Tracking 九木 4140Words 2018-03-15
Meng Shaohui did not continue to stay in Sparrow Village because he received a call from the investigator. Of course, he had a general understanding of the situation that needed to be investigated, and there was no need to stay in the village to waste time. After all, solving the murder case is the key now. . But before leaving, he still stopped by Wei Dongsheng's house, mainly because he was worried that they would argue with the villagers about the will again, but at this time only Wei Dongsheng was left alone in the living room smoking a stuffy cigarette. "Have they all left?" Meng Shaohui asked.

"Well, they all went back to their own home." Wei Dongsheng took a puff of cigarette and replied impatiently. "Aren't you going to make trouble anymore?" "If it's useful to make a fuss, we'll make a fuss to the end, but now that even your police have come forward to confirm that the will is true, what's there to make a fuss about?" Wei Dongsheng looked very helpless, "I really don't know what that old man thinks , People say that the fertilizer and water don't flow into other people's fields, but he can do it well, and take the initiative to pour the fertilizer and water into other people's fields, and there is nothing left."

"By the way, I forgot to ask just now, didn't you know the contents of your father's will at all beforehand?" "Nonsense, if we knew it, we wouldn't be as excited as we are now. If we knew the content of the will when he was alive, I would definitely force that old thing to rewrite it. The content written here is simply bullshit. Letting us spend a year looking for things that the old stuff has been using for decades is nothing but nonsense, not to mention that we are not allowed to leave the village within a year, so what is the difference between going to jail? If a year It’s okay to find it within the time limit, but if you can’t find it, then you have nothing?” Wei Dongsheng said angrily.

Compared with the ruthlessness of his children, Meng Shaohui felt that Wei Qiuyuan's will was written in a much more tactful way. Instead of handing over a large amount of inheritance to these unfilial prodigal sons, it would be more meaningful to give it to the villagers and donate it. . It was already evening when we returned to the police station. Meng Shaohui just stuffed his mouth with bread casually, and immediately summoned the investigators to the meeting room to listen to the investigation. First of all, the focus of the investigation is naturally Wei Qiuyuan's information, but unfortunately, no valuable clues have been found, and his interpersonal relationship is also very simple, mainly some merchants who buy his mahjong, and his relationship with these people His contacts are also limited to business. Other than that, he can be regarded as a relatively withdrawn person, without many friends. Unless there are special reasons, he basically stays in Sparrow Village and rarely goes out.And there was no animosity among those who did business with him.Their evaluation to Wei Qiuyuan is that the business is very solid, and there have been basically no problems in the cooperation over the years.

As for the information of Wei Qiuyuan's four children, there are really many questions, but all the key questions are concentrated on one word "money". The previous preliminary investigation already found that Wei Qiuyuan's four children were gamblers, but further investigation found that all four of them owed a huge amount of debt because of gambling, and all of them borrowed money from usury, the amount was as little as a dozen Ten thousand, and hundreds of thousands at most, among which Wei Dongsheng owed the most money, tens of thousands.Among them, an IOU of 200,000 yuan was written a week before the incident.

Moreover, Wei Dongsheng once showed off in front of his friends, saying that no matter how much money he borrowed, he would not be afraid, as long as Wei Qiuyuan died and the inheritance was obtained, and then he would definitely get the shares of the mahjong factory, let those villagers go to work, and lie down on their own. There is money to collect, not to mention paying off the debts owed, there will be enough money to squander the rest of your life. "No wonder those loan sharks are willing to lend them money. They must have taken a fancy to the fact that they have a rich father. Don't worry about them not paying back the money." Meng Shaohui said to himself.

"Oh, it's such a misfortune for the family to have such unfilial children!" "That's right, in today's society where money is paramount, any family affection or friendship is worthless in front of money!" "It's really sad! Fortunately, Wei Qiuyuan had the foresight to write such a will, otherwise, he would not know how his inheritance would be squandered by his four unfilial children!" "It doesn't matter to squander his inheritance. The most terrifying thing is the mahjong factory. It is not only Wei Qiuyuan's hard work, but also the main source of income for the villagers of Majong Village. If they really get the shares of the mahjong factory, do you think they will do it? Do you work? In the end, it’s not the villagers who do the work, and they count the money, so tell Wei Dongsheng the truth, and you’ll get the money when you’re lying down.”

"It's no wonder they, as the saying goes, if the son doesn't teach, it's the father's fault. In this situation, Wei Qiuyuan has his own problems. As the saying goes, a slap can't be slapped." "Yes, although the content of the will is very unfavorable to these four unfilial sons, at least Wei Qiuyuan has repaid the debts they owed for them now, and he has done his best to his children, but if he hadn't blindly indulged them Four people, who keep paying off their debts, will not lead to today's situation." Investigators are talking about each other. Although it is not directly related to the case, what they said is indeed true. Meng Shaohui, Wei Qiuyuan's four unfilial children, has already learned the face of Meng Shaohui. The death of their father was simply indifferent, all they cared about was the inheritance.

"Well, their attitude towards their father belongs to the category of morality, and it is their family's private affairs. We have no right to interfere. What we have to do now is to find the murderer who killed Wei Qiuyuan." Meng Shaohui said, "Come back to business, from now on we Judging from the information at hand, Wei Qiuyuan is considered an honest man. He has no enemies, so he shouldn't be killed. However, judging from the situation at the murder scene, the murderer's method of attack is very similar to a vendetta. What do you think? " "Is it possible that the murderer intentionally turned the scene into a vendetta to mislead us?" The investigator put forward his opinion.

"Misleading? If it is said that the murderer was trying to cover up the real intention of the murder, what would it be? Love killing? Wei Qiuyuan is 65 years old and has basically never left Sparrow Village. He shouldn't have any relationship with anyone! Robbery? The scene also No property was lost." "Could it be that the murderer was just impulsive?" The investigators studied the case carefully, and various possibilities were raised, but then denied. Meng Shaohui had been quietly listening to the various opinions put forward by the investigators, and then sorted them out in his mind. After a long time, he opened his mouth to analyze: "The robbery can be ruled out, because there is no doubt to support it. As for the temporary Impulsive killing, I personally think it is unlikely, because the crime took place in the living room of Wei Qiuyuan's house, and the murder weapon used by the murderer was a hammer. Just imagine, who would put the hammer in the living room at home? Unless there is a need to hit Something, but in the living room of Wei Qiuyuan's house, there were no signs of new beatings or places where a hammer was used. Another point is the time of the crime. After the forensic autopsy, it was confirmed that the murder happened between 10 and 11 in the evening At that time, most people should rest. What did Wei Qiuyuan do in the living room? There was no sign of the door of his house being pried, how did the murderer enter the house? And Wei Qiuyuan did not show any signs of resistance or calling for help. The whereabouts of the murder weapon were not found at the crime scene or nearby, so the murderer should have premeditated."

"The murderer knew Wei Qiuyuan. He went to find Wei Qiuyuan late at night with a hammer. Then, for some reason, he murdered Wei Qiuyuan in the living room when he was not paying attention, and then fled the crime scene with the murder weapon." "Yes, this should be the general situation of the whole process of the crime at that time, but there is another point, that is, the murderer's method of attack. You must know that Wei Qiuyuan's head was almost flattened like a piece of paper. This is also a key point. In that case, it is impossible for the murderer to have no blood on his body. If the murderer is from outside the village, how could he dare to run around in a bloody coat? There are two possibilities. First, the murderer has another Clean clothes are changed, so it confirms what we said before, the murderer has premeditated. Second, the murderer does not need to bring clean clothes, because the murderer is a person in the village, which not only confirms the premeditated At the same time, it also proves that the murderer and Wei Qiuyuan knew each other, so it can also explain why the door of Wei Qiuyuan's house has no traces of being pried, and the crime scene is still in the living room." Meng Shaohui continued to analyze. "Captain Meng, according to your analysis, the murderer is someone from the village?" "This is also a problem that has always troubled me! Wei Qiuyuan is the village head, and he founded the mahjong factory to lead the villagers to become rich. Logically speaking, the villagers should be grateful to him, so how could they kill him?" Meng Shaohui was puzzled. "Will the villagers kill Wei Qiuyuan because of the will?" "That's right! Almost all the contents of the will are beneficial to the village, but the premise must be that after Wei Qiuyuan's death, will there be any villagers who can't wait, so they kill Wei Qiuyuan and want to get some benefits from it?" "In the face of money, family affection is worthless, not to mention that the relationship between the villagers and Wei Qiuyuan is at best the relationship between a boss and a subordinate. Before Wei Qiuyuan died, the villagers and he each got half of the mahjong factory's benefits, but for the villagers It is said that half of the benefits have to be divided again, and there is not much that is actually distributed to each person. On the contrary, Wei Qiuyuan monopolizes the other half of the benefits, and Wei Qiuyuan is dead, as long as his four children are not found within a year' If the secret of bird homing' is known, the villagers will be able to own 90% of the shares of the mahjong factory. It can be said that the money shared by each person is twice as much as before. It is inevitable that some people will lose their minds in the face of such a big benefit. That's normal too." Although the investigators' analysis was reasonable, it was still denied by Meng Shaohui. "Although what you said is true at first glance, but think about it, even Wei Qiuyuan's four children didn't know the content of the will before, so how did the villagers know? Tell the villagers about the content!" Meng Shaohui said. "That's right, if the villagers know the contents of the will, if the news gets to the ears of his four children, then their quarrel will probably be enough to drive Wei Qiuyuan to death." "What's more, Wei Qiuyuan's will stated that if the four children can't find the secret of 'Birds Returning to the Nest' within one year, then the shares of his mahjong factory will be owned by the village, which means that after his death, his four children It's not that there is no chance of inheriting the inheritance, unless his four children can't find the secret of 'Bird Homing' within the stipulated one year." Meng Shaohui continued. "The 'birds returning to their nests' is the secret of Sparrow Village. Although Wei Qiuyuan has been in the village for decades, he is an outsider after all. Is it possible that the villagers have long known that 'the birds returning to their nests' does not exist at all?" things, that’s why I’m fully confident that it’s impossible for Wei Qiuyuan’s inheritance to be taken away by his four children.” "It's impossible. Wei Qiuyuan has been trying to unlock the secret of 'Bird Homing' for decades. If this thing really doesn't exist, and he doesn't want to hand over the inheritance to his four children at all, Then there is no need to make the will so troublesome, just directly state that all the shares of the mahjong factory will be given to the village, and not distributed to the children? Even if his children want to make trouble after the will is announced, the final result will not be the same In a lawsuit, but the will was written by him himself, and there are lawyers who can testify, the court will definitely rule that the contents of the will take effect, and the farce will have to end in the end. If this is the case, why did Wei Qiuyuan write such an intriguing will? To embarrass the children?" Meng Shaohui came to this conclusion after thinking for a long time, and he always felt that the content of the will was the key. "That's right, no matter how unfilial the four children are, they are all my own. Why don't you give the inheritance to your own children instead of giving it to outsiders?" "Team Meng, according to your analysis, does 'Bird Homing' really exist? What could it be?" the investigator asked curiously. "That's a good question, but I really want to know." Meng Shaohui smiled helplessly, "Now this murder case is getting more and more bizarre, with cruel methods of murder, a strange will, and four unfilial children. " "So where do we start next? The current situation is much more complicated than imagined." "We started with acquaintances committing crimes. The most important thing is to investigate Wei Qiuyuan's four children. After all, Wei Qiuyuan died, and they are the most suspicious without knowing the will. The second is the villagers of Sparrow Village, because they are also the will. The beneficiary, not to mention that Wei Qiuyuan has almost never left Sparrow Village these years, so the possibility of him becoming enemies with people outside the village is very small." After arranging the next investigation work, Meng Shaohui not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became more nervous. It was not because he was worried that the case would not be solved, but mainly because he did not want to see Wei Qiuyuan's four children or someone from either side of the villagers. is the real culprit.No matter how unfilial his four children are, they are connected by blood after all, and all his hard work has been put into Sparrow Village. The villagers here are just like his family. No matter which side is hidden, the final result is enough to make Wei Qiuyuan "unwilling to die".
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