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Case Tracking

Case Tracking


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 270074

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Chapter 1 preamble

Case Tracking 九木 627Words 2018-03-15
Engels once said: "As far as an individual is concerned, all the motivations of his behavior must pass through his brain and must be transformed into his wishes and motivations before he can act..." From a psychological point of view, human behavior is dominated by motivation, and motivation is caused by needs. Without needs, it is impossible to generate motivation.For example, there is an apple in front of you, and you want to eat it, so you reach for it, which means that you need it, and this will generate the motivation to want to take it, which will lead to the next step. Apples and the act of eating them.

However, not any need can become a motivation. Only when the need points to a specific goal and there is a possibility of reaching the goal, can it form a motivation, thereby generating a driving force for behavior.To put it simply, motivation, in addition to the generation of needs, must also have incentives as the fundamental condition. Therefore, there are two conditions for the formation of motivation: one is internal conditions, that is, the needs and desires for goals; the other is external conditions, that is, incentives and stimuli.When these two points are met, motivation will follow.

The same is true for the motivation of crime. If there are no two conditions that form the motivation, I believe it is impossible to cause the behavior of crime. The reason why so many words are used to introduce the formation of criminal motives is because the case to be recorded next is inseparable from the two conditions for forming motives. A man who, for his own benefit, conceals a secret that is exposed by others, often produces terrible results, but often does not think what the consequences will be before causing such terrible results.This case is exactly like this, interests, selfishness, and hatred are entangled at the beginning and end of the case.

In fact, at the moment when the case was solved, everything that seemed complicated was actually very simple. The murderer never thought about the elaborate layout from the beginning, but due to the emergence of various objective factors, the original simple case was complicated. become complicated.
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