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Chapter 61 Chapter 60

broken bone golden lotus 许伟才 2238Words 2018-03-15
"It's amazing. How do you know it's a chastity belt? It's something old and new." Yu Xiaoyu said to Jian Jian while lowering his head to check. "I have encountered a case before. But the chastity belt seen in that case is not the same as this one. It is similar in shape, but this one is much more delicate." The last case Jian Jie encountered was a domestic abuse case. The husband suspects his wife of infidelity all day long, so in order to prevent his wife from committing infidelity, he locks his wife's lower body with a chastity belt. At that time, Jian Jie specially studied the chastity belt for this purpose.

There are five pages of detailed records in her notebook. At this time, when seeing the chastity belt again, those materials about chastity pants naturally appeared in Jian Jie's mind. ——In history, there is probably nothing like the chastity belt that imprisoned women and locked them up to a level of cruelty and absurdity.This is an "invention" that appeared in the European Middle Ages and brutally tortured women. Researchers speculate that chastity belts appeared in Europe after the 12th century and were used until the 17th-18th centuries. Popular in the dark middle ages of Europe.

The origin of the chastity belt can be traced back to "Homer's Epic". Homer in hundreds of BC, described in "The Odyssey": Aphrodina, the wife of the god of fire, Hephaestus, had sex with He's younger brother.In order to prevent his wife from cheating again, Hephaestus, the patron saint of blacksmiths, forged a tight girdle for her to wear, so that she could not have sex with men other than her husband. Perhaps it was the earliest prototype of the chastity belt. The so-called chastity belt was invented during the Crusades (11th century), and there is no real evidence.The direct records of chastity belts in Europe began on August 28, 1405.Poet K. Giselle completed a poem about chastity belts and drew a picture that day."It is a heavy iron belt held by the men of Florence, locked up like this," he explained. In other passages of his poem, other cities in Italy that produced such things are described: Rome, Venice, Milan , Bergamo.Most historical researchers believe that the tyrant of Padua, Italy, Francisco Carrara II (reigned at the end of the 14th century) first used chastity belts to lock all his wives and concubines, and the time is consistent with the poet's records.A chastity belt now in the Venice Museum belongs to his queen.

From the 15th to the 18th century, chastity belts were popular among the upper class in Europe. The chastity belts in the Middle Ages in Europe were mainly popular among the wealthy classes of society.The chastity belts in the later period were already quite exquisite, inlaid with ivory carvings, gold and silver jewelry, potentially containing the tendency of chastity belt jewelry.But this type of chastity belt should not be worn for a long time, and cannot solve the hygienic problem. There is no record of chastity belts like those in Europe in Chinese history.The writer Zhou Zuoren published an article on chastity belts in 1932. According to his research, there are two things that are comparable to chastity belts in China and Europe.It's all about guarding against female sexuality and maintaining chastity.

"Hanshu" Volume 97 "Biography of Foreign Relatives" records: During the Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, Huo Guang, the uncle of the country, wanted the emperor to only favor the queen and give birth to a son, so he catered to his wishes and asked other concubines to wear poor clothes and not Get close to the emperor.The term "poor dude" here refers to a kind of underwear that is blocked by things on the front and back, and has a lot of ties, which is inconvenient to untie.This happened in the 1st century BC. "Poor dandies" are nothing but thicker fabrics or leather products.

Since 2001, the "Reproductive Health and Sexual Culture Science Education Exhibition" has been held in major cities in China, exhibiting a bronze chastity belt from late Qing Dynasty China.To be sure, the existence of chastity belts in late Qing China was an isolated phenomenon.If it is more common, even if it is secretly and limitedly popular in big families, it will be revealed in various records. In contemporary times, chastity belts (pants) are limitedly popular in Europe and the United States. According to Russian media reports earlier this year, there are currently 30,000 men in Europe wearing chastity belts (pants).Devout male believers are 100% willing to wear chastity belts (pants) in order to prove their sexual fidelity when they are young. In 2001, programs introducing chastity belts in the UK and Germany appeared on television.As for the appearance of chastity belts in newspapers, movies, and dramas, it was nothing new in the 1950s.Europeans and Americans now have a very different understanding of the function of chastity belts than Chinese people.

Various contemporary chastity belts pay attention to aesthetic appearance, and some chastity belts are almost a pair of very close-fitting underwear made of metal.Therefore, the measurement data of the wearer's body required to be provided before purchase must be accurate and only suitable for the specific wearer.Chastity belts made of high-grade stainless steel are shiny and also plated with color.In addition, there are various leather and other fabrics combined with some metal chastity belts.This type of chastity belt is generally only suitable for short-term wear, and there is no opening for excretion.Leather chastity belts have also become a part of popular clothing. Some young women wear leather chastity belts directly outside their trousers and lock them to go out in public places with various styles.

"Yes. Ordinary chastity pants are locked and opened with a key. But this one is obviously not opened with a lock. It doesn't have a lock at all. It uses a password device to control the switch." The professor's words brought her concise thoughts back, and she turned her attention to Tang Feiyun's lower body again. Yu Xiaoyu was still checking carefully. He first checked the edge seal of the chastity belt, and then carefully touched the outside of the chastity belt with his hands, as if feeling the texture of the chastity belt.Finally, the professor laid his head on Tang Feiyun's lower body, put his ears on the chastity belt, and tapped lightly with his left hand.

After a few minutes, the professor straightened up. "How?" asked simply. "This kind of chastity belt is an exquisite stainless steel chastity belt based on the Florentine chastity belt as a sample. It is the mainstream style of contemporary chastity belt. The belt and longitudinal shield of the chastity belt are made of overall stainless steel, and the inner lining and edges are made of right Chlorine tincture soft rubber that is harmless to the human body. The lock at the joint between the belt and the shield is specially made, and now it is usually flat and round, so as not to be exposed outside the clothes as much as possible; and the lock is a combination lock. The front of the female The shield is open and the edges are rounded, and the labia embedded in it will not be hurt. This stainless steel chastity belt can usually be worn for a long time, and it can be used for defecation, bathing, swimming, etc. when locked."

"Is it that easy to open? I mean without knowing the password." Asked concisely. Yu Xiaoyu shook his head: "I don't think so. And I tapped it just now to hear the sound inside, there is the sound of liquid vibrating inside." "Liquid?" He looked at the professor with a puzzled look. "There is a device connected to the combination lock. It seems to be filled with liquid. If the combination is wrong, it will touch the mechanism, causing the device to break and the liquid to flow into the vagina. If the liquid inside is a strong corrosive liquid, then when When we open it destructively, it cauterizes the vagina, and what secrets are inside we'll never know."

After the professor introduced these, he sighed and said, "So, if you don't know the password, you can't open it without damaging the chastity belt."
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